Why is it that anytime someone talks about climate change...

Why is it that anytime someone talks about climate change, it's ONLY in respect to what the US and Europe should be doing? Why do the all the brown masses get a free pass? Whites aren't even the majority of the world's population for fuck sake. India and China fucks up the planet all they want where is the fucking climate report on that? Why don't the liberals shame the middle east? This is ridiculous.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is this girl posted everywhere? Story?

Because she's a literal retard being used by the lowlife liberals to pass their bullshit agenda

because it's propaganda and lies.

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Exactly, it's fucking ridiculous at this point. We have to give up rights and standards of living, but we also have to ignore the 400 pound monkey in the room.

It's because Europe and the United States can DO something about it. We have money, power, and resources. We can affect change in our countries easily, and in other countries with more effort.

It's not a fucking secret that China and India are the worst polluters, but people are taking the path of least resistance first and setting examples.

Now go back to your caves and rub your gristly little puds you racist incel cunts.

lmao get a load of this absolute retard
>you can do something
>so it's okay that the majority of the east doesn't bother
you do realize india has a space program right? you telling me you think so low of indians that they CaN'T Do AnYThiNG AboUt It. you're the stereotypical high horse racist libtard that every one mocks for being ignorant as fuck. do you also think it's racist for voter ids because blacks can't easily access the dmv?

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Because India and china dont give a fuck and can't be shamed.
Only us fucking stupid Americans can be guilted into shit because most of have a conscience

AH, so you're one of those racist pricks who thinks every non-white person is poor huh? Yeah, you can fuck RIGHT off with this bullshit. Oh they get a pass because they're poor minorities boo hoo, yeah I don't fucking so. Tell your Indian and Chinese friends to chip the fuck in first, otherwise take this climate change bullshit and shove it up your ass.


Op is taking the Redpill

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Exactly, oh yeah they don't have money to fight climate change. But when it comes to flying to the fucking moon all of a sudden they got money for that bullshit.

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Because it is not really about the climate. It is about taxing areas that the elites control. Which it the US and EU.

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>ps the reason (((we))) hate russia is because ever since putin took control in 99, he spent the last 2 decades decentralizing the banking system inherited from the ussr

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Lol the fucking poos with their Buddhist Hinduist respect nature bullshit are the worst, figures

And where do you think were are all our cheap toys produced?

the irony is palpable

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Because /b tards are desperate to prove themselves more autistic than her.

You speak english, so you mostly encounter the english speaking world and media - ie: mostly white people.
And white people mostly talk about white people concerns and actions. Brown people mostly talk about brown people concerns and actions. Get it?

>And where do you think were are all our cheap toys produced?
Okay? So they get a free fucking pass because they make cheap shit?

That makes zero fucking sense what you just said there. And FYI there are plenty of African countries where English is the official language, and most Indians speak English. Let me guess though your liberal racist ass thinks only white people speak english right?

ridiculous bullshit whataboutism

>ad hominem
well, at least you "tried". can't expect more out of the participation trophy generation.

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Cause we're from the US or Europe, moron?

As of March 2019, 195 UNFCCC members have signed the agreement, and 186 have become party to it.[1] The Paris Agreement's long-term goal is to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels; and to limit the increase to 1.5 °C, since this would substantially reduce the risks and effects of climate change.

Ask your local companies and yourself about your consuming behavior. Chinas Popultaion is a little bit higher compared to USA, just sayin.

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You spelled "crashing into the fucking moon" wrong.

>not understanding the point
the west isn't even in the top 30 most polluted. do you want to take the time to actually see where any western country sits on the list instead of being an ignorant and brainwashed retard? or is it too hard to think for yourself?

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This is why no one takes you seriously.

The top 20 nations with the highest CO2 emissions are:

United States.
European Union.
South Korea.

If the whole world live like a average us citizen, we need around 5 more earth to sustain.

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How about you post a pic in normal people language instead of that monkey bullshit, then we can fucking talk

exporting your trash, doesnt make you a clean country or give you a better moral standing, the opposite is the case.

>United States.
>European Union.
>South Korea.
Wow, SO many countries you liberal pussies never say a word about. When is the faggy speech demanding India and China give up their rights and freedom coming?

>i cant google QQ

Sorry, can anyone translate this? I don't speak jew

A Chinese citizen makes 8 to 10 times less in average income than a person in the US.

Despite that, China does appear to be improving quite a bit.


>b-b--but they're poor!
>they don't have to do anything!

Again, this is not a real argument

"It’s past time to call it out. Greta Thunberg is a climate sock puppet. A parrot. A proxy with the double bonus for her eminence grise, manipulators, handlers and various hangers on and fraudsters, that because she is a sixteen year old school girl with Asperger’s she doubles as a human shield, is immunised from criticism and because of this combination in an age of diversity and tolerance, somehow everyone will take her seriously for fear of being characterised and pigeon holed as a bully"......

It's because the US and Europe have emitted for much longer than China, India or african shithole countries and are more technologically advanced. Basically the other countries have some catching up to do.

....."This is the ultimate ‘gotcha’ tactic and a familiar one. Disagree and criticise and you’re shooting Bambi. Disagree and criticise and you’re bashing autism. Disagree and criticise and your bullying a defenceless school girl
Now the climate catastrophists have sunk to weaponising and exploiting school girls with disabilities.
You can’t win. You’re not supposed to."

>It's because the US and Europe have emitted for much longer than China, India or african shithole countries and are more technologically advanced.
This is hilariously false and just proves how fucking racist you leftists cunts are

They're still using way less than us per capita.

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You ever seen the rekt threads? No one in china wants to drive and get crushed or lit on fire by the shitty cars so of course there's less co2 emissions

Because I'm sure this isn't biased at all. I'm really suppose to believe a country with a population of 350m is more poluted than one with 2 billions. You fucking liberals have no common sense do you?


The "brown masses" were, in the case of the Middle East, constrained to few commodities by foreign imperialism. In the case of Saudi Arabia, India, and even China the "brown masses" are doing, if not their fair share, much more than the West. Research it.

I love and respect this young woman so much, but I can't give up the comfort of modern life for 0.5c difference in global temperature.

The rest of the world will follow suit, y'all whities better start cucking your economy for mother nature.

You're an idiot, what you choose to believe or not does not matter.

It's like a population that makes 8 times less than us is incapable of consuming as much because they have less to spend? That's common fucking sense.

why so oppressive OP?

We should, after work on ourselves.

India improves alot too. They heavily build solar energy panels. but that only happens now, after the normal energy is expensive as solar.

But considering that China goverment is rich and they have more super rich people, its not an excuse. The only excuse is that they fear that people get upset and revolte against their communism.
Same as India has super rich, build atom bombs and has a space program.

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You could just google it and find the data by official and trusted organizations yet you prefered to look like a retard.
A single data such as emissions per capita can't be biased, it is data not information, there is no analysis. Unless it is fake

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Are you mentally feeble?

and when they come bith a poluting army will eu and us hold them back with lettus?

Do you actually think that
1. China is communist
2. people would revolt agains that?

A beacon of light in the dark...

Yes and yes

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1. I dont think so, but they labeled themself to be.
2. They would do, but this requires some stress on people. China is rather fragile, but it need more than a matchstick to start revolution.

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China IS communist you fucking idiot

Legal loli in my country

Does she live here now? Is she eventually going home? Or is the US just the first stop on a world guilt tour?

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she's actually pretty cool

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Great! Assburg'ers!

Eco warriors are the new religious cult.

I actually think your mom should have scrambled you with a coat hanger a long time ago

Britbong here. On Friday the BBC was giving screen time to a protester who insisted stopping climate change is all the UK's responsibility, because it was the first nation to industrialise and exported "muh capitalism" around the world.

Needless to say, the bitch was a muslim nigger with a foreign accent, who would still be eating dung beetles in a Third World shithole if not for capitalism. Fuck the BBC.

Greta is a little bastard and a bitch and I can`t tolerate the little cunt. Would I fuck it and cum all over it ? Probably depending how much I had to drink.

Now that she's arrived using wind power, you can bet she'll quietly hop on a 747 back to Sweden when the publicity dies down.

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Your right the west needs to destroy the east and then create wind farms on the ashes. Without the planet we will all die.

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I don't think anyone's ever said that only the western world has to do something, but when your news comes from the western world it kinda makes sense that they talk about what the western world can do. Not exactly difficult logic here guys

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That's the worse part, she doesnt' even fucking live in America but she's wasting tax dollars giving bullshit speeches to the fucking Congress. Who the fuck is pushing this bitch? How did she get so famous so fast? The whole thing is suspect as fuck.

98% of the worlds solar panels come from China, do you know how detrimental they are to the environment? Massive waste and the carbon emissions during manufacturing process are crazy

She probably has a big smelly gaping minge

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>I don't think anyone's ever said that only the western world has to do something
People in this thread have said exactly that multiple times. And people in real life believe it too.

Stop post this fucking girl. It's enough that she lives in my country. I hope she get raped by all niggers we have here. Fucking retarded bitch.

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Good thing I’m not sat at that table because my hard penis might make it unstable


You are right. Combine that with one of the lowest security or eccofrindly standards.

OMFG! That child is gonna cook the baby with a nappy on?!

>posting children on Yea Forums

Imagine being this loser lol

Might be terrible if we get more solar panels and wind power installed and don't need inefficient truckers with 75 IQs hauling tanks of fossil fuels down the highway at 80MPH instead of instantly across a national electrical grid.

“Setting the example” you basically saying first put out the fire inside your apartment, don’t worry about that the complex is engulfed, set the example.

Unless we tackle climate change all at once there is literally 0 point in even trying, and cucking ourselves in the process. The human warming affect is only a concern til the earth hits its feed back loop and then there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s not like reducing our emissions will slow anything down, if the rest of the world continues the way they are.

Why doesn’t everyone just make more ice to solve global warming?

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Only on Yea Forums is German called Jewspeak
You absolute brainlet

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Wind and solar just can't produce that much. I'm more in favor of investing in clean coal development and nuclear

Batteries aren't exactly environmentally friendly.

Imagine defending exploitation of children.

>People in this thread have said exactly that multiple times

Do you liberals from the west to fly to fucking India and protest there?
There are two ways to involve such countries:
a) Encourage their people to protest and demand actions. Except the vast majority of them live in poverty and ignorance and good luck getting through to them.
b) Make sure that other big countries pressure them, and the only way to do that first and foremost is by having your government acknowledge climate change as a serious issue.

Imagine American liberals blaming India for the lack of their measures when , at home, they have a president who thinks that windmills cause cancer and sprays used indoors are okay.

Fix your shit

Because China does whatever the fuck it wants and has no morals and India is like 90% impoverished people who have no idea what is going on with their government.

How about you re-read it and stop acting like a stupid fuck for once in your life?

I did, no-one at all has said that only the west has to do anything

So if China "does whatever the fuck it wants", why aren't these people calling them the fuck out on it?

They are literally making up bullshit excuses to them not doing anything, like being poor or not knowing what to do or other bullshit that doesn't even make sense. So again, how about you re-read it and stop acting like a stupid child for 10 fucking minutes?

Yes. We aren’t the majority of the population and yet we make overwhelmingly the most pollution. Is it really beyond your comprehension to see the best solution is for those causing the most problems to stop doing so?

I bet you voted for Trump and still don’t regret it.

because you're listening to people speaking european languages, which means they will focus on their own country or continent. environmentalists in asians will focus on what asia should do, environmentalists in africa will focus on africa, and so on.

or do you speak and non-european languages?

Couple of things,
CO2 isn’t pollution, per capita we do produce more but overall far less then say China and India.

If the west cuts back our co2s and China and India continue, our efforts will do nothing to prevent global warming/climate change/green house has effect, whatever you wish to call it.

Stop looking at total pollutant output and start looking at the pollutants per capita. You obviously have no perception of how to properly translate statistics. worldpopulationreview.com/countries/pollution-by-country/

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>space program

Can we stop calling co2 pollution? Yes it’s a green house gas, no it isn’t a pollutant

if you're listening to people speaking in european languages, they will be focusing on europe and the usa because that's where they're from, idiot.

ever noticed how people from x country will complain to their own government about what they should be doing? or that they want their government to hold their allies to higher standards? that's because it's their country. makes little sense for a spaniard to go to china and complain to that government about tax increases.

that's why, when you listen to people speaking english, they will say their own country (like murica) must do better. simple logic, brainlet.

One person said "we're richer so we should do it first", no-one has said that anyone outside of US and Europe should do anything. Stop being wrong

I wish people like you just died tomorrow, then all of these problems would be automatically solved.

Here, instead of feeling „insufficient“ and having the urge to learn a new language, which is a Central European language, you take your ignorant and stupid attitude on and begin to attack.

How fucking stupid and lazy you are.

You are what is wrong with this world.

>Yes. We aren’t the majority of the population and yet we make overwhelmingly the most pollution
Except that is a blatant fucking lie, you kike ass motherfucker

That doesnt even make fucking sense what you just said. Please show me ONE speech that took place INSIDE China about climate change. Because I have a strong feeling you would get arrested for that bullshit over there.

Can anyone translate this? Unfortunately I don't speak ass blasted foreigner monkey

how is it not a pollutant?

hope you've brushed up on your chinese.

Frankly I don’t give a shit either way. The consequences of “climate change” have been put forth, pulled back, twisted, and put back again so many times I don’t know what to think.

>Why do the all the brown masses get a free pass?
Because liberals think brown people are incapable of doing anything responsible

Its a tax, think socialism, they're redistributing wealth.


Because it occurs naturally and it has a use

>I don’t know what to think

You should think it's fake

Interesting there is no video of this "speech"

It's the exact opposite. China has taken and is currently taking a lot of actions to improve environmental protection. They're one of the biggest developers of clean energy for their own use. Although they start from a really bad place, they are one of the countries that are making the biggest improvements.


Your awareness of the outside world is shit.

GDP of China is still behind US and EU, India behind Japan and Germany even. That also tells you that overpopulation isn't the issue btw.

That said, those countries certainly need to take their share of the responsibility, but keep in mind that millions of people there are still in absolute povertain. And then, activism is usually targeted at the national level and barely crosses borders, and even "world" events tend to stay stay within broader cultural boundaries.

Also, protesters and activists in places like Russia and China and many other countries you right-wing assholes like to praise for "strong leadership" are frequently harrassed, incarcerated, tortured etc., but whatever, those mutts should just stop making babies so that your boss can buy his new SUV or pricate jet from the money he extracted from your labour.

>interesting there is no video of this "speech"
>implying you speak chinese
admit it, you got rekt hard, your ignorance is palpable, and you're infinitely wrong.

>inb4 more excuses

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The overall direction has been clear for ages, idiot.


Decent Rule 34 when?

>Although they start from a really bad place, they are one of the countries that are making the biggest improvements.

Well, a lot of what China does is greenwashing or incoherent, but China and India have enormous incentives to combat climate change, because they'd be among those hit the hardest by drought and rising water levels.

>you're the stereotypical high horse racist libtard that every one mocks for being ignorant as fuck.

Limousine liberals are beneath contempt.

You don't even speak proper English, a translation would do nothing for you.

That would keep you from getting eaten, but that's it.

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Where exactly are they talking about climate change? Also funny how you pulled this random video out of your asshole. How about you show me one with fucking subtitles you fucking jew

I said video of a fucking citizen talking about it

Sorry friend, but I don't speak jew

But it's already too late, according to the Great White Consensus. So might as well throw another log on the fire and let the good times roll, if nothing we do will save us anyway.

To be fair, their orbiter is doing fine.

What are the trends in those countries? US continues to release less carbon every year. I don;t know what the numbers look like for the others.

Exactly. I think it's a lost cause getting some of these other countries on board. We need to start looking more towards ways to treat the symptoms .

>more excuses
it's not my fault you asked about evidence of chinese people promoting environmentalism in china. they're not speaking english with each other, you dipshit. it's not like in 90's movies where every country speaks english in different accents. chinese people speak chinese, so if you want to hear them speak to each other, it's going to be in chinese.

>I said video of a fucking citizen talking about it
no you didn't. you said:
>Please show me ONE speech that took place INSIDE China about climate change. Because I have a strong feeling you would get arrested for that bullshit over there.

but despite you moving the goalpost, the guy in the video in is a citizen of china. you can't hold public office if you're not. and if it's illegal (as you believe) to promote environmentalism, why would chinese ministers do it in chinese at a conference in beijing?

you got rekt again. kys.

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It was pretty fucking obvious I was thinking about the chinese citizens. Are you this much of a retard you didn't pick that up?

Because Communists already control most of the brown countries.

This is an interesting point. We need to make them stop producing stuff to sell to us.

Greens and liberals who care about the environment should all back Trump's trade war as strongly as possible.

Bored? why not check this extremely hot active server, for the best llewds of females and traps!

discord gg/E8smxDG

Satan is right. We better figure out some geoengineering strategies and run some proof of concept stuff with them. Even if you are firmly convinced that CO2 emission control has to happen, it would be nice to have a Plan B in case, you know, we don't reduce CO2 fast enough.

i provided everything you asked for, and your moving the goalpost failed miserable. you're an idiot who's completely ignorant about the reality of the outside world, and you're incapable of admitting fault even when you're drowned in evidence. you lost. it's a sad day to be you.

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Maybe you should look beyond western media, there were people demonstrating here in Indonesia too.

so you think that just because something occurs naturally and has a use it can't be considered a pollutant?

>EU governments taxes factories because of pollution
>They move the production to china/india
>EU governments taxes people because of polluting habits: heating, cars, waste
>Citizen of EU, migrate to other nations
>In a desperate move EU governmens start importing migrants from africa
Europe is no more

to celebrate her moral superiority

You wouldn't believe this, but the US and EU consume and pollute many times more per person than people from other countries. The US and EU are also prosperous enough to be able to attain a sustainable way of doing just about anything without sacrificing any quality of life...except for the oil and coal companies who could have transitioned themselves to clean energy decades ago.

The only thing you "proved" is that you are a giant faggot. I'm still waiting for that fucking video by the way. You gonna post it or keep wasting my fucking time with your shit?

No, would you call a Tsunami a pollutant?

>.except for the oil and coal companies who could have transitioned themselves to clean energy decades ago.
And yet, the left says nothing about this publicly. Funny how that works.

sorry you lost.

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If you fags want to die on the hill for coal and oil go ahead. It's basically over already. Good riddance.

More like incapable of infallibility.


no, but i would call methane a pollutant, whether it comes out of dumps, volcanoes or your ass.

all they do is supply a demand, ever had to wait in line for 3 hours to get gas?

And your point is what? So that's an excuse for them to do as they please?

but we aren't taking about methane, a poison, the damage CO2 does isn't pollution, but greenhouse gas effect.

it isn't poisonous guy, it simply displaces oxygen in your lungs, and is a strong greenhouse effect generator. try again

I used to care about the environment, and I was proud that I was someone who could make a difference. But not anymore, OP. Your memes and fake facts have changed my mind. Surely everyone who cares about the environment is going to change their minds thanks to you OP. Good Luck!

No, but how is it their responsibility to "transition" to clean energy? They are invested in producing oil, if you want clean energy, whatever that is go ahead and do it and put them out of business.



Good so you agree. Now when is the faggy speech calling them out going to happen?

It changed my mind. Do questions and facts frighten you rabbi?

We do, China is one of the main countries when it comes to how they affect the environment, you guys just think we talk exclusively about """""""white""""""" countries.

Ok "guy" fair enough it isn't poison like cyanide is, but neither is CO2 which was the point. No one said methane doesn't contribute to Greenhouse effect. Btw, every heard of methane poisoning?

calling them out for what?

>it's ONLY in respect to what the US and Europe should be doing?
Because that's where we have some control.
Leadership by example.

>We do
My fucking ass you do. I'm still waiting for this fucking cunt to sell to China and call them out in their own country. When the fuck is that happening? Likely never because her worthless ass would be beaten and arrested right there on the fucking point. But China can do and have whatever laws they want while the rest of us can't.

On climate change, friend. Are you fucking lost or what?

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Yeah and that's exactly why people protest there, China is really fucking authorian. It all has to start by dissolving the current government.

What did I just tell you? Because you empty the tank instead of fill it, it's all their fault?

>When is the faggy speech demanding India and China give up their rights and freedom coming?
You know China is Communist, right?

>every heard of methane poisoning
i would wager it happens less often than carbon dioxide poisoning, i would also implore you to learn that pollution doesn't mean poison.

Right, so when is your champion of climate change going to sail to China? Anytime soon or what? I'm still waiting for that fucking speech calling out China and India. Of course if she ever did that in fucking China they would arrest her retarded ass before she even finished 3 sentences.

It's very simple, is your team going to call out the middle east or not? Or is it only white countries that have to address this utter bullshit? Funny also how it changes constantly to mean whatever the fuck you assholes want it to mean. First it was "global warming", but that turned out to be bullshit so you changed the name.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>You know China is Communist, right?
And your point? Isn't your team always telling us how great communist supposedly is? So when is that fucking speech happening?

your completely beyond the original context, forget it

For your sake I hope this is bait. No-one can be this retarded.

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I agree you are fucking retarded. You have made that perfectly clear.

>implying globalism is bad

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and what team is that?

the context was you thought co2 shouldn't be a pollutant due to it being natural and there being uses for it. i have been trying to explain to you that it doesn't have to be a poison to be a pollutant, as well as debunk your thought process of co2 not being detrimental to humans at higher levels, even at levels of 1000 ppm people can complain of drowsiness.



Attached: co2-emissions-per-capita.png (1005x930, 86K)

>reading comprehension
Looks like it's not bait

The "white people should give up rights and freedom while brown people do whatever they please" team

Take your meds, schizo.

CO2 is harmless and dissipates in the atmosphere after a dozen years. Im more concered with the fluorocarbons being injected into the atmosphere by China and India that actually do something tot he atmopshere. Also dont forget the amount of pollution they released into the oceans via chemicals and plastics. America has its own pollution problems but its nothing compared to China. We should focus on elimating harmful chemicals being used by big industrys such as Dupont instead of being focused on non existent global warming. Greta is probably paid off by Dupont to swindle the minds of humans to make them believe they care about the environment when in reality they have no idea what they are talking about.

she needs a boob job, pronto


Would YOU expect any useful support or action from brown masses? She knows:

if you want shit done right, go white

>science is fake news

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No the point is someone made the suggestion that the danger of CO2 gas is everyone will be poisoned, which is ridiculous. If you want to categorize climate change as a pollution then fine. And yes I know it can be detrimental to humans under certain conditions, I use a gas meter in my work for just that reason.

if you're concerned about that, why are you not concerned about EPA rollbacks in the US going in the opposite direction?


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Because they wouldn't dare address the problem of rich assholes who take advantage of cheap labor in India and China to outsource manufacturing.

> the danger of CO2 gas is everyone will be poisoned
where was that?

Her whole message is Global Warming this and Global Warming that. There is no talk about actual enviromental concerns that actually effect humans. What about the chimicals in the water. What about the chemicals in food and cooking supplies? No, there is no talk about that because its just another distraction by the elite. Dont focus on the GMO and radiation destroying your body because the weather is chaining...no dont do that. If anything she wants the whites distracted while we get actual pollution threw the garbage the shitskins naturally create like shit on the streets and HIV needles on every public bench.

OP youre a fucking idiot. not even gonna read the thread.

Per capita emissions are retarded bullshit. Anyone who depends on them doesn't give a fuck about the environment, they just want to harm the western world. Use actual emissions. If you don't, then large scale producers get a free pass.

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That's where you're wrong. We can do a lot about India and China.. we can tax people here who make money by outsourcing manufacturing and labor to polluting countries, for example. A lot of the pollution that comes from India and China is from factories run by people here.

I never said I wasnt but if the enviromentalists werent hijacked by deep state money grabbers to covert to "green energy" we would have never had the right wing take the stance it does with enviromentalists. Dont forget it was Ronald Reagon who created the EPA, who wanted to clean the water and forests...no other president has done more for the environment than Reagon and it was actually constructive environmentalism focused on improving humans. Climate change is fake.

It's far too big a ship to turn around in time anyway, though you may take solace in the fact that steerage will be first to perish in their inane billions of looless pooers.

you mean nixon? and the ploy to try to get hippies on board?

I love how you are basically admitting that minorities are fucking useless

Uh, like, genuinely China and India are also expected to do stuff to their emissions in the Paris agreement.

China is actually not as opposed to this as you might think.

That said the per capita emissions of India is still really low compared to the US, and China is at like 1/3 of USA or something.

>OP youre a fucking idiot. not even gonna read the thread.

Good, we don't need another retard like yourself here

The fuck do you want us to do in Canada, turn off the furnace when it's -40°? Turn off the air conditioning when it's +40°?

>we can tax people here who make money by outsourcing manufacturing and labor to polluting countries, for example.

Which will NEVER happen because the same people pushing this bullshit will fight that tooth and nail

And while beta Yea Forumstards whine about how a little girl is so revered, they're too jealous and lazy to even crawl out of their basements and participate in improving their own home, Earth.

It's like niggers in the housing projects - they instantly destroy their living space because "That'll show the white man we wuz kangs."

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from your own graph, it's clear that reducing emissions per capita in the us would be extremely effective. having said that, bailing out the dying coal industry does harm the economy. investing in the booming clean energy industry, however, is very lucrative.

the world changes. it always has. and technology improves. we can't go back to the 50's no matter how much you wish we could.

Top 30 what? USA is the second most greenhouse gas releasing country.

You're right walking around for 2 hours at a rally with millions of people is really going to change things.

Because she has fought more uphill battles and accomplished more with her life than you ever will, and all before adulthood.
She is out there singlehandedly saving the fucking planet while you bitch, moan, whine, and do NOTHING!
Meanwhile, she is not only raising awareness about the climate disruption crisis that will kill us all if left unchecked, increasing trans visibility by her very existence, and getting the attention of some of the greatest warriors in the fight for our survival (AOC, Obama, etc.), but she even spearheaded the single most successful global mass protest in human HISTORY!
Suck on that, you boomer dinosaur fuck!

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>their own home, Earth.
Oh fuck off with this hippie BS. Hur dur earth is my home. No the USA is my fucking home. The rest of the world can suck my dick for all I care.

>dying coal industry
Funny how people like you say this yet China and India uses far more coal than anyone else. Any reason you fags always leave out this minor detail?


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conservatives are regressive degenerates. of course they'll go against improving anything.

How about Greta's mega for all the fans?
tiny dot cc slash ClimateGoddess
Q: What's better than a 16yo with the body of an 11yo whov frequently goes braless?
A: Not much!

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>Because I'm sure this isn't biased at all. I'm really suppose to believe a country with a population of 350m is more poluted than one with 2 billions. You fucking liberals have no common sense do you?

It's emissions per capita. Which means "emissions per person".

China's population is closer to 1.4b, but you're right that the US is a very dirty country, each American cause about 2.5 times as much CO2-equivalent emissions as each Chinese.

That said Americans aren't the worst, many small countries in the Persian gulf have higher per capita emissions.

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>usa is not on earth
look at mr phd over here

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and? that's a non-sequitur. you're also ignoring that they're one of the largest adopters of renewable energy.

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Retard tier argument from a bona fide retard. You went full potato.

The fuck do you mean "and"? Then obviously it's not a fucking dying business if billions so people are still using it, is it? Oh but we're all suppose to just ignore that. It's only white countries that have to give up coal. China and India can do whatever the fuck they want.

It's triggering the likes of you

Hippes, yeah. You obviously live on another planet and are immune.

You guys are no better than (or perhaps are) niggers. You're fine with shitting in your swimming pool, and laugh at the guy who cleans up.

fascism has never worked

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Racist liberal tier potato argument. You're pathetic.

agree wholeheartedly

Well I just find it funny how you fags wanna pull out the "earth is all of our home" bullshit. But China fucks the earth everyday you people say nothing. When is that fucking speech in China gonna happen? Is your team planning it anytime soon?

is this really her

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I'm not saying it wouldn't be. Nor am I saying that we should continue to burn coal. As far as I'm concerned, the only worthwhile coal is in a barbeque. I'm not sure why you think I give a fuck about coal. What I'm saying is that by exclusively focusing on the western world, you are ignoring the bigger issue. China is the elephant in the room here. But go ahead, ask me what I think the US should do to fix the issue.

They hust reprimanded China because they don't seam to care

Well If it is you’re getting a subpoena soon

>But China fucks the earth everyday you people say nothing.
You're ignoring (or not understanding)
You're just grasping at straws. It's kind of weird how you don't care, but you do care. Like... complaining about those who object to apathy makes you feel better about being apathetic.

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She has accomplished fuck all. Tell me, how has the climate strike changed the environment at all? I mean other than burning a bunch of extra fuel and generating a shitload of trash.

Nobody is working harder on changing future tech to be more eco friendly than china

I'm still waiting for you to drop that timeline of when you're giving the speech IN CHINA about climate change. Any reason that hasn't happened to this point? After you, you faggots keep saying China cares and believes in climate change. So what's the issue?

"Her" who?

I don't think that's true, please cite your sources.

You're being disingenuous, and putting up a really stupid demand. Ha ha. You're such a great thinker.

Mmmm, for the next few minutes it is

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>Thinks CO2 emissions mean anything
>Even if it did, reforestation in 10 years would fix what 30 years of globalist bullshit would never.
There's these things called "trees". They breathe in CO2 and release Oxygen as a byproduct. If you have enough of them, the CO2 levels lower. Imagine that. Funny how the elites want taxes and new "deals" but couldnt care less about reforestation. Inb4 "it costs too much" or "it would take too long", a school in Norway planted one million trees with donations gathered from a fucking school. Plants are and always have been the planet's CO2/O2 rebreathing system, stop slashing and burning it for once and build back even half what's been removed and watch CO2 levels magically fall.

china is doing fuckloads to reduce pollution. you're just unaware of it. the issue with china and india is that they're starting ten steps behind. so despite their fast progress, they're still lagging behind the regressing usa.

because this is a global problem, everyone has to do their part, even the usa. pointing fingers at china, while removing your own regulations doesn't help anyone.

please learn to use google.

So is this cunt going to sail to China next week or what? After they give us all bullshit speeches of course. When is the tour going to the middle east and china?

At least in some countries in Europe flying is down and train rides are up, with people saying it's because of the 'flight shame' felt by those listening to Greta's ideals.

China just got busted via satellite blasting tons of bannes CFCs into the atmosphere in their industrial sector, try again genius.

>china is doing fuckloads to reduce pollution.
No they are fucking not

It's sending a message to politicians that there's a gass-roots movement among those who are soon going to be able to vote that the fossil-fuel lobbyists money is not going to be effective in upcoming elections because there are too many people who actually are going to vote for survival. So politicians had better start showing that they are willing to preserve the future, or they're going to lose access to the gravy train.

You're either a shill or a complete retard, perhaps both.

Why don't YOU do that? You think you're such a great person and know-it-all, why do you do something great? Be the guy that goes to China and protests. Do ANYTHING productive.

Deforestation is TOTALLY a concern, and rules around that were actually included in the Kyoto protocol.

So, at least those actually negotiating totally cares about that.

As for protestors, well. They were clearly unhappy with the fires in Brazil, so maybe they do care.

Quiet goy.
You'll eat bugs for Greta and like it, if you know what's good for you.

Greta and Extinction Rebellion haven't breathed a word about trees.

Except that the politicians who have been listening to them are retarded. And so are many of these protesters. How are you going to claim to want green energy while refusing to adopt not one but two of the cleanest energy sources to ever exist? How are you going to claim to be green while championion vehicles that require toxic batteries to run?

Why the fuck would I? I'm not the one crying and bitching about climate change. And if I were to go to China it sure as fuck wouldn't be for that bullshit. So again, when is your champion planning to sail to China? Is that gonna happen anytime soon or?


But the vast bulk of the issue comes from china and india. And they can do something about it but they dont want to because that would will cost money and white man bad!

The entire world signed an accord except the us and china is the world leader in green energy growth.
STFU with the opinions you made up just now.

>hem are retarded.
So cliche. You really haven't got an original thought.

Whoa... quads of truth, checked.

Andrew Yang always mentions that US only accounts for 15% of the worlds Emissions. Only person running i've seen thats honest about how much impact the US can have on climate change

That's what I'm saying. Those two countries do fuck all and liberals expect us all to just pretend otherwise.

>t the one crying and bitching about climate change.
So what DO you want? What is your profound vision of the future and how do you get there?

You're half right but you're retarded if you think China is leading in anything green except toxic waste.

He's honest because he's not going to win anyway. People like Biden and Warren are never going to call out China and India on this bullshit issue.

Didn't China just get caught dumping a shitload of cfcs into the atmosphere?
Oh wait, yeah they totally did google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/22/health/china-cfc-pollution-environment-intl-scn/index.html
I'll believe china is trying to be green when they actually start to act that way.


Is it gonna take fox news to convince you tards? They're doing more and investing more than any country in the world.

>in denial to protect their own political bias
>usa should remove environmental regulations because muh china

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I want your team to stop pointing fingers at only white countries and giving us all bullshit speeches, but then they expect us to all ignore the 6000 pound dog in the room. Tell China and India to chip the fuck in and then we'll fucking talk. Until then you can suck my dick.

>only accounts for 15%
"Only"? If your bank gave you 15% interest on your savings (okay, if you had savings). would you say that was only 15%? If your house went up in value 15% and you have to pay 15% more property tax per year would say, "Okay, that's only 15%"? 15% is a lot.

>Didn't China just get caught dumping a shitload of cfcs into the atmosphere?

Notice how the liberal assholes ITT keep ignoring this though

Oh shit, it's you. The biggest idiot on the net. Nevermind.

Well, they have actually: theguardian.com/environment/2019/sep/19/greta-thunberg-we-are-ignoring-natural-climate-solutions

Can you stop being retarded

Yes, your team. Those are the people doing all the fucking crying around here.

Right, we should do what we can because 15% is significant. But i OP is getting at the fact that people think US can have a much greater impact, when in reality we can't control 85% of the emissions

nice selective bias you have there.

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They did, yeah. Really lame.

Now on a whole it has a modest impact, so if China continues their path towards peaking and then reducing emissions, that'll matter a lot more.

But yeah, it's not like they're following a Nordic standard or anything, they're mainly trying to get by. But they don't want to spam out pollution either, they're well aware how harsh climate change would be to them.

Because there is nothing subhumans can do. You think hinus gonna do anything? They bath in a river full of corpses and shit, cmon. And africa doesn't have resources to even try to produce any gases.

>And africa doesn't have resources to even try to produce any gases.
That is bullshit though

Stop being racist user. all white people are racist and evil. now destroy your country in the name of the enviroment.

So then you endorse the green new deal? How about the numerous Democrats that are outright hostile to nuclear energy and natural gas? I'm speaking from an American perspective because that's what actually impacts me. I don't give a fuck what everyone else does because I can't change it.

why give attention to cherry picking? fine, have your (you). you can go back to /pol/ now.

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Keep using the buzzwords, maybe the goy will give in soon

>why talk about what we could do instead of bitching about other people and doing nothing
republican political theory.

Cherry picking my ass. You fags keep saying oh china is fighting climate change, then when someone shows you otherwise you play fucking stupid.

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>being this triggered by a child

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You clearly mean GOP.

I wonder how often she will fly to global climate events?

Because the rich fucks telling me i need to own a pruis instead of a truck need to shove it up their ass because the trips they take on their personal jet do more harm in a year then i ever will.

>rich kikes dominate world economy and media
>rich kikes hire little girls and faggots to guilt trip the middle class so they feel even more like shit even though it isn't their fault

why do you think they are coming for the guns? because they dont want to middle class to wake up one day and realize that the rich kikes are blaming them for everything they do themselves and fucking put them in the ground.

Notice how these people never say we need to ban planes? I wonder why

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Not everything is black or white, mate.

China HAS taken action to reduce their emissions. Primarily, they have the goal of reducing their CO2-emission to GDP ratio.

Since their economy grows a lot, their emissions do too. So expecting a pure reduction in emissions is asking a lot. Basically China is saying 'our emissions will increase because our economy increases, but we're making an effort to reduce our emissions which will show in our CO2-equivalent to GDP ratio".

It's not a GREAT argument. But hey, at least they aren't trying to leave the Paris agreement. Lately the US has been removing a lot of efforts to reduce their emissions because GOP doesn't give a shit about pollution or nature.

>The "brown masses" were, in the case of the Middle East, constrained to few commodities by foreign imperialism

You know I LOVE when people bring this up. Because these are the same fucking people who ignore all the muslim conquers throughout history and the moors conquer of Europe. Any reason you liberal faggots always leave out this little detail?

....she's refusing to fly. She's been super annoyed with the hypocrisy of climate negotiators going to UN meetings by plane.

That's part of what weirds people out. She went to the US by fucking boat. And pooped in a bucket.

You're right that flying abroad for vacation and complaining when poorer people who don't fly use old diesel cars is fucking retarded.

>European Union.


I have no idea what that image actually shows, but India's emissions are well below the US emissions, so clearly it's not showing normal CO2-emissions there.

So it's pretty much invalid.

The GND has some merit, needs work. Problem is, R won't even discuss it.
Natural gas is still a way to release sequestered CO2. It's helping a bit in that it carries more energy. Nuclear is viable, but the problem is waste. I live in a place where nuclear waste is being stored. We keep seeing news articles about how there are surprise leaks, getting into aquifers, putting the local river at risk and transporting the leached materials downstream... Right now the only option for waste is out of sight, out of mind. But containers do not last forever. One sin the 'greens' did was put a kibosh on the .. Yucca? Mountain storage site. It would have held the waste much longer, but...
As for only caring about what happens in America... there's a guy here who thinks we should be doing anything because we're not including China and India. Well exactly.. we can't do much about them, except to lead by example.

I cringed at them calling EU a "nation"... what's next, calling NATO a nation?

>but India's emissions are well below the US emissions
No they are not

>Basically the other countries have some catching up to do.
So we give them a free pass and then when the world's on fire we just say oh nah those emissions didn't count and God reverts it back to normal?

What the hell is going on in India's north to cause so much CO2?
What's the source of this image?
Do they have a map that shows the countries to scale?
Are the color ramps relative to the countries, or is there an absolute and what is it?

>And pooped in a bucket.
I rather doubt the ship required a bucket for the head.

The two largest most dense countries in the world side by side. That's gonna do something for carbon my dude.

So while I am bothered by the eco wingnuts failure to take india and China to task, I agree that America can do more. I think gradually switching all or most of our energy generation to a combination of nuclear and renewables is a great way to help the issue. These climate slacktivists piss me off for the following reasons.
The total rejection of nuclear energy. I get that the waste is a pain in the ass, but the pollution generated is nearly zero. And we will find ways to use and recycle the waste. Renewable simply isn't economically viable on its own.
The constant dick riding if electric and hybrid cars. I get that they seem really eco friendly, but have any of you actually considered what goes into those batteries? Why not advocate for biodiesel while those technologies mature more?
The constant worship of assholes like Al Gore. Are you guys aware of his eco nightmare palace?
Being totally anti flying. I get that planes have a big environmental impact, but what the hell do you expect people to do? Entire sectors of the global economy depend on planes. And what about crossing oceans? I'm pretty sure a transoceanic railway would be far worse for the environment.
Trying to demand that I set my AC to 78. Fuck you, I live in the southern us. 78 is intolerable.
I agree that the us can and should fix it's environmental impact, I just don't think most of these activists get close to the right idea.