TL:DR: stopped smoking weed and now I hate everyone all of a sudden. Wat do?

TL:DR: stopped smoking weed and now I hate everyone all of a sudden. Wat do?

I'm fucking pissed and I don't know what to do. I am sober for the first day after ~4 years of daily smoking weed which calmed me down so much I almost forgot what rage feels like and now all the aggression that was numbed before rears it's ugly head. I already lifted weights every time i felt like bashing someone's face in but I feel like this made it even worse. I realized I actually hate 90% of my "friends" and only considered them friends because I was to stoned to care. Please tell me what I can do to cope with this aggression because I don't want to lose my sanity at some point and actually attack someone.

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Get a better hobby than working out


Start smoking weed again

anger management classes

How long since you stopped? If you smoked for 4 years then you should expect to be irritable and cranky for a week or so. Withdrawal is a thing, even for marijuana.

I've got plenty of hobbies like programming, tried it today and it didn't really worked because every time I managed to concentrate for a while a nasty thought comes to my mind and I felt like punching my computer screen. It feels like the rage is boiling in my chest

Dude I just stopped smoking weed, why switch to another drug

start jacking to bbc threads


Smoked my last joint two days ago and didn't enjoyed it, that's why I stopped

Checkd but no

I don't believe in stuff like therapy

Maybe you just need to cut back instead of quitting? Idk it sounds like you were a daily user. If you actually have anger issues weed helps. But if you still want to quit give it another 5 days. You should feel better by then.

You need a gf.

just calm down man :)


That will make it worse girl are a pain in the ass this is not op.

Take the Coom pill

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For the first couple days it feels like that.
Then comes the night sweats, nightmares.
After a week you should begin feeling a bit „normalized“. But, you will begin to remember things. Every time I quit smoking week, by the end of second week I realize why I was smoking.

Or go full degenerate.

When I stop I start running. Gotta have something that works the whole body..

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Doubt it will make it worse. He's really coming off as heavily sexually frustrated. How else do you explain these amounts of rage?

Yep I smoked nearly daily but I never had any problems with anger and was kind of a pacifist my entire life. Now after being sober for a day it just feels like I built up way too much rage over the years that needs to be vented somehow but I don't know how. But anyway thanks for the advice, I think I'll simply stay at home for a couple of days and see if it gets better

OP here, you're right, I had a gf a year ago but I was way more happy after getting rid of her

How about you quit being such a female and learn how to control your emotions like a real man?

How about you give some useful advice instead of being a useless waste of space, faggot

Remember the wisdom of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers:
Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope.

Thanks at least I know that I'm not the only one who gets mad after sobering up

Will try that tomorrow, thanks

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Pretty normal to get mood swings after quitting weed. It can last for a week or two, but no longer than that. Weed can definitely have effects on your mood and thought processes, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. In my experience it takes a few months for you to completely recover from it.

This is also good advice. Cardio gives you that dopamine boost you got from weed before. I think it's better than lifting because it literally pushes more blood through your system, especially your brain, clearing out some of the junk

Go fuck a prostitute instead. Incel.

I've had enough of the dope for now, I don't enjoy getting stoned anymore but you're right

I've been there

The first 3 weeks you'll feel is iratable and angry , also with extra energy you dont know what to do with once thats over youre in the clear although ive noticed my empathy and caring is long gone

More like volcel, had a gf for 3 years and now I'm fed up with women for now. Fapping is way more time and money efficient and causes no trouble. I'll probably get another gf one day but only if I meet Ms perfect

>also with extra energy you dont know what to do with
This is true for me in general, weed lets you waste your day away doing nothing, when I stopped I was so bored with all the time I had I pretty much was forced to develop some other projects. Now I play guitar like three hours a day instead of smoking weed and watching TV or something

You're evolving.

Sounds like you have mental issues and self medicating with weed without being aware of it. I’d probably recommend you try to stay weed free for a few days and if you still like that maybe talk to your doctor about your anger issues

>my empathy and caring is long gone
That's what I fear, when stoned I'm a nice and friendly person who cares about others but before I started smoking I was a huge dickhead, I just hope I'm wiser than before

Not gonna talk to a doc all they do is drug you up with the really hard stuff and I'm not going to trade weed for psychopharmaca

Smart guy

OP here, one of the reasons why I quit, it just felt like a waste of time at one point because three hours feel like nothing when stoned

OP here, thanks for all the advice, I calmed down a little and feel much better now. at least it doesn't feel like my chest is boiling anymore and knowing that I'm not the only one who reacts like this to sobering up gave some peace of mind. Thanks alot

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about a million other ways user, take your pic

You should probably do some cardio like the other user said. It'll give you a dopamine boost which will help with the withdrawal.

Your brain chemistry always tries to converge to its natural equilibrium. If you throw a drug into the mix for extended periods of time, the brain adjusts and tries to reduce the naturally occurring levels of neurotransmitters to get closer to its natural equilibrium. When you stop taking the drug, those levels will stay low for a while and then start to increase as the brain slowly converges back to its drug free equilibrium.

As a general rule of thumb, whatever any drug does to you or makes you feel, you can expect to rebound in the opposite direction when you quit after regular use. It'll eventually go away.