I'm black and I'm uber racist and hate whites to the point of genocide

I'm black and I'm uber racist and hate whites to the point of genocide.

I would even kill white women if given the chance.

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Pretty stupid my guy. The only people holding you back at this point is yourselves.

and I'm sure you hide that shit in public, just like any other bitch ass racist that hasn't gone on a shooting spree yet

so you're just like every other kneegrow? Just a matter of time before you're in prison.

Yes go do what apes do. Rape kill and eat chicken.

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Shut up cracker

They always have this is why every other race has enslaved them

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Why be like the degenerate racists that define part of their race? Not every white person is racist nor bad just like not all colored people are, dont fall into that illusion

Nigger you look like a chia pet.

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You're not "black" you're a mulatto muttshit.

One thing we can all agree is White Women will always be the best.

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Slavery should be offered with better terms; but blacks will do anything to get out of a little work.

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White people: *invent fried chicken*
*rape a majority of the world population.
*kill cultures to extinction.*

Also white people: “fucking nigger apes”


Honestly, why not move to a place that's only black people? Blacks are the majority of over 60 countries.

based black man

>Imagine threatening violence on 4cham not thinking the authorities aren't watching this website like a hawk.

Lying or not, enjoy the visit from law enforcement retard.


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>implying the (((feds))) will enforce this on non whites

>The only people holding you back at this point is yourselves.

Black people are exempt because slavery you white bitch.

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report op to the FBI

Pretty sure you've had chances but are too pussy to actually go through with it.
Stay angry.

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Its ok you nigger faggot. id happily kill you with a smile too. filthy subhuman monkey

>das original choc

Is this what European niggas call their "OG niggas"

Also white people:
Invent literally everything else.

Know your role, mutt. It's a white wirld and you just live in it.

No surprise

>kill white woman if given the chance
Niggers are gonna nig.

You'll be in prison soon enough.

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That's because of racism and police disproportionately putting black people in jail you racist white fuck.

Try it boy. The police will end your soft ass quick.

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You think blacks even have to fire a single shot to end the white race? Their mere penises are enough to genocide whites by breeding them out of existence. Everywhere you go, more and more white women are choosing to have black babies. It's over for the white race.

Um no actually i see more nigger bitches with white men then i do coal burners but im also not located in a nigger city or state so that works for me

So youre another statistic

Bullshit. So you're saying little dick white boys compete with black men?

Good thing Asians hate niggers too.

you dumbass, that is because niggers commit most crimes.

>I would even kill white women if given the chance.

You ain't any black man *I* know.

BUT MUH DICK. LOL. Fucking dumb nigger apes.

THE argument against anyone with a beef against a race, religion, or group they hate. Go live in places where your kind are everywhere.

Good point.

Slavery: The Gift That Keeps on Giving, 150 Years Later

This is why I live in the middle of nowhere. No niggers. I guess stealing trees and corn is no fun