I wanna off myself, Yea Forums

I wanna off myself, Yea Forums
>be me 22
>work 65 hrs a week
>don't have time to enjoy things
>literally wake up, work, sleep
>everyone told me this was gonna be good for me
>girlfriend of 5 years left because I have no time for her
>No time to visit parents, or grandparents
>I can afford to live, I just don't have time to live

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Keep doing that until you have a lot saved, take 5 days to yourself, and go down to 40 hours a week.

>65 hrs a week
Must be nice to work part time faggot

Imagine being too much of an incel cuck to request less hours so you just off yourself.

According to your hours/payrate you're looking at 6500 a month before taxes.

Fuck everybody and everything. Live for yourself. Find an apartment, reduce cost to like 1500-2000 a month including all the shit you need (that's how I'm living) and reduce hours to...

32 a week. Before taxes that's 3200. 2000 TOPS goes to bills, 1200 for whatever the fuck you want. 32 a week is still considered full time enough to keep benefits like health insurance.

You only live once. Do bare minimum you have too to survive and eat and keep some entertainment, fuck off the rest of the time. Why would you wanna spend your whole life working, so you have lots of money for your family to fight over when you're dead? Don't be a cuck.

Imagine thinking working more than 65 hours a week made you better than somebody. Congratulations on being a poor dipshit.

That leaves you 103 hours a week to yourself you lazy retard. You only need to sleep at most 56 hours so that gives you 47 hours of free time per week, or almost 7 per day. Also with overtime at that pay rate you are approaching 6 figures. Quit crying, faggot.

user, you need to prioritise what you want in life. Make some changes. Don't off yourself before you've tried to enjoy life.

Oh and as for the girlfriend? Fuck girls, they're literally ALL money grubbers and gold diggers. Some of them are good at pretending like they don't care but watch how fast they leave when the money dries up. They don't care about your happiness.

Be glad this ho showed her true colors before you got seriously involved. Don't date either... I keep 2-3 girls at a time in my rotation on Meetme. Once they start talking relationship I ghost them, add another to my rotation. Also get a vasectomy because fuck that'll ruin your life so damn fast.

Could be worse. Robots do all the welding where I work so you wouldn't even have a job.

Haha I work 5 hours a day in pest control and make more then you


this user knows how to live in society, I do basically the same thing, it works.

>Why would you wanna spend your whole life working...

So I can buy Epstein's island and finish his mission of making as many mini-me's as possible, each with a unique mother that I pull off my shelf like a new pair of boots.

Jews did this.

I dont think im gonna live to retirement in the UK (67) cos men in my family of drying young

Should I forfeit my retirement contribution and just invest the money myself

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you fucking ungrateful child
you have a trade and a reliable job
save up and fucking quit
im sorry your girl left you but theres more to life than that

I'd kill for a job like that pussy

>25 dollars an hour
>65 hours a week
Holy fuck you’re making around 80k a year, dude shut the fuck up you’re making bank

I don't have a job I have a seven year old and live at my mom's completely disabled without having disability from a hit and run I never got money or medical bills paid and I'm over 1000000 dollars in debt to a hospital and can't work. Go fuck yourself if you're healthy you have no right to complain. You could be me

If he's in a union much of that time is going to be time and a half and double time. As far as work goes it doesn't get much better than that. I'm salaried and the skilled trades here mostly dance circles around my income.

Are you the 400 pound guy in his mom's basement that stole Hillary's emails?

File for bankruptcy dipshit, make that debt disappear.

You're pathetic dude you're gonna make fun of someone who is going thru hell and can't do anything about it? You're the scum of the earth dude. Way to be edgy

I am

He's fake, you're fake and I'm fake. Fuck off faggot.

This is why fourchan is nothing now real people can't say shit without being called 12 year old or fake people like you dude

As if you didn't know this place is a whorehouse inside the bowels of hell. How about you get offended at somebody attacking Jews or black people instead, to say nothing of the cartoon pedo shit and celebration of violence?

A lot of welders can't even find work. Request less work and count your fucking blessings. If you can't get less work 65 hours a week isn't that bad and something else is wasting your time. You clearly have enough time to post on this shithole of a site.


was doing 100h/a week as a chef, I quit because fuck it

>1,000,000 in debt


You just proved my point. I was giving someone advice saying you could have it worse. I never attacked anyone until I was attacked so? And Jews or blacks? You're a joke and probably a liberal and I'm done arguing over Yea Forums. Nice bait I fell for it

He probably voted for Trump, then when Trump did away with the mandate for insurance he dropped his insurance.

literally go bankrupt and live in the streets! at least u will have time to live. Im not being sarcastic. Or work something along those ways, invest, buy a property, infinite money, profit!, and... you will have free time every day 24/7.. good luck. And yes it is that easy you fucking faggot. also ur gf sucks fuck her. Get a better younger loli one. good luck

American healthcare. I got in a car accident and had to have my femur reconstructed, the metal kit they put in my leg was $250,000 alone. Everything else just added up, including paying the surgeon. I'm lucky though and I got insurance a week before.

I'm the joke making almost $50/hr to sit at work and lurk on Yea Forums. If liberal means I hate Trump and all his supporters then yes I'm liberal.

Not that other guy, obviously.

u got mad :)


acting like a "decent" middle class income is anything. the 1% are the only people who are actually up to speed. the rest of the cuck proletariat should just stop going in everyday. it's not worth it.

Doesn't seem like it mattered.

Ahh so you're a "journalist".

Sucks to be ugly and fat

My gf pays for most of her shit and sometimes mine.. but I'm still not satisfied.. when she drinks, she's hot so she's a fucking brat

She's tried sneaking a kid once or twice while lit too.. i tell her a child can't raise a child

Just save some money and get a different job chuck.

My ex paid attention to me when I was broke fat and hated myself. And she was genuinely amazing even though I was a loser. If you attract shallow money grabbers then it probably says something about you.


at least you actually found work in your trade, whiny fuck. how'd you like to spend that much time a week flipping burgers for minimum wage, instead?

I make $500/hr shitposting for the NSA, tax free through a limited company based in the Cayman Islands. I’m an independent contractor and I work the hours I want, sending the NSA an itemised invoice monthly which they pay the next day through an untraceable numbered Swiss bank account. In a typical month I’ll make $50 - $60,000, working from my yacht or one of my four homes in Aspen, NYC, London and Hong Kong. If I create an image of a sad frog or take a photograph of my anus I’ll charge the NSA an extra $5,000 for the artistic rights which they happily pay immediately.

I'm poor, and I fuck hot girls. You're just a loser that needs money to get laid, but I'm the guy your girlfriend fucks on the side.

I had a really good paid job as a chef of a chemical laboratory. I earned more than i could spend. The problem was i had no time for myself. I had a 100h/week schedule. When i was finished i was tired as fuck to do anything. I gained weight and had depression for 2-3 years. After 6 years of working in that position i said fuck it and quit. Friends and Family said that i was retarded and stupid doing that because i earned good money but what does money bring me if i have no time to spend that shit.
Leave your job if you aren't happy with it money isin't everything.

Just because you're more works doesn't mean having no life is a good thing.

I'm a computer nerd, I get paid ninety an hour to lurk.

>What is a commute
>What is eating meals
>What is personal hygiene time

Depending on all that you could be looking at 2-3hrs a day free at best

Ya that’s a joke. You could have a real job contributing to society but instead you shitpost for a living.

I'm not going to compare swords with you, faggot. You could be lying, I could be lying who the fuck cares?

It's still your free time to allocate as you please.

What's a real job? Only those that selflessly help others? Get real dumbass hardly any jobs are like that unless you work for a non profit.

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Life's too short to worry about how good the 1% have it. Go ahead stop going to work and see what happens to your life.

>non profits
>helping people


Your cynicism is duly noted. However many non profits do good work all over the world. It would be a stretch to criticize the red Cross, doctors without borders, etc.

DWB are fucking naive morons who will be responsible for carrying ebola out of Africa.

I wish I had your problem faggot

Pretty sure they've invented a vaccine for it. In an advanced society with basic hygiene I doubt ebola could get off the ground.

Lol proud to work more than 60 a week? Work slave cuck. The trend was to work less hours and make more money but idiots let corps fuck us in the ass.

Yep. VSV-EBOV vaccine is 95-100% effective. In the effected African countries ignorance is a far more deadly phenomena than ebola.

Lol bro, you're a fucking moron. You make good money, you can live on your own. You can save money for your house, you can cut your hours or find a different trade/work place/join a union so you don't get fucked by these hours. Your girl friend left you? Dude that's good, better for her to leave now before you make serious dough and have kids with her. You can have sex with a bunch of chicks now, or date and find a chick to settle down with. Stop being a dumbass. Go out with friends/make friends, join clubs, do meetups, dating apps etc. You are in control bruh and this is coming from someone who suffers from depression too. When you feel down or like a failure, distract yourself immediately.

I know skilled trades electricians that banked $250k in a year. One bought a house and paid it off that year. He didn't have to work that many hours he chose to. Think of the money he saved in interest in his mortgage. When I met him he worked probably 48 hours a week on average.

A vaccine that barely works.

Try more like 30% effective.

See that's smart, work less get paid more. Im in the process of joining the IBEW (Electricians union). I plan on doing the same thing, maybe in 5-6 years opening up my own business.

Why are you working so much for such Little pay? Sounds like a Shit shop. I'm a machinist and make 38.50. I work 4 10s so every weekend is a 3 day weekend. Find a better job dipshit.

Unions suck bruh

Naaaaaw not even dude. I worked non-union and that shit is ass!

65hrs a week wtf is wrong with you i worked for 3 days 7h and i quit lol just do that shit you do for the next 50 years and then relax with all the money

There’s literally nothing worth doing in your offtime, either. Life is meant to be endured, not enjoyed.

Just off yourself. It doesn’t ever get better. Fuck being alive

this guy gets it

No, it means you found a shitty place to work. Any GOOD shop that is non union is 100 times. You just havent experienced it. Imagine getting paid based on seniority, same for moving up or promotion. Or ect. I started working as a floor sweeper at a company for 9 dollars an hour it's been 5 years since I started and I'm 38.50 as a red seal machinist. Full benefits, medical paid for, 6% vacation pay, optional OT any time. I work 80 hours but only 4 days a week, and have literally nobody telling me what to do anymore as I'm less hand. Unions, are Literal trash.

This. This post right here is by far the most inspirationam thing I've heard all day, user

>"Wah I have a good job and make good money. Wah. I don't get vacation. Wah"

That's you OP. Complaining.

Good luck to you. I did the small business thing for a while teaching controls classes to UAW electricians. However the benefits offered by giant corporations are sometimes too good to pass up.

Lol I get all that and more and I got properly trained and my union negotiates contracts for me. Yeah, five years I became a JW I got certified and I can do whatever I want and I still have a spot in the union when times get tough (which I HIGHLY doubt). I won't get fired for dumb reasons and I will be protected for my union and I can work anywhere around the country and even in Canada. Brainwashed heathen.

You work 20 hour days?

He's drunk the Republican koolaid about unions. Over 1 million current and retired UAW workers would beg to differ. Half the line workers I encounter can barely write their name or do simple math, yet the union provides them far better than average American standard of living. Non union shops that will match the benefits of a union shop are few and far between, and it is the existence of the union that forces them to even compete. A machinist in a non union shop would have no trouble joining a union and the non union shops know this.

What do you do for a living? Just curious.

That’s bc you’re a loser who’s not gonna make it life. You have a long miserable life ahead of you my friend. Speaking from experience bc I always had that attitude too, it will catch up to you I promise.

Anything non union is garbage. They work you To death. I got into a union 10 years into my pipe fitting/welding career and I could never go back. I make 10$ more an hour than the non union guys and that’s not even counting my annuity (will be over 2 million in 30 years and that’s lowballing it), pension and amazing health insurance. As soon as I get laid off I have another shop to go to within days. Non union is a complete ripoff imo.

>65 hrs a week
you must have earned a lot of overtime money.

Pretty sure you have to do a whole lot of brown nosing. Imagine working in a place where if your boss is rude to you, you can tell him to fuck off with no repercussions, and if management really fucks you a whole army of union personnel will attack them for you. It's a beautiful thing.