Thought on my ass, Yea Forums?

Thought on my ass, Yea Forums?

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I noticed it wasn't a woman's ass and realized I wish I hadn't seen it.

lol, sucks for you I guess

cute af and I'd love to smack that thing so hard you hear the thundercrack down the road


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nice ass for sure. post dick?

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You've got a really nice body and dick. Are you gay/bi/straight?


Idk, I'm not attracted to men, but I'm into women and myself if that makes any sense. like if I could clone myself I'd fuck all day lol. maybe I'm just an exhibitionist

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fuck you

lol, u mad that my buttcheeks made your dick flinch?

Eat out for days

It does make sense I’m the same way

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No I want fuck you

oh ok

9/10 would eat

gay people should be rounded up and interned.

Typical bottom faggot ass.

That is not nice, Mr. Pence

Looks like a typical sissy boy fag ass full of AIDS OP.

fuck my faggot ass daddy uwu


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