What's wrong with her?

What's wrong with her?

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brain damage

Brain hemorrhaging autism

Propaganda overload

niggers done went and rocked her brains out

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

being female

People still think climate change isn't real so she sucks

>Fetal alcohol syndrome.

I'll just bump this.


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The average low iq subhuman whit*id, nothing new here.

I'm more concerned about what's wrong with Yea Forums and its obsession with this little autist.

Unironically she has several mental illnesses. They made her the face of the climate movement because they’ve tried pretty much everything else.

Mommy drank. Grendal is retarded from it. She stunted her growth because she decided she wouldn't eat for a few years is why she looks 8. Parents too drunk or too hippy to get involved. Mommy writes a book. Hatch a plan to use retarded daughter to get famous. Profit. Buy more booze.

“Her” ???

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Ass burgers

I don't think anything is wrong with her, everything is just right.

Incels bitching about a girl. That's hilarious. HAHAHS

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Nothing, and that drives you incel fucks insane. All you can criticise is her appearance & her age. That's just ad hominem and you know it


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She has mild autism

She is just a young human with Asperger Autism and Fetal Alcohol Syndrom. The real question is, whats wrong with the people behind her? She is just a puppet

She doesn't have a big fat cock in her mouth

she's a sperg

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The good old 'tism

She's a smug little puppet of the ZOG. But I'd still fuck her.

she has Asburgers ,selective mutism(only responds to things she likes,all other things she pretends she cant hear or speak),she was so depressed that she didn't eat for years and stunted her growth,and she is responsible for kids playing hooky on Fridays..

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Have you any idea of the problems she is causing for possibly millions of parents now that their impressionable teen children think she's someone to emulate. "But, but, mom - it's my duty to protest. I just have to."

She turns you on because she probably is getting a degree and your a waste in life?

Yes, "HER" you fucking transphobe! She has fought more uphill battles and accomplished more with her life than you ever will, and all before adulthood.
She is out there singlehandedly saving the fucking planet while you bitch, moan, whine, and do NOTHING!
Meanwhile, she is not only raising awareness about the climate disruption crisis that will kill us all if left unchecked, increasing trans visibility by her very existence, and getting the attention of some of the greatest warriors in the fight for our survival (AOC, Obama, etc.), but she even spearheaded the single most successful global mass protest in human HISTORY!
Suck on that, you boomer dinosaur fuck!

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Bro stop obsessing over a 16 year old that's fucking cringe

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She's trans? Cool!

Ok I thought y’all were just being bullies but if she’s 16 she’s definitely got some kind of disability. She looks 9. That person looks so far physically from being an adult.

We'll see how fervent you are when they start implementing carbon taxes to pay for this shit.

think about how this cunt took a boat overseas to “limit her carbon footprint” but they had to fly in the entire crew to sail the boat. the libtard media and anyone who believe it are fucking retarded.

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C'mon, at least she is able to go outside and speak in public
She is some random retarded kid, and still compared to you she is superman

Looks like Ben Shapiro had a retarded kid.

Too young for Fuck

Greta Derangement Syndrome is becoming a real problem on Yea Forums.
Maybe it’s time GDS was recognised as a bona fire disorder and free counselling was offered to sufferers.

for you

my sides

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Too yo... what?


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Nah, she's 16. Legal in her home country. She's probably already taken some Mohammed cock up her little boipucci. (It's not haram, since traps aren't gay.)

>implying the shit on the board is accurate

She talks like a fag, and her shit's all retarded.

she never fucked

the voice of the youth on autotune

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we can change that


Finn genes

Fun fact: Greta loves to take Bad Dragon dildos in both holes simultaneously. This explains the look of perpetual aggravation on her face: both her baby canon and turd cutter are always chaffed.

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