Reminder that galaxies are bacteria, the solar system is an atom and the planet earth is not a stone...

reminder that galaxies are bacteria, the solar system is an atom and the planet earth is not a stone, she's a monocell living being, also reminder that the universe doesn't exist at all since everything is a fractal of infinite alive matter like galaxies, which live in another blue planet that from our point of view is giant but it's just another small subatomic particle, and a living being at the same time, just existing in an infinite flow of life, the fact that reality itself is a flow of alive subatomic particles also proves that time doesn't exist, it's just a concept related to gravity and conscience, all of this implies that god isn't real, wikipedia needs to be rewritten from scratch and probably most of people are wasting their lives

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Other urls found in this thread:

What if I told you that the secret of immortality as well as the cure for cancer is making living cells push and pop like galaxies do instead of biodivision

What if I told you that we already have it in the chain and it's just finding a triggering chemical

What if I told you that is for elite young white males only.

Attached: i-smoke-marlboro-you-smoke-cock-56337772.png (500x498, 138K)

>A tuareg trading in the middle of the sandnigger dessert runs out of water.
>Enters in the hut of the bitch, the retard was out in a business trip.
>The tuareg impregnates the bitch and leaves.
>The retard arrives back and the bitch says that she got pregnant by god himself never cheating.
>Parents receive presents from tuareg friends because the tuareg has a word and will care about the kid (somehow).
>The retard grows and does absolutely nothing but smoke weed with friends in a hut.
>They love to get high on spice every single night and just stay in silence smiling with the eyes red as fuck.
>Eventually the retard opens his mouth to speak madness like the wine is blood or the bread is flesh.
>The bitch always tries to orbit them but they don't like her she's too noisy won't let them just be stoned sitting at the table.
>They plan to kill her.
>They kill her.
>They get paranoid.
>They try to bribe the cops for a rigged court.
>The retard with the bag of money hangs itself.
>The main retard just dumps his usual madness at the court.
>Nobody likes him because he's a junkie madman dense motherfucker.
>He gets nailed.
>The tuareg comes back and rages because his kind would never be a lazy junkie so he demands to clean the retard's name or no spice or silk for the village.
>They loved spice so much that they just talk glory when the retard is mentioned and they even write books.
>Today still a book.

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reminder that op is a fag

>R1B Caucasian white male
>Solid 9/10 face
>Solid 8/10 body
>175 lbs
>O- blood
>8.2 inch Penis
>160 IQ
>3 Girlfriends

Attached: good-good-let-the-butthurt-flow-through-you.jpg (494x357, 36K)

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what if i told you than the secret of not being a brainlet was to make your brain cells push and pop instead of smoking crack all day stupid nigger

but why you are not white why

I'd tell you that you are retarded

I am white so I am of the master race, unlike you dirty goyims

and makes you crazy

and makes you crazy


What if I told you that all Africa, Latin America and India are doomed. What if I told you that it's just United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. What if I told you that the next pope is the last. What if I told you that all niggers, sandniggers and shitskins are designated to extinction. What if I told you that practically all females will do the work while all males scratch their balls all day. That's the secret agenda of the hidden government ruling the world and the key is slowly make it public. Feel free to spread the new or copy and paste this post. License is your mom.

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I get it OP. I like drugs and weird podcasts as well.

I did not read.

bingo but that doesn't imply my iq isn't 222 without chronometer

being not white must be the worst indeed

You're a retard

you conviced me and all Yea Forums and you never grew a beard in the process

That metric of scale does not work.If the solar system were an atom, the earth would be a quark, at best.

if you see it that way...

Youre a retard cause the macroscopic world and subatomic dont follow the same laws/rules, or else a grand unified theory would have be developed. You're a retard because time certainly exists. You're a retard because popping cells doesnt mean you'll live longer. You're a retard because you fail to grasp basic physics and biochemistry concepts

What the fuck is this
Why do you faggots keep making this thread

Yeah, I skipped physics class too.

>the macroscopic world and subatomic dont follow the same laws/rules

they do but you don't have precise/wider enough hardware to realize they're the same thing

>time certainly exists
infinite matter. time and speed disappear from the formula

>popping cells doesnt mean you'll live longe
pushing and popping. popping is what your cells are doing basically actually

>You're a retard because you fail to grasp basic physics and biochemistry concepts
and you won at it you just proved it by posting your asswipe communist turd

because we irradiate coolness

obviously, we forgot you're not white

Pick up a book for once you fucking retard.

i printed wikipedia and i read it

>they do but you don't have precise/wider enough hardware to realize they're the same thing
They dont,macroscopic objects behave as classical physics describes while sub atomic follow quantum rules

>infinite matter
You're just making shit up

>pushing and popping. popping is what your cells are doing basically actually
Actually, no they arent. Popping cells would let to dna, rna and proteins getting to places they shouldnt. Cells die by apoptosis

>and you won at it you just proved it by posting your asswipe communist turd
Kek, you it must suck to be retarded like you

>quantum rules
yes i read the bible too is called religion

>You're just making shit up
my lips don't need makeup

>Actually, no they arent. Popping cells would let to dna, rna and proteins getting to places they shouldnt. Cells die by apoptosis
is just finding a triggering chemical and it's done. when no communist and niggers will be available

and makes you crazy

Um the quantized nature of atoms has been experimentally confirmed

The biochemical process of apoptosis is well understood

Nice try tho, retard

>quantized nature
is infinite entropy and we're gonna grind it

>biochemical process of apoptosis is well understood
and push and pop

>Nice try tho, retard
made you crazy

this is how our planet is gonna look from space when all the oceans turn into atmosphere due to evaporation and it's gonna be total plane on the surface due to erosion. no mountains and no rivers just lakes and natural fountains everywhere also full of grass and fruit trees. a hole in those clouds would be a natural disaster like a hole in the ozone layer today.

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Yea no, retard

Fuck off jewbot nigger.

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back off shitskin bald terror corp

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ur mom is a whore. don't bother to reply because still a whore

You cant tell me what to do, retard

still a whore



Still a retard

still a whore