Outtie pussies are gross as f

Outtie pussies are gross as f.
Even if you're a virgin with a roast beef pussy, it looks gross as hell and no man will ever believe you.

Get vaginoplasti if you have an outtie pussy.

White knights fuck off
>I luv dat outtie pussi, so damn hot, I wrap it around my head like a snuggy

Also F U to sluts with innie pussies who trick guys with it

Oh ya, vagina smells bad like 99% of the time

Attached: Marinated-Roast-Beef_7-1.jpg (900x1260, 79K)


I agree, and although I find women attractive I also jack off to trannies, so I might just be a faggot.

found the faggots

Incels incels incels...

Pretty cringe to know that you actually expected something to come of this thread.

It won't.

Effort is so low tier it might as well be the outtie pussy of posts

Does a 10/10 tranny look like a dude in any way, shape or form??
How does being attracted to something that looks super feminine make you a faggot??

>Faggots dont find women attractive, just fyi :^)


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(you) came and posted, you daft cunt

Clip your pussy lips

I have a big thick cock and lips grip.

Fuck off youngsters. Have sex.

Because I know it's a man with breast implants, makeup, and possibly other plastic surgery. But I'd still let one peg my anus.

>I can only get super bashed out soccer mom cunt
The post

Spotted the virgin.

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Agreed, but I don't hold it against ladies. Although I probably should because many of them put men down for their penis size or circumcision status. Any woman who has her male son circumcised should be forced to undergo some type of genital surgery, but that's another topic.

room temperature IQ opinion

Just admit you are a pedo and really want a tucked 12yo boy.

>ugly pussy lips
the cope post

>don't diss my giant flappy cunt lips
>y-y-y-you're a pedo!!

Pedophiles,the real and true definition of one, likes prepubescent children. Usually 3-8
12 is way too old for a pedo.

Clip your pussy lips

When ever I'm taking off panties for the first time, I'm always praying
>please be an innie, please be an innie

I was like SUPER CRUSHIN' on this one entertainer bitch and then I saw webcams of her and she had like little tentacles from her inner lips
Like perfect innie pussy, then these two tentacles pop out as she's fingering herself.

Unfollowed her completely..


>smelly ugly sex organ
>not good at anything

I can see why females hate life

can i get a HELL YA!!! Tripppps

virgin detected

What makes you say that?

>dat pussy bruh
>don't matter what it looks like bruh
>smash dad bruh
>pussy is da best bruh
>do anything to get some pussy bruh
>pussy on a pedestal bruh
>who cares if it looks like smoked meat bruh
>smash dat bruh

Not all outies are repulsive and not all innies are attractive. If women would start letting their pubes grow nice and long like they used to it would cover up many ugly vaginas.

>hairy pussy

this, one of the reasons I hate the shaved pussy fad.

>Incels incels incels
I've never understood why this is an insult. Inb4 "probably because you're an incel." I mean, if people ignored nerdy virgin faggots their entire life up until this became a buzzword, why bother acknowledging them now? Just continue ignoring them, it's literally what they hate the most out of their miserable lives.

This made me laugh.

Spoken like a true virgin.

You and me both.

I'm glad :^)

>virgin with outie
Cope harder roastie

Attached: AA66610F-83A6-43EB-BB39-5B66B3C23468.png (601x601, 251K)

What makes you say that?

>Uhh the patriarchy has uhhh warped the minds of men, with uhhhh oppression of ugly pussies and uhhhh LGTB black lives matter, uhhhh, gender fluid,uuuuuuh
(that's me mocking all females who think they're "smart")

I have a big tan benis thanks.

I dumped my first gf cause I fingered her and it smelt bad

Anyone who just fucks whatever comes their way is coping and trying to fill a hole in their life much bigger than pussy. Have some standards.

Moral of the story being women need to thoroughly wash their vaginas.

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>mfw she's smoking hot with an innie pussy, but she's actually a huge slut

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Everyday. Twice a day

Anyone who bases who they have sex with on the appearance of the other persons sex organ is... I don't know what they are. Sad I guess. Retarded also.

>bruh me an my bois ran a train on a HOT hoe da udder nite at da party yo!!!
>smash dat, all on da floo
>smash dat

Attached: 670975.jpg (960x720, 456K)

Moralfag to the rescue!!!

I mean.... That's half the point of sex though? Would you honestly want to have sex with an ugly person or someone who has gross looking genitalia? No, you wouldn't. Nobody does.


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Gag. That pic makes me want to end it. Anyone who looks like that should be paid to keep their clothes on.

the human female vag is what it is.
stick your dick in it and enjoy.

don't over think it.

>I was born like this!!
Poor you. No really.

Attached: angela-salvagno-huge-labia-big-clit-huge-dildo-4(m=e8KSKgaaaa).jpg (316x178, 13K)

So you'd fuck this?

>muh bagina is beautiful
>gimmie a kiss on the lips sweetums

BI girls, would (you) eat da pussay??

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Half the point of sex is finding your partners genitals attractive? Fucking ridiculous. Just drop the bombs already. This world is finished.

Lesbians and Bi females of /b
>Would you eat dat pussay like a tootsie roll??

Attached: 2.jpg (1000x667, 73K)

It's a man. He has a dick. He's got X and Y chromosomes. He ejaculates. He produces testosterone. He smells like a man.

You are gay user

Why does this make you so upset? I have a specific taste in who I want to fuck and so do you. Everyone does. It's not a big fucking deal. Don't expect me to just accept whatever pussy comes my way and enjoy it. That's not how sexual attraction works.

LGTB poll time
Ladies, would you eat dat PUUUUUSSAY??

What's the "science" behind the discoloration of her labia??
Is this the "melanin receptors" in the vagina I've read about?

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Bruh, get some QUALITY trannies, no your bff from grade school who "transitioned" into an ugly

her pussy is a melanin receptor.

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So you're saying if you found a pretty girl you really liked who makes you happy and is fun to be around you would end it based on her labia staus? Get outta town with your bullshit.

More discolored pussy, not from over use or anything...never......

Attached: large_labia_19.jpg (1350x900, 210K)

I would be severely disappointed, yes.

Happened to me actually. I blurted it out in a fight once and it was over

Look like a face sucker from the "Alien" franchise
Put some fangs on that shit and you got "Predator"

OMG, vaginas are alien predators attached to "humans"

>sucks resources
>destroys the host
>moves on to new host

Yep, pussies are actually alien predators attached to a human.

meaty pussies are good you faggot, imagine being disgusted by pussy

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No? It's a case by case situation. If I think she's of average attraction and has the nastiest pussy to walk the face of the Earth, she's going home. If I have a genuine attraction to her and it's a real connection but her business downstairs is all fucked up, I can probably compromise a little bit. Depends on the severity. There's always room for a nice solid friendship. Like I said, I don't fuck every girl I meet

Unwashed unshaven pussy is the female version of sweat-hog neckbeard.

>faggot can't read
I said white knight outtie loves, glad to get any piece of pussy tossed their way, aren't welcome

GTFO cumbrain loser

THICC innie pussies are hot as f

Eugh. No thanks. It's a shame that the rest of her body is hot. Have you ever tried going down on a girl with flaps, though? It's disgusting.

love my girlfriend's pussy. Perfect shape.

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You've posted this same phrase in many other threads. Nobodys impressed. Waste of dubs.

>I don't gottas shave or wash muh pussay cause some sweat hog neckbeard will mash it anyways LOL

>muh "woman scents" are attractive. Muh pussy smells like a wet dog, all the time. LOVE IT INCEL!!!!

Def a 9/10 pussy

Thanks, I agree.

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I love a roastie. My ex had one and at a party once she got hers out to prove a point. The guys loved it but some girls said it's gross.

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top kek

What a beautiful sight.

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pretty damn brown compared to the rest of her....she's taken a lot of dicks.....

It looks sexy at a nudist beach when the lips are hanging down and flapping in the wind.

THAT'S a pussy to be proud of

I need to take more of hers from behind.

Attached: IMG_0584.jpg (4032x3024, 1.32M)

I wonder if we can breed girls like this out of existence. They're like the gingers of the vagina world. Only outties appreciate other outties.

LOL. Did you learn that at incel medical school?

Her pussy dark like a nigger...wtf yo??

>I luv dat outtie pussi, so damn hot, I wrap it around my head like a snuggy

Attached: eed.jpg (517x768, 195K)

No, from sluts with dark brown innie pussies.

Why does she look like she's from the Congo, on just her pussy??

Attached: (m=eqglHgaaaa)(mh=wFzpw4aEeGwXiXTg)9.jpg (400x300, 19K)

That is fucken gorgeous!

She had an outie and was ginger aswell. So that even worse.

mmmm thicc innie

youre nasty asf . if youre fucking pussies that smell bad. must be a white girl thing because most of the time yall post panties with green guck in it 99% of the time

This guy jerks off to Alien Vs Predator movies

You sure seem to know a lot about bring a pedo

Tell her to take a hike and hit the club for a new one.

Attached: crystal_38374_3.jpg (1400x929, 196K)

Innie or outtie?

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Already on the case my friend.

>y-y-y-you sure know a lot about being a pedo
No, it's called "knowing what words actually mean and not being a fucking retard and using them properly"

>female retard with blown out pussy detected

>ITT: dudes with wives/gfs that have disgusting roast beef vaginas furiously defend against the fact that its disgusting

You don't even know what that is little timmy.

Judging by all the gushing you people are doing over these hairless innie vaginas and the disgust shown towards regular adult vaginas I can only conclude that pedophilia is normal. That or you're all warped in the mind.

Hot as F, except her AlienPredator pussy
Easy pass

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You gotta take a better pic than that, user.

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Only small dicked faggots worry about how many dicks a girl has taken. You worried you won't be her best fuck? You won't be

Attached: cody-696x392.jpg (696x392, 32K)

SO, you're saying, vaginas deform, over time, with the amount of cock and children they've taken and pushed out??

>how dare you like girls that I don't particularly find attractive. You must be a pedo
Is this really your thought process, user?

Attached: BaInTiaCUAAJDDG.jpg (400x600, 25K)

>posts pic of total douchebag, who literally looks like he's got a small cock and sucks in bed and only keeps females around cause of his looks and wallet

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Its almost like aging features are not attractive to males. I dont know about you but girls with stretch marks, crows feet, etc are gross as fuck looking. If shaving a pussy makes you a pedo then i think youre just projecting your insecurities

Why is the hole open, from just standing there???

>Only small dicked faggots don't take what they can get. You should be thankful m'lady is even blessing you with the presence of her vagina

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damn that's a hot pussy


Looks like mouth of homor.

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 9K)

hot pussy

I didn't know this was ylyl

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The vaginas being posted here as attractive all look like they belong on a 10 year old girl. Just making an observation.

I don't worry about definitions to things that aren't on my radar. I'm never called a pedo so I don't need to look it up to see if I fit the description. You on the other hand....

Not an outtie but it sure is loose.

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are you new to the internet??

Attached: homer-simpson-pussy-1724.jpg (800x600, 184K)

She took the pic herself so I hope she was playing with herself and not just been fucked because I wasn't there.

Hey pedo!! Here trying to find pics of little kids? Probably, everyone knows /b is a board for pedos.
You've been called out pedo!


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What is internet? I'm scared of spiders. Do you have a mouth of homor?

You can tell if a guy has a small cock by looking at him? You must have a lot of experience with dudes and cocks user.

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She loves a good fuck and I've even shared her with my mates aswell.

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What if it starts talking?

I can't tell you what that would look like but I can tell you this, truly shocking that men actually want a fertile and youthful looking mate, isn't it? Protip, it's not.

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You forget how natural it is for us to look for good looking mates and want to fuck. Not necessarily coping if it's a raw natural desire, don't forget were animals too.

Another asian pussy i like.

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Bruh, when you actually got a big cock and smash hoes like a champ hoe smasher, girls tell you stuff and most guys have tiny dicks


Attached: Selfie with her cunt gaping open.jpg (240x320, 13K)

I get that but it's also natural to want more beautiful and overall better things in your life. Example A.

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>if yuh dun want dis pussay all ovah ya face, u a PEDO

ForGoT Da PiC , FuCk Dis PuSsY oR U a PeD0

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These are the ugliest loosest outie pussies you can find tho. I like tight outies, not those bat wings. Innies look like little girl pussies, not my thing.

HHHHGGGGNNNN dats some nice innie pussy

u just a homo

Post this mythical "tight outtie" you speak of

>Ching chong, round eye want pussy??

Attached: 675711_2.jpg (320x180, 11K)

That's cultural.

>(that's me mocking all females who think they're "smart")
Dear fucking god this is a new low

You do you, buddy.

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A very loose innie I think anyway?

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Meh. If you say so. I'm constantly trying to improve my life and I feel that innies feel objectively better so that's what I want. It is what is.

Attached: 332_perfect-tightest-pussy.gif (250x169, 476K)

>ThE OnLy PArT oF mE wItH AnY "vAluE" lOoKs LikE ToTaL ShIt.......
>I KnOwZ I'Ll cAlL deM mEan GuiZ PeDos

Attached: preview.mp4.jpg (608x342, 26K)

The way you talk I've been noticing is that of a fucking 15 year old whose never actually experienced sex or intimacy with a female before. :/

>Hey pedo!! Here trying to find pics of little kids? Probably


>Ah yessss, from what I can deduce from an anonymous image board post, is the following things about you
>See, I went to something called "college" and you learn this type of stuff there.
>I took online writing styles as my major
>I am the perfect person to make claims against you, based on your writing style

ANd you think you're smart.......

>most guys have tiny dicks
That's not how averages work. Most guys would have an average sized dick. She must be lying to you because she can see you're insecure. Sorry little guy.

This. I think there's some femanons that wondered their way in here out of pure jealousy. Anytime their feelings get out of hand, they resort to short word buzz insults that stigmatize poor social stature, such as pedo or incel.

Attached: tumblr_nw4bfeHT6E1u4u15co2_400.gif (400x224, 1.84M)

>See, I learned in online internet arguing computer class in college, that when someone says something, it's "prjection"


Yup, you're definitely a minor. You know, you could try to Larp better faggot.

>sorry little guy
Projection much?

>That confirms it, I said something, you said something back, confirmed
>I win this one, again
>So glad I took internet arguing classes in college so I could own debates online

You're arguing?

Attached: source (1).gif (640x360, 1.85M)

Mr 246 reporting in ....Innies have been some of the stinkiest I've ever experienced

Trips of anguish. You should JO to some tight pussy, user. You sound stressed. Here you go.

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>Ha, let me post this selfie as a counter argument
>checkmate bozo

thanks bruh

Outties aren't that bad, if the girl has not had lots of sex she is still tight. If all girls feel loose to you maybe you just have a small dick

>checkmate bozo

but youre posting the grossest pussies everyone thinks are gross to prove your point...

Loose pussies are a myth.

Depends on the girl. Last girl I ever fucked was a Mexican girl with an outtie and it wreaked so bad I couldn't stay hard. First girl I ever fucked was an innie and she kept hers smelling like watermelon for the entire 6 months we were together somehow. I'm sure there are vice versa stories

:/ reminds me of so many of those dummy wojaks LOL

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Also this is simply a myth. Vaginas do not get loose based off of how many sexual partners they've had. If this was the case when they gave birth their entire entrails would start pouring out. I can't believe people still think this childish shit.

My ex had an innie but after 3 kids and alot of sex and a few threesomes and the odd gangbang or ten her lips hang down now.

I just typed in giant labia to google and went to images.
If it's not an innie, it's a gross looking pussy

user, you really gotta relax. It's just a thread about vaginas on a Chinese basket weaving forum. Not that big of a deal, my man.

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lmao that shit look like Baphomet if you look closely thats a cursed pussy

He thinks he's superior to you because he's not "arguing", just disagreeing and this is his way of coping.

Are you sure you aren't just telling yourself that because you'll take whatever comes your way?

Attached: two-fingers-in-her-tight-pussy-1538835611l48cp.jpg (517x810, 62K)

>concern trolling is weak bruh.
>not cool or funny either
Isn't there a site like 9gag or some shit for fags like you?
Oh ya, it's called Reddit.

Makes sense then and your opinion is your own

Also, most innies look like that of a childs vagina. Especially when they're hairless, also pussy stink is very manageable and not related to either innie or outie it depends on personal hygiene.

LMAO that pussy look like a sad Donald Duck if you looks closely.

>Ah yesss, you see, based on his posts and what my professor Abigail Shecklebergstien told me in "women internet studies" is that males often don't agree with me and that's "wrong"
FAUXtellectual, gtfo loser

And you're talking to (You)rself.

Make up, fake tits, estrogen , and a cock bigger then yours means you're 100% a faggot.

Fundamentally, men have to work for access to pussies whilst women get cock on demand.

As such, no man is going to turn a pussy down regardless of it being an innie or outie.

Girls put my disgusting penis in their mouth. I forgive their meet curtains

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I agree except for the smell part. maybe I just had luck so far

>try washing it

Then I guess some girls are just born with better looking vaginas. That's the DNA lottery we all play, I suppose.

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>back to the pedo thing
HOW do (you) know a child's vagina looks like??

Where's Donald duck I can't see it myself?

The only “looseness” is due to age or child birth.

That's cause you have no girth. The size of my dick nigga, every pussy tight.

Ya got me.

Attached: dT0wX37.jpg (2048x1365, 233K)

They can get vaginoplastic to correct it, it's a real thing.
No excuse for sloppy meat lips

I have no idea what I child's pussy looks like and I'd hope that you don't, either.

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btard females of /b post your pussy for rates

>dur it's bald like shaved one, I see my sisters every night before I diddle her
>fuck pedos!
>It's fine I do it though
Most people are literally this fucking dumb and hypocritical

Fair enough. I'll just aim for young and childless.

Attached: A57E224.jpg (1280x933, 602K)

Where's the eyes and beak or is it one of those subliminal photos lol.

Yes. This is exactly the case. As well attraction is ALL SUBJECTIVE.

It's not exactly hard to imagine. I thought you were a brainlet thinker?

Everyone who’s had kids or even babysat knows what a child’s pissy looks like you typical retarded teenage btard.

Yeah, man.

Attached: 270959.jpg (3290x1865, 609K)


you mad?

So if your cock looks all fucked she has every right to demand for corrective surgery then by your standards?

Dude, just come out of the closet already

You're absolutely right. I don't see why I bother with him.

Attached: Candy-cleft.jpg (620x415, 35K)

>u mad tiny penis male?
>can't handle my vulva of power?
>so powerful, it spills out and looks like a rotten sandwich
>let me ask again, u mad?


I don't got a fucked looking cock, so it's not a question to ask me.

Sadly, male penis enlargement is not a surgery on par with what females can have done to them.

I suppose you're right. I assume that most guys prefer innies seeing as all my buddies agree with me. They're really not that picky, either.

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I love seeing her meat hanging out. It shows she's been fucked alot.

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So you can have an internet boyfriend??
Try rk9 ya weebo

Cause you're a degenerate with zero standards, most humans are

Well of course I don't know what it would like, then. I don't have kids nor do I ever want kids.

Attached: cleft-of-venus-met-models.jpg (620x328, 22K)

It's not your fault you're retarded. It's okay :/

I think it's a nice looking cunt.

Looks ok to me I'd fuck her....

Do you guys see it now?

Attached: Sad Donald Duck.png (1123x620, 492K)

False premise
As you can see by pic related, as proof, long pussy hair, does not cover up ugly pussy.

Also traps pee and sweet and smells bad, but that's vaginas in general.

Attached: 2 (1).jpg (240x180, 16K)


That one isn't too meaty though, that's like about on the border, any bigger and it wouldn't be nice

Also most peoples pubes are like brillow pads. Pubes aren't like soft and fluffy like a cat or something.
It's like licking steel wool when they dont shave

FOR ALL Underage girls, feeling self concious about your pussy, learn from this thread
>Wash your pussy twice a day
>Shave it
>if you got big floppy meat pussy, look into vaginoplasti (get some beta here to pay for it)

That's funny it's even got the hat on too. Omg. Lol

women are disgusting pigs, they would eat that out...

Why does she look familiar though? Like the face..

There is NO need to shower twice a day and advocating a minor to get surgery is REDICULOUS.

As a girl with an outtie, I have ALWAYS wished I had an innie. Literally have cried about it since I was a child.

Lmao tough luck bitch

And this is why your a virgin bud.

You'll be alright. You just have to find a guy who loves you for you and not your ugly vagina.

Post a pic so we can judge your ugly vagina.

Had it and lost it. Am sad. Have daydreamed about labiaplasty for years but am poor.

My self esteem is low enough, thank you

looks like something out of an aliens movie.

Attached: prometheusalien.jpg (250x331, 12K)

Wtf new /b archive?

niggers on nimp org

tfw have an innie but its dark af compared to rest of me

Attached: kitty.png (1080x929, 1.23M)

>20 y/o
>fucked 9 girls

How many guys have you seen hesitate or look disappointed when taking off your panties. You cried about it for yours which means you know how disgusting you look, now shut up whore.

don't say you wouldn't

That's normal, I'm lightskin but my dick is dark as fuck also, real African girth aswell >:)

so you have a butthole

... Keep going?

Post pics.

Lmao looks like a venus fly trap

Lemme fix that for ya bud.
15yr/old 0 fucks.

Please try harder.

Roastie incel bitch

Same. That's why I don't make fun of small dick guys aswell. I know the struggle. And labiaplasty just feels fake. Like, you know, it's in your DNA anyway and it's basically lying, similar to having a boobjob or those Korean face surgeries

lel, im so sad rn for merican dudes if most of pussies over there smell bad. You should try some normal pussies, not yeast infested shits

Exactly. But some incredibly shallow men seem to almost coerce women into believing that it's the only way to get a pretty pussy.

thanks bro now i am jacking it ... again...

not floppy enuf

i like it flappy

found a nigger fucker

Honestly have always loved the bimbo look, personally not bothered by the fakeness aspect of it. On top of having an outtie, I'm lacking in several other ways. If I had the means I would absolutely have a few things done.

>flexing on 9 girls fucked
I mean its cringe enough when dudes think having high body counts prove that they are cool and contain sexual desire, or some other weird insecure shit.
Its even cringier when that number is low af.

go back to facebook

I don't think it's genetic from mom to daughter. My ex had an innie and her daughter had an outie

Ngl I smiled a little

How many dicks u had in it?
Honestly though.

You know how chickens have dark and light meat?
Dark meat is the muscles that get used a lot....

how outie is it?

I find that most girls are somewhere between outie and innie. And that to be honest is my favorite

Additionally outie is pretty fucking hot when im super turned on, in some heat shit. Something about it feels more primal, I just wanna smash that shit up.

Get a beta provided.
>dress up like animu
>get a stupid dance game
>go on twitch
>have idiots give you money for your snapchat

SMashed both mom n dau

Attached: BFED9523-7DF7-4D16-82F5-53E58FC40F5B.jpg (640x431, 45K)

Pic related to OP

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Maybe this proves, that outies are recessive allele. Like, the father's x chromosome had outie genes and it overpowered mom's innie genes (similar to blue eyes, blonde hair)
Or the mom had chipping done.

Why is a babysitter inspecting child pussy??
Why is a babysitter seeing child pussy?
What kind of parent, would hire a male, to babysit their daughter and bather her??

Pedo Babysitter right here folks

>posts pic of herself at the last college party she was invited too

It always reminds me of a wad of chewed up gum

Attached: Snapchat-579505095.jpg (1440x2560, 561K)

lol thats is litterally gay virgin shit.

all outie pussy feels the best, and all is hot

yeah cuz diapers clean themselves retard

lol your over reacting. this is just how pussy looks, real life isnt porn.

ITT: The most disposable males on the planet. Please do us all a favour and end yourselves asap.

>oh baby took poopy aghain? let's change that diaper, I need another fap

K pedo

Alll pussy feels the same, you virgin.

the former is more likely. she didn't have anything done.. and a couple thinks could have used work. But she liked to party and the sex was great.. didn't kill me when I cheated.. the 1st couple times..

Take your big soppy floppy stink hole to a plastic surgeon.
It's the ONLY thing, (you) as a female, that has ANY value in society

that is so far from the truth its crazy

i mean maybe if your cut, and have a mutilated dead piece of skin as a cock. but for real men, i can feel noticeable difference in literally every pussy ive fucked

Being uncut and having fucked many pussies, they all feel the same.
You're imagining

Dumped my grade 8 gf cause I fingered and it smelt bad.
I look back now, and regret it, cause I prob would've dated her, for who knows how long.
Maybe would've lost our virginities to each other,get married

I made the mistake of smelling my finger.....
It smelt like an unwashed sweaty pee soaked belly button

There is help for your smelly pussy.

YES, pussies smell bad, most of the time. Smelling like a wet rotting dog, is not "feminine"
It's not a "feminine" smell.
It doesn't smell like your pretty soaps, unless right out of the shower and you remembered to wash down there.

It's the truth
Males don't talk about it, cause you bitches can't handle critism and some beta is always willing to be there for your hole, no matter how smelly.

forgot the pic

Created by a FEMALE and her husband because smelly pussy was a detriment to their marriage

Attached: GUEST_66da141b-bfc7-473f-97e1-5e4aa56296f3.jpg (488x488, 25K)

Attached: OnKnees (7).jpg (2124x1850, 1.79M)

>my first time ever user
>tee hee, I swear Im a virgin

that fuckin disgusting fat foot

>obese neckbeard detected

she's pretty solid except for the protrusion of used muscle skin from inside her vagina

ive had 0 dicks in it. the only things thatve been inside me is tampons, my fingers and my gyn

Beautiful body.