6 (SIX) free Batman games on Epic Store to own permanently (unlike the crappy Steam free weekend thing they do)


>6 (SIX) free Batman games on Epic Store to own permanently (unlike the crappy Steam free weekend thing they do)
>Arkham Knight was just updated and now has all the DLC as well as being superior due to lack of Denuvo

Claim them while you can.

Attached: arkham lego batman 2.jpg (1428x816, 190K)

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fuck epic and fuck you

>Having the Epic launcher installed on your pc.
>Literal fucking malware lmao.

Yeah ok OP.

>Epic store
Yeah, no i'll pass newfag.

OP is doing a public service. Epic is giving away some pretty bomb games, no joke. Like games that came out in the past year, games I debated spending $30+ on.

Makes you both retarded.

But I already own all of these games.

Hey, if you don't want good free games that's your business my friend.
Doesn't hurt to have a shitton of free quality games claimed on some service for if you ever want to play them.

Why is Steam so shitty in comparison to Epic?

You own the Lego Batman games?


Kek I lost

What does hurt you is downloading and accepting to have all of your personal information saved by Epic, downloading blatant malware.

But hey atleast you got some pixels amirite?

Nigga, just know how to use a computer.
You can tell if it's running shit in the background, you can give it certain permissions or not.

enjoy having spyware installed on your pc ritard

Keep sucking on steams cock you shills

Attached: 1520610447711.png (474x299, 93K)

what personal information

You do realize you accepted to providing that information the moment you pressed 'Accept' on the Terms of Agreement right?

There's nothing running in the 'background' haha wtf, how are people so stupid and tech illiterate.

"If a product is free, you are the product".

Just google it bro. There's enough articles about the cancer that is the Epic launcher.

its suck cancer u cant name 1 info? Ok.

There's literally no proof it steals information and only does as much as... surprise: Steam.

keep sucking on epics cock you shill





Literally 5 seconds of googling, scraping the top.


A literal shill who will do anything for clicks.

>Epic Store

Yeah, how about a big fat NO instead?

b-b-b-but i don't like this person! therefore it's wrong!

Goddamn you people are mentally inept.
Goodluck in life, you'll need it.

its still not sending it over without consent. The data is still yours

Lol, these fucking retards in this thread talking about security and personal information meanwhile sit here on Yea Forums where it's really secure xDDDD. Have your information safely kept without your permission here on then fucking idiots.

>lol, what r u - gay? just have 2 pcs. 1 for steam and the other for epic games

I wanted to play this war of mine but didn't even know they offered it for free at some point :/

shouldve followed free news

If you want free batman games pirate them you cuck, still less likely to have a bunch of china men watching you jerk off

Steamies getting seethie

>shilling for a chinese owned gaming company and begging them to take more of your data in exchange for a shittier platform


*Laugh in GOG*


>40 free games
>didnt synch friends
>no data leak
>value acquired
>others mad

How is it malware? Serious question.


I didn't see anywhere where they confirmed the collection had all the DLC

There was a huge update today

Checking now. Not seeing anything.

>installing free software that has literally zero downside and getting free shit that is actually good (the arkham series, not the lego bullshit)

>being this gay

goty edition for asylum and city

Knight got a 14gb update. Did you get that?

lmao this is the excuse? For real? "Epic will have all my info"

What the fuck do you think Steam does? What the fuck do you think literally any service online does? This is cringe, max factor.

Why is the epic store poorly designed? It says coming soon next to Arkham City then you click into it and it says GOTY edition. Click Get and it goes back to Arkahm Collection.

I claimed them but didn't download. Already have them on Steam but its my all time favourite series of games so I wanted to have them on multiple platforms.

Why are people complaining about free stuff?holy shit no wonder whites are getting bred out with so many retards

dont know why. U get the game and u click the text over the game icon. There it says the full title and if u hit that, itll take u to the page and lists features

Especially in this age when "nothing is free" fuck off retards

also steam and egss isnt "different platforms". Its PC.

You know what I mean.

I don't see a list of features here. GOTY versions have all DLC for sure but Arkham Knight just says the title, doesn't list the 25+ pieces of DLC the game comes with.

>but Arkham Knight just says the title, doesn't list the 25+ pieces of DLC the game comes with.

Haven't updated the page

dunno bout knight. I dont know whats the improvement over when they took the game off the fucking stores, cuz it was fucking broken. Only 1 way to find out. U didnt pay, whats the worry

Wow this store sucks dick.

The worry is they're giving away a full product and I only get a portion of it. Would be nice to enjoy the entirety of what they are giving away


base game is a full product

thanks user!

Not if it's lacking the DLC and the giveaway is base game + DLC.

if the giveaway is "+dlc", the it should be +dlc. Install and see. U already have it, u didnt pay. Wont hurt to check