Riley Reid showed up, why didn't you fags?
Riley Reid showed up, why didn't you fags?
More autism in one place than Yea Forums.
Americans are scared of their government. No balls what so ever, and even scared of Iran. They only have the bravery of being out of range, throw bombs and post things on the internet.
Cry babies
because she needs the publicity
i dont
I though an American would rate my post 10/10 go figure. Eat a cheese block
She's retarded just like all the people who actually went
Come to Iran i dare you, you will have to carpet bomb us with nuclear bombs to defeat us. You have no honor
>you will have to carpet bomb us with nuclear bombs to defeat us
>challenge accepted
Idk if you knownthis but our president is a literal definition of a wild card and it wouldn’t be surprising to wake up one morning for us to find out trump ordered to have it done
Come at me bro, Russia will retaliate. You talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. No matter how many bombs you make others still have bombs capable of destroying your cities.
If Allah wills it. We are not scared of dying, you are.
And shes a rapist
Well then it just lightens it for us on an ethical scale to do so then
Story time?
What is Area 51
She raped a dude of his virginity
But do they have the balls sir? You forget that's why we're still here. No balls.
Also the fact that if one of our cities gets taken out, we'll level 3 entire counties, whether they were involved or not.
So it's only ethically wrong to kill people who is scared of dying? You must be some king of genius.
It's cute you think your country matters. Typical Russian, has to threaten nukes to get anyone to pay attention to your 3rd world country
like any guy here wouldnt be lucky if they had riley rape them. she prob just saved him from going full \b and never getting laid
And that's why you won't attack Iran, you know that right? No matter how wild card a president you have your government won't indulge in nuclear attack, only defence.
How did this happen and also can you b
Verify and cite your sources? Otherwise you are commiting lible and slander.
Russia is a shit hole country, but they do have the nuclear arsenal to level your 50 cities with most inhabitants.
Am I the only guy who thinks porn stars are disgusting? They look like they come out of trailer parks and most of them look really fucking rough without make up. I just see them as disgusting whores.
If you guys weren't afraid of death we wouldn't have your refugees coming in droves.
>Wild card
I like to call it the trump card.
If they don’t care, why should we? Sounds like a massive false sense of morality
Well jacking off to them is alright. But I would never fuck one, not even for a million dollars
Not being scared of dying for a cause doesn't mean a desire to die.
Do you work for a living? I'd fuck a fat hairy homeless man for $5,000. I don't think you realize how much one million is.
What kind of cuck dates a porn star? You literally have to be ok with her publicly being a whore and fucking other dudes constantly.
Some of us have respectable lives and good jobs. We just come here to troll fags
Imagine this from a reverse perspective, any man today would be toast with a tweet like that.
Why is Riley wearing sunglasses at night?
>Some of us have respectable lives and good jobs
>On Yea Forums
Pick one
This is Yea Forums.....normies not allowed
Someone who isn't sexually repressed like you. Some men get off on their woman being a whore. They enjoy sharing her around. That doesn't make them cucks. A cuck gets off on humiliation and degrading treatment. Doms get off on making their slut do as he says including servicing other men like his friends. I have shared my subs before and I'm not a cuck. Also, cuckolding isn't some taboo that makes you less of a man. You alt-right incels have tried to turn it into an insult when it's just a label of a certain fetish. Just let it go and stop cucking yourself politically.
Do you think your kneckbeardness makes you special and gives you power over this place? Do you feel powerful?
Lmao. Nice larp
So many fucking retards here
That sentence doesnt make sense
>Persian Mike does a bump
Keep going. This has promise . . .
Trynna trolla troll
So youre a millionaire?
Do you have to be a millionaire to not humiliate yourself for money?
Dont be a fucking idiot. Bet you dont believe in vaccines either
I'll have you know a run a very respectable asshole bleaching company in the valley
No but you have to be a millionaire to not want/need a million dollars
I guess you got vaccinated, autist.
Well I want a million dollars, but not if I have to humiliate my self?
I guess self respect is not something known in USA?
Guess you got circumsized autist.
Because of 2 million fags
What it really comes down to, is that you don't actually love her, not in the way you should anyways
Nah man, sounds like a healthy relationship to me
Funny that sounds exactly like something we would do. Not me personally, if you're really from Iran I've always wanted to visit your country.
Why sarcasm?
did she blow every dude there?
Sounds like she was doing a public service.
HAHAHAH that's what they said about Iraq.
Iran is a fucking joke and so are your people. Your military is absolutely pathetic and wouldn't last 3 weeks in a war with NATO or the US. Dumb little Iranian nigger
Yeah, my point exactly. They are completely shit and only have any influence because of nukes, otherwise would just be another poor 3rd world country that no one cares about.USA has influence on everyone and don't have to threaten nukes.
>scared of Iran
Nobody wants war with Iran in the US, but honestly if we did.. we would fuck your ass up.
Like.. it would not even be close. You would just fight a guerilla war and it would just drag on indefinitely.
You fat neck beards w I wouldn't last 30 seconds against a true Persian warrier. 45 seconds if you have a basket of insulin on you
Look forward to killing 200k US like the Vietnamese did. Maybe you will chicken out before?
"Persian warrior" is a dude who sells carpets and wears too much cologne.
she probably lives in Vegas
>please, fuck my wife while I watch
>but dont be confused, I am NOT a cuck
Have you not seen the threads of jobs with alot of tradies post in them. Tradies are sick fucks that talk about dicks and ass all day. They still have normal lives and respectable jobs.
cuz its a publicity stunt for her. I dont have a career needing me to show up somewhere on the other side of the planet
Pretty sure she has a place in Vegas or at least 10,000 friends there she could hang out with. I doubt she went far out of her way with this, she has enjoyed trolling the internet before
Nah we got drones now, our air force will just play video games while destroying your culture. Enjoy
Let us do you a favor then, the world will be better off without you
Whoopsie, someone mad at!
Said the sand nigger who lays down his weapon at some basic shock and awe
Nice new pasta
We won't attack Iran because wiping you turds off the face of the Earth will leave a gap in liquor store clerks you dimwitted applejohn
What are u even saying
I’m extremely disappointed that this didn’t become real
Your mom says I feel powerful.
Inside her guts
Fucking vore fetishist
She's always been so fucking ugly
showed up to what?
That guy must be really fucking short, I met Riley and she’s like 4 foot lmao
Iran will never lay down weapons against US, it will be total war.
Because I have a job.. ya fag..
What is there to be jealous of? Please enlighten us
Lots of different people in the US, I'd bet many would humiliate themselves most places for 1 million, I would... up to a point
The moment the first drones or missiles starts hitting us we will bomb Israel and Saudi arabia. There is no way you can stop this unless you attack us with nuclear weapons. You are forced to go all out war with troops if you engage. Are you ready for this scenario?
That's my point, you have a exaggerated desire for materials and money. No other country except China is this pathetic.
You won't attack Iran because it would mean total destruction of your dear jews and oil buddies.
Riley reid is a great pornstar but she's an absolute psycho
1.even the creator of the event had to tell the idiots that it was a joke in the first place
2.because im not a degenerate who lives on the west coast
Implying Iranians get on 4chins and this isn't some jew trying to rile up public support for their final showdown
Well it's been fun acting like one all day. Gotta tuck my kids in
Diff user, American too, and I salivate at that thought Yea Forumsro. Sadly that's not the way to go about it. Not saying Iran is complete shit, but they don't have the mobility. Same reason I don't fear China, as big as their army is. It's not getting here anytime fast, and certainly not faster than our missiles and subs are getting there to wreck the ports.
But should this all go down, I hope Iran at least gets their hands on Israel enough to cripple them for decades.
Honestly I don't know why there's any public support for them, other than the media and hollywood and Senate being run by jews and telling people what to think of course. But ffs they sunk our naval ship and somehow dragged us into a war on their side. And that's just one example. I can't trust Israel at all.
Can't wait to see how that turns out when her looks deteriorate.
she is ugly af without make up
we will bomb you and your shithole country back to the middle ages
Well most celebrities are, the beauty that has been pushed by fashion etc really don't exist. The look is basicly mediocre women with a bit extreme features and a ton of make up. The real beauties are the normal women walking around us.
This shit is pathetic. Did these faggots just give up on trying to have an actual life?
doesnt matter if you are scared or not you will simply lose, u might kill some americans with your cowardly terrorist attacks but we will annihilate your cities and infrastructure . Air superiority bitch we dont even need to put boots on the ground, we will simply throw millions of tonnage of bombs on you simply to put you and your cavemen leadership in it's place
Sounds like you eat a lot of dick cheese
wouldnt u like to know faggot
What is more cowardly? Dropping bombs with unmanned drones or sending missiles from hundred of miles away, or giving your life by by attacking you? You act like you are so brave but you are the cowards, I invite you to come to Iran and fight us. You sit 1000 miles a way with no real threat to your homes and call us cowards. Fit me bitch
If they work. Most Soviet nukes been decommissioned and the federation machines in general are shit tier. I'm more worried about Chinese made weapons then Putin's shit.
Because I have a fucking job unlike these inbred leaches
damn,riley reid is lookin ugly these days
If implemented correctly, a million dollars would set you free from the greatest worry for most people, the constant fear of running out of money. No matter what was done to get it, that amount of money will buy plenty of psychiatric treatments.
lol,i didnt know sand niggers were advanced enough to use modern day technology.considering your countrys are still living in the stone age
we are the superior civilisation and we will eradicate you and all those backward mudslimes if you dont back down. Iranian military doesnt stand a chance, you guys are a fucking pariah state and a joke
You so jelly of our faith and God. Winning Americans, we are so great, USA USA USA etc etc etc etc etc. You're a joke, no culture except getting fat. If you accept Allah we might let you live.
Well I wanted to troll Americans about area 51, but no one tool the bate, might have been to early. Then I turned into an Iranian. I've even admitted it, but still USA USA USA. You are so predictable
*Took the bait
Send a some discord servers with nude sharing
GDP, more freedom for its citizens. Please state what country you are from before criticizing.
shes worse than most imo... the acne on her face is exceptionally bad. Not sure why shes doing the whole hairy armpit thing too but to each their own
99% of Americans won't give a shit. They'll just come home from work to see Iran up in flames every day on the news.
Trump has alienated most of his staff. The military isn't going to start nuclear conflict over his dumbass.
IMO I have more freedums, less crime more happiness and much higher chance of being a succes as a Dane compared to being an American. But we are not throwing our dicks around trying to meddle in the entire world. That you have to your self.
Please tell me she shot a scene while she was there!
>t Iranian diaspora posting from Germany
Americans are the bravest people in the history of manking
Anyone but an AMERICAN (FUCK YEAH!) would kill themselves rather than face the humiliation of pulling their decrepit lardass onto their Obamabucksmobile and drive through Walmart in their underwear on their way to praise their glorious God-King Trump
You are a fucking joke
>Riley Reid has been BLACKED more than Interstate 10.
And nooooboooody cared.
>>Riley Reid has been BLACKED more than Interstate 10.
I don't get it.
Ah now I get it. That's lame.
because they moved the aliens to Area 52, dummy.
"Americans have a sense of self preservation and actually value their lives, not wanting to be shelled by a military base. haha! cuck amerifats :DDD"
do us a favor and show us all your EU bravery
How much fucking plastic surgery did she have? She looks like a completely different person and actually almost finally attractive
I was portraying an Iranian back then silly boy.
I know. I used to like Riley until she went full retard Mandingo.
Isn't that an XLR mic. There should be a cord at the bottom. It's not plugged in.
It's wirelessly plugged into her butthole.