Is it possible to use designer steroids without having severe side effects? Asking for a friend

Is it possible to use designer steroids without having severe side effects? Asking for a friend.

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yes, get your test levels tested

find out how much test you need to get your levels to a level that is still within a natural range but at the absolute height of natural range then post cycle therapy after and wait at least 6 months before another cycle

I want to add that no matter what you do the use of anabolics can lead to liver damage and liver pallops, higher ldl cholesterol and an enlarged heart

all of these things are more of an issue the more you abuse steroids, if you use them responsibly you can do so with virtually no negative side effects


all the rest needs PCT or has tricky side effects.
ostarine at reasonable doses is the only option

anyone who tells you differently is an irrational freak

Nope, all kills your heart. Look at all the famous people that did roids. They are mostly all dead. If they don't die they loose all that fake muscle and look stupid anyway. Should never cheat muscle. Earn it or you don't deserve it.

(its this guy talking)
also keep in mind you have to avoid looking too fake. remember that extremes are only good for a laugh within normal people outside of that particular "fetish area"

I thought so. I also recently read a study about older guys taking hgh for literal recreational uses, as it made an organ reactivate and use it for rejuvenation. I don't like the bulky roid aesthetics but I would profit from shreddedness.

Ah yeah SARMS, they seem to be le new generation.

>fat neckbeard detected.
You have 0 knowledge of steroids and have no idea what you're talking about. Shovel another sandwich down your fat throat and keep your stupid mouth shut

There's a board about fitness and a general about juicing you dumb fuck.
Don't ask this shit on Yea Forums

Steroids are fine. It won't kill your liver as long as you inject as it's not processed by your liver. Google and learn don't take advice from Yea Forums at all even the boys on fit are fools.

Short answer; no.
Eventually your body will pay for it.
Might not be for a decade, but it will pay.
Some of those newer ones now show a link to dementure n shit later on in life. Fuck that.

which ones? source

If you have unlimited funds and can afford a doctor. Pre and post therapy you could do a few years completely safe. You should not use designer drugs. That stuff is experimental andhave no telling of the long term side effects.

Listen these replies are all opinions from people who have never used or read an article on the internet. Just realize that steroids are not magic, they just give you the ability to do more work and up your recovery. So if you inject a cycle of 500-750 test e for 10-12 week's with 12.5 of arom eod and 5 weeks of post of nolva and clomid you'll be fine as long as you put in work. Know your dosage, know your drugs.

I guess HGH doesn't have any major ones

There goeth a faggot

except water retention whicih means puffy look

There is no such thing as designer steroids. And if you think about taking RCs or peptides you'll still have a lot of side effects. Using steroids won't give you instant muscles, you need dedication and time. Why not invest in lifting.

That’s fucked,
I guess you don’t care about the massive hormone imbalance when you come off that stuff... the sudden tiredness, shrunken nuts, unrelenting sweating, insomnia all the way through to weight gain and long term brain changes.
Fucken roid faggots annoy the shit out of me.

There's no water retention with hgh. You actually don't see any real benefit until you've taken it for almost a year. It has good synergy ran alongside steroids but by itself it's pretty lackluster. It's benefit is long-term but cost keeps most people from ever experiencing it.

Honestly probably because your small.
Hormone imbalance is pretty easy to correct and if you run hcg alongside your gear your nuts never shrink. You just have to do it the correct way and not the easy inject and pray way.

ah ok i extrapolated that from my mk677 experience which was good overall but ==> water retention


Dude, I can say with 100% confidence I have lifted more weights then you and have had more muscle then you. Shut the fuck up. Anyone that does steroids is a pussy cheater and doesn't deserve the muscle.

Nope. I am a medical intern at an ER and have seen you roid faggots come in crying about being unable to sleep for days and sweating and thinking they are going mad.
They weren’t small guys.
I’ve never touched the stuff.


I completely agree. Steroids are a shortcut in the short term but not worth the long term health risks.

Once they stop the roids those muscles disappear pretty ducking quickly too.
You did it the right way man. I salute you.

i tried ostarine and loved it
no side effects
lost 2/3 of the gains upon stopping tho
still 1/3 sticked and thats cool

im a skinny guy and i had never reached those results with gym alone previously

I dont want to be bulky but im finding it super fucking hard to burn fat and put on muscle. My cock used to be huge and its shrinking and ive never used steroids. What do i do?

We get it, your strong and a pussy slaying god. Teach us your way ol natty god.
Ignore everything in this thread do your own research, read ask questions join a forum that's dedicated to that tho. Stay away from Yea Forums and reedit, the amount of misinformation and just trolling posts make it useless as a source.

It's not just the steroids that causes the problems, its the other drugs you have to take to avoid the negative effects of from taking the steroids.

Nobody wants bitch tits.

Jerk off less.
Stop eating shit.
Train 24/7 like a real man.
Wall around hard all the time.
Become harder than your hardon.

Thanks. To me it's a personal choice like abortion. I give zero fucks what anyone else chose to do or how they got muscle. To me, it's always been in my mind that you have to earn muscle and push the limits of your body. The roid fucks are just so fuckin narcissistic that they can't accept the limits of their body. "I'm gonna be big bro" is their fuckin motto and they should all be kicked in the nuts. Cheating roid fags

roid users to admit to it are fine, it's the fake nattys I can't stand.

That's really cool that your an intern and you've seen boys come in having a panic attack after the big guy at the gym sold them random vials.
As I stated earlier do your own research, educate yourself before trying this route it's not for everyone and it's not magical.
Peptides and sarms are great especially to give your receptors a chance to recover.

>Teach us your way ol natty god.
Ok, lift for yourself
Earn the fucking muscle
Be proud of what you did naturally
Know you didn't have to cheat to attain the muscle.
Laugh at fags like you that make it ok in their mind that steroids are just helping me unlock my potential, man.

This. I agree

>Peptides and sarms are great especially to give your receptors a chance to recover.

whatdya mean?

I can't do 24/7 because of my work schedule but i go 5 days a week.
I did make dramatic changes to my diet.
Its been about 5 months. No results

But I do jerk off... A alot. And have sex 2 or 3 times a week

The issue with this is that I am earning this myself. I'm willing to take risks that your not, I'm willing to do forced meals and two a days to achieve my goals on size and strength, the key word is my, it's a personal choice.
You keep making your opinion known loud and clear we all understand your insecurity.

P.S. i was a fatter fuck than before before my cock started shrinking was 8 is now like 6 still got the girth though. Also cant walk around hard all day client meetings and what not

sup, medanon here
>implying u can believe somebody on the internet

so my work buddies (3 of them) do/ did roids (omnadren). As they are obviously also medfags they did it with all the blood tests (hormones and other shit), and under specialist's supervision. They always claim that it is perfectly fine if u stick to the callendar (taking roinds, and "unlocking"). But... when our younger friend ask them to help in this topic, they said "come to me back, after you will have your first child", and when one of them were drunk, he cried that he has to take sildenafil (viagra) even though he is 30 y.o.

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Sounds like he poos in loos