If 10 posts in a row say "Trump is a pussy ass bitch" I'll post my nudes

If 10 posts in a row say "Trump is a pussy ass bitch" I'll post my nudes

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It's not worth the effort

Trust me, it is :)

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Trump is a pussy ass bitch.

timestamp or gtfo

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

"Trump is a pussy ass bitch"
Now post that ass babe

Trump is best man in world.

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

ass is a Trump pussy bitch

You know I said 10 in a row right? And so far you got like 2? But you can have a clothed pic of my ass bc I'm feeling generous

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op is a ugly ass bitch.

You have no tits and your ass is subpar at best, fuck off

Trump is a pussy ass bitch.
>You know I said 10 in a row right? And so far you got like 2? But you can have a clothed pic of my ass bc I'm feeling generous

Yea I'm out. The more you undress the worse it gets. The last one killed it for me.

Lmao pretty sure I do have tits

And I know for a fact I'm not ugly so shove your weak ass insults up your ass :) K?

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Look at them good damn rolls. Cover that shit it's not sexy.

Just post em or at least more teasing one! You know you want too

post one of your tits first then we will

>Lmao pretty sure I do have tits
>And I know for a fact I'm not ugly so shove your weak ass insults up your ass :) K?
Flat saggy tits aren't sexy

Loooks like you habe a good asss at least! Im all about tgat ass

You should wear a burka.

I don't believe you though. If I post my tits you'll still just refuse to do it and then you'll all have a pic of my tits. I'm not stupid

They're not flat and saggy though. At all. But I guess you'll never find out since you're too dumb to follow my simple instructions

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Timestamp now

Looks like OP just realized she's Fugly..

I promise I'll do it if you post 1 tit pic first

Did you just get fatter?

We got some saggers.

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

think its just angles. she's always been fat

Show some respect to the golden 4 Chan rules..
1. Fucking timestanp(low tier)
2. Tits with fucking timestamp(mid tier)
3. Anus with fucking timestamp(high tier)
4. Let your sister or brother fisting your anus with fucking timestamp(holy grail tier)

But "Trump is a pussy ass bitch"

Yeah your ass can save you looks loke your best feature

I'd consider it, but not if everyone keeps talkin shit about my appearance. Be nice or you're not gettin shit

Can you please get some clothes that actually fit you?

Trump is a pussy ass bitch.

Because he is, regardless of whose tits are being offered.

No tits just gtfo

No thanks

we'll all be nice if you post your tits. we promise

Keep them, ugly Betty.

Ive said noth but nice things about ur ass

This is Yea Forums. What do you expect us to do?

Just ignore the assholes. Sadly they are all over the internet. They aren't worth your time

Flabby tits, gross

Okay who promises they'll be nice and do what I asked if I post one pic of my tits rn?

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Nigga if that's you then you're a 4/10 on a good day.
The only people trying to get nudes are fucking desperate af and it makes me feel sad that people could be that lonely.


>Just ignore the assholes. Sadly they are all over the internet. They aren't worth your time

Bro you're not getting tits get off your horse

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Youve got the 10 plus replys you wanted i need tto seee asss

Clearly, no one wants to see your nasty tits

I will

OP realized she isn't as hot as she thinks she is. neck yourself

Shut up or gtfo bitch

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me, I promise

I like this Pic..

You're not ugly..

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

>Okay who promises they'll be nice and do what I asked if I post one pic of my tits rn?
I'm afraid to see what's next. There's no way it gets worse


Newfags falling for obvious bait.

fuck off zoomer

I really couldn't give a shit if I got anything. I just don't see why people have to be such assholes.

engagement ring, seriously

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

Still the same person??

Stfu ya white knight neck beard

Really? Bc I counted at least 5 who promised they'd be nice and do what I asked. So go fuck yourself. This is for the people who aren't being dicks. Now can I get 10x Trump is a pussy ass bitch please?

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not necessarily engagement ring. people wear rings on that finger nowadays and it doesn't mean shit

this... bitch is fat as fucking whale

That's what she said..

>on Yea Forums
>ignore the assholes
you know where you are, right, plus, whiteknighting to get oc is gay

not the same girl, but nice try

too late

Why do people make these threads? Srs question

'm not looking, I'm not looking, absolutely definitely not looking

No, she just got "flatter".

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You're Fugly and you know it

I was invested, then I saw this pic. Go home, the both of you.

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Lmao it definitely is but okay

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Trump is a pussy ass bitch!

keep with the long shots, the farther the camera is from your face the better sweetie

10/10 wouldn't rape ya.. So your safe I guess..

You look like shit

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

Now show your pussy ass bitch

I would... but only if she refused sex.

trump is a pussy ass bitch

Why is the fuck have you gotten uglier in each picture you post. Your first was okay now you're in some weird awkward looking phase

So put your hands down my pants and I'll bet you feel nuts...

Trump is very handsome and cool

Okay bc the trolls are tryna ruin it for everyone I'll lower it to 5x Trump is a pussy ass bitch. Come on, I know you can do it :)

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would lick your delicious asshole.

Fucking whales gtfo

The white knights on this thread. Pic related.

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I see you are a man with attitudes

trump is a pussy ass bitch

You might need to drop it to 2x. You won't get it till all you've got left is desperate losers.

trump is a pussy ass bitch

Best Pic so far

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch

Nah pass

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

Trump is tall and mysterious

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch

Hitler did nothing wrong

Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)10:52:34 No.810042607
trump is a pussy ass bitch
Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)10:52:45 No.810042624
trump is a pussy ass bitch
Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)10:52:57 No.810042648
trump is a pussy ass bitch
Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)10:53:00 No.810042687
trump is a pussy ass bitch
Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)10:53:17 No.810042703
trump is a pussy ass bitch
now deliver asshole.

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

Never gonna happen..


Trump is very fast and strong

Love is in the air..

Attached: hindenburg-can-you-make-me-chancellor-to-carry-on-the-37976908.png (500x831, 213K)

Keep going guys and I'll keep posting :)

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Nah we have better

trump is a pussy ass bitch

Dumbasses actually think OP is the girl. It's just someone with her pictures your autistic fucks

trump is a pussy ass bitch

yeah probably but nudes are nudes

Can you just leave OP. you're clearly not her just some fag who gets off on this shit

OK we have your tits..
But I can't see a timestamp.. Fake and gay..

So pls show us your dick...

trump is a pussy ass bitch

No this is shit tier nudes. She's better clothed than nude.


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trump is a bitch ass pussy

trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch 2

Fuck off nigger lover faggot

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trump is a pussy ass bitch 3

Op is up way past his bedtime.

Keep going guys :) I'll just keep ignoring the trolls

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trump is a pussy ass bitch 1

Trump is a megalodon

trump is a pussy ass bitch 4

show us your pussy

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch 5

post butthool

trump is a pussy ass bitch 6

trump is a ass pussy bitch

Post her FEET especially soles but not limited to them

Timestamp or fuck off newfag

trump is a pussy ass bitch

Pls stop it...


trump is a pussy ass bitch 7

Trump is bold and courageous

Don't stop :)

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trump is a pussy ass bitch pls time stamp

Trump is everything this fucking Country deserves..

OP I'm sorry you got dumped by a fucking whale get over it.

Trump is making our country great

If you don't understand that i pity you

trump is a pussy ass bitch

No timestamp.. No dick.. You are a disappointment...

trump is a pussy ass bitch 8

trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch 9

Yes, she left you

Now show us her feet


trump is a pussy ass bitch subnormal


Making America Great Again.

alright I'm done. you degraded yourself enough bitch. now I'm gonna post your shit tier nudes and clothed pics all over the internet every day until someone recognizes you

trump is a pussy ass bitch as are his followers

Stop posting your unattractive ex girlfriend?

trump is a pussy ass bitch 2


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trump is a pussy ass bitch god bless you

Do you have down syndrome?

Pp poopoo

you honestly have one of the ugliest naked bodies I've ever seen. Kill yourself

trump is a pussy ass bitch 3


Spread your pussy with your fingers and stick out your tongue

trump is a pussy ass bitch 4

thought you said you weren't saggy? literally disgusting

trump is a pussy ass bitch 5


Curious if OP is going to lol himself when he realizes he's been fucking a cow all these years.

trump is a pussy ass bitch you body is great

trump is a pussy ass bitch
Do not listen to them

Kill yourself.

trump is a pussy ass bitch 7

Okay thanks to these trolls I'm not posting anymore and I've already deleted the nudes I posted. See what happens when you're a dick? Try bein polite in future unless you wanna stay an incel all your life

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trump is a pussy ass bitch

trump is a pussy ass bitch

You lost the genetic lottery. You also lost the intelligence lottery. Can you just go to bed already?


Hey I've seen you a couple of months ago.

No body wants your ugly ass. That's why you couldn't get 5 posts in a row with your flabby ass

already saved them so slit your wrists

wow this thread sucked

How do we find her Facebook

>already saved them so slit your wrists
Dude don't go that far. That's seriously fucked up she's a Fugly whale. It's a waste of space saving those nudes.

You don't. Forget you were here. You'd be better off that way.

K well if you keep talkin like that I'll just delete the whole thread. There's nothin funny about suicide

do it you faggot.

OP realised her mistake lmao

>K well if you keep talkin like that I'll just delete the whole thread. There's nothin funny about suicide
No one fucking cares. Delete this shit please. It's a fucking cancer.

saved thread with dissenter

Kill yourself you fat saggy cunt

Ohh noo, the thread might get deleted guys. Pleaso nooo.


OP do you cut your own hair? If so pleass stop. If you're paying for that shit please stop.

Get some buckshot please. Least no one will have to look at another shit tier nude from you again

No thanks I'm happy with my life. And I'm not fat or saggy at ALL so if you're tryna offend me then please get better insults

can someone repost these?

You're in fucking denial. Pictures are supposed to be worth a thousand words. Only three come to mind though. Fat saggy cunt. Sorry. You're a waste of matter and deserve to be erased from the universe.

>delete the thread
>deleted my nudes
that's not how the internet works bitch

The whale is deleting her fat fucking shit nudes. This is amazing. Miracles do happen.

you're fucking gross you fat saggy pig. that's why you can't get a man and you spend your time degrading yourself on Yea Forums

We don't need "better" insults. They are just the stark truth. Your delusional ideas and elevated estimate of your self-worth prevent you from taking it to heart.

Fat where!? Saggy where!? I posted so many pics on here and I don't look fat or saggy in any of them. So go fuck yourself

Actually I do have a man. And I'm pretty sure he's hotter, kinder and pretty much better than you in every single way. Kiss my ass

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FYI niggers love fat white women.

A nigger. Now I know this is a larp. You got us all user. Well done. 10/10.

You're fucking hot. Show your pussy?

this. dumb whore

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Step on a fucking scale and match it on a BMI index. You're overweight as fuck.

Fucking nasty ass roast beef and a flabby double chin.

b-b-but she deleted them

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Uses her fat fucking arms to press hey flabby tits together


saggy as fuck

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Not the same girl, right?

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damn girl are you a model?

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If it is she sure as fuck went downhill with Jack and got hot with a Fugly stuck one to many times.

you look like something from a horror film

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trump is an african american transgender human. also OP is transphobic as fuckkkkk

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the nudes are gross but I think this might be even worse. she's trying so hard and still looks so shit

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Fucking ugly bitch I don't even think you have a feminine penis.

Trump best president ever

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

Trump is a pussy ass bitch.

Bitch is a pussy ass trump

Tits with timestamp or gtfo

You be fat an shet.

Your a whore.
Didn't get what you want and still showed your disgusting body.

Trump is a pussy ass bitch

Nobody even wanted to see that shit.

Trump is a pussy ass bitch.

Trump is a pussy ass bitch..

just post the nudes and get it over with.

Obama was an amazing president

Weird way to spell Trump

Trump is the best president we've had since Reagan.... TrUmP 2020.

4 mOrE yEaRs

Attached: Can't Stump Trump.jpg (540x706, 85K)


damn nigga!

*pukes* no body wants to see your skank ass, you're as disgusting as mudsharks! Probably smell like one too!

You're a fucking nasty pig!

>Being this delusional
Trump is a shit president, but somehow even worse than Reagan. Trump is literally too stupid to function. He is a racist and bigoted white nationalist piece of subhuman garbage. He has given out trillions in tax cute to the ultra-rich and corporations while making the working class foot the bill. He wants to raid Medicare and social security for even more tax cuts for the rich. No plan to actually pay for any of it. He has gutted the EPA and all the government agencies meant to protect citizens from the corporations. He is trying to actively destroy all environmental protection laws and regulations. He is also a criminal commiting felonies in plain sight and encouraging his people to do the same. The only reason he hasn't been impeached is that Pelosi knows Moscow Mitch won't allow a trial in the Senate, as he is just as corrupt and evil as Trump. Trump and his side are all corrupted and just stole your racism boner so you keep letting them fist fuck you and lick their fingers clean. Fucking morons.

I'm gay but your makeup is rather ugly :)

bitch a pussy is Trump ass

Half of the internet is porn and yet you all are here, trying to get some nudes out of the attention whore,
Rules are simple: Tits and timestapm or gtfo.

thebarchive com/b/thread/810040980/#810043359

and thank me later

Gross! she has a pussy

gay bait

>Has no actual counterargument