>A "source" claims Trump asked the President of Ukraine to "investigate" Biden
>Zero evidence anywhere of this
So when the democrats lose again in 2020, instead of Russia this time they will blame Ukraine?
>A "source" claims Trump asked the President of Ukraine to "investigate" Biden
>Zero evidence anywhere of this
So when the democrats lose again in 2020, instead of Russia this time they will blame Ukraine?
Other urls found in this thread:
There wasn't evidence of russian collusion, but when it blew up in their face they slid it underneath the rug. Democrats are running actual radicals, Trump will win. After that remains to be seen.
The saddest part is that there are still liberal faggots running with the Russia narrative. They're that deranged. Now this bullshit claim from a country that happens to be eastern european. It's pathetic at this point.
Trump's campaign had contact with russians hundreds of times and lied about it.
Why is that acceptable?
Because a crime was not committed, and the media insinuated that one was for years.
Naa, they've already double downed on Russian so they are going to continue to be the big bad boogy-man. Not to say that they won't add every other country in the world to that list since it's stupid to believe each and every one didn't try and influence our election in one way or another just like we do theirs.
Sure, there is no evidence whatsoever... except for all the grand jury evidence from the Muller investigation along with the unredacted report that the administration and DOJ doesn't want to give to congress, despite repeated subpoenas. Not to mention advising people from the administration not to talk or ignore congressional subpoenas. Yeah, no evidence whatsoever...
Whether or not it meets the criminal standard isn't relevant the ethical concerns and schemes they were up to.
It's a false finish line Trump defenders focused on, not the fact he went out of his way to lie and deflect, and possibly committed obstruction of justice to do so.
It seems most likely Russia was weighing the viability of a colloboration but realized they were dealing with morons.
The real meat of the issue which is irrefutable is that Russia fucked with us, and the most Trump has ever done to acknowledge that is joke with Putin, "Don't interfere in our next election xD"
That is the most disgustingly shameless shit I've ever seen a President do, who KNOWS his country was attacked and is yucking it up with the accused like it's a big joke.
The irony is that while all of that is going on, these same people want illegals living here to vote in elections
> Trump admits to collusion
> Giuliani admits to collusion
> Trump says he would do it again
> Mueller report says Trump should be impeached
"zero evdence"
"a crme was not commtd"
"muh no collusion"
Remember this, Trump will be assassinated the day before the election. Mark it on your calender and get ready for your democratic president
How do illegals vote in Federal Elections?
The evidence is hidden because the administration is covering it up. How is that idea so far fetched as compared to Hilary bleach-washing hard drives or whatever pizza gate bullshit Trumptards were wetting themselves about?
And who's gonna pull that off, your faggot ass?
Yes...nobody but someone in the intelligence community who was present when he did it.
Probably some brainwashed Trumptard will do it after realizing they were hoodwinked.
Oh look. REAL russian collusion.
>Zero evidence anywhere of this
Because Trump is attempting to cover it up.
You mean where he was actually setting up legitimate diplomatic channels in front of cameras with microphones recording his conversation?
The one where he did not know his mic was hot and was trying to work on backdoor deals?
Can you even begin to picture the news coverage if that was trump?
Is it the same "brave American" who claimed Mueller had evidence Trump told cohen to lie to Congress, who turned out not to exist?
What's the context of this? After Obama's 2012 election, he wants to talk nuclear security and missile defense with Putin? Am I missing something here?
Yes...backdoor deals...you mean like the sanctions he then enacted that froze Russian assets in America and pushed Russia into a massive espionage overload to push back?
>he did not know his mic was hot
There's fucking people right in front of them, someone would have definitely heard.
And what were these "backroom deals"?
Imagined paranoia by hardcore right wingers.
The irony is Trump is literally everything they imagined Obama and the Clintons to be and worse.
Not how it works.
I said they want them too. It's obvious as fuck that's where the Democrats want.
"collusion" is not a crime cumbrain. if it were, hillary would be in prison for taking saudi money.
I want to fuck Scarlett Johansson, doesn't mean I will if I'm in the same town as her.
Oh...you mean Cohen himself? Who testified to that happening? Or do you, you know, not like read actual court transcripts?
Yeah, the evidence would have been Trump's testimonial when prosecutors were asking him for an interview. Remember that spiel? Trump denied Muller an in-person interview, and instead asked to answer questions in the form of writing, which his lawyers personally wrote. And the majority of it was, "I do not recall or remember."
Wikileaks got the emails from Russia so...
And Assange is widely believed to be a Russian asset...
>hillary would be in prison for taking saudi money.
Via a charity foundation that's pass every ethics examination?
They don't need to. Electoral Votes are based on population. Illegals count.
Increase in pop in Blue States means more Electoral Votes controlled by Dems.
They were factually correct.
>hillary would be in prison for taking saudi money.
Like Trump would also be in prison for giving Saudi Nuclear technology? You know, the real Uranium One that Trumptards were trying to push to be real?
Where was your "moral outrage" when President Obama ( and yes, he was my President even though I didn't vote for him) when he want to Israel to actively campaign against a sitting fellow President?
But didn't present evidence of anything but campaign managers being assholes and DNC officials not liking Bernie.
"charity" foundation that launders money lol
Trump's charity literally had to pay money back to donors to avoid prosecution.
But yeah...keep going MUH! HILLARRY! cause it makes you seem super bright!
Except when Hillary broke the law multiple times storing classified info on her personal email server.
no evidence is now apparently evidence now.
your a fucking pedo and there's no evidence because you've threatened your victims: therefor it's true.
why should I listen to a fucking kidfucker?
According to Woodward's book, Trump was actually eager for a sit down with Mueller.
So his lawyer Dowd put him through some practice sessions.....and Trump was embarrassing.
Babbling into tangents and outright making shit up to justify the previous thought that came out of his mouth.
Dowd outright said "You do this, you end up in an orange jumpsuit".
Trump initially agreed, but then decided he was going to do it, which prompted Dowd to resign.
Trump's not campaigning with a foreign government. He's threatening to withdrawal support if they don't provide him with material he can illegally use against a perceived political opponent.
Omitting a chestnut like that is a pretty big fucking lie.
Hillary had to give back FURNITURE and ART PIECES to the WHITE HOUSE to avoid prosecution.
>and possibly committed obstruction of justice to do so
No "possibly" about it, he repeatedly ordered members of his cabinet to hinder the investigation. The fact that they refused doesn't change that he gave illegal orders. Trump has already committed obstruction of justice and now he's blatantly shopping for favours from foreign countries.
Oh god..the email server. Read any well researched piece on that load of shit and you'll find what you have is a bunch of fucking interns who don't know shit about keeping an email server in compliance with government work and an old lady who only likes to use outdated blackberry devices.
>Electoral Votes are based on population.
They are loosely based on population and are very unrepresentative. Wyoming gets 3 electoral vote for a population of like 550k people, but California gets 55 for 39.5 million people. 1 vote for Wyoming is roughly equal to 4 votes in California.
LOL...OH NO. Art pieces and furniture!? What a scandal!
That's totally equivalent to literally taking money from people you say you're giving to charity and then keeping it for yourself.
ignorance of the law is an excuse now?
Interns who work as foreign intelligence assets.
I agree, for sake of discussion I left it open.
Thanks for agreeing with me that Killary is a crooked old hag.
I mean...people misunderstand what was happening. They were scrambling to CREATE records, not delete them because they assumed someone at the NSA was keeping record of their correspondences anyway.
it's this lol.
LOL...have you met people who work as interns in DC. They are decidedly NOT foreign intelligence assets but underpaid colleges students who are mostly gay.
>when President Obama ( and yes, he was my President even though I didn't vote for him)
Calm down edgelord, no one is playing these stupid games of "still your president"
>Where was your "moral outrage" when President Obama when he want to Israel to actively campaign against a sitting fellow President?
Can you provide a source for this? Not that I'm denying your claim, I've just never heard of this.
>Electoral Votes are based on population
That has to be recorded by the US Census and as somebody who actually worked QC for the last census illegals dodge us like the plague. The only voter fraud being committed is by republicans attempting to stop blacks from voting in the south (which I also know about because I live in NC.)
She wasn't great, but people act like she's some kind of Illumnati priestess when she herself is a Washington outsider.
The illusion of the Clintons as insiders is hilarious given how DC treated them in the 90s.
Weird how they reported to foreign intel agencies then after being let go, and how the DNC seems to be riddled with chinese spies.
>voter id is voter supression
The fact he's covering it up is evidence. You're not particularly bright, are you?
In a hypothetical, say, the police caught a suspect who may have committed a murder because they found their car covered in blood that matched the victim, but no body is found, that's evidence.
In case anyone didn't know, the reason they're called "libtards" is because they'll believe just about anything they agree with despite facts or evidence.
>The illusion of the Clintons as insiders is hilarious given how DC treated them in the 90s
Yeah but after NAFTA brought in corporate money to the DNC the Clintons were the leaders of that whole neo-dem movement. There are things I liked about the Clintons but selling out the Democratic economic policies to big business is a sin I can not forgive.
>I can't make a point so I'l REEEEEEEEEEEE
Leave this place and at least allow the adults to talk.
Thank you Agent DeBaggovich
Your family lives another day
>Trump's admin released a climate report saying it's going to fuck up our economy to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars
>Trump: I don't believe it
Dumb cunt
Ah yes, the "climate" report. And where is this faggy report about India and China and how htey fuck up the planet far worse than anyone else? Any news on that coming out soon?
I stood in line and watched the voter registration 'volunteers' bussed in from Raleigh go down the line asking only the niggers if they had I.D. The shit was blatant, I mean just fucking disgraceful.
Uh huh, interesting how no other "niggers" caught this on their iNigga
>Babbling into tangents and outright making shit up to justify the previous thought that came out of his mouth.
And that's probably what could have ended his presidency right there. Lying to investigators. Hell, just getting him in front of congress would have done it too. After all, Bill Clinton was impeached for lying... about a blowjob. With all the crazy shit Trump has done, is doing, and likely will do leading up to 2020, there's a solid case to impeach, remove him from office, then charge him with his multitude of crimes.
It made national headlines. I'm in Cleveland county, btw, same district that just had the special election because of voter suppression. Old white people weren't asked if they had a valid ID, only the blacks, but if FoxNews didn't report it I guess I was hallucinating.
>My neighbour is filthy so I should be filthy too
Funny how you need to present your id at a polling station before you even get a ballot.
Sure thing
Totally happened
>Ah yes, the "climate" report
If the researchers hired by a republican administration tell you the same shit everyone has for nearly two decades, you're running out of shills to contradict shit.
>muh China, India
>Why can't I eat Pizza all day, Cindy's parents let her!
Him testifying before the Senate would be a slam dunk, a bottomless supply of lies to convict him on.
No, more like
>Only whites should give up rights and standards of living while my pets do nothing about the bullshit I scream about every single day
>we should stop being the most powerful nation in the world because i want to save some trees and feel better about my purchasing habits
Not how the world works.
Right, so your team will NEVER say a word about India and China. It's only white countries that (((climate change))) applies too. But your pets can do whatever the fuck they want.
Only if the Senate would hold a fair trial. As is, it's run by an obstructionist turtle.
>i want to save some trees
How about our coastlines?
Where most of the US population resides?
Fucking pleb do you even law?
What about the coastline of India? Do you not care about the people living there or something?
>>we should stop being the most powerful nation
That's cute. No one thinks this about the U.S. though. Trump has already dragged the country through the mud and everyone is laughing.
Yea Forums sentences you to death by superfluous quotation marks.
China is in fact investing a shitload into alternative, renewable energies.
>The report points out that China has taken a lead in renewable energy and is now the world’s largest producer, exporter and installer of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and electric vehicles.
>China also has a clear lead in terms of the underlying technology, with well over 150,000 renewable energy patents as of 2016, 29% of the global total. The next closest country is the U.S., which had a little over 100,000 patents, with Japan and the E.U. having closer to 75,000 patents each.
And again, I don't give a shit what Cindy's parents allow at her house, we have the responsibility and ability to be better.
Okay then. Stop electing democrats who siphon tax money into their own wallets and impliment dog shit socialism for the Nteenth time, pick up your fucking garbage, stop incentivising illegal aliens, quit enabling homelessness and drug addiction, and try stop buying imported goods.
"Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which in the United States is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda."
On the interwebs, we are all lawywers.
You're not comprehending what I wrote; Only the blacks were asked to present ID before receiving a ballot. I wasn't asked, the white people in front of me weren't asked. Fucking Republitards.
>try stop buying imported goods.
gave me a great belly laugh after that line of bullshit
How fucking far removed are you from the realities of the world economy for to say that with a straight face?
FDR stuck it in the mud and Trump is finally pulling it out.
Do you? Doesn't the law clearly state that whatever committee in the house says it needs to further it's investigation, the executive must furnish it? You know, like the Mueller report? Trump's Taxes? Grand jury evidence? Nothing prevents them from having it... except this president is not complying.
If you were subpoenaed, you bet your ass you'd do as the investigators say else you'd end up in jail for failing to comply. But what happens when the head of law enforcement of the government is the one breaking the law and decides not to cooperate?
>China is in fact investing a shitload into alternative, renewable energies.
Any reason your team isn't sailing to China over this?
I get it, you don't care about your pets dying. You only care when they show up to vote for your heroes. So sad you think so low of minorities. Racist much?
Literally not true. Take your lies and shove 'em.
Another bs drama with zero evidence.
Your stupidity is noted as the world laughs at you as well.
Is not the 50s anymore Timmy
Borrowing money from China to fund your military doesn't make you the most powerful
It actually makes China more powerful, since you rely on their money
Then shut the fuck up about climate change and carbon emissions if you aren't willing to buy locally made goods.
retard alert everybody
Not nearly as much as China relies on ours.
Good argument bro.
Damn the ruskis are out in force tonight. Anyone else notice that the trump suckers only come out when Trump get implicated in some shit?
Now say troglodyte
2/10 concern trolling
>and impliment dog shit socialism
Globalism, the 'triumph of capitalism', is responsible for the death of the American working class. Protectionism is a form of socialism and it's implementation by foreign governments is what has allowed China, India and Mexico to take manufacturing jobs from the economically unprotected west.
uh oh everybody it's a misinformation
Fiction can be fun
>The irony is Trump is literally everything they imagined Obama and the Clintons to be and worse.
Mostly true, except more it's republican -flavored bullshit so his supporters like it
>Good argument bro.
I learn from the best Trumptards.
Why are you making up lies on the internet?
At least since trump supporters are all incels they'll never pass on their retarded genes
Yea, except with trumps taxes he is using his 4th amendment right soooo...
The US cannot sustain itself on local goods, we're an 80% service economy.
You've got all of that backwards.
If you are in debt billions to somebody, clearly they aren't relying on your money
Hey, user. You bought the lie
Right up there with the anchor baby lie
No one took shit.
Having our mass production done in asia was the smartest thing we could do, because they're better at it.
At what point can Dems just realize they can turn this on Reps by being the exact same way? Dems outnumber Reps, so why not be unbearable like they are and give them a taste of their own medicine?
Nah he sold us to the higest bidders. Trump fucked us more out in the open then any president before him, and his supporters call him a messiah for doing so. Fucking played every racist, working class white, and boomer. Made them think they were losing their country.
America doesn't really produce anything though
We're a retail nation
That's why our economy sucked so hard and why Obummer said 7% unemployment was the new normal. A nation that produces nothing has no wealth.
I'm corroborating something you can read about by googling "voter suppression in nc." Hide your head in the sand if you want but I live here, I watched it happen.
This image will answer all of your questions and set the universe right
That's not true, we produce celebrities and shitty pop music.
4th doesn't count, since it's for unreasonable searches and seizures. You damn well know they have a good reason to view his taxes. He's a well known fraud and liar.
You're really committed to this lie aren't you?
The US is china's number one customer. Why do you think tariffs on chink goods crashed the Yuan so hard?
The housing crisis had nothing to do with China.
>A nation that produces nothing
Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are far more valuable than whatever shit ass factory jobs you want brought back that americans are increasingly uninterested in.
I'm sure you did in a dream.
No, they're shit at it. Quality out of Asia is absolutely horrid which you would know if you had to work with importing. The Chinese can charge less for labor because they have an over supply of bodies and because their government can freeze inflation by manipulating their own currency value.
Id vote dem if they werent all fucking insane.
Please give me an alternative.
Ive heard nothing but bad news from them all.
Who cares?
>hey, fellow head of state, maybe you should enforce the law
Fuck Democrats.
Fagbook and Jewgle run an advertisement duopoly. Their value is sustained 100% by outside forces. They produce nothing and have no inherent value.
>Trump tells his cronies to not comply with subpoenas
>Is surprised when no evidence is found
It's called a cover up. The stupid shit retards from the right, republicans and conservatives spewed about Hillary covering up? Yeah, that's exactly what Trump is doing. Except at least she complied and they found nothing. Nada. Zilch. I'm willing to bet my nuts if Trump sat down with Muller like he was supposed to do, he'd lie immediately.
But really it's Israel producing those
Still waiting for that source. Or were you just making shit up?
China's numbers are pretty much fake tho. They control the currency lending and have a shit ton of government owned enterprises so all their accounting and reports should be take as highly suspect
But not their only customer
They can survive without America as a customer, America cannot survive without them as a provider
Trump can't help but lie, it's why he's fucked if he ever gets in front of Congress. No meme, no jokes, the man is just one of those guys who riffs in a conversation and doesn't understand the difference between 'exaggeration' and out right deception.
sure as shit enough to make up 80% of our GDP
>the man is just one of those guys who riffs in a conversation and doesn't understand the difference between 'exaggeration' and out right deception.
This is an avid description for all the right-leaning idiots out there.
Wrong on both counts.
What does a billboard produce?
>China's numbers are pretty much fake tho
China is capable of market manipulation on a scale impossible for capitalist countries. You say "their numbers are fake" and you're right but the big secret of international trade is everything is only worth what somebody else will pay. Everybody's numbers are bullshit until after the cheques are cashed and it turns into a bigger bowl of bullshit when you start talking about deficits and the impact forecasting has on currency value. Until the chinks implode they're working proof that national run economies are better capable of weathering international trade in a world devoid of frontier market expansion.
He's 100% right.
It had it's problems, but instead of fixing them, Trump pulled out of the TPP and left the whole of asian economic development as china's oyster.
We could be the industry leaders in that region, helping guide the future of the global economics, but no, let's start a trade war, where we are alone and fighting everyone.
This is not a single thing this administration pursues that isn't done in the most asinine, short term gratifying ways .
Brands the rest of the world buys.
show me a dem who understands that the 2nd amendment is about waging war against the government and they have my vote.
Absolutely correct.
The US needs China more than China needs the US.
So it produces nothing. You cannot approach a billboard and leave with something it made.
I don't know. It's all a flame war now.
Everyone I knew was deadly afraid of hilary while I was warning them that electing trump would likely be worse for the health of the nation.
Reminds me of 2008 when everyone was afraid of hilary amd I was warning them about the black guy who wasn't really black. Guess who won that primary and made it to the presidency
Bernie's pretty soft on gun control.
With how things are shaping up we'll be getting another term of Trump
show me a rep who understands the constitution and knows that Trump ignores it on the daily and they'll get my vote
How far reaching do you intend for this retarded analogy to go?
There's families reunited and networking in third world countries because of Facebook.
The entire rest of the world has been operating a trade war against the US for decades. Trump is the first president to push back and you all cry fowl because there's some water in the boat now. You'd rather they suck the US dry until it's too late to change course.
Ching Chow wing wang Wong stir fry burrito with schezzwang sauce. Nigger
>because there's some water in the boat now
with no rudder and a Captain that thinks we're heading to Timbuktu but we're actually in the Great lakes.
Another asinine non sequitur.
What does it produce?
The only sensible thing to say in this thread. And look! Dubs!
The details relate to Biden’s ne’er-do-well son Hunter, who joined the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, in 2014. Two years later, Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, was ousted, after pressure from Vice President Biden and other Western officials. Shokin has reportedly claimed he was pushed out because he was investigating Burisma’s payments to Hunter Biden.
Correct again. Some people believe that the US demand of consumer goods is a blessing to China, but nothing could be further from the truth. China could easily sell to another country or allow its own population to consume these goods. America as a country has lived beyond its means for at least a generation, its consumption fueled by borrowing and continuous rounds of money printing.
We cannot BORROW and SPEND our way to prosperity.
No country in the history of the world has been able to BORROW indefinitely.
The government does not have a solution for this. As time passes the distortions created by a centrally planned economy become more apparent, as assets continuously inflate and the country becomes mired in debt, it also becomes less and less competitive with the rest of the world. Additionally, the increased risk from our massively increased national debt calls into question the overall solvency of the currency, and we are already seeing other countries (our lenders) begin to move away from the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Once the crisis of confidence peaks, and the dollar loses its reserve currency status... it's game over.
A service the entire world uses....is that lost on you?
The entire world doesn't use it. China has its own social media. Pajeets and 3rd world mudskins are too poor to buy anything that's advertised on fagbook. As the first world's use of social media declines, so too does its value. What then will plug the hole that's left?
Dubs speak truth amongst niggers like yourselves
contact =/= collusion
> that's advertised on fagbook
But they use it.
Along with Google.
And McDonalds.
Your in a baffling untenable position and I'm done with you.
contact and lying about it mean they knew something was wrong about what they were doing
Ignoring the problem doesn't make you correct, cumbrain.
No it doesn't.
To be fair, it was a lot of Trump campaign heads in contact with Russia to turn the election in favor with Trump. So more like "possible collusion =/= collusion." You know what could clear that up? If congress could get Muller's report and the grand jury evidence. You know, the stuff that Trump is pressuring the DOJ and his lackies to NOT give up for no good reason whatsoever?
thanks, user. very cool!
acting like it's a problem for our economy in the first place even though it makes up the vast majority of it, especially since you're ignoring all of our software development
Then why lie?
apparently its easy when you have Democratic support
The russia collusion amounts to $30,000 of facebook ads bought by independant russian companies.
>local vs federal elections
I guess trends and future speculation are lost on you.
>Cites article about local elections, not federal
You are not even trying.
"Made in the USA" is a meme.
I worked in an american factory for a bit and it was a fucking joke.
Half of the entire product we produced was foreign made and foreign assembled. Just year open the box of "1000 latch assemblies - stainless steel (they were actually all rusty in the box and had to be thrown in the tumbler before being installed on the unit) - made in china"
We used to get stainless steel from 3 countries. Taiwan for precision stuff. Good steel. China for most of it (garbage rusty stainless), and mexico for the nice clean sheets used on for the skins and exteriors. American steel was a joke. It was available but it cost a lot more than anything else and its quality wasn't even on par with mexico due to poor handling.
Even the big box of "proudly made in the USA" decals we had to glue on the front of the products came from China. Again we could have purchased those decals from a local company but it was 4X the cost of ordering from china.
I'm not even going to go on about how shit the final quality was. It was enough that I felt like shit working there and seeing how poorly it was all done.
My brother still works there. Barely. The owner took his tax cut and invested in outsourcing half the company to foreign countries
If it's allowed in local elections, why stop there? Dems want foreign nationals to control the US.
Did you read the report? It also included hacked state data bases and voting machine companies.
>lol no, it was just memes
Asphyxiate yourself
>it doesn't matter that no crime was committed
The US Democrat party, ladies and gentleman. Let's give them a hand.. they shill so hard folks
Just their server farms.
Big deal, kek
>why stop there?
The Constitution.
literal slippery slope, and retards like you will speculate millions of illegal votes off that with no further evidence.
>made in usa is a meme
>example is shit not made in the usa
There was several that people went to jail over.
Like Cohen lying to Congress about Trump Tower Moscow.
Funny how Trump failed to mention that while campaigning, eh?
>If it's allowed in local elections, why stop there?
Slippery slopes everywhere! If we allow gays to marry, then soon pedos will marry kids! If we don't crack down on video games, there will be more shootings in schools!
Dems told me the voting machines were unhackable.
Just the dems being desperate again, ignore and move on.
>contact with Russia to turn the election in favor with Trump
user didn't saying voting machines.
Though there was a hacking attempt on ones in Florida.
>Reps told me the voting machines were unhackable.
Fixed that for you. You know what you said was a lie. And yet you said it anyway. On the internet of all places.
>brands that the rest of the world buys knock-offs of
This is, as you would likely say, "fake news."
The constitution is already being violated by allowing illegals to vote at any level of government.
Btw slippery slopes are a real thing halfwit. Your unconstitutional gun control measures demonstrate it perfectly.
Literally spouted by DNC cronies.
>The constitution is already being violated by allowing illegals to vote at any level of government.
The constitution says nothing on illegals voting on any level government below Federal. Those are left up to the states and local municipals.
Where does the constitution prohibit non citizens voting in local elections?
I'll wait.
>gun control measures
Not a fan.
As you would say, "fake news."
See what happens when idiots just ignore evidence and muddy the waters? Now no one knows what sources can be trusted and all news is fake news. You posts mean nothing.
It's a fucking game.
Isn't it weird how Nixon (a Republican) opened trade with China and dropped the gold standard.
Maybe Nixon was being honest when he said he wanted to go back to Brenton woods, but that doesn't matter today, does it.
>Literally spouted by GOD cronies.
Fixed as well.
Or did he fall in line too?
>and dropped the gold standard.
Good, that's a terrible way to price your currency.
She's right. Every country has their fingers in every other country's elections that have them. Dems pretend it's unprecedented because they can't deal with the fact that they lost.
>operating a trade war against the US for decades
That's called competition, user.
A few years ago yahoo was the big thing.
Remember lycos?
40 years of incremental tariffs from China, Mexico and even Canada of all places is not competition.
Why do you think they push so hard against voter id laws?
Because you should never impede a person's right to vote without a very good reason.
Do you know how many convictions we have for in-person voter fraud over the past 50 years?
Republicans only implement voter id to keep the poor voter, if its not outright black suppression as happened in North Carolina.
But if you bought it the first thing you would see is the 3"x6" "PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA" decal glued to the front. We even had to cut a hole in the plastic we wrapped everything in to ship over the decals so they could be instantly visible.
Hell before I started working there i thought it was a proud American factory who used proud American materials.
*poor voter out
Constitution only applies federally.
California or Texas or Wyoming or new York can let whoever the fuck they want vote in local elections.
Because it's so fucking hard to get an id. You actually believe people can't get identification? You need one to drive, you need one for a job, to have a bank account. You're fucking retarded if you think people can't get an id. You should have some way to prove who you say you are when you vote.
>Good, that's a terrible way to price your currency.
Only if you want to manipulate the economy to its core
Ya'll are not even trying anymore. This shit is pathetically fake.
>. You're fucking retarded if you think people can't get an id.
If you shut down the DMVs black people go to get IDs before an election, make it so the type of ID blacks tend to get instead of whites invalid at certain venues, and shorten the time of which voting venues blacks are most likely to visit during an election are open, then you are suppressing the black vote.
This was the conclusion of the Supreme Court of the United States, who uneqivical declared they targeted the black vote with "surgical precision".
>Zero evidence anywhere of this
Except Guiliani basically admitted it the other night on CNN. lol
It is, as you say, "fake news."
Plus if you're in poverty, having the time to drive to the DMV to get an ID, or even having 20 dollars to afford one is far from certain.
Isn't it?
We are talking of a global economy.
Not new
Tarrifs, excises, subsidies, bonds, privateering.
Not new at fucking all. Bet you don't have anything bad to say about the sugar tariffs the usa has imposed forever?
An ID is technically unconstitutionalz that's why they're voluntary. Tonrequire an ID to vote is itself unconstitutional. Sorry, bro.
>I'm actually a Republican
So then it's a violation of labeling laws.
This story is false. It was Biden's son. And he's been accused by a Ukrainian official of being corrupt. It's good advice to investigate him.
I wonder what Trump's gooch smells like.... hahaha. I mean what if he makes you smell it!?!?! hahahaha I bet it smells nasty!!! Stinky doo doo!! Ewwwww!!! I hope he doesn't make me smell it!!! EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
That is such bullshit. Even if you're on welfare you have enough money to get an id. You cant do much in this country without one.
It's unconstitutional to require American citizens have an ID
That makes it unconstitutional to require an ID to vote
It is not unconstitutional to require proof of citizenship.
How is it unconstitutional?
Rand is the textbook definition of flip-flop. Disagrees and bashes Trump one instance, but then doesn't follow up and supports him afterward.
But I guess you got me there, even if he does flip-flop. Fortunately, I don't live in his state so I don't have to vote for him.
"We're sorry. Our ID reader isn't working right now so you can't vote
I see you've never been to a polling station before.
It was "assembled" in the USA
At the time (Not sure about now) there was no distinction between "made in..." and "assembled in..."
There's probably more than a few people walking around with expired IDs because a fresh one is out of their means or ability to acquire.
Do you actually have any experience being poor?
Yeah it precisely is, actually
It is not.
I have. Had my vote discounted, because apparently my signature doesn't match my registration or my ID card. Want to talk about slippery slopes, voter ID is an easy way to disenfranchise voters.
I seriously want to know what someone who believes trump is as bad as the clintons looks like.
You're either retarded, or a patriotic denialist
You won't find a person like that. Because everyone knows Trump is much worse than the Clintons.
You can use bills you got in the mail, or a reciept for a debit/credit card charge. Simply anything that matches up with what is in the registration records. Besides that, a new ID costs $20. A homeless person can afford to vote if they wanted to.
You're delusional
99% of the contact that was made with Russia from 2012 To 2016 was from Hillary Rodham Clinton. She sold material to the Russians to dissuade them from wiping out all of the American military In Syria. Putin told us to get the fuck out of Syria and Obama had Clonton to bribe him with nuclear material at a cheap cheap cost.
Putin got uranium and other material and Hillary made a little money while Obama looked like a savior in Syria for combatting the ruling regime.
And the Democrats want to condemn Trump. The Democrats have been using voter fraud and physical harm to sway the votes in their favor for years and now they are mad because the American people elected someone who cannot be bribed and used like a puppet.
Get over yourselves. Trump has been a damn good president and has accomplished a lot. He will continue to be a damn good president for the next 4 years too.
It takes as much effort as looking at the financial records to see it's true. I know that's a bit out of a leftist's reach though.
>to bribe him with nuclear material at a cheap cheap cost
Russia produces twice as much uranium as we do.
Personally, I think the real problem with voting is that states restrict voting to certain places, usually limited in number, and limited in time.
Sure, I agree with you that getting an ID probably isn't that hard. That being said, why not have a person just register once with their address information and documentation proving they can vote in federal elections, keep that data updated, and allow ballots to be sent by mail? It's much easier that way than having voter IDs and going to a booth.
That's pretty irrelevant if you work all the time to make ends meet and can't make it to the DMV.
You're speaking on shit you know nothing about because mommy has provided everything in life for you.
Not since they changed from the punch machines. I vote by mail because fuck waiting 2 hours in line to vote
Alaska is in contact with Russia every day
Send Alaska to prison
What lies?
Please read, user.
The actual US constitution isn't long at all, they even have some really good apps that would make searching simple
I knew if wasn't his dad.
I liked ron. Even the things I didn't like inked he would just take about I instead of shitting out another executive order.
Oh well
China is standing on toothpicks and sand right now. They're being hammered by the trade war, political parties are forming in Africa to kick them out, numerous ghost cities inflating their own real estate bubblw, civil instability within their provinces thanks to their brutal policing methods, and Hong Kong being in the spotlight. China needs to operate with great finesse in the coming decades to avoid catastrophy. There's a reason why every economy scholar calls China a paper tiger.
Yes they do. Russia has more resources than most countries but just like any other country, they will take for free and stockpile.
America can produce enough oil to be self sufficient and never have to rely on any other nation yet they buy crude at a rate higher than most other countries because it is cheaper to import it than pay the workers and the companies to refine and produce it at a high rate.
Same concept, plus uranium was not the only thing we gave Russia. Uranium was just a cover for all the other ahit Hillary gave them.
>he doesn't have a mail box
iirc mail-in and early voting ballots already exist. on top of that, polling places must remain open so long as there are people still waiting to cast their vote.
>They're being hammered by the trade war
As is the U.S. Is that the strategy? If everyone hurts, including ourselves, we win?
>require id
>close DMV offices in majority black counties
>totally not racist tho
The Uranium One deal was Canada's deal that required signature by 9 different other countries, which Hillary had no association with other than being Secretary of State at the time.
Plus there's literally thousands of laws regarding the sale and transfer of Uranium overseas.
Unless you want to tell me Hillary hid .05% of our uranium stock in her fucking purse otw to the kremlin, everything about that story is fake news.
>ever happening
>implying you care about niggers
Yes, because China will buckle first. That's what all wars are premised on. Nobody comes out of one unscathed.
>because China will buckle first.
How so?
>iirc mail-in and early voting ballots already exist.
Sure, but not all states accept absentee voting without an excuse. Some of these states make it really hard for some excuses to be valid, and if it's not accepted you need to go to the ballot in person to do it. How am I supposed to vote when I work six days out of the week and the polls are closed on Sundays?
They will run out of money before we do.
It's called the 10th amendment. You slobbering faggot
Read it good and hard
>implying anyone can get away with doing anything against niggers these days
it's not enough that niggers get free shit for being useless, if it's even a rumor that you dont like them, you can have your life ruined. and it's STILL not enough. Imagine being such a low life piece of trash that you walk around with a chip on your shoulder because you're self conscious about people rightfully not liking you. SHEEEIT BUT MAH DICK DOH
How so?
I'm fairly certain that your employer is obligated to give paid time off in order to vote if you can't squeeze out an hour or two off work.
They take in more money from us than we take from them.
>Yes, because China will buckle first.
That's a huge assumption considering that the U.S. economy is on the brink of turmoil, despite Trump's insistence that it isn't. At least when the banks had to be bailed out during Obama's administration, the banks payed back with interest. Trump is going to have to bail out the farmers, the hardest hit from this stupid trade war, and believe me they are not going to pay back because the trading markets will be too far damaged.
>How am I supposed to vote when I work six days out of the week and the polls are closed on Sundays?
Your employer is requires to let you vote
>implying you only have 1 employer
>I'm fairly certain that your employer is obligated to give paid time off
Yeah, like two hours. Two hours ain't enough. I need a day to stand in line. Or I dunno... a national holiday for voting.
The justices left in place a July 2016 ruling by the Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that voided the law passed by a Republican-controlled legislature and signed by a Republican governor.
The appeals court found that the law’s provisions “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” and “impose cures for problems that did not exist,” concluding that the Republican-led legislature enacted it “with discriminatory intent.”
While they're expanding in Asia thanks to our pulling out of the TPP.
>Implying an hour or two is enough to get to the booth, make sure you have all your documentation ready, and stand in line to wait.
I had to travel 50 miles for my voting booth. Stood in line for 4 hours, going over my allotted time of 2 hours from work, got reprimanded, and then later got a letter from the state department that my voted was not counted because my signature mismatched. Oh BOY.
both the 14 amendment and the 24th amendment makes a national ID and voter ID clearly unconstitutional.
I didn't vote in 2008 because of the wait. Went at like 2 in the afternoon off work and 2 hours wasn't enough time so in had to go back to work for one more hour.
When I got off work I picked up my parents because they really wanted to vote against Obama but the lines of cars waiting to vote was around the block and the line of people was out the school and all the way to the parking lot.
Continuing from , this is why all states should just allow absentee voting. The information is already there, they know who we are, where we are, whether we can vote in federal elections or not. Then we can all vote at our own leisure.
Bet they wished they could have voted by mail. Let's face it, there is no voter fraud so rampant that any state could justify voter ID. There's just no reason to do that except disenfranchise voters. Just allow the people easy access to voting. It's not that hard.
Well, the following year they made absentee ballots legal for everyone here so we have all votes by mail since. I hear the polls still have multi-hour long waits though
Jokes on you, the source is trump, himself. It's always trump. That faggot trump self-incriminate and lies so much that he can't even keep track of anything he says. What a tard.
1, like being unconstitutional has ever stopped a law from existing. The commerce clause prohibits the federal government from regulating intrastate commerce but here we are. 2, you’ve clearly never heard of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 or literally any state initiated voter ID laws enacted since roughly 1945.
Easy access and permanent ink
When someone votes you stamp them with ink they cannot wash off for at least a day without hurting yourself.
There really isn't any better option. The fags who screem for voter ID ought to think that if the opposite party wAntes to cheat you so badly they would just hand out legit IDs since they are people actually in government
they fact that all the shills are replying to both sides and making fake arguments you usually see on moderated sites in this thread should be enough to convince anyone that the charge is bullshit. where do these people come from? why suddenly just in these types of threads?
as if we didn't already know. why are you people doing this? do you not realize it's ineffective?
MSM doesn't need evidence. Their agenda is very clear and it's to elect a Democrat. Invent anything, say anything, as long as it damages Trump.
I said voter ID is unconstitutional, which it is. I was asked where it said that and I complied.
Still unconstitutional, doesn't matter.
I know of both those laws
They aren't strictly unconstitutional since a state can require an ID of its citizens. The federal elections are where it gets muddy
Also why the best the national IDfags will get is the real ID act
I'll never know what it feels like to drink the kool-aid like you, user. Just don't wear your tin foil hat too tightly, don't want to harm yourself.
Dig up any proof of Russian collusion yet, champ? I'm sure it's coming any day now. Keep holding your breath.
I like orange.
Well, Trump is covering up by denying congress the un-redacted Mueller report, telling key witnesses to ignore subpoenas, denying whistleblowers to report to congress... so yeah...