It's my birthday and I have no frens. Say something nice to me

It's my birthday and I have no frens. Say something nice to me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

At least your death won’t make anybody sad

Post your meat

Happy birthday, my man! Have a cold one for me, I'll give you a cheers tonight

Hey, what's your name, OP?

Everything is going to be ok dude. Happy birthday and try to have a better day. :-)

You're ok.

something nice to me.

Happy birthday user. How old are we today

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Happy birthday user!

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The older you get the less it'll matter might even accidentally forget about it one year and let the day pass you by before you notice it did a few days later..

This can be a good thing or a bad thing that's up to you

Happy birthday fren. What kind of threads do you like?

go fuck yourself, this place isn't a pity party for fucking faggots like you. you want friends, then you go get a fucking friend. people here aren't your friends because people here god damn anonymous and no one knows or cares about anyone else here. that's how it's supposed to be!! you want emotional support YOU CAN'T GET IT HERE!

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thanks frens I feel slightly happier.

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I don't want to brag but my GF came over on my bday and I put her on my bed and pulled her shorts to the side, pumped a couple times and filled up her pussy.

drink bleach loser

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at least your not a furry :0 if you are owo happy birfday

>something nice to me.
There ya go

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Call your family

Happy birthday user! :3

Happy birthday buddy

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Happy Birthday, you degenerate faggot.

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found the tough guy boomer

Friends are an illusion.

and it's all TRUTH, try and deny it. you don't get friends from anonymous shitboards. fucking liar!!

Groundhog day is considered by many the best movie ever made

be happy to be alive, and if you have the money go to a brothel

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Hap Burday fren

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Happy birthday don't be so hard on your self.

This is true. Also Everytime u change or "evolve" you will realize u need new friends

tsssss tssss tssss

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Hey user, I hope you have a great day, and whenever you feel down, we will be here for you.

Much love dear faggot

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Luv u fren
Happy bday

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Leave him alone !

Go out and do something you fag
Close your Shitpost

>I have no frens.
Yeah you, and everybody else on this shit board.

You're not evolving. Don't toot your own horn.

yeah you can pretty much go fuck yourselfs too. fucking homos

happy birfday frend
go treat yourself!
go to your local grocery store
buy yourself a birthday cake
find the cutest register jockey
and just stare at them awkwardly in the hopes they will want to join you for cake
then drive home and eat that cake alone with the knowledge that she would probably ignore anyone that stared at her like that while holding a birthday cake

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Happy birthday user

Hab a goood day user. Hope ur day is better than mine.

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This is correct.

beep beep

Happy Birthday, OP

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Happy birthday user
I wish the best for u and I hope life goes well for you :)

You son of a bitch. Stop tooting.


Hey man. Mine is in 6 days, I only remembered today. I hope you're doing well, I'd buy you a beer if you were here. Have a good evening op

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great job on the whole being alive thing

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Leave him alone !

Love you

everyone hates you. kill yourselves

suck on a shotgun el fucko

thanks fren.

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Happy birth day... if this makes you happy i think? :)

wanna play some rainbow 6 siege? or tf2?

Then there's this person.

No one likes this person.

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Edgy faggot being an asshole because he wants to be special and the center of attention. Go back to tumblr you 12 year old faggot

Happy birthday buddy boy

love you too frens

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happy birthday daniel! have a good one

Happy birthday.
Take this day to reflect on what you've done in life thus far, and what you hope to achieve in the next year.

here's a gift for you all Yea Forumsros

If you think today is the worst day ever, then tomorrow will definitely be better

Hey op. I feel you today. All my hobbies feel dry and my relationship doesn't mean anything to me anymore and all my friends have become distant.

Sorry your birthday is lonely. Play some video games?

any day is good with you around, cutie

Your breath smells nice.

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im ready for you now

I appreciate the sentiment but technically you're wrong. It could certainly be worse the next day. It don't matter though. Nothing matters. That don't matter though neither.

Happy Birthday, user. I know what it's like to be lonely, you're not alone there! I hope things improve for you soon.

Happy birthday user

Happy birthday

have a good day buddy, im celebratin here with ya

I'm so glad we can all sit down and wish user happy birthday :) makes us human

your grandma sed 2 give u this

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Your gift.

Raw Clint is awesome.


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happy cake day, nigger faggot!

happy birthday fren

Happy Birthday user hope you having a good time

I'll be your fren, user

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thread full of massive faggots and losers. enjoy your fucked up shitty lives cock smokers


What a based user.

happy birthday user!!! i really hope you're having a good one don't listen to them I'll be your new friend! - dup

Happy you made it through another year OP, Hope you make it to another one

Never give up fren

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He's a pussy.

Trips for a triple faggot.

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happy birthday user


How old are you?


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Merry birthmas! Enjoy it sir and make your own happiness, do something you enjoy and just relax bro

trips of truth. this thread is filled with losers.

that Bleach aint Gonna Drink itself Op

try Yea Forums

What is with your weird capitalization?

Aww happy birthday

Thank you good night tomorrows saturday

Fuck you faggot

Fuck you leave him alone.

Welcome to being an adult

my sweet boy

Happy birthday user

Happy birthday OP, I hope you find some friends soon.

hey man it's a rough life out there and i'm sorry that you're alone, but happy birthday big guy hioe the next one is better

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Not OP and I'll have you know that I've been bullied and molested, I love smoking cocks!

*cries in corner


Happy birthday bud!

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