Got diagnosed with Asperger's yesterday AMA

Got diagnosed with Asperger's yesterday AMA

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how does it feel to be placed on an unclassifiable spectrum that ranges from Picasso, Mozart, and Enstine to shit on yourself retarded?

My condolences user, how long do you have?

Aspergers was dropped from DSM-5 in 2012, so this isn't true.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-21 Asperger's syndrome dropped from psychiatrists' handbook the DSM.png (1340x1724, 1.46M)

Quite good actually. Nothing has changed, I'm still the same person I always was so it's good to have to closure and know why I've been a sperg all these years

At least 2 days

I made a thread yesterday saying I had High functioning ASD but no-one replied. So I decided to use a buzzword to get more (you)'s and my plan worked perfectly

Small world user. I got diagnosed with when I was a kid.

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Have Asperger's yet understand how to socially manipulate. Sounds like you're a secret psychopath

What were the signs user?

Being e secret psycho sounds quite fun actually

I was bad in social situations, freaked out and got overwhelmed easily, and was obsessed with small, repetitive tasks. I also developed daily rituals.

How does it feel knowing you're even gayer now you faggot OP

now you know why everyone seems to hate you. and that's just the beginning

Sounds exactly like me. Don't know why parents didn't think something was up earlier

I am no more gay than I was a week ago, nor am I any less gay. I am the exact same amount of gay I have always been.

I've always known why people hate me, now I know why I do the things that make people hate me

Welcome to the club

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Welcome to a pretty cool, global community of neurodivergent ppl. I have friendly advice instead of a question.
Normies will try to get you to hate and pity yourself, and will spread dehumanization against everyone who is like you. Don't fall for it. ;)

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Sounds like a 13 year old's understanding of mental health based solely on low effort horror flicks.

How does it feel to be outsmarted by an autist?

Got diagnosed early 40s. Finally had explaination of lifetimes worth of crap. Gotta say the label itself is useful and has given me a paradigm to understand my life of struggle and throw out a lot of anxiety about being so different and managing to fail at life in general despite narrowly focused intellectual superpowers

bump for lucky sperge diagnosed waaaay earlier than me

Have you experienced any changes in your friendships over the years?

What do you mean by changes in relationships?

Why did you get diagnosed with Asparagus?

What daily rituals did you develop overtime?

Because when properly cooked I smell like used sneakers

Difficulties with starting, maintaing, or ending a conversation
Finding it hard to stay on topic (subconsciously steer the conversation to what I want to talk about)
Finding it hard to join in activities even though I want to
Finding it hard to form and maintain social relationships
Avoiding eye contact/too much eye contact (norm people usually don't notice it but trained professionals do)
Spacing out a lot
Interpreting language literally when it isn't meant to be (also happens when I speak to people in a non literal sense and they interpret it literally)
Finding it hard to read body language/facial expressions/tone of voice (this one isn't as serious with me but it has messed me up a few times)
Finding it hard to understand "unwritten rules" (this has fucked me up lots of times)
Repetitive behaviours
Intense interests in a specific thing(s)
Heightened or lowered senses (I am really sensitive to spicy food but almost immune to sour foods to the point that I literally suck on lemons and drink their juices)
I don't deal well with sudden changes
I need to be prepared to try new things
Repetitive behaviours which I do t really have anymore, but I did have when I was little

I don't really have any anymore but one that I did have when I was younger is that when I was trying to fall asleep, I could do it unless I couldn't see any cars on the road. If I saw one coming I would watch it until it went out of sight then and only then tried to fall asleep. If I heard/saw the headlights of another car I would stop trying to fall asleep and watch the car again.

Serious question, what do you do for school/employment, and how do you cope with it?

That's funny because in 2013, the DSM-5 replaced Asperger's Disorder and no medical professionals use the term Aspegers anymore.

How do magnets work?

are black people inferior

I'm still in education and one of the reasons it took so long to get diagnosed is that I was managing quite well in school. The problem was that if I missed a bit of school my anxiety would pick up which would make me miss more school which made it kick up more and so on to the point that I missed about half of every school year from S1 to S4 (I live in Scotland, equivalent to grade 6 - 9) though things did get back on track in S5 thanks to the support from my school. If I lived in the US I probably would have been expelled long ago and living in a dumpster 50k in debt.

I was managing fine in S1 and S2 even from missing so much school (still getting A's), but in S3 things got tough and in S4 I was barely managing in any class apart from computing and physics and had no qualifications when everyone else had 8 national 5's. Going in to S5 you usually pick 5 highers (level needed for most college/uni courses), but I was only doing 2 highers (computing and physics) and redoing 2 nat 5's (maths and English). I am currently in my last year of secondary school (S6) studying Advanced higher computing and physics, and higher maths and English. My plan was to study a comp science course in uni right after leaving but it looks like I'm going to have to spend a year or two at college to make up for missing qualifications.

I think I might have gone a bit off topic there so to sum up your question, I coped by being good at subjects until I couldn't cope anymore and needed professional help

Read this If they stop working we'll throw them away. They don't want to be thrown away so they keep working

Depends on what you're comparing them to

Old sperge here. Stop beating us with this useless factoid you are obsessed with. Yes the fucking DSM changed. When I was diagnosed a decade ago the shrink said I had something spectrum autism. I wrote it on a piece of paper and my upstairs neighbor who had a poop in your pants yard noises spastic kind of autistic daughter told me it was Aspergers. We fucking know we are all one one fucking spectrum but people have actually heard of aspergers so I call it either that or just say high functioning autism. Now stop calling the kid a fucking liar because he uses the term everybody fucking understand. If your doctor is talking to another doctor he might say his patient had a myocardial infarction but he's still going to tell the patient he had a fucking heart attack, so shut the fuck up Mr. Fucking Spock. Seems you need an OCD diagnosis

I've never been diagnosed but I'm a 21 yr old guy who's pretty sure he has it, socializing feels like an impossible task and it all just feels so ingenuine and pointless, I literally cockblocked my own virginity a couple weeks ago because of my anxiety problems, considering an hero here soon cause that was probably my only chance at fking a hot thicc goth chick but she eventually found out how much of a sperg I was and said we shouldn't be friends because 'we both had problems' and that we'd only drag eachother down. Fuck.

fake and gay the new DSM removes aspbergers and it's jsut now part of the autism disorder.

DSM-4 (including Asperger's syndrome) will be replaced by a single diagnostic category of autism spectrum disorders in DSM-5. The following disorders will be incorporated under the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders: autistic disorder

beat me to it kek

What does that mean?

I got diagnosed a few months ago.

27. Was recently diagnosed but because I'm in the south I can't find a decent job without being a "liability" apparently. Not to mention the social offices say I'm "unfit" to work despite being pretty prime. What's a good state to move to for a decent paycheck or am I gonna have to be on the government's teet?

are u racist

I know that, I just said Asperger's because it's much more recognisable. Even my therapist who made it very clear that they don't call it Asperger's anymore and are incorporating it into the ASD still called it Asperger's from time to time.

When I kill you for being an annoying obsessive it will technically be a homicide untill my defense that I was not criminally responsible because you drove me nuts is rejected because I admitted to a bystander that I liked killing assholes upon which time it will be called murder. When that happens are you any less dead? Why so hung up on labels Rainman? Clearly you are a sperge yourself

Only against Americans