Hey Boys what should i drink? Dubs decides

Hey Boys what should i drink? Dubs decides.

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only whats on the picture you dumb goof




A bullet


a mixture of kool aid, pinesol, and comet


wasted numbnuts. drink a shot's worth of all of it cunt

poop in blender mix with each bottle you have, and drink

The wallpaper





BTW the last thread like this i made pretty much only I, the OP got dubs

Op has to drink bleach

atleast say something ill drink

Piss bottle #2

welch's grape juice

Stfu attention seeker fagget

you knew the rules when you started this thread.
deliver now OP

None. They all look awful.

i do not own said drink.

nothing like a hot cup of diarrhea during the winter to warm you up inside. I like to drink it with a little cinnamon and topped off with whipped cream

you better get your ass to the fucking store and get some! do you think we're playing games with you?

its one am. nothing is open

he was calling you a welcher for not drinking bleach, and with dubs no less
double welcher now, leave thread, op faggot

i just want to drink alcohol but you people are making this very difficult. i am truly disappointed with all of you.

wow i guess its just rum and cola til you people do this the right way

rum and coke and bleach

what is it with b and bullying. this is so uncommon!

bully other people but not me! okay

b is just one bot account trolling itself over and over again

but im not one. tell me what do drink

stop complaining you pussy and drink your bleach cocktail


your mother's mung

dubs here i come


The freakiest part is how long it's been exactly the same. So many people think this place has changed but it's just the same house with different wallpaper and it smells a little worse now.

b is basically a less intelligent facebook bot that talks about balls even more than the facebook AI did

its been like this for years but when i came here there werent just bbc, wwyd, traps and other gay shit all the time

okay how do i drink this

and this

Du ska shotta hela din små sure!

Yeah that's the wallpaper part. Feels like a fundamental change but it's really not all that deep. Ever since Oprah this place has been infested with weirdos and shills of this or that nature.

Drink Balls.

få lite dubbletter då

still, dont have that

Wo busy du ein schlöõsmüßæm

You don't have a balls? Then you're gunna want that Bacardi I suppose.

how do i know youre the real one though that got the dubs

Dump all that shit out and go buy some real booze. Don't live like that.

Rullar för små sure. Ni amerika-fags har ingen aning.


i bought all the girly shit i own because my girlfriend was going to drink for the first time. then that bitch liked vodka and soda so it was wasted money

no nothing is open right now.

The rainbow bottle.

hoppas du vinner. lite delikatess innan det riktiga spriten.


Whatever that brown bottle is.

Finally a winner. i hate you though because its fucking disgusting.

Okay here we go

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keep it going this wont last long

tastes like disgusting liqourice when mixed with cuba cola

Vad i helvete, finns cuba cola fortfarande?

oh ja. en hel pall med hammars drickor gick sönder på jobbet så jag har en jävla massa drickor hemma. dock inte så många cuba för jävlar vad äckliga dem är. men okej att grogga med.

juste rulla för mer ju

roll for more geez

Inte sett cuba på länge, och bor ändå bara 30 min från hammars bryggeri. Får dra och hälsa på dem och tigga lite läsk strax.
Och nu rullar jag för amarula cream!

nämen ojoj seems like a winner. ill chug the rest and get it

I grogg med cuba cola såklart!

you want me to die?

It was fine until you added the Cuba cola.

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Its delicious.

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Haha, imagine it's fresh orange juice! Yeah, we used to make disgusting cocktails for fun, so i knew that was gonna happen! Sorry I made you ruin two good drinks mate!

too bad the consistency is totally fucked.

i did this once before and made a similar one.

Pretty much died from it. Everything i had mixed into one. Puked and god damn it smelled.

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dont let this thread die im not nearly drunk enough.

Thats some serious thickness, did you have to chew it? I mixed vodka, water and tacokrydda once. I puked too

I roll again for små sure

no it goes down but damn its horrible to get in the mouth. i have trouble swallowing

oh i got dubs.

eh what

op rerolls


i will correct. only the chunky part is fucking horrible

Remember what was in it?
Also roll for bacardi razz

oh i was talking about the one i have now sorry. almost everything in the picture except some more girly liquors. but for some reason it came out so fucking strong. i had a hard time swallowing anything from that shit. that thread was full of bullies.

fuck you got dubs. ill do some bacardi razz now with some rasberry soda

Okay here we go

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The chunks are sticking to the sides...

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Thats gonna be good, and even better if you have lemon

i made it too strong though but its nice. raspberry with raspberry.

im getting kinda drunk.

Nice ikea cup bitch

dont bully. am drunk.

Are you partying tonight or just drinking for funs? Assuming youre not going out since shit is closing in 20 mins

Nice quads

oh no i just want to drink. all my friends are bitches that have like one cider and then stop drinking.


Well what do you expect? When you live in sweden ikea is basically the law.

Ikeas food is horrible though

my stomach hurts

Schnitzel with bea is alright, and if you need to save cash there is no better place to eat!

just make your own food... geez.

If you want to stop hangovers, go to an asian store and buy a yellow drink called Sponsor. Drink one before bed = zero hangover!

ill try one day. i get hangovers from nothing so if it works thats great. also ROLL MORE PEOPLE GEEZ IM GETTING DRY

I work in a kitchen, i've made food at home less than 20 times in the past six years. It's like a disease, i hate cooking at home

I like your wallpaper

Rollin for små sure, you need it now!

I like cooking. though i dont work in a kitchen

coming right up.

thanks. the actual stand is from bauhaus and its made from the cheapest crap wood that exists.

Is that a booze rack in a frat house?

no its a booze rack for me. might buy another one, though only own the ones that isnt scribbled over.

do a bump fag

Frick u
This is all that was left in the små sure bottle. Give me more this is candy in a bottle so itll be gone soon

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aw damn this means i have to go get more someday

Isn't små sure like 25%? That looks like a good amount then!

no its a girly girl drink. 16,4%

change your cup

no. just its fine. stop making this weird.

>poo stains on the cup

its chunkies from the other drinkies. still alcohol man. more flavour.

youre poo. anyway its done so give me more. stop being so god damn fucking asshole slow with giving me more you asshole slow damn god cunt ass retard mickey mouse goofy looking ass bitch.

bomp. almost knocked the glass over

youre letting this die.


Sista roll innan jag lägger mig, rolling for the gin

Dubbla dubs means you drink two!


MEN FÖR HELVETE bara saker som jag fucking hatar. välj nått annat hihi. du har en chans på dog

oh and send me cool music.

Ta den gula flarran då, vad det nu är haha

its silly pinapple. just alcoholized pinapple. quite nice


go die you horrible disgusting humAn.

dont kill thred

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wow haha bird instead of pasta haha! go die






you better not get dubs i hate gin

Go buy some bourbon you bum

no its gay and i onyl get str8 stuff

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piss roll

piss piss roll




piss this

piss on my face


dubs incoming

i like piss


lets go br/o/s

Top far right

geto lets go

ive already had that but roll more and i might drink it

Horse cum


Nice trips

no thats not available

Bullshit look at my number you can not discard that. Get your ass to the nearest stable find the biggest fucking stallion and drink from the source.

im... im not in a... position... do drive and i dont know the nearest chance the stallion.

Use a map catch a bus, train, taxi or walk.
Stop making excuses you can do more if you make an effort.

i dont want to fuck a horse you gay cunt. i want the real poonie


Did I say fuck I said horse cum as in drink the horse cum. If you want to be suck it fair enough if you want to give it a hand job you do you. But go and drink that horse cum. If you want the poonie get the stallion to fuck the poonie and drink the cum as sloppy seconds


you wouldnt like me when im angry. *hulk noises*

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men dö hora

this images ma´kes me hrony

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I'm not disgusting I'm not the one going to be drinking horse cum. Yes get angry use you anger to jack the horse off. You made this game which lets me determine the prize you get. I got a amazing number and told you the prize go and collect your prize.

I've had 3 dubs now drink the horse cum.

youve had three chances to actually tell me something do drink. stop being a brony and actually tell me what to drink. only whats on the shelf. i also have minttu choco and disaronno

Can't go changing the rules OP which you made at the start of the thread. I'm not a brony we are on about horses not ponies. I just want to see something hilarious. Now get that horse cum.

no see
tell me something do drink. the next person that does so WHICH IS A VALID DRINK chooses. be quick people

cum piss piss cum

You never gave a list of valid drinks and from your original post it says to chose what you should drink so from the post it would make sense that anything that has the property of being drinkable would count as valid. Now I'm being kind here as I could of picked a whole plethora of drinks that could hurt or kill you but I was kind wanting a laugh and picked horse cum. I get a laugh and you get protein and hydration so go and get that horse cum.

you can do as the other dude said and say like "the brown one" but no you dont know how to do so. you just know horse cum.

im doing a wheel cause noone come up with any good ones

Attached: gin.png (959x946, 91K)

one of your fucking diaries you little bitch

it smells horrible but not that bad a taste when mixed with watermelon soda

whiskey tastes awful
anything but $15 whiskey

You need to play by the rules of the game. Being this fussy over some horse cum to the point that you don't obey your own rules is what a fag acts like.

my rules is anything on the shelf. you fag.

whiskey is horrible. i have some but its too small to fit on the shelf.

don't fucking talk about him like that
º- º

more bruhs

Read the original post OP. That is where you set the rules of a thread. OP please stop being a fag and deliver the horse cum.

~(º- º)~

OMG just tell me something else to drink you gay bitch ass brony


I said horse not pony do you have a fetish for midgets or something? No I picked horse cum and horse cum it will be. Frankly you have been a bad sport at this game. Are you this much of a faggot when your gf wants you to do something?
Get the drink of horse cum.


stop being so god damn difficult. you have exactly 47 seconds to stop being a brony and tell me something to drink.


drink some of this whiskey that I'm drinking

no haha no dubs and i dont have it haha!


No I want to see you play the game properly.
We'll have a poll and let Yea Forums decide.

how about a wheel



horse cummer use the wheel instead

Attached: wheel.png (962x620, 45K)

A poll is fun for everyone.

holy shit

milk an somethin

use the real wheel

Drink the cum

I don't know what it's all that shit on your pic so i recommend to drink your own blood.

Yes is currently winning the poll so start drinking the horse cum

use the wheel horse cummer and other dude

the wheel said you eat some old cheese lol sorry

fuck off you brownie

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no do this properly i made it very easy.

the wheel says to do cocaine

even you retards should be able to use the wheel

No the link wasn't in the original post nor is a part of how the game works. Drink the cum stop being a fag.

jesus christ I am sorry I am trying but you just need to find some cicaine at this point

this is not the place for it. ask brony bro maybe. he seems like a gay little fag that has some cocky coke

I am not drunk enough for this. Ask me again in 5 minutes


Fine here is the cum. Now bring something from the wheel to the table

Woah christianity has gone downhill. Okay its done. Spin wheel

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Don't do coke. You still need to drink the cum.

Picks or it didn't happen

Woah too full off horse cum too send pic

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these two obviously belong together

omg I am using that glass too

You can't deceive me. That does not look like horse cum. Be a good sport and drink the horse cum.

omg. use the wheel. send me the results and get your dubs worth. otherwise go die

hey wanna skype

no, fuck you I am drinking more whiskey

No that's not how it works.

no hes mine

Not really. I have to be up for work in 5 minutes and I've been awake on this thread.

dude you didnt tell me what do drink wheeldecide.com/index.php?c1=vodka&c2=pineapple&c3=amarulo&c4=razz&c5=gin&c6=molinari&c7=aquavit&c8=rose&c9=choco&c10=disaronno&time=5
do it

Horse cum

The good stuff is under the blue marks

dude why are you wasting your time on here?! if you have work focus on that. this is a shithole. just leave you info and ill get back to you



holy shit

Only a retard would give out their info. I'm wasting my time for the same reason I play video games it's fun.
Drink the cum.


play the wheel

i got disa as the op so ill drink disaronno

Attached: disa.png (937x875, 69K)

No I made a thread about this

a tiny bit of every one of them


fuck you play the wheel

rolling for dubs because I want to drink more and am going to anyway
totally don't want attention or anything

No drink your horse cum.


im getting tired of your kind. you white people

thats the spirit

Drink the horse cum then. Quit being lazy and lacking the ability to obey the rules of a simple game.


I have no idea what's going on here
let's restart the thread

just do a bit of each of them like said

Fixing it

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´dude just spin the wheel

aw fuck after the amarulo. btw the amarulo is out so is the rose. and små sure

i love you all

thenk u

Drink the horse cum and describe the taste


hello triple man

op here to clarify. roll the wheel. or whats on the shelf. you may mix different drinks. only stuff thats on the shelf. use the wheel as a reference as all the bottles are on there


You got trips should have told me something to drink

I say you drink more whiskey, just like I said I did 20 minutes ago


im sorry... no dubs...

soon little duck soon

all of them



for what you goof GOD FUCKING DAMNIT

SHould i roll the wheel

lol idk


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WHY DOS evythig tste loqorice