Some celeb thread

some celeb thread

Attached: Kylie-Jenner-Feet-4509207.jpg (1500x2214, 1.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:


But theres 2

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Fighting makes me sad

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Into other Kardashians? Kik?

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All namefags need to die

more of her

I hate when theres 2 threads it always makes both of them slow



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starting with the babsanon let this be a lesson

It's a woman, no use for a name

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he lives on Yea Forums in celeb threads its an open secret that everyone knows he has severe autism his name is herman (not even joking) when he has had brief clear days as he calls them he stated on here that he lives with his parents (he is like 60 something) and has split personalities and posts random celebs having circle jerking sessions etc even posts kid pics etc kenzi and G and jj and a few others....a janitor employed by the website called him out many times explaining to people that he basically samefags the entire thread talking to himself etc .... he thinks its just one guy and a big conspiracy against him etc ...cringy as fuck to watch....u usually can spot when he makes a thread when he posts a random celeb to start it off then posts a shity celeb ie taylor swift etc with a >best celeb next to it then proceeds to samefag the thread etc ....

>That moment that you realise that

>Milliepedofag =
>kenzipedofag aka dadfu
>jordyn jones
>pedo gif poster guy
(plus when he acts like multiple anons getting mad at anyone who cals him out or anyone who posts this)
(plus the id suck cock for tay tay(or other celeb) faggotry/samefagging)
(plus underage celebs who he posts then samefags talking to himself saying how pure they are etc then replies to himself being "lewd" describing how he wants to fuck them then replying to himself again telling himself not to be lewd "she is an angel etc" then repeating the last few steps the entire thread)

aka herman the guy who lives with his parents in the united states

now thats what u call cringe...

just a head up to u guys its all the same guy...he samefags like a motherfucker using multiple devices

he is also a regular poster on /pol/ and /mpl/ and starts most /trap/ threads

Attached: Herman.gif (530x391, 1.86M)

i could post without images and everyone would know who i am



dont you ever mention me again

NO! If anything happens to them i'll be sad.


There is only one user who matters


yeah babsfriend

big dinner

Attached: 97.jpg (1812x3000, 769K)

You might take this as a joke, but think about it
no namefags = no drama



or you could use your brain and stop drooling all over yourself


its hersh

Attached: 1528541792266m.jpg (754x1024, 104K)

Hersh a sloot

fuck you

oh the butthurt
this ain't facebook

why so many posts with no pics now smh

no u :)

no u :(

Attached: 26.png (1920x1080, 527K)

I kinda wish that faggot would die in a wreck, and you, you could suck his didk for eternity in the afterlife!


Attached: Khloe_Kardashian_(1)-gthumb-gwdata1200-ghdata1200-gfitdatamax.jpg (800x1200, 175K)

He's right you know

this is unacceptable
watch your fuckin mouth [REDACTED]

Attached: 68.jpg (2400x3600, 468K)

fuck you again samefag

kek, sure

hersh is the only consistent user around here thats worth a fuck, hes chill and a cool friend

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so who's that

stop passively sewing hatred

Dear hackers/traders,
Please release (leak) the Natalie Portman sets. From what I understand, there are over two hundred private nudes of Ms. Hershlag. We need to see them for the betterment of all humankind.
Thank you.

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gross no we dont


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eww no

I bet her boobs feel really nice.

Attached: Jordyn-Jones-Feet-3633659.jpg (1536x2048, 790K)

Go sit on is dick some more, pureslut

all boobs feel the same

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Mother of tits

just makes me feel like a dick for not knowing who is behind this post lol
but thanks

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Who wore it better?

Attached: Who wore it better.jpg (3000x2250, 1.34M)

>durr I'm virgin

probs a big ol jew

like bags of sand

I dont know who either one of them are, and no one else does either

it's obvious

nigga who you
bags of sand
you luv me really
admit it

Attached: 185.jpg (1280x1858, 192K)

generic looking twats

im terrible at recognising people lol

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First lets see the rest of vjs two hundred photos

jerk eachother off alrrady

Attached: Mijoo19.jpg (1999x2995, 750K)

vj has 200 leaks holy shit

Can we all make a deal to stop responding to people talking shit?

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You're a samefag and wrong and you should kill yourself.

This also.


Would Definitely make these threads better

Attached: Mijoo20.jpg (1000x1500, 164K)

whoever told her she could sing needs to eat fire

I'm down for more Khloe or any sister

Yeah but its quite rare still

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Naw bish

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it isnt too late
im feeling peaceful
we can organise a peace treaty

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feeling right cheeky innit

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I want to lick cum off those feet.

This is one of my favorite pics of her

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Super thicc!

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Dem boobries

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Attached: 0F7BC3AF-CE1F-46A7-8FC5-EABAC8E95711.jpg (640x640, 62K)

Any Miley fans on tonight?

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Ooooh... Hilary.

Attached: hilary duff maxim pic (3).jpg (800x1065, 111K)

Attached: 37105E4E-D253-4710-88F4-91E56BFD2630.jpg (1421x2101, 751K)

>going through a mental breakdown
>hates himself
>everyone hates him too
>no real friends
>lurks while crying

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those shoes are too big

Attached: 8DB34490-A312-4D61-8D15-8154E32B9782.jpg (1683x1868, 192K)

thats a mommy

id kill for those feet

Awesome. She's so sexy.

Love duffster

Attached: EFEE1931-D92C-4F39-8C52-5695E3EC0E4D.jpg (640x960, 85K)

I liked her more when she had short hair..That being said, I'd still nail her if I ever ever got close to her...

Attached: miley cyrus sexy bikini.jpg (1000x1000, 128K)

What a babe. That body. That smile. I want so badly to be her.

Attached: xr7nygqge2n31.jpg (3969x2400, 814K)

Likewise user

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Attached: hilary duff selfie.jpg (1000x1778, 233K)

I wanna fuck he shit outta her and Billie. They both have huge titties

I like her long hair better but I gotta admit the short stuff really fucking suits her. She's gorgeous either way.

Attached: 4F709CF9-D677-4752-AC8F-4AA5E98926F9.jpg (570x855, 57K)


They are both underage user

i know who your talkin bout kek

I imagine shes not talking about her sister and that she thinks I'm a pretty sissy.

Attached: 0F02E96C-B2DF-487B-8FC5-B27F25DEA9D5.jpg (640x640, 40K)

I'm happy I'm not alone in this world.

Love her

Attached: Mijoo18.jpg (1200x1920, 279K)

Attached: 7C00A6BA-BAB3-4CA0-8F64-4BEC780EE786.jpg (500x800, 159K)

im glad hes finally gone

I'm a fan of her naked. Are there new nudes? Any clear pussy shots? Sex pictures and videos?
That's what I want from Miley.

You okay, bro?

Attached: hilary duff is so sexy (2).jpg (467x615, 38K)

Far from it

Attached: 5D050360-8B72-4EE2-8EEF-6B27FAA5447A.jpg (1000x694, 185K)

I like him so you're wrong.

Ur a cheeky cunt m8

Nah. i think she's talking about herself..

Attached: hilary duff hott (3).jpg (799x1000, 170K)

I like the rest of her too

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she has such a weird face

I'd suck dick for miley.

Thickness level of this thread is not sufficient.

Attached: Q1_kDegVNLdskuEAaxa2Fl3-c1b2DMXeqU0qxoQweQk.jpg (1416x2124, 411K)

fuck off nigger user

She’s always been pretty high up on my list too

Attached: 1FB378C6-5247-41B4-B0DE-C856897322CB.jpg (1722x2582, 373K)

I'm just saying her and her sister regularly call eachother sissy on social media.

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Attached: Khloé-Kardashian-3124350.jpg (1080x1616, 245K)

I like everyone, even you.
You're all welcome here.

Whaaaaaat no way...

Everything about this coal burner is fake. Never understood the fascination with these ugly thots

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Kate definitely helps

Attached: Kim_Kardashian_at_a_-1-gthumb-gwdata1200-ghdata1200-gfitdatamax.jpg (873x1200, 247K)

if i threatened to gut you would you still like me?

I'd let you practice on me


Attached: 1C4E08A8-807B-43A8-AF22-19121C5F5540.jpg (798x1200, 222K)

dont be so ignorant

Damn... she looks like a straight up tranny in this pic

midget is the only user everyone honestly hates. even bd is a good guy when not spamming

dont user..not worth it

Attached: 7E996FAA-834D-43FE-BBF0-BCC32BD7E676.jpg (2000x3000, 1.31M)

oh hey babsfaggot


Not recently, that I know of. I'm sure she will.

the cheekiest breh
thats why they love me
soon you will love me
together we will plot
the world will be ours

Attached: n2.jpg (828x1370, 111K)

BD should an hero

Quit bitchin and post pix anons

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So would I

I'll do it for her

Attached: C100B0D2-B602-4542-9EA5-75898303E7B4.jpg (726x973, 144K)

Yes, I think you're just hurt if you feel that way. Doesn't mean you're bad.
It's okay user.
They're troubled, they're not bad guys.
I've been here for a long time. I know what I'm doing.

You'd suck a dick just to suck dick, because you're a gay faggot who loves sucking dick.
You too.

Someone show me better cleavage pls.

Attached: enkSQFj.jpg (1000x1693, 370K)

Fucking hnghh

Attached: 17F545CE-BC29-4D99-BD52-283EFC16E2EE.jpg (1650x2475, 831K)

Pix as in pics?
Pix as in Pixie?
Pix as in pics of pixie?

Attached: 4376.jpg (634x904, 273K)

hi midget,
it seems you wanted a bit of attention. I'll give you a few minutes of my time.
I know your feelings are hurt and I am sorry. I truly am.
You have nothing else in life, but trying to annoy the ever living crap out of people that neither know you, nor care about you.
Exclusively for the quick fix of endorphines only a keyboard warrior can really appreciate. It's all you have and all you ever will get, that's why you chase it.
The difference between you and us is: We can step away from this whenever we want, get our fun elsewhere. Maybe even in the outside world where we are accepted as a normal, productive members of society.
Even if you tried to take that all away of me personally, it's not written in my face. I can move somewhere else and be happy there.

You can pretend to be someone else on here aswell, yes. That won't change who you are. You have nowhere else to go, you can't step outside.
It's place where everybody immediately sees you as something different, marked by your genetic deficiencies. Abnormal, not belonging with the rest of humanity. A FREAK.
There is nothing that you can try do do and change that, yeah you can try to hurt me and I'm not saying that you won't be able to. Doubtful, but you might.
This will give you a quick rush of endorphines every so often, then everything will be back to normal. Back to being miserable.
All this bitterness and pain has changed you into a rotten person, you could have been a loving and caring son to the rest of your family.
You however decided to be a drain on their emotional and financial resources. Ask yourself how you became such a disgrace to your father that he saw no other way but to take his own life.
There is no relief for your pain, but a temporary one. Have you considered an exit-bag? It's a quick and painless way to see your father again.
Sorry I had to break it to you like that, no hard feelings.
Calm down, listen to some music.

Attached: 1568641962714.gif (500x281, 853K)

Does better cleavage exist?

Janny thinks those tits are CP

I'm just helping you out by letting you get practice.

Attached: 6034275A-9777-4ADC-B64E-C48CCF2444DC.jpg (600x1052, 56K)

You know that I know that I like cock right? You're not revealing anything to me.

Attached: EC616DD2-BE97-44E2-BF10-C24EE09C4F32.jpg (640x855, 49K)

>I've been here for a long time. I know what I'm doing.

Attached: 1568371195488.jpg (681x979, 303K)

Attached: Khloé-Kardashian-2435698.jpg (900x1375, 251K)

Is a sexy Bella

Love you, we need more anons like you.

Just want some challenge

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Attached: Khloé-Kardashian-2504180.jpg (853x1280, 155K)

Her ass implants are so misshapen. Gross

Here you go.

Attached: u45.jpg (800x1064, 220K)

ignorance is not okay

throwin a hat in the ring

Attached: 5c.jpg (1504x2048, 411K)

Attached: BF5FE502-FE0E-41E8-88A6-EC03B5A415BD.jpg (1338x960, 201K)

Ah. Bella Thorne slutting it up again, I see...

He's asleep in my bed

hi midget,
it seems you wanted a bit of attention. I'll give you a few minutes of my time.
I know your feelings are hurt and I am sorry. I truly am.
You have nothing else in life, but trying to annoy the ever living crap out of people that neither know you, nor care about you.
Exclusively for the quick fix of endorphines only a keyboard warrior can really appreciate. It's all you have and all you ever will get, that's why you chase it.
The difference between you and us is: We can step away from this whenever we want, get our fun elsewhere. Maybe even in the outside world where we are accepted as a normal, productive members of society.
Even if you tried to take that all away of me personally, it's not written in my face. I can move somewhere else and be happy there.

You can pretend to be someone else on here aswell, yes. That won't change who you are. You have nowhere else to go, you can't step outside.
It's place where everybody immediately sees you as something different, marked by your genetic deficiencies. Abnormal, not belonging with the rest of humanity. A FREAK.
There is nothing that you can try do do and change that, yeah you can try to hurt me and I'm not saying that you won't be able to. Doubtful, but you might.
This will give you a quick rush of endorphines every so often, then everything will be back to normal. Back to being miserable.
All this bitterness and pain has changed you into a rotten person, you could have been a loving and caring son to the rest of your family.
You however decided to be a drain on their emotional and financial resources. Ask yourself how you became such a disgrace to your father that he saw no other way but to take his own life.
There is no relief for your pain, but a temporary one. Have you considered an exit-bag? It's a quick and painless way to see your father again.
Sorry I had to break it to you like that, no hard feelings.
Calm down, listen to some music.

Attached: BA70469F-993E-4C93-B9A4-92BD380A65F6.jpg (640x732, 90K)

So big

Ty love you too user.
I didn't say it was. I just disagree with you.

samefag u know nothing

Attached: 740full-winona-ryder.jpg (500x694, 54K)

Fucking yes

this isnt your place to talk

in my bed lads

Here. Have a picture of Aubrey Plaza because she's fucking beautiful.

Attached: 1550469871699.jpg (800x635, 88K)

fuck off babsnon

Attached: ssfM7kC_d.jpg (640x786, 30K)

I accept the offer

Ass pls

Those are some great tits

i remember when he posted that lmao

Practice as much as you need to.

Let me at it!

you can throw your hat in my ring any time

Attached: abd.jpg (1080x1346, 369K)

Very nice

Attached: 5E4B4A0C-A91B-4E58-80FB-1243F9DB37F5.jpg (1224x1632, 184K)

I would need to be good at it, so might need to practice a lot.

Be gentle

One more because.

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ain't got anything of her. Legit just thought of this pic and downloaded it

That's fine with me. I'll give you pointers as you go.

I fapped to her feet yesterday

Attached: Aubrey-Plaza_GQ_320.webm (560x320, 1.9M)

Bella is incredible

I want you to take control.

idk what that means but I'll throw u in my bed instead

Attached: 26.jpg (2333x3500, 930K)

Oh really? That could get rough

Why does every celeb thread go from guys being really into sexy celebs to faggots wanting to suck each other off?

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just accept it

Thank you, I'll be sure just as you tell me

Was...going downhill fast. Doesn’t look like she even bathes anymore

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You are being ironic posting Tay and asking that right?

That's too weird, so we can't be friends.

Attached: kate-micucci-jemima-kirke-aubrey-plaza-topless-in-little-hours-9301-9.jpg (1000x703, 83K)

>post a transgender girl
>complains about dicksucking
go figure

God look at her

I dont mind

Attached: A65F475A-53DC-4AB6-88CF-5C31923CA812.jpg (546x1024, 89K)

that'll do

Attached: abab.jpg (1080x1350, 283K)

Attached: 1567907563848.gif (340x407, 1.77M)

I'll try not to enjoy it too much

cause gay for tay

Still 10/10

good cos im sleepy af

Attached: 19.jpg (2500x1666, 316K)

I'll remember that when you are begging and gagging as I pound away

Ok incel, you’re right, whatever

Attached: A1D2A540-3371-45E4-9E8B-B2E61E5BA52A.jpg (1024x1024, 157K)


Shame she never did nudes before going downhill

Don’t give a fuck what you say, I love her

I'll be in heaven. Abuse me.

Cause Hersh is here

Mmmmm feet

We get horny

Attached: 463E7382-9463-4245-A138-260C0BF1456C.jpg (600x600, 242K)

Yeah no shit

Attached: 56D89A71-A65F-4D95-ACEF-1836B1C1E0DA.jpg (620x465, 26K)

suck my big throbbing smelly boy cock for tay

You say that until I explode

Plz post the gif or webm of this

I will find you, and I will kill you

Attached: 39.jpg (2333x3500, 674K)

I'm going to fuck hersh's feet and pretend they are lizzie's

Was nice to see the tits though

Attached: avril lavigne maxim 07.jpg (576x1000, 98K)

Feel free to get, um, "into it".

what a post

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Big messy mouthful for a slut like me.

Serious wedgie

you can fuck right off

Would that make it easier for you to practice?

All for Miley...

fuck babsnon that pussy ass bitch

dw i know some mean lullabies
send you right off
no thats my job
you focus on sleeps

Attached: fast hand.jpg (1080x1350, 105K)

Who's this guy again I stopped paying attention to him years ago so much that I forgot his name.

Try me bitch
I'll beat your dick

Attached: 8EC79B22-9796-4069-B7A5-62D247BD90F1.jpg (1242x1762, 385K)

It would be best to learn how to give the most pleasurable experience and let you have exactly what you want.

Lol triggered much?

Attached: 22B795D3-573F-4F7B-948D-317ADC82B32D.gif (400x421, 377K)

2 scoops

Oh I kinda like the sound of that..

go back to plebbit

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Attached: bkkn876s8rn31.jpg (2200x4060, 659K)

sounds lovely

Attached: Me On The Right.webm (960x408, 1.85M)

Uh huh I love it



So do I :)

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pic name says feet, I only have eyes for that cameltoe

I could really enjoy this experience...

Just do porn already

Attached: 4B81CB32-9FF4-48AA-9CD4-3099FD452415.jpg (1200x1632, 149K)

fuck neeners that pussy ass bitch


She directed one.

You;re doing all right

Attached: Jordyn-Jones-Feet-3633662.jpg (1536x2048, 474K)


thats a little girl silly user..not a camel

Attached: 4D1432C6-EF8A-4DDD-AA22-097649308F01.jpg (1280x1920, 578K)

Tay-Tay isn't trans. She is a closet lesbian.

fuck off babsfaggot

I mean star in one

Why this bitch always acting like she wants to flash the whole world all the time, then hides her tits?

That wouldn’t bother me. Good jack off imagery

Attached: 9914B371-DE1A-445D-94E8-EABD81F0A07E.jpg (687x1024, 112K)

Imagine her with armpit hair

hi midget,
it seems you wanted a bit of attention. I'll give you a few minutes of my time.
I know your feelings are hurt and I am sorry. I truly am.
You have nothing else in life, but trying to annoy the ever living crap out of people that neither know you, nor care about you.
Exclusively for the quick fix of endorphines only a keyboard warrior can really appreciate. It's all you have and all you ever will get, that's why you chase it.
The difference between you and us is: We can step away from this whenever we want, get our fun elsewhere. Maybe even in the outside world where we are accepted as a normal, productive members of society.
Even if you tried to take that all away of me personally, it's not written in my face. I can move somewhere else and be happy there.

You can pretend to be someone else on here aswell, yes. That won't change who you are. You have nowhere else to go, you can't step outside.
It's place where everybody immediately sees you as something different, marked by your genetic deficiencies. Abnormal, not belonging with the rest of humanity. A FREAK.
There is nothing that you can try do do and change that, yeah you can try to hurt me and I'm not saying that you won't be able to. Doubtful, but you might.
This will give you a quick rush of endorphines every so often, then everything will be back to normal. Back to being miserable.
All this bitterness and pain has changed you into a rotten person, you could have been a loving and caring son to the rest of your family.
You however decided to be a drain on their emotional and financial resources. Ask yourself how you became such a disgrace to your father that he saw no other way but to take his own life.
There is no relief for your pain, but a temporary one. Have you considered an exit-bag? It's a quick and painless way to see your father again.
Sorry I had to break it to you like that, no hard feelings.
Calm down, listen to some music.

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Dirty little witch

I'm here for her cute feet

night anons

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She wants someone to pin her arms behind her back and force her to do it

More nudes, full frontal with face when?

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Always wondered that

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One of my favorite feet pics

Thread lacking in foot pics in general


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fuck of midget

night user

Nighty night

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dont you have men to seduce fag

Maybe we should go somewhere more private

She’s getting me horny

Feet are my favorite.
Heck yeah both are great

I really, really hope that you would. Thoroughly.

How horny...

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don't you have cum logs to shove down your throat?

I'm sure you would make sure I did

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nice fail faggot

Suck my dick for Miley

C go to bed

It's a shame her worship discord got shut down

I would do everything I could :)

hi midget,
it seems you wanted a bit of attention. I'll give you a few minutes of my time.
I know your feelings are hurt and I am sorry. I truly am.
You have nothing else in life, but trying to annoy the ever living crap out of people that neither know you, nor care about you.
Exclusively for the quick fix of endorphines only a keyboard warrior can really appreciate. It's all you have and all you ever will get, that's why you chase it.
The difference between you and us is: We can step away from this whenever we want, get our fun elsewhere. Maybe even in the outside world where we are accepted as a normal, productive members of society.
Even if you tried to take that all away of me personally, it's not written in my face. I can move somewhere else and be happy there.

You can pretend to be someone else on here aswell, yes. That won't change who you are. You have nowhere else to go, you can't step outside.
It's place where everybody immediately sees you as something different, marked by your genetic deficiencies. Abnormal, not belonging with the rest of humanity. A FREAK.
There is nothing that you can try do do and change that, yeah you can try to hurt me and I'm not saying that you won't be able to. Doubtful, but you might.
This will give you a quick rush of endorphines every so often, then everything will be back to normal. Back to being miserable.
All this bitterness and pain has changed you into a rotten person, you could have been a loving and caring son to the rest of your family.
You however decided to be a drain on their emotional and financial resources. Ask yourself how you became such a disgrace to your father that he saw no other way but to take his own life.
There is no relief for your pain, but a temporary one. Have you considered an exit-bag? It's a quick and painless way to see your father again.
Sorry I had to break it to you like that, no hard feelings.
Calm down, listen to some music.

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Perhaps disc?

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Who’s that white whore

Absolutely. I'll let you fuck my face for Miley.

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RIP someone steals my lewd chat and then runs away with the dick I wanted to suck.


I want to live in a world where happiness is the status quo.

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Mmmm. That’s right. Dreaming about Miley’s cute lil ass

You are more than welcome

sucks to be a fag in a sea of fags

Kate is a goddess

Rape my face user.

Anya what, dumbass?

threads were better when babsanon wasnt here

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All for Miley you cocksucker

Anya old enough to use Google?

Bully me pls


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Yes, I'm a little faggot

You could join us

He isn't here and it's still a shitfest

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i think someone tried defending him thats what started it

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nips are ok, style is bad

fuck off babsfaggot