How do you compete?

How do you compete?

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I can go way deeper than her.

With my mouth???

Hold down a job
Pay my fuckin' bills

only fat white chicks like niggers in my country so i think im safe

I don't. Niggers are our superior overlords. Sure they may be dumb as a box of rocks and sure they may not have the biggest on average penis but they are black.

>How do you compete?
Sorry OP, you can't compete against real women. You'll always be a mentally ill discord tranny spamming Yea Forums all day long.

I'd chew that thing down to the balls and choke on his superiority. Being white is a curse and an embarrassment.

>stop liking what i dont like

>how do you compete
I am a black man and even i think this shit is retarted

Also kill yourself