Burning Man hate thread. I hate this event and everything about it

Burning Man hate thread. I hate this event and everything about it.

>Context: my gf wants to go next year, she went last year before we started dating. She won't shut up trying to get me to go. Telling me its all about the art. She won't let me do drugs or even think about other girls, yet I'm supposed to be okay with this polyamorous sex party in the desert?

I fucking hate this fucking burning man shit. I hate burners and their stupid fucking thinking pattern. I hate their peer pressure. I hate how the playa turns regular people into blathering fools. How is this thing still even legal?
All these people want to tell you its about art and experience, but it's fucking degenerates all just get dirty and have casual sex anywhere they want.

I'm so sick and tired of it. Fucking morons going out, driving for hours, burning in the hot sun just to have sex in front of people. This festival burns so many relationships, its not even funny

This place is so fucking stupid and now Google has bought up over 51% of the shares and is now run by Google CEO. Burners want you to believe it's some sort of enlightened transcending utopia but really its a liberals wet dream cuckfest. Google chief executive Larry Page said last year he wanted to create a lawless society where inventors could test new products without consequences. He said this commune would be modelled on Burning Man.

It's not cute, its not funny, its not no big deal. This is a freak festival to destroy western civilization from the inside out using technology and CIA depatterning techniques to experiment on unsuspecting attendees

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Where is paddock when we needed him most

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I am one confused eurofag

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> sex fest in the desert
Sounds based to me

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>Getting dick sucked while wearing a thong
That's it, I'm going.

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Fucking degenerates.

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>She won't let me do drugs or even think about other girls, yet I'm supposed to be okay with this polyamorous sex party in the desert

Let's be honest, if you weren't a fucking doormat you would have told that whore to go fuck herself the second she told you she was there, let alone wants to go again.

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so a festival dedicated to Slaanesh?

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I’d be all up on burning man, if I weren’t the pathetic creature I am. You can’t truly experience something like this looking like a malformed creature.

looks like fun if u arent a shrimp dicked beta male
maybe thats why u dont like it op

Americans being americans

You’ll find this sort of behavior at any “festival.” You’ll also find that 95% of people aren’t doing degenerate garbage (besides drugs) like in these pictures. Most people are there for a quasi Woodstock/outdoor rave party type experience. Exhibitionist types are gonna be around, but that doesn’t mean you or your “girlfriend” have to partake in any of it, nor does it imply she did anything last year. Stop being such an insecure little bitch.

>everything i don't like is trying to destroy western civilization

if youre not into drugs theres no point in going to burning man

Yes, Goyim...er...I, mean, OP, just because your girlfriend went to a degenerate festival where everyone has sex in the open and with strangers within 3 minutes of meeting each other, doesn't mean she got her sweet vag pounded by 13 men in the hot sun.

Oy vey, stop being such a misogynistic tool.

And definitely don't go to /pol/ and get yourself 'redpilled' about faggots, womens whorish behavior and how degenerates and jews are ruining this society.

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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Fucking faggot hipsters and hippies. You always have an option bro, dump her slutty ass and get a new one
