Hey do you guys have any anime suggestions that are like overlord...

Hey do you guys have any anime suggestions that are like overlord, I would like to waste my life away with entertaining anime

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Most anime is trash but I liked ninja scroll and thought that project A-ko was funny.

I heard about them, I’ll check it out bro

Reincarnated as a Slime, Wise Man's Grandchild, and Shield Hero all have similar vibes though they aren't anywhere near as villainous as Overlord.

If it wasn't specific to anime, I'd also recommend "The New Gate" and "Solo Leveling" mangas.

I’m watching wise man grand child now, and slime was a good one, I saw some reviewable on shield hero, I’m more into trapped in a video game type anime’s


it's not dark like overlord but it's isekai and plays heavily on comedy. just don't kill yourself when you finish watching it.

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the overlord anime adaptation is shit
read its light novel its amazing

also Ajin.

Imma check out the manga if it’s really that good if it sucks im coming for you

"The new gate" as in a new gate?

not the manga the light novel

That anime seemed to modern for me, I like shit where there’s castles and stuff, overlord is the prime example, also seven deadly sins

the manga is not far at all and it takes a long ass time for chapters to come out

My bad, I’ll check it out

I love it when Nigga sucks get surprised when the Mc is over powered

I like your picks. but 12 episode anime with no sequels usually feel rushed and not fleshed out. Wise man have potential. but I'm not gonna hold on to hope for it

Of course Incel losers like yourselves would enjoy overlord. Garbage anime, extremely cringy self insert power fantasy.

Hunter X Hunter
Hellsing Ultimate
Osomatsu San
Madoka Magica
Eden of the East
Speed Grapher

I feel you man, I want a long anime that I can get invested into, overlord was one of those

If any of the anime’s you suggested are garbage, you’re gay

yea, I hate getting invested in the story 7 episodes in only to have some generic open ending in case they get another season. Kill la Kill was another good one. and angel beats

I mix that one up with akime ga kill

not the same as overlord but watch ninja scroll and shigurui and thank me later

I trust your opinion, so I’ll thank you now since we may never speak again

shigurui is fucking amazing, make sure its in the top 5 of your must watch list
you're welcome fren


I feel dem feels

The fates were good esp the one with the necromancer. Claymore, ninja scrolls was good

It was what first came to mind. This whole "enter a new world as an OP character" setting is still new to me.

A damn shame there's no Solo Leveling anime yet as that would be awesome.

It’s a dope genre

Let’s force the creators of overlord to make a 4th season, Anons we have the power

is solo leveling good?
i dont trust it because its korean

another one not like overlord but samurai champloo and desert punk are some more good watches
desert punk is on the short side but it's a fuckin classic

Samurai champloo was a good starting anime for me, it was one of my first

lets hope that they get a decent studio this time
they ruined one of the best scenes in overlord
with their shitty animation

Isn't this a Yu-Gi-Oh monster?

watch gintama its not at all like overlord but its one of my favorites of all time
it has a bit of a slow start but its a masterpiece

It's good other ones are trash tho
HCLW was cool too but personal tastes

I made a discord for us, come join so we can talk more, d gg G8Y4Fh


great starter
i started out with trigun and cowboy bebop forever ago
some more great recommendations
hellsing ultimate is a favorite of mine along witht he original, may also want to look into tenchi muyo if you dont mind dated anime involving harem of ayy lmao chicks

I love harem anime’s

watch tenchi muyo, older so not as lewd or in your face as overlord but still pretty fuckin great

>be e rank hunter
>weakest hunter ever
>nearly die
>reborn as a 'player'
>gain access to game like menus
>get ability to level up
>no other hunter can do this
>get access to personal dungeons
>literally "solo level" into a beast s rank hunter

yeah it pretty good

Any anime’s with any these exact shits in it I would like to see

Ninja Scroll is classic

How to not summon a demon lord is basically same premise

That was a good one too, there’s a bunch of anime’s related to that, liek demon lord retry, reincarnated slime, picking up girls in a dungeon i love the genre

i just started the chapter zero of solo leveling and im already seeing a one punch man meme

Hunter X Hunter fucking sucked

Looks like he’s gay then

exept with even more fanservice to the point of basically being softcore porn


That’s what I love about it hehe


If not done watch Evangelion

The art looks old, if it’s good I’ll get over that

Yeah but this guy earns it somewhat

How could a subjective opinion be so objectively wrong??

It is a MUST watch, I doubt anyone else in here would say otherwise.

its an old anime but it's a classic for a reason
just watch it, it's good.

Bet, seems like it’s good, I’ll add it to my list

berserk can only be enjoyed as a manga to this day no anime has done it justice

Trigun and Cowboy Bebop fuck yeah! Space westerns forever

Outlaw star is good too

Ya know, I've never actually seen it. I've been meaning to check it out.

fuck yeah Yea Forumsrother

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deamon lord retry, log horizon, gate, how not to summon a deamon lord

if you like maffia themed anime i would reccomend to you baccano
the start may seem confusing at first but it all comes together later

oh god yes, that was awesome

If its trapped in vidya but doesn't have to be the same type of plot/theme Log Horizon is entertaining.

Only the movie. The series is the biggest shit i have ever seen.

Wasn't that shit made over 20 years ago?

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ninja scroll was around 1993
so yes

Watch Drifters. It's a pretty good and fairly recent isekai but no one has talked about it since it aired.

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no game no life is a pretty interesting isekai

Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon is alright, I'd fuck the god no hesitation.