faggot furries burn in hell
>miso souperstar
imig dot es/c/6ZRKYYs
imig dot es/c/7mS5RFM
imig dot es/c/jC7XVKh
10/10 hope shes down for butt stuff
over 250 images dumped
Take that. You stupid furfags didn't get
Or You lost this time furries. Furfags
bleh time for work
furpost later I guess
I'm already at work. Off in about an hour.
She's cute, but would look better with a canine vag.
stop raping and sexualizing animals
where the hell are these damn termite peeps!
thx for the nightmares
lawl, between that post and now, the dude came over and pumped the rafter with orange oil stuff.
Man you must really scare easy if that gives you nightmares
when did this happen?
can't your read?
>15:56:25 or if you don't know military time 3:56 pm
anti rot/rust?
no you just post creepy nightmare unnatural shit
Didn't post the image your talking about. Just the cartoon one reacting to you. Which again seems to make you seem weak if that too scares you.
>Which is quite funny for to me really.
its a really bad spot in the garage above the washer and drier. not only does it leak there when it rains, but we recently found termite turds all over the place there.
So a dude came and pumped the area with some orange stuff in hopes to get rid of them. That was it, 10 minute jorb.
you know what's weak? you gay furfag degenerates who rape animals because you cant get a gf. That's really sad and pathetic and you should get mental help
if you got termites then your shit is fucked
termites are kinda everwhere. 80 year old house, wood everywhere. what can you do.
wait, 60 year old house, still...
>what's weak? you gay furfag degenerates
Ah I see your problem right here man, your still in the closet. That's fine but your looking for the next thread over here ill even be kind and link it for you .
As for the rest do you have a girl of your own? If you do I'm betting your just using her as a cover for your own confused feelings. But hey just know your IP's getting tagged so why know just be honest about it?
im not gay and im not a damn furfag if I was I would have killed myself by now
>I'm not a furfag
>Willingly enters a furry porn thread
>what is shitposting?
Seems pretty furfaggy to shitpost in a furfag thread
Sure you're not, you just spend a lot of time post and I'm threads for the stuff. But only in the " S/fur " never the G, H or the real one that talks about zoo.
Now I'm not saying you don't have to go into those, I'm just saying you seem to be following a lot of the same patterns as someone who does that kinda stuff
>what is shitposting?
Yes, what is shit posting?
I tried shitposting in the gfur threads and they just start hitting on me and shit
posting shit
sounds like g/fur
>posting shit
Yes, what is posting shit?
>I tried shitposting in the gfur threads and they just start hitting on me and shit
well, are you cute?
no I post the same shit as I do here, its just that gays are more mentally unstable then you guys so they act like that
>post ur butt!
>I tried in the gfur threads and they just start hitting on me and shit
Yep you are A PUSSY. If that is the case. Or are you just that big of a Sissy you have to question your weak mas·cu·lin·i·ty
Praise Inari
just poped in, I'm not normally into fur but I love this type of thick line-art style... do you have any more from this artist?
Praise! Mindlessly!
My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?
Artist is Elton Portilho / Eltonpot(XXX)
Fur a yiffton of his stuff that's normally behind a paywall, do a google search fur "site:*/fur/topic/1096715"
>cakn't link directly because blacklisted site
Thanks, I will check that out. Can you post any more? For research purposes of course
Oh damn, I was half-expecting to be ignored! Please keep em coming
Love the blushing and how curvy they are... hawt!
Artist knows his thicc, being latin I spaws
I see that... I dare say it's actually turning me on too
And he's got a serious anal focus, fuck! I definitely need to shift these jeans but can't do anything for 30 minutes or so... how long will you be posting?
post real gore, or are you still just a litttle sissy in training?
Fur the next 2-3 hrs or so
Oh my god he's got a thigh-high thing going on too, that's awesome.
>2-3 hrs
Ok, can I ask that you hold off with Mr. Elton's stuff until I can (ahem) properly enjoy it? I want to have a scotch and properly savor this when I have a chance to unwind in a little bit
Why dokn't you just bookmark the thread and return later? It's hardly going to dissapear very soon
Hmm that's a good question... I guess I just like the anticipation and surprise of not knowing what's next?
Just scroll down like
Yeah that's just not gonna be the same for some reason... I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the "live"ness of it? Fuck if I know. But it's cool, you're posting slow enough I probably won't miss much anyway, it seems like you've got a lot from him
Yeah I'm slow and got plenty, 99% of which is from that other chan site
hows life Dani?
smooth and steady for the last few years, eh?
>man who fucks goats
>beheading man who fucks people dressed as goats
big think
HEY!! Don't talk bad about one of his many many wives like that.
ima walk a pooch
i dunno where the rest of the company is
brb in a few
>I tried shitposting in the gfur threads and they just start hitting on me and shit
So it worked?
>tfw you don't have an argument so you just post your generic antifurry memes like the normie you are
gfur threads are something special, I just lurk in them and yet feel like I'm about to be violated
That's just Snarf, he has some pretty powerful fuck energy
Dunno, in a recent thread I caught a glimpse of maybe 3-5 diff fgts pawsting their selves while quickly scrolling by to find the 1 or 2 gfur pics pawsted
Glad to see you're still here, I'm finally fucking done! Gonna grab a drink and unwind
What sense of satisfaction do you get out of posting tanks and other irrelevant stuff in an s/fur thread? Are you so lonely, is your life so empty, vacant and devoid of human companionship that you feel compelled to try to ruin the fun of those you disagree with or are you just a lowly, shit-eating asshole?
>Lowly, shit-eating asshole it is!
Relax.Dubs confirms that is just a huge pussy liberal faggot snowflake shit-tard fuck head who deserves to have nightmares and die, anyway.
fuck that's old if they are using a flip phone
ratgirls are highest quality
You know what's really weak? YOU being HERE fapping to furry porn while trying to convince us (and yourself) that you hate it. Yeah, right, kid. KYS, already.
Or maybe...
>Closet furfag detected.
(The ones who say they hate it the most always turn out to be the ones who love it the most but can't admit it.)
ok so they sill make flip phones, now how old is the image?
s/fur has been part of four chan since its very beginnings and in spite of his best efforts, even Moot couldn't permanently ban s/fur from this board, it always just kept coming back. What chance do you think you have?
You could do what you do in these boards all day day every day for the rest of your miserable life and you wouldn't even be able to slow this down by even the slightest degree!
That or a furry cucked him or raped him or a loved one of his. Or better yet he blames them for all the shit he's fucked up in to make himself feel better about his fuck ups
literally nothing better to jerk off to then furry porn honestly
WE are here FOREVER! YOU are NOT! (You've already failed, fag boi!)
Arghhhhh damn interruptions, ok NOW I'm finally done! Let's do this.
Damn, so many hotties
Checked. Yeah, that sounds about right. Still, I don't understand why these miserable miscreants even bother trying to push against a mountain even as they know they're failing with every new push? This is a TRADITION, now. It's unstoppable. No janitor, no mod, not even Hiroshimoot could stop it even if he wanted to. so even trying is just pointless.
Assuming the timestamp in the filename is correct, it's from March 2010
That might be when the file was saved to the uploader's hard drive. That looks like a 2005 Nokia flip phone to me.
does she have teeth that continuously grow?
Lurker giving their approval of ratgirls. They are always appreciated
Freya butt is BEST butt!
Actually that's the timestamp of when it was released on SexyFur or some other paysite
Drunk Freya is HORNIEST Freya!
freya is eternally good taste
Scotch user here, you guys are rocking
Ah! Thanks. Still, that phone looks older than that. Okay, I checked. It is a drawing of a 2005 Nokia 6085 flip phone. (The artist probably owned one at the time they drew that pic.)
lmao gtfo with these shite reddit tier zoomer memes