Weird things you do general

Weird things you do general.

When my family gets pizza sometimes they don't eat the crusts. I kindly take their plates to the kitchen to clean them and throw away the trash.
But whenever they don't eat their crusts I put them in my pocket and eat them in my room.
Last time was the best, I got three stuffed crusts that were still kind of warm.

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When I shit I try to position myself near a source of water so I can make wet wipes.

I'd post something better but I'm really fucking normal

Who the fuck buys stuffed crust and doesn’t eat the crust??

I don't do it any more, but when I was a horny teenager I had sex with farm animals.

My Mother

If anything I would say them not eating the stuff crust they buy is weirder

you sound like a fatass

i had sex with a machine when i was 8

Alright you listen here nigger I'm sick of this politically correct bullshit. If I want to call you a faggot, tranny, retard, cocksucker, or any other type of insult then I'm going to fucking do it and you're going to sit there and take it like the bitch you are.

This makes my PP hard

I'm not I just get pretty hungry and I really hate letting food go to waste

Just here to trigger retards...

Why would you need to hide that? Why not just eating the crust?

whenever I clean my teeth, when i use mouthwash and gargle i throw my head back make a stance like pic related and howl

every morning

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Sometimes when I take a shower I squirt shampoo or shower gel onto my face to feel what it's like to get a facial.




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video please.

It's probably because OP is a "hippo" sapien, and mommy will beat his portly ass for gorging himself. Pic related.

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that's cute bruh

thanks i guess