Stolen nudes thread? Bonus points for story

Stolen nudes thread? Bonus points for story

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here's another of her

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Well, what’s the story, wishbone?

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been stealing pics off this girl’s phone for years

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She used my phone for facebook and just kinda left. Got into her instagram too. Tons of nudes

Keep going then

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Prtibbi1 on kik trade girls w ig

Any tips for stealing pics from phones? If you have only a couple of minutes and very low tech knowledge what do you suggest? I thought of using whatsapp or telegram.

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Just here to trigger retards......

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When you're this much of a virgin Xd

just keep lurking

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get somehow they google acc logins, get they fb or insta login or both. you can login with fb in almost everything.


Get a keylogger, invite them to you, let them use your laptop for checking they fb or something. profit. only works if phone does not work and they internet is down or something. tell them you do not have wlan. if you had idea how to tech you could make a wlan hotspot with a site that lets you rip all passwords and logins from everybody who logs in.

Not have fb and insta. I think I have to act with the phone directly.

Ill do tributes for u kik: niffalastig

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From her fb

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Wow those tits

More? Story?

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only story(ies), used to just log onto friends computers while they were distracted during get togethers under the guise of needing to do something, and then skim through and look for hidden folders/photos

only had a few minutes but usually people kept it in my documents/pictures/desktop and would usually find wins there

another time found a hidden archive file with password on the network share

huge rush, wish i was able to save everything and also didn't delete them, but i wouldn't be able to pull that off again


agreed, awesome nipples, looks asian

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Like messenger? Or she stupidly posted her own nudes

Saved. Story?

If you have someone you want photos of just find me their email and I can try


Any more?


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If anyone wants to trade, drop your kik

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keep going


If you want me to try and get some of someone you know reply w your kik



Was a girl who sent the same nude to a bunch of guys and one leaked it but she has no way to figure out which, can't tell you the story on the other girl

omegawarhorse I have a really slutty girl that prob has tons of pics

Fucking udders

Is there more ? She knows ?

No more pics that ive seen but yes she does

Girlfriends friend. She was over once and plugged her phone in before going outside with my GF and her friends. Forgot to lock it. Opened her pics and found a video of her getting fucked by her boyfriend. Panicked and had no surefire way to get the video without leaving a trace. Still beat off to the video in my head to this day.

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Damn that’s crazy do you know how she reacted to it ?

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Lol holy shit she tweeted it out herself ? Wild


Nah that was thrown together for the sake of passing around I guess, the tweet is just the text with no pic

Ah I see. Pretty dumb move to tweet out to let everyone know your nudes are out there still. Also she said nudes not nude so there must be more hah.

Do you know her ?

Well people are definitely finding out, I saw the pic yesterday for the first time, checked archives someone else posted it a day or 2 before, someone's been posting it quite a bit over the last 24 hrs and there's the guy that posted it in this thread without the text. So at least 3-4 people are spreading it around right now. Hopefully there are more cause I'd like to see them, yea I do know her

so hot. shoudlve grabbed your laptop and hookd up the phone to the computer to grab it

Nice . Always great to find nudes of girls ya know haha. Know her well?

I also hope there’s more she looks like a hot little slut

yeah, or even just use my phone to film her phone playing it. it was just such a sketchy situation though.

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You fucked up bigly. No nudes of her from any other source?

you might get another chance so be ready

Fairly well yea, she's definitely a slut, shes also posted other things about nudes like "you know you're friends when you show eachother your nudes" which obviously worked out well for her

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Meant for her fiancé

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Did she ever get nude?

Not entirely

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She clearly wants attention and probably for people to see her nudes. She wouldn’t have tweeted about it if she didn’t.

Also funny that she makes it an issue about trusting men in her tweet and not mentioning that she sends her nudes to so many dudes that she can’t keep track lol


About 10 yrs ago i stole nudes of my 21 yr old cousin off her laptop. I was 12 at the time. i stole a few randoms from her as the years went by as well from her phones.

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Go ahead

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Now remember i was 12 when i stole these. Many faps were had

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that look 15/16 years old

Regardless. Nudes that they have no idea are out there is such a turn on. Dump all.

Her eye stare is...mmm

That’s hot


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Just keep cranking her out

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I like the one with the bra. More like that?

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Test, capcha sucks

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Lovely. Keep her coming

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I’ve definitely seen more of this chick. Nice big ass on her

Love this shot
Ass is nice

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I love it. Any favorites?

Lingerie? Particularly degrading/humiliating pics?

Amanda from fla?


Found on my friend's phone while she was on the toilet.

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Damn nice. Just the one?

Please don’t stop

Any of her on all fours?
Maybe from behind

Only got the other pic and this one. I panicked, sorry

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Unfortunately not

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By any chance is she from Connecticut and her name starts with A?

This is an interesting one

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Loving these man. How many did you snag over the years?

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Stolen how?

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This is just as nice though

via internet exchanges, mainly just alt accounts interacting with her nsfw acc

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id say total about 30 over the years. the most was from the first time 10 yrs ago when i got like 15-20ish

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You got kik? I want them all

definition of stolen nude? even consensual ones can be abused.
TBH I got "stolen" nudes from someone, they deeply hate me to this day.

disclaimer; it isn't sexual, it just happened. people only give nudes because everyone else does it

please share

Dont have kik, sorry

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Just keep dumping her here then, please. Something about her/ the story just really gets me

I don't want attention for it, so I'm not sharing it.