Free 6ix9ine

Free 6ix9ine

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Checked. Na I good Yea Forumsro he can sit tight where he is.

blicky uh

He maybe a pussy fake faggot gangsta but his songs were lit

I’m sure a lot if people want him free. To catch up.

Who is that and what did it do?

gave the ol dickaroo to dem kids

Fuck off, rainbow brite is a shit cartoon

His songs were trash. People that don't listen to good music or rapper thought that shit was lit.

this cuckboi will have niggersperm as his daily diet

all niggermusic is shit fuckboi. nice trips thouh. fucking faggot


send that technicolor cocksucker a box of powdered soap.

Why? Commit crimes, go to jail. That's a pretty basic idea, dumbass.

It’s great for workouts. It’s not trash but decent tier drill and hype music. Not meant to be taken seriously. He’s obviously a clown but let’s face it there’s a reason his music is still popular

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His music was revolutionary. Truly revolutionary artists are NEVER appreciated widely within their own time/milieu. History will look very kindly on his contributions to human culture.


that's billie eilish

You are a total dick riding faggot. Kill yourself

more like snitch9ine

he's probably safer in prison

>his songs were lit

says the nigger,how about getting enough education to appreciate real music.not this nigger noise

Snitches get stitches.

Typical response to revolutionary art.


he's just another nigbopper

Sounds like someone who contributes to log threads

the only one riding dick here is 6ix9ine in the prison shower

Niggers hooting is art?

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I envy them. Would fuck the trashy twink

Put a bullet in that scrub. Thankfully, his homies will do that for us when he's released from protective custody.

I'd say something along the lines of "you don't get it and you never will," but trips don't lie.

Id fuck her.

no u