I was messing around and put my dick in this metal tube. NOW IM HARD AND CAN'T REMOVE IT FROM MY DICK

I was messing around and put my dick in this metal tube. NOW IM HARD AND CAN'T REMOVE IT FROM MY DICK.

What should I do b/ros?

Attached: HELP.jpg (4032x3024, 1.69M)


leave it, it'll come off eventually. your tip, i mean

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Reverse search
Stop larping faggot kys

would tell you to think of some gay shit till you go soft but we all know OP is a faggot so try thinking of women instead?

Cut it off... it'll grow back eventually

I am being serious guys! The tip of my penis is starting to turn a bit blue and it is hurting.

Lmaooooo your the biggest fucking idiot on this website

Pull out your dremel

>I am being serious guys!

try to be a little more subtle next time

Time stamp or gtfo

Get soft.

Btw funniest thing ever

chop it off, of course

fucking oof

Yank it like a band aid

Bait. Sage

go to the hospital or you'll literally lose your dick, not joking

> saw pic
> reads "I was messing around"
> belly laughs for first time in weeks

Thanks user.

Remember to send us more pictures u fuckin dumbass

Natural selection at it's finest


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Better luck nextime user you fuck




Okay I have experience with this sort of thing, listen to me carefully. What you're going to want to do is take a lighter and heat that sausage up like it’s italian dinner night. Don’t forget to take pics / stream the removal so we can watch

it wont come off, dont try wait it out or u might get erectile dysfunction or lose your dick. what you can do is:
A: go to the ER where the professionals will help you
B: find something that can cut the tube, if it's aluminium it should be easy, if it's stainless steel, youre fucked m8
C: pierce the tip of with a needle. it will bleed out and you should be able to take it out. now you have 2 holes in your dick, retard


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sage in all fields larping faggot

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this image is older than internet faggot

ahhaha fucking retard op.

go to the fucking ER you idiot

Be calm. Now stop thinking about sex and be calm

Cutting torch, Tylenol and lots of neosporin

but is it though?

whatever you do, don't panic, just lose your erection, if you go to the hostpital they will chop your fucking dick off no joke, they are incompetent.

Snip snip

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>I browse 4chins with intent to not enjoy myself
You're going through the exact same bullshit as the rest of us but with fewer laughs

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Fuck you're stupid...

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This pretty much.

UPDATE: Heading to ER.

this fucking picture again, is it still summer? Back to R3DD1T faggot

thank you op, i really needed that laugh

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i had been thinking that. its been really summery this whole week. so weird to come up all of a sudden. so many douchenozzles coming here recently.

Fuck off.

are you insinuating this is funny?
also stop samefagging

Are you retarded or something?

Fuck it if it's not oc.

Boner killer.

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fake and gay

cool robot dick

Take cocaine or MDMA

You should try better bait

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>coming to 4chins expecting OC
are you retarded or something?

I'm absolutely insinuating i got a chuckle out of this. why do you even browse this site
Also pic related fehgit

Surely you mean "Enhancer"

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