Why do people say he's bad?

Why do people say he's bad?

What was wrong about him?

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He didn't kill enough Jews.

Real talk. He hated Jews. Who doesn't?
He hated communists. Who doesn't?
He killed subhumans as gypsies, gays, russians, Jehovas and many more.
That's good and not bad tbh

he didn't finish what he started
no one likes a quitter

The winners of war write history. Thats why.he would have been a hero if he won.

Too much sun, not enough lightning.

Basically, he's proof that no matter how good a national leader you are, if you get a serious meth habit, your decision making is going to suffer.

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He threw away Germanys history to get high.

You don’t even have to win. Several German generals shat all over him in their biographies after the war. They blamed loosing the war on him when it was mostly their doing.

Kek, hitler demanded to know all the actions of the army and his generals had to follow.

No clue. He literally rose German out of the ashes

Germanfag detected.

Not all people do say he's bad.

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Threw europe into humanity's bloodiest conflict and fucked up his slim chances of victory at every turn.

>He hated Jews. Who doesn't?
The average age of a Yea Forumstard...14. Maybe one day you guys will grow up. You shouldn't hate someone for reasons like that

The Germans offered peace multiple times to the British. The British originally declared war on the Germans. The Germans declared war on Poland for two primary reasons. Namely. There were Germans still in Poland trapped that were being mistreated and killed in the tens of thousands. This infuriated Hitler. And Danzig was historically German. The entire west of Poland was German territory prior to 1919.

My primary issue with him is that he was a bipolar, manic depressive, psychopath who was in charge of an army. Military leadership should be prudent, pragmatic, and decisive.

Yes, he waged war on Russia, and thought that he could succeed where Napoleon had failed. But, the Russian winter had other plans.

Alright retard I'll indulge why SHOULDN'T we hate Jewish people?

bad fashion sense. i mean look at that mustache

>bad fashion sense
Hugo Boss would like to have a word with you

i mean dey gave us nuclear power, antibotics and holywood. dey aint too bad, ur just mad cuz life sucks and you decided to find a scapegoat

>The Germans offered peace multiple times to the British.
After attacking british allies and betraying virtually every treaty they signed primary.
>There were Germans still in Poland trapped that were being mistreated and killed in the tens of thousands
Which happened post-invasion.

Daily reminder Nazis always lie.

*signed previously

the current government do exact the same as him but under the cover of democracy.

Stop projecting your shit life.

He killed hitler.

He tried to invade Russia in the winter and didn't give his troops anything close to supplies, including boots

lol white supremacists using psychological terms makes me giggle

a genius of his time. portrayed as evil by fake news. misunderstood by the left wing sheeple

back to your bbc cuckold threads degenerate faggot

Your asserting I'm a white supremacists because I don't agree with your position? Try harder kike.

>misunderstood by the left wing sheeple
Killing hundreds of thousands of them will do that.

i belong to the sissy trap threads silly


Please commit suicide. No meme. No joke. No laughing matter. You genuinely should kill yourself.

>lol white supremacists
Jewish supremacists

He was manipulated by zionists to kill the lower class of jews so that the higher class can get Israel. Survivors of holocaust were also bullied and mocked in Israel for not doing anything in those camps to save themselves.
Basically it's a lower tier vs higher tier thing. One wants to live and the other wants to destroy some muslim and christian temples so that messiah from judaism purges the world.

Hitler wanted to be the hero and stop the world's end but instead fell into their trap.

ill get right on that :3

im white and from spain, but okee

he did what he had to do. commies were the greatest danger to the western hemisphere in all history

Please go back to plebbit and stop replying to anyone on this thread. Killing yourself would genuinely make the world a better place. I mean this sincerely.

pls be kind and livestream

>fascists start the war
>durrrrr why does everyone hate us, muh commies!

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He messed with the people who make the movies.

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Jews never lose

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if hitler had won all of this insipid hypersexual shit posted here would be burned

despite his brilliance in attempting to escape from the global banking scheme, he got caught up in all the bullshit you have to tell people in order to get them to go along with you, to the point where he believed it himself. Nationalism is a shit ideology.

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hun I have more rekt videos than you have racist rhetoric. i am ancient, you are a tiny little baby that thinks b is one thing. don't pull that im the real oldfag shit on me you naive little cuck, teehee ;)

You know user
The reason we are mammals are smarter then most animals?
We are able to perceive patterns...
And change our behavior in regards to them to be more successful in the world.

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omg how did u find my selfie???

So when the far left says white people are the bane of america maybe they are right. You can't even distinguish jew from whites. So just kill them all.

idono, think twitch will pull the plug b4 ide get to the good part. too many white knights would report it

He was an Austrian.

he didn't consume meth btw. He consumed veggies and Golden Showers from Eva Brown though.

No one focuses on his movie career.

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Whites gave us more than that, shouldn't black people love them?
every race had contributed something artard. something everyone does isn't a reason to love them.

Again, why Shouldn't we hate them?
They're also responsible for sinking a US naval ship, blaming it on Egypt, and us spending billions in a pointless war that helped no one but Israel.
They steal our weapons technology.
They take and take gimmedats and aid and give nothing back but fake Intel.
Why should we like them?

waste of trips btw

>So when the far left says white people are the bane of america maybe they are right.
lel wew lad.
I hope bureau isnt paying you overtime with my tax dollars for this low quality shilling.
> You can't even distinguish jew from whites.
((They)) sure as fuck can.
If they couldnt?
They wouldnt get affirmative action points or be allowed to have their own scholarships.

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the biggest shame of them all

orange man bad?

because he wants to preserve race and culture

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Nice try kike but jews like you are not white never have been never will be now kill yourself

He sure is!

Don't call me "hun" bitch. You equated white supremacy with me being antisemitic. Me hating a religion has nothing to do with the white race being superior. Use your brain you fucking cunt. You are literally from reddit. Try harder you little fucking cunt.

label your axes >.<


Nobody cares about ((They)). What matters is what the majority sees. Just kill all white people which include the jews because the majority can't tell which is which.
Make america native american again someday.

no u

who cares,95 percent of americans think white supremacy is supporting a jewish president who has been a democrat most of his life.you retards dont have a brain to use to begin with

Yeah no.
No one is doing that gay cuckold shit faggot.
GenZ is litterally just going to end up being national socialist
And no fucking low quality lefty shilling going to derail that lmao

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Literally nothing


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Where do you see him Bald ? He s got clearly hair on hie head. OP s a blind fgt.

Cite your source about the 95% thing dipshit if you are so smart. Once again you associating me with a generalization. Seems you are projecting your own lack of brains.

They needed a scapegoat and a villain so they could paint themselves as the good guys.

I mean name one losing side that history paints in a good light. Those native Americans were all "savages", Confederates were all "racists", all Soviets were "evil communists", etc etc

Tho tbh, I'm still confused on how overlooked Stalin's fuckery is. He was literally 3 times worse than Hitler if you look at shear numbers. His motives and methods were not very different either, and arguably less noble than Hitler's if anything.

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She loves Jew dick

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absolute based shitpost

>muh jews were a scapegoat
They werent exactly doing themselves any favors either user...

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Just here to trigger retards....


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please don't tell me you need an axis label to make sense of that graph
0/10 for being a TA on 4chins

History is writen by the wictors...

You can put the star on david near any white person and they become jewish.
Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can’t amirite

>you shouldnt hate someone who is actively destroying your nation through forced mutliculturalism and racial replacement
Kys boomer nigger

Lol background check any of these
i fucking dare you.
Cal me on my shit if there is any.

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Afaik he acted racially motivated too like against the Slavs. He has seen Jews as an inferior race, not just political enemies

I think you misread my comment. I'm absolutely aware many of the prominant bolsheviks were Jews and were responsible for the slaughter of 66 million (mostly Christian) citizens.

Another thing that bewilders me. Of all the crap in the last 200 years why do we only weep for the jews?

That's not the point. The point is that all jews are white.

hitler was a spazz faggot bu i have to admit i am jealousth e third realm was never realized

kek, even jews want to be white

found the kike.

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>He has seen Jews as an inferior race,

He saw Communism as the greatest threat humanity faced, and noticed who had invented the concept and was pushing it everywhere. Including in Germany, where a few years prior the same religious group had tried a Communist revolution.

Given how Russia turned out, with a good chunk of its surface area so polluted it'll be centuries before it's habitable, centuries of history and culture erased and the tens of millions of people killed, it's hard to argue he was wrong (ABOUT COMMUNISM)

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You mean All jews or just the ones Israel will let into their borders? Or what do you mean by "white"?

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All zionists who wanna control the world are white skinned and blend in with other whites.
All lower class jews are either mixed or non white. This includes the ones sacrificed by zionists so that Israel can exist for their own selfish zionistic purposes.

True tho, communism was invented by a jew who lived in his rich dad's house and refused to take over the family business, went bar hopping and got drunk with his also wealthy family buddy one night and wrote a manifesto about it


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based viewpoint tbh