What should be done with Muslims?
What should be done with Muslims?
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I didn't happen but pic related
They are a peaceful and wise people
Dont be racist
Let them in goy
Muslims have a huge pr issue and if they don't reign in their most extreme members, the rest of the world will line up against them. It's already starting to happen
put them in cages until they can be literate enough to sit in a bus station for any amount of time without trying to hot wire one and hijack it to bomb the vatican tourist station. snap.
You want to treat them for body lice??
Interment and Reeducation, or eradication.
Either way is fine.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and is on pace to become the world's largest religion, supplanting Christianity.
anal probing
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.
What people don't understand is that Islam is by its nature is incompatible with a democratic western society.
It says right in the quran the government should be a theocracy, ran by the leaders of the church.
Once enough of the population is Muslim they will inevitably push for sharia law.
Organized religion is like a disease and Islam is the most virulent strain.
Kill them all.
Youre right. I don't get your pic tho.
Their egos need to be put in check. We cannot continue to sit back and allow them to overrun us simply because they can't stop killing eachother.
Muslim isn't a race you ignorant twat
>>What should be done with Muslims?
Crush them.
See them driven before you.
Hear the lamentations of their women.
Maybe, maybe not, but that doesn't really have anything to do with the post you responded to.
"fastest growing" could simply mean that they breed more than Christians. There is nothing to stand to reason that it is growing by any significant measure as the result of conversion from other religions.
What is the point you're trying to make?
Kebab removal could work.
But I don't know. They seem to be right on some issues.
Islam Is Right About Women
> cancer is the fastest growing tissue in the body and is on pace to become the body's largest organ supplanting heart, brains, and lungs.
There is no god.
All religious people, Muslims, Christians, Jews etc. need to be gently shown this truth.
I think another question to ask is: what should be done with all the Muslim apologists?
Yeah, since they are allowed to have more than one Wife
They seem pretty based and subjugate their women like we want, don't let fags hang out, etc. Maybe since we share goals we should create a coalition with isis.
they need a nice plot of land right next to isreal
This place must be a thinktank or something for brainstorming ideas.
I'm 82% the Cato Institute gets their ideas from /pol/
this is not a place, rather... a thing
think of everyone scribbling on the same rock except the new messages are carved on top of the old
if this was a place... where is it? your screen? its internet address? the servers? mm'hmm
I hardly look after one bro, not true, having 4 wifes very rare like 10 in a million,
they should be aborted or killed at birth. china is smart enough to do it why can't those shit skinned dune coon head loppers do it? this should not only include arabs but actual niggers also. If you're living in a shit hole with no life sustaining resources or a war zone, why the fuck would you bring children into it and increase the population? it doesn't make any sense to me. the people in this world disgust me
They should rule the world.
What should be done with kuffar?
I hope you get brutally murdered by them
Want to know how to remove islam?
Purge all copies of the Quran.
go back
Allah has already promised the Muslims victory. Die in your rage, you twat.
>its internet address? the servers?
yes. you are an actual retard and your attempt to sound intellectual is cringe AND failure
allah can eat shit from a pigs ass and so can you
Dropping Islamic resources
Anwar Awlaki Lectures: archive.org
Messages To The World - The Statements Of Osama Bin Laden: archive.org
Basic Fitness: archive.org
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant nasheed archive: archive.org
The Writings of Sheikh Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt: http:// www.geo cities. ws/ abdulazizibnmyatt/
Send them all to Germany as punishment for World War II.
>See the shit that stems from Islam
>Jews remove kebab consistently
>For some reason we call to eradicate shekelberg first
Maybe we're doing this wrong?
Also, Indonesia found out how to be muslim without being retarded and explode-y, maybe being asian counters some of the brain damage this religion does.
Indonesia did not figure out anything... they are still retarded and explode-y.
...Well shit.
So we see being muslim makes you retarded and explode-y regardless of race/ethnicity, geographical area, financial situation, climate, and pretty much everything else.
How the fuck do people argue that Islam is not the problem
Islam is not the problem, Islam is the solution.
Same thing that should be done with Christians.
genocide is the only solution i am afraid
Always wondered whether there was any credible background explaining this photo. Sometimes he is Bosnian, sometimes Turk
The men are the problem, they usually brain wash or force the women. Keep the woman
they should be treated with the respect and dignity given to any other follower of a false God. into the pit, same with the Christian's, Hindus, and Jews
Women produce more men. Its not that hard to understand
I like how people point fingers at muslims when Christians and Jews are just a bad if not worse.
There's nothing wrong with Islam.
But these men will be atheists