Attached: Snapchat-1706257472.jpg (764x541, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what's an area 51?

any vids up yet?

is actually something happening?

mind control is happening

This guy was just at the raid.

Nope. Its just a bunch of normies trying to be meme lords and naruto running around a car park

They walked up to the gate took a few selfies and left


Not a single vagina was seen for miles around...

True wasn't really a raid but that's what happened yeah

I only took one photo.

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This one dude with the neck protection.

Come funpost at
We have a thread about this too.

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OMG it's an alien

Attached: Screenshot_20190717-170317.png (1080x1920, 107K)

Live pic from the runway area 51

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-082046.png (1080x1920, 820K)

Proving once again that humans are indeed huge assholes that will do anything no matter how stupid.

Attached: 162px-Boom_headshot.jpg (162x162, 7K)

So, what part of area 51 is this?

None of these photo's are real. They're all staged with actors.

Another pic

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-082453.png (1080x1920, 502K)

t.fbi agent
Hey Karen

Uhm, yeah, Real, real good. Idiot.

was this taken with a prehistoric potato or something

i cant see shit

Attached: Cf3ii5nUMAAsm9k.jpg (250x250, 10K)

I snuck in at 4:07 during the heaviest commotion. I wasn't noticed at all. I'm still in a room near what looks to be the largest and most interesting hub of action. I can't hack the wifi, so it will take me some time to post all of my pictures. This is probably the most interesting one, though.

Attached: IMG_E7143.jpg (1148x696, 817K)

Fell asleep trying to watch that complete nobodies live stream. This was the most boring, stupid shit I've ever seen. Nobody did shit.

Wow what a shitty board. Yes even compared to Yea Forums

Back to work with you.

Attached: images (1).jpg (275x183, 13K)

Buried in student debt? Raid Area 51!

Yeah, this feels like something pre cnn Yea Forums would do. But at least they would accomplish something smh. Hope to see a lot of shooting today

>stereotypical nigress with frizzy hair.

Holy shit these Jews don't even realize they always use the same type in every diversity propganda. Skin is usually dark, and almost always see this fucking frizzy shit going in all directions.

NEVER will you see a nigger bitch with straight dark greazy hair, or a pitch black nigger with nappy hair.

*skin is usually light.

The raid is lame so far. Hopefully someone will get shot today


Attached: 1537489449612.jpg (653x349, 123K)

its normies attention seeking as is tradition
selfies will be taken and everyone will just kinda hang out untill they get bored and leave

lamest shit ever

I normally do not condone violence or killing of any kind but fuck these lame-ass nerds, shoot them all, US Military. This is who you should be killing, not wasting ammo on brown people.

And you know what's worse? they will claim that something was achieved and that it should be the next meme of the century. So better be ready for those alien cheeks clappers

Attached: 1568725981662.png (99x153, 2K)

That was it?
That was the 'raid'?
It's over?
Bit of a non-event.

and you already know they are going to inflate the shit out of this

I got baited
> Watched a stream, thinking shit was going to go down.
> Nothing happening
> They drive to the gate
> 12 people fake limbo over the course of 2 hours
> Half the stream spent talking to the security officers about "do you not watch anime?!?"

2/7 would not watch again

Wait, is it over already? Wow, that's disappointing

Attached: 1568901921925.jpg (537x537, 30K)

How can it be over already? It's not even 8:00 on the west coast yet

Normies party early. They have lives outside memes

Is your entire thought process meme-centric? Get offline and get a life, faggot.

>Taking someone seriously on Yea Forums of any places.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as a fact. Only a fool

Attached: 1567807337533.png (283x285, 6K)

Don't at me normie. Go get shot in the raid

CNN or it didn't happen.
BFMTV (&()

Attached: fear-black-FR.jpg (300x300, 27K)



I can't imagine being alive in 2019 and still thinking that CNN is a legitimate news source

fucking retard, you think I care what you are mentally capable of?

taken with a toaster

Ayy lmao

Attached: C32C327F-8AC8-445B-B5C1-158A56496D24.png (500x468, 128K)

The codename:
[Area 51 Raid Contingent]
is to be targeted in a routine
strafe & napalm exercise at
12:00 local time on 20190920
[ about +03:35 from time of this post ]°14'00.0"N 115°48'30.0"W/@37.2333376,-115.810522,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d37.2333333!4d-115.8083333

Attached: Strafe & napalm at 201909201200 .png (1920x998, 472K)

Hope you aren't wrong napalm user

OK sony bros. here is the plan : Metal gea/5YOu//r bring your vita, PsP accepted, will be streaming froom maker and A clock modified PStree mangez des pommes ! find me on adrien bang


Attached: images.jpg (130x92, 4K)

i wanna see them crispy kyles

From earlier

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-113047.png (1080x1920, 1.21M)

From earlier also

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-113052.png (1080x1920, 665K)

>the only place to find people talking shit about the """"""""'raid""""""" is Yea Forums

That's so fucking stupid.

Were you really expecting something else though?

Any fatalities yet, either accidents or encounters with military and/or aliens?


America sucks.
If this were the 1800s people would've stormed it guns blazing. Now you have all these autistic faggots that "Omg i'll do it I wanna die so bad" and then get to the gate and talk to the guards. It's cringey. This was the perfect opportunity for a win, and it would've been so fucking cash

Attached: 1237345737377.jpg (600x540, 31K)

The whole thing was a joke from the start, retard.

Raid 3-4 in 3

Nothing confirmed nor anything special yet.

Your right just taking pictures

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-114956.png (1080x1920, 670K)

you would think the air force would be the ones defending this shit,not a bunch of neckbeard cops

Defending what?

From where they are it's impossible to get anywhere near the Area 51 Airbase. The closest you can get with a car is 15 miles. There are proximity sensors all over the desert to detect movement if you try to get closer than that.

Naruto run negates all of this

No, like 30-50 people showed up and acted retarded in front of the gate while the guards watched them. There was at least one guard standing in front of the entrance though.

Lots of normalfags though, maybe a few weebs and furries but not many.

I wanna be in the reddit screenshot please!

Sorry youre too young to remember that Yea Forums did silly shit like this all the time, redditor

One man has been arrested. For urinating in public.


It's a United States Air Force Base in the Nevada desert that is home to secrets that could threaten global security if released. Some say that extraterrestrials are also kept here.

I loved the dumbledore when they were still coming out with the books. Driving in the car past a bookstore at the midnight release

No shit retard. I'm saying it had potential

Potential for what? Autism?

Don't you mean Fox News?


We all know the real news is found only on Fox News.

you were a joke too, and look how that turned out

Attached: 1560927862346.gif (242x200, 864K)

Tiny Rachel, Nevada must be loving this publicity.

Public Knowledge

Is yours not? Get online and start touching your dick and farting, retard.

Attached: 1565440097470.jpg (960x562, 180K)

Yeah, you got that right. Spell it right next time.

> One man has been arrested. For urinating in public󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 v
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Also, fuck American cops - probably dragged the poor cunt into the van and popped a cap in his head for being an anarchist or whatever.

i like it better when it's nonviolent. there's nothing to overthrow over there anyways, what would be the point of conquering absolutely nothing in some noplace?

ligma balls nigga

More pics from in the morning lol

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-123003.png (1080x1920, 643K)

Public knowledge of what? Modern crowd control technology? How to flail uselessly against reinforced locked doors?

Fucking shoulda atleast attempted the breach

Just stay in your fucking basement faggot

You're just asspained because we didn't get any rekt out of this.

Very interesting

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-124054.png (1080x1920, 718K)

its because obama and trump have pussified the military

Are they gonna fuck with each others now or what?

No think about it. If this actually happened what could potentially happen next
>fort knox
>the greenbrier
>cheyenne mountain
>white house

the sky is the fucking limit.

The Greenbrier resort?


>In the late 1950s, the U.S. government approached The Greenbrier for assistance in creating a secret emergency relocation center to house Congress in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust. The classified, underground facility, named "Project Greek Island",was built at the same time as the West Virginia Wing, an above-ground addition to the hotel, from 1959 to 1962.
>Although the bunker was kept stocked with supplies for 30 years, it was never used as an emergency location, even during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The existence of the bunker was not acknowledged by the government

You can take full tours of the bunker. I’ve never done the full tour but I’ve seen a few rooms inside of it.

What a load of pussies. Knew they wouldn't risk storming the base.

Greenbriar may not be used as an actual bunker now but it is used for housing a decent amount of high value servers.

Interesting. Here’s a picture of the room where Congress would have met.

Attached: 38789C20-CF5D-454C-82FF-65417EC1B278.jpg (4032x3024, 1.86M)

This looks like that mcdonalds Szechuan sauce normies acting like retards kind of shit.

Attached: 120859A7-05D3-4E32-BE80-8DDE70539F1F.jpg (3024x3024, 1.57M)


Attached: blizzard-is-forcing-overwatch-players-to-drop-pepe-the-frog-meme-520340-2.jpg (1480x832, 99K)

Best Korea represented!

Or because, you know, no one actually did anything to warrant lethal force, yet. Like Geneva Convention Laws dictate as well as normal military regulation, and *supposed* to also apply to police (but we know what happens with several cases there). Ya know, world wide regulations, not that everyone follows them, but they exist.

Before getting to that point, depending on circumstances, requires: Verbal and visual warning (1st), verbal and visual warning (2nd) with/without warning shot, lethal force.

>General information for those unaware, not just for the guy laughing because I gave a sincere response.

north korea is a waste
north korea is a mess
north korea is a big fat mistake

Attached: 1541190860926.jpg (733x672, 123K)

you was not there you could make the diffrence.
My representative was there rdy to take them all from watchtower....

I want to go there now

Just two Dutch guys eating pudding and exploring their sexuality in the tank

I mean you drive down to the Greenbrier right now and book a private tour for $850. I live like 40 miles from it.

I wish i could have seen a few an heros, but no dice

This is bait, right?

The pictures just look so uncomfortable it’s all people dressing up to just stand there with their hands in their pockets or on their phone should’ve at least done something interesting so it could get good media coverage or get a bunch of these retards shot

Space sluts

haha reference!

Is anyone actually there right now?

It's stupid, this is exactly how I said it was going to go two months ago, like 200-300 people showing up max (i actually over-estimated) and lots of events set up in Nevada around that time by marketer's to host the people who show up and take their money.

Attached: 1519277689334.png (2989x2065, 1.39M)

Were you honestly expecting anything more?

Attached: 4chan meetup.jpg (3110x2073, 909K)

>children in 2019 don't know how to socialize
big fucking surprise

But are at the event?

*Are you at the event?

I'm not sure if your english is really bad or what but no, why the hell would I go to an event that I predicted would just be a ploy for people to set up money sinks in Nevada.

It was a joke and most people took it as a joke, the people who didn't get to show up and maybe have an awkward orgy at some hotel after they get bored of people coming out with dogs and watching them act like goddamn children.

Personally I don't give a damn what they do.

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Why do they all look like future school schooter?

I accidentally left out “you”.

Don't make up shit you can't back up or prove.

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Theres probably sniper teams hiding in the bus-

Attached: ranger-sniper-team-hr.jpg (3000x1995, 1.4M)


Holy fucking shit what a disappointment. Everyone there is a fucking disgrace. Of course the "lets all rush the gate at the same time" thing isn't going to fucking work if you get psyched out by one fucking guard. These faggots should get shot anyways for cowardice.

Holy shit that faggot soyboy on the news story saying "nobody's going to do anything illegal, we just want to have fun" makes me want to fucking eviscerate him.
If you didn't want to do something, don't fucking show up.


that was a great laugh

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Did you grow up in a fundamentalist christian sect or something?
What kind of brainwashed fuck sends their kids to church instead of school for their education?

oh come on, not that old shit ag

>this madlad actually wearing a tin foil hat

Attached: IMG_20190920_123459.jpg (574x574, 27K)

The good stuff is in Area 420

you're so easily triggered. you should go see a psychiatrist.

that was just the distraction, retard.

Something to think about. Idea and date for Area 51 raid was set months ago. Climate change walkout is set for the same date. Coincidence?

Why don't you just ask Trump?
He will spill all secrets.

Attached: b144cad.jpg (1144x676, 121K)

god that's embarrassing

Nothing to be concerned about I assure you.

Attached: 5318008.png (322x465, 117K)

Looks like a scene from Crossed

where did you hear about this place?

Ayy lmao

shhh top sekret shit

>fucking Dylan

He heard it from an urban legend. There's nothing there but guards roaming an empty base.

Attached: luna-moth-on-palm-frondflorida.jpg (329x500, 151K)

shit video lol

>North Korea

All you keyboard warriors want someone else to go and do all the things that you're too cowardly to do yourself, then you come up with excuses to not do it yourself. I don't want to do this or see it happen, so I'm not a hypocrite or coward like all of you.

Good, this shit finally happened and it's jsut as underwhelming as I always knew it would be. Hope all this "MUH RAID AREA 51" cancer is now forgotten for good forever.

take your meds

Here! Here!

Im not in a fking fb event. I didnt hype it up and gtfo. I just lol on everything around storming area 51 coz kek. Its just ridiculous how big that joke got, anyone actually thought its gonna happen? Except US gov mb

This is just the beginning. Now they know we want the secrets they are hiding from us. The storm is coming!


Most of the people there are adults. Most children dont have the means to get to some remote place in the desert on a school night.

>autistic adults in 2019 don't know how to socialize
big fucking surprise


All the livestreams I'm seeing on YouTube are fake so far, as in, it's all stolen, looped footage. Where are the real livestreams?

locked deep in Area 51. Go get 'em, tiger!


>Now they know
They've "known" all they need to knw since the very day this meme started, and they knew exactly how it would go on too.

Ayy lmao


They can't keep their secrets forever. One of these days we will find out what kind of shit they've been doing and hiding over there.

It's deleted now even from archives, massive coverup!

kill with fire
fuck yeah!

that's a lot more fucking than I would've done.

I can dance all day, just try and hit me.

why are you going for a run with a knife?

Why don't they learn to raid properly?

Attached: wojak.png (272x204, 15K)

Instead of running into Area 51. Why don't all these people fly drones into it and record everything. I'd love to see the military try and take down 1000's of drones.

It would be pretty easy

Is this the best zoomers can come up with?
At least boomers could pull of Dan’s Bake Sale; and that was before the internet.

Attached: 276D9E00-3D6E-4404-A216-943714281AE8.jpg (1191x625, 505K)


i'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars just to fly a drone over some buildings and airplane runway only to get shot down easily by a military shotgun.

Everybody knows you run faster with a knife

Attached: 1566268888147.jpg (405x390, 34K)

How does it feel to be in a constant state of autism?

damn son, you really aint picky..

21 ft rule

actual picture of an alien.

Attached: 1514660999086.jpg (1439x1700, 477K)

is masturbation gay?

>They have lives outside memes

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-172312~2.png (1204x777, 761K)

Another real photo of an alien photographed today at area 51.

Attached: 2-large1.jpg (1527x1080, 119K)


Attached: 54654654.jpg (319x698, 32K)

I took a tour of it a few years ago. It was pretty neat, and the tour guide had some interesting stories about how they kept the bunker secret even from employees of the Greenbrier.

>screen shot

Attached: the-funniest-tweets-of-all-time-this-week-30-photos-25-9.jpg (599x743, 117K)

Another real photo of an alien photographed today at area 51.

Attached: Another real photo of an alien photographed today at area 51 .jpg (1920x1446, 625K)

Attached: nkguy.png (226x254, 61K)


Attached: unknown1.png (904x507, 582K)