How do blind people know when to stop wiping?

how do blind people know when to stop wiping?

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this is the best thread i've ever seen on this board

The hilda ponies

fuck, you really are asking the real questions

they stick their finger up their ass then give it a good taste

They get me to lick it

i am the poop licker

came here to post this but then found it was already posted
can future posts even compete? might as well shut the board down now

Wipe the fuck out of it

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how do deaf people know when they started/finished pooping?

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You don't really need audio feedback to gauge when you've finished pooping. And I say this from experience.

I used to wear earmuffs while I shat, because back at my parent's house my brother's room was right next to the bathroom, and he was always loud as fuck, smoking pot and laughing with this retarded friends. And I simply could not shit when I heard someone talking. If you've ever heard of shy-bladder, it's a similar concept. So I covered my ears, and shat while wearing sound blocking earmuffs for over a decade.

Eventually I moved out and into my own apartment, where there were no loud dickheads next to my bathroom laughing like retards 24/7, so I could finally shit peacefully, unencumbered. But I hadn't heard my shits in years, I had almost forgotten that they make an audible noise at all. It was almost unreal to me. The fact that you can actually hear your gross slimy shits sliding out of your butthole was frankly disgusting to me. It took me months to get used to it.

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how can I know difference between fard and poopoo peepee if can't hear the splash?

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i believe because they lack the sense of sight, their sense of touch is heightened, thus making them able to feel how much poop is left on their butt when they're wiping

im not blind though, i couldn't tell


i sent this joke to someone and they said it was a REDDIT post

you are CRINGE op, you = CRINGE


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You are the reason this board is total crap.
We want the god damn real answer to OP's question!!!

this is the content I subscribed foar

Por que?

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I imagine their caretaker wipes it for em


I work in a blind person accesories shop, and let me tell you, they don't know when to stop, they just guess, and they mostly stink of SHITTY unwiped ass

They sniff it

>having friends that can identify a reddit post

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