I don't know about any of you people, but has anyone got to the point where video games start to feel rather boring...

I don't know about any of you people, but has anyone got to the point where video games start to feel rather boring? (At least without some friends to play with)

I'm at that place where I find nothing to play or good manga/anime/read/watch. I'm 4 shots in tonight on my Friday and I guess I'm feeling rather numb.

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I'm at the same place right now man

the worlds fucked man, most of us are depressed and dont even know it, plus video games are shit these days, the last decent game i played and actually got fully immersed in was witcher 3, and that was what? 3 years ago?

Drop your steam tag and we can have a game of gold with your friends.

i also have no friends so

Yes, because ive played all the good stuff to death and 99% of whats churned out these days are basically the same old shit over and over different texture packs. There are very few truely good games made these days. All dumbed down to fuck.

It's honestly such a shitty feeling. Due to my job I can't even smoke dank in a recreational state, so alcohol is my only vice which I'd give up in a heartbeat if I could smoke again.

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i am exactly where you are
how do deal with it everyday is doing nothing, literally hopping bed after coming from work and i just wait to fall asleep until the next day comes, because work is the only thing keeping me from probably killing myself
i also listen to lots of music trying to relive old feelings
i don't know if im gonna do it, i just carry on and observe


Feel free to add me. I've been on that Apex Legends hype after I gave up on CS:GO, but even Apex is starting to bore me.

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Nothing is worse then not knowing what you want to do career wise and hating this temp shit that pays shit in the meantime. Nevertheless continuing to go to that shit job and it being the only thing to pass the time in life makes it just fucking miserable.

i miss pubg tbh, the original, laggy piece of shit pubg. i miss the hype, me and my mates would spend fucking hours trying to win even tho we sucked, i spent like 200 on a new kleyboard and mouse just to get gid, then it all fizzled out ;_;

Three words:

Wizard of Legend

When i don't want to play vidya anymore i usually go for a ride with my bike

You'd probably have more luck if you went for a ride on your bike.

I've been working on weight loss recently to make myself feel comfortable in my own body for the past 6-7 months. (65 pounds loss)
I find it difficult to go out late at night from my schedule at the park when there are groups of people I wish not to associate with out there.

I've come to enjoy walking though, that rush of endorphins when I finish feels great.

try Acid dude, it's a miracle drug for real, Doesn't show up in regular drug tests, and will change your outlook on life with no long term damage.It also renewed video games for me because while you can't really play competitive games while on it you can play pretty games with good music and appreciate the absolute fuck out of it.

Try taking a break. Too much of anything continuously becomes monotonous.

They'll be fun again when you are doing enough other things that you are playing them to relax.

Yeah, I would love to find a connect for that shit, but I'm not exactly a social person. Honestly I would just love to start smoking some weed nightly for sleep and maybe to get back into playing games.

I've heard of situations while tripping on acid or mushrooms that can fuck you up if you aren't in the right mindset going in, so I kind of stray away from that. I mean even weed gets me super anxious and paranoid. (Fuck, I used to make an 1/8 last me almost a month)

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i really hope you find what you like, i took cs because i saw in my parents' daily work, that they could automate a lot of things in their workflow and i like being complacent and praised, and i have affinity with computers so i thought why not, this was many years ago

now i have a well paid job and i work with cool people even tho im not exactly a cool, rather boring, person and i enjoy working there

you need an indica dominant strain

That's kind of the goal.

I was interested in becoming a chiropractor since I was always the kind of person that enjoys helping others, but then I found out what you need to learn in order to become one. I'm not exactly school smart, so that one went out the window.

I thought of becoming an actor when I was younger, but that shit is more about who you know then what you know.

I've had indica, sativa, and indica/sativa hybrid. Every single one of them gets me fucking paranoid as fuck.

I've come to understand that it's the THC content. Everyone wants the high and not the CBD that counteracts the THC because all strains made nowadays have to be high in THC.

Would be nice if boredom wasn't a factor.

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