Was this seriously the most hamfisted screen im the past 20 years, hell even 30?

Was this seriously the most hamfisted screen im the past 20 years, hell even 30?
Fuck this one scene and it's stupidity makes The Room look like fucking Citizen Kane.
I'm not one on the side that endgame didn't need any female characters, hell them all fighting as a unit with all the men was fine, fantastic even but this "you go girl! Girl powah" sjw pandering shit seriously took the MCU as a whole from an 8/10 master class in long term cinematic story telling to a 4/10.
This one, fucking pointless scene.
The Russos need to be flogged to death for this.

Attached: Avengers-Endgame-No-Women-Fan-Cut.jpg (798x420, 35K)

Comics have always been about social shit. I'm pretty sure you can find a lot of strips from relevant comics similar to b this scene.

I know this is bait but you probably truly are an incel

Should I be glad I dont know what any of this is?

>the only nigger is straight out of an Umbongo advert

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I just watched this and I don’t even remember this scene

Tackle it in a movie not as laughably bad as Captian Marvel.
Not while taking a dump on the climax, of over 10 fucking years of build just so tumblrenias can go "woo!" while jiggling their arm fat.

The girl on the horse is black

It was 15 seconds

The mcu is shit and everyone knows it, in 5 years when you go back a rewatch all these garbage films only then will you realise you’re just watching a bunch of pandering bullshit meant for children. Go watch pulp fiction and fuck a gimp you disgusting man child

Every person ever who has shit their pants, has done it in 15 seconds or less. That doesn't stop the act of shitting your pants from being disgusting and ruining your pants.

>Go watch pulp fiction
Is that meant to be your attempt at pointing out a good movie by comparison?
Because its not. It's not even Tarantino's best work.

all super heroes were created to sell toys, why the fuck would they give the slightest thought to someone like u? why can’t u watch films for ur age group?

You think Pulp Fiction is not a good movie somehow?

Its a mediocre film that is over hyped by edgy males.

And what do you think IS a good movie?

That's one of the best metaphors I ever heard

You know he's going to post some hipster bullshit

2019. Not enjoying a slow leisurely pants shitting, this is worse than being a incel
I honestly pity you.

Or maybe you need to re-examine your own hangups and insecurities? What does it bother you so much that they did an all female moment? You do realize a lot of women watch the MCU movies too right? Appealing to that demographic isn't sjw pandering, it's smart business and besides all that it was a fucking awesome moment. You are just an insecure person who feel his masculinity challenged by any depiction of strong women. Seriously pathetic dude.


>caring about capeshit
i think you are the retard here

They should call that movie "the spinoffs". None of them do anything original.


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I like beer league myself

What about the first Star Wars reboot?

Female lead character with her black male friend as a beta sidekick.

Princess Leah overall commanding general, cause that happens all the time.

Only good white guy is an old fart past his prime who dies.

Only other white guy is an overgrown, not scary, man child who has powers he takes for granted because he is privileged to have trained with Luke Skywalker.

Call me an incel if you wish, I just thought it was over the top obvious what they were doing, not a single white guy in the film.

fucking rekt the sjws. godbless you user

>still salty about starshit
god you people are pathetic

there's nothing insecure about thinking something is forced asshat.

besides, you never see men claiming 'man power!', they just handle their shit and save the world, all while not patting themselves on the back.

but how is it forced?

Attached: forced diverity 2.jpg (510x521, 39K)

Yet you keep proving my point.

>still salty about starshit
I'm allowed not to like a movie edgelord. also allowed to explain why. i dislike a lot of movies all the time, some I don't even watch they look so bad. that's an awful lot of salt for you to presume I carry lol

i just wanna watch a good or hell even a crappy movie without being beat over the head with social justice is all. there's bigger issues at hand in my opinion, like the fact we're gonna live through a worse depression than the 1930s. Makes women being represented in superhero movies seem small by comparison.

not to mention why do women want to be represnted in super hero movies so much? you don't see men forcing their way into shit rom coms or demanding equal representation on lifetime or oxygen network

well, they exluded all white men for starters...? seems fairly obvious.

kinda like Oceans 8, true diversity is including white men, not excluding a gender or race....kindergarten level user, kinndergarten

meh, not a counterargument, resorting to name calling means you lost the argument, i'll take your defeat.

at least this user tried and had a better point

what white men were excluded?

By literally being forced. By not being organic in any way.

Pretending like you dont get it isnt. A substitute for a counter argument

how is a majority of chars being males just organic artistic freedom but when it's women it's a conspiracy forcing them in?

I just had plot problems with it.
Superman says "not sure how you'll make it" so all the ladies line up...

And I'm yelling at the screen "did you miss where she just flew directly through a fucking spaceship?!?"

Err Spiderman. Whatever.

endgame was ridiculous.
their tongues this much up social justice warriors butts.

who inherits thors throne after he's a total mess for killing the bad guy and doesn't stick to his character at all tho whole movie?
- a black woman naturally
who inherits cpt. americas shield?
- the black kang from africa of course
plus ops scene...

and also
who is worthy of using thors hammer and inherits it?
- of course cpt. america because muh merica

the time traveling logic is also inconsistent while the movie jokes about other movies that had more consistent time travel

avengers should have stopped with infinity wars

>- of course cpt. america because muh merica
but doesn't this go exactly against the sjw narrative?

yea that's why it's on a different paragraph.
not sjw, but general butt-licking

It was very blatant propaganda and very cringy when i saw it.

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that's even more cringy

A lot of people are too mad about the diversity SJW fight to really see the issue.

The point is great - more minority screen time is always appreciated. The scene though, it just felt so FORCED. Not like a woman only film, or some female characters teaming up for a few scenes. No, we need to make sure we get all the female characters in one shot so we don't have to worry about the diversity count for the movie!

It was just too forced a shot, and thats the only issue with it.

omg and the scene with the smart female science nigger...

- hears a few seconds of the context
"why don't you just..."
"because we didn't think of it"
- smug face

how they have to fabricate a situation where a smart black woman saves the day.
proves how rarely that happens

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Thats literally how we got trump though. Like theres a bunch of men who are never gonna be able to find wives or have careers because society and the economy are fucked, if we can convince those men to go off and play games and watch capeshit 24/7 it will keep them from setting everything on fire.

Gtfo with your logic and reality. Let him seeth


Yes. I tried to watch it lastnight, dull story, feminist bs, why did they even bother. Chubby thor is the only decent thing about it. Seriously I enjoy justice league more & I honestly can't stand their movies

I see you don't read comics.
It's a wink to the comic "A-force", which you'd know if you bothered about comics and not just being angry online.

This is true.

Whats wrong with girl power?

>still reading comics
>acting superior over an essentially dead art form

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You need to swallow more donkey cum, faggot

Because incels fear women

Bitter Virginity, the thread.

Jesus. Thank you.

It was cringy but in a regular capeshit way, like when the thing says clobbering time
I was much more upset how badly they ruined hulk

yeah and captain america is assassinated during the civil war
your fucking point?

Would you be saying the same thing if they were all dudes?

Get over yourself.

No, you fucking can't. I defy you to find one instance of such a scene in comics. You won't, because comics have been highly integrated for decades.
Waste of dubs

Well wrote.

No you got Trump because a lot of people didn't want 8 more years of failed Obama policy's