Have a couple of hours to waste so why not: Ask a guy who used to strip on cam for money in the past anything

Have a couple of hours to waste so why not: Ask a guy who used to strip on cam for money in the past anything

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Good morning, why are you gay?

I'm afraid i'm not. Would have probably been easier if someone were into guys since 95% of the clientele is guys i'd say. So gay for pay would probably fit it pretty well, but the first thing you think about when you see crossdressers is usually not "wow, what a straight guy", i give you that haha

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More pics pls OP!

How much do you make?

Do you regret doing it, or would you recommend it to a friend?
Any irl stalkers?
How much did you charge per session, and how much did you earn monthly?
Any problems with people saving videos and posting?
Did women buy shows? What type of women were they?

How do I get your body?

Since it was supposed to be an AMA thread, i'll bump my answers with pictures. I prefer not to dump too many just by myself.

payment was mostly in gifts and lingerie so its hard to say. I did it mostly for fun and some side income, since nice outfits can sadly be expensive.

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Lol same. I just crossdress and get feminized because it makes me super horny...not gay, just can't get pussy and even if I did I'd last like 30 seconds tops

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You're not gay, but would you fuck another super feminine trap?

haha commit suicide haha

so you're not gay but you put on crossdressing sex shows for gay men in exchange for gifts?
that's kinda weird bro

>Do you regret doing it, or would you recommend it to a friend?
Nah, was quite fun actually. And surprisingly even if only 5-10% of the people interested in it is girls, thats still quite a lot with a couple thousand followers.

>Any irl stalkers?
Luckily not. Some friends actually had saved a couple of my pictures since some were browsing Yea Forums as well back in the days, but no one really knew it was me irl. And i guess even if, no one can really just ask "hey, is that you in that trap thread?", since well.. all you have to do is say no and you are the one with the upper hand haha
>How much did you charge per session, and how much did you earn monthly?
Differed from week to week actually. Sometimes I didn't cam for months but when i was in the mood i would do it a couple times a week as well. Payouts on camsites were always a pain in the ass, so doing private shows and having some regulars was way more lucrative (and fun too, tbh)
>Any problems with people saving videos and posting?
I don't think there is too much left of me on the internet, but it's probably harder to be recognized, than forgotten. But it was always a surprise when i was browsing Yea Forums and saw my pictures in multiple threads back in the days.
>Did women buy shows? What type of women were they?
Not many, mostly were guys obviously. I only had a couple regulars and a bunch of one time spenders that were women, but they would mostly buy specific outfits they wanted to see on me, which was always quite fun actually

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I'm afraid most pics are already a few years old. I haven't been camming since i got out of college. I used to be a little chubby in middle school, but trained most of it away in high school, so some curves stayed that helped quite a lot with dressing up. I would assume many of my clients were looking for that androgynous look though, which i was glad to be able to help out with. Not much of a diet though, just a bit of training. As you can see on this picture here, its a little bit towards skinny-fat, but luckily on the right places to make it look good in lingerie

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How did you do cams in college? I assume you weren't in a dorm or had your own apartment. When I crossdressed at home I had to hide my stuff and it was such a pain in the ass that I threw it out. I lowkey wanna do it again but I doubt I'll ever have the privacy to do it comfortably.

I feel you. Sadly, most of the girls are quite submissive when it comes to playing, so if you are only submissive, you might probably have a damn hard time to get girls, as did i. Luckily, at some point i just decided to switch, and it turns out, since you know what you would prefer yourself, you can just do to girls instead. But yeah, finding a pure dominant partner thats not a guy can take forever.
Due to hours of playing on cam though, the stamina is quite a bit too much, than too little actually. Usually takes a bunch of hours to cum, which many girls dont appreciate much at all once the relationships last longer.

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I was into the idea, was also looking through grindr every now and then whenever i wasn't in a relationship, but i probably wouldn't do it with another one IRL to be honest, since it's mostly just fantasy. It's fun to masturbate to and imagine things, but if you aren't really bi, i would probably not recommend it, since you might regret it.

nah thanks haha, my life is quite good atm, but thanks for the thread bump

I guess you are right. But i guess the mindeset there was if you were streaming on twitch and have gay followers who are into you, you wouldn't mind getting donations from them either? Hard to compare though i guess, but what can i say, dick isn't really for me i guess, since i'm not exactly into guys and anal did never really do it for me either. Girls usually dig the comfortable with your own sexuality thing though, and the upside of girls being into crossdressing guys is, that they usually were a little bi as well, which can come in handy sometimes ~

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I think i started with 17 or so when i was still living with my parents. Couldn't even lock the door, so always had to wait for good times. I won't know about college dorms, because thats something i only know from american movies. I still have most of my lingerie in big bags that are easy to lock and just put away in the closet. My current gf is also into it, but when i'm in a relationship, i tend to make them wear it instead of just me, since well... it was made for female bodies afterall.

But yeah, privacy is indeed needed for that if you aren't living with someone who knows about it.

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You have an effeminate body, I'm not gay but you make me horny. Nice skin also.

I remember jerking it to you years ago.
is there anyplace we can get most of your stuff?

Where do you get a GF that's into crossdressing kinks lol. I'm actually pretty good looking (just not very strong and still a virgin so no sexual experience) so I could probably get a normal gf but I wouldn't impress her with experience, your situation sounds pretty hot...

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Thanks. And yeah, thats the whole appeal i guess. Looks nice, fun to jerk off and fantasize, but something you would probably not really wanna do irl haha.

Yeah, it's been a while since i posted. when i have a bit of time, i still make a thread every half year or so, but that's mostly just for fun nowadays. Sadly, my tumblr which was my main income source got banned back in the days, so i decided to cleanse the rest as well, but there is probably still stuff out there somewhere. No archive or anything i can link you though i'm afraid

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lol yeah, it's fucking weird. Is that you in the gif?

I'm afraid i can't help much with dating advice. As i said, if you want a dominant gf i have bad news for you, cause that can take ages. If you just want one that's into crossdressing, just download some apps or make profiles on dating profiles and let them find you. Should be easy enough, especially with stuff like tinder. Just use some CD pictures as well, which is always a nice icebreaker to talk about. Just follow rules 1 & 2

Most of the pictures are, yeah. And can't blame you, the internet is a weird place. I mean, if you are hot enough you can sell bath water and become a millionaire haha

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what was your tumblr? someone has to have archived it.

Do you take hormones or something? I would fuck you no homo.

How many men have you had sex with?

I think it was cdcutiepie. At least thats what i went by on most sites i think. Might come across boyish faces though, so google at your own risk

Nah, as i said a bit further above, i used to be a bit chubby in middle school, trained most of it away, but a bit stayed, as you can see on the chest. Guess thats hard to come by otherwise. But thanks i guess

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You're not only gay, but delusional if you think you're not

if your body was as fem as his you would do the same

How did you work off the chub and get that lovely fem body?

I need to know! :3


My fiance is gonna take that me being gay pretty hard after 5 years of being together. I hope i can help her get through that. Thanks for letting me know though!

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i guess a bit of exhibitionism has to be a given. Bonus points for being actually gay though, since that probably makes it a bit easier as well. It's mostly people secretly intrigued by it who post the not nice comments, since well... why would they actually take time and effort to open a thread, post a reply and keep it open to wait for something back :) I wouldn't do that in fetish threads that i don't care about.

mostly belly and chest training. had a good routine going on, but sadly, the past year its not quite as flat as it was a couple years ago as you can see

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yeah you're hot lol, cool to see you're happy with a fiance and stuff, hope i get gf in university haha

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Belly and chest training? Any exercises you’d recommend? I assume you don’t mean weights?

You’re beautiful tho!

>cdcutiepie...at your own risk
found stuff. spam filter is a nigger so i can't post links, if anyone cares dig around archive.org for that tumblr and you'll find the jan 2015 archive

do you still have all the clothes?

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Do you have a pretty face? Obviously I don't expect you to post a selfie here but maybe you have one in one of those cute dust masks?

fuck thats hot...

can someone post more of this little femboy?