ASIAN THREAD. Post some new girls guys

ASIAN THREAD. Post some new girls guys

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another FB asian thread


Anyone have more of this girl?

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You don't know what I got. Shush

Post what you have

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My gf
Trying to get her to cuck me

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How'd that convo go?

Loves the idea, still too shy to try for real.

How'd you bring it up?

Just get her drunk as fuck. More?

Looking for black guy with huge dick? Where you located?

Slowly hahah, first got her to make a tinder to introduce her to it and once she found a decent guy on there she started calling me by his name and getting into it. She had people she knows finding her on there though which put her off since people don’t mind their own damn business.


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Fuckk, more of her ass

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Fuck shes hot

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Got more face?

is this tammy p?

No definitely not

LOL it is!!

bro post more, you’d make my day
or kik?


First moment I thought I know her

Probably do


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Chinese girl?

Whats her name?

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Not a black guy but interested. Got kik? East coast here

Does she speak german?

Any interest?

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Yep.. Go on.. Got naked pics?


Go on. That tits!

I don't know maybe? Whats her name?

Yeah, but that comes later

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Where are you guys from

Chinese given Name was Ning if it is the Samen girl

Wild OP has fled heh

Daamn, seems like I would be horny on the way to work today

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Spread those legs dude..and let's admire her kitty


Sammy? Where she from? She fucks a lot of random foreigners

just keep posting anything of her

only got her tits, but her pussy is delicious

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The girl I know lives in Beijing, has the same short hairstyle. Never knew her english name.

She seems like an excellent lay, bruh. Picturing how tight she can be.. Got kik btw?

Post a pic of her

She'd love daddy's fat cock..I am sure about it

Don't have any, just met her twice back then when I lived in China. Never fucked her, was just a friend. Cause already have a chinese gf

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shes in love with cock, her pussy is exactly how tight you would imagine it to be.

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Found one in her wechat, the only pic she posted ㄟ(,)ㄏ

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and no kik sorry

What kinda work she do?

Oh defiantly not her

Here you go

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Would love to see her spreading her thighs for me and teasing

Any pussy shots of Ms. tittilicious?

Yep. Most are in videos tho

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She'd probs love your cock in her

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Shy of showing everything, user?.. Go on.. Im craving to be inside already

Daaamn that fuck meat.. Expose her pussy, son

If you got kik it might be easier to send

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only got tits

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Akik me at ohnoitsakash

Hmu at Ro45i

Wanna watch her getting plowed by daddy?

Anybody like her? She’s a good fuck from my experience

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of course. Love to see a train ran on her

Any interest?

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Where are you from..we can easily arrange that..

100%. Go on

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These googly eyes melt my heart

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Get me some pussy please

I agree, shr seems like a cockloving bitch

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Does anyone else get motivated to look after themselves better when seeing Asian girls slim bodies?

I like!

fuck no, asian chicks dig all sorts of guys. I got bear belly and I get laid. Who cares then.

I'm a fan, more

Beat me to it

Thx bro she really nice

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The Queen is here!

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who is this? please continue your good job user

No clue. Just some saves.
Unfortunately I am going to sleep.

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All Hail the Queen

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please dump what you have user, and sleep well

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Well you got any back story for her?

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I know what every user knows, that she is a whore

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Love her

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She does too

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Only webm of this girl

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Thoughts on her?

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Something’s up with those eyes.

They're good eyes looking at you

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Nice tits. let's see more

Thoughts on this milf

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Nice tits


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Gonna need more

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I'd tell her some creepy motherfucker is posting her on Yea Forums. That's "what I'd do".

Damn she have a nice cute body

ready to breed her

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I want to test that cum catcher she's got there

Nice girl shame the dick is curvy and small

Who doesnt

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Going to guess.. Thai?

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Fucking noice

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Love her

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Love that fat ass

Anyone have more of the girl on the left? An user has dropped a lot of her a while back

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Hmu johndoe201789

Live pics in bed with chubby asian

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Isn't that Qiwei?

asian girls aren't attracted to white guys:[

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They are, a lot more then you may expect

why'd you delete?

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Whore asian from SA in NYC.
IG: beverlywng

Expose her. More if you guys like

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asians are sluts


My asian slut. Does anyone know of a good cuck/bull discord ?

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I've seen this before and every single time it makes me cum buckets. Who is she?

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Anybody have melissa?

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I know it's racist of me to say this but a lot of Asian girls look similar to me, like I dated some Vietnamese girl in college and she was pretty cute but I've seen like 12 other girls in this thread that look almost exactly like her.


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what a cutie

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Thread was dead, it got no attention

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Yes! Please dump

Any nudes?

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Keep going

Anymore with full body? Pussy? Ass?

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