Celeb Thread

Celeb Thread

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The angle you deserve to look at mommy

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mmm fuck you just know shes a dirty slut behind closed doors

I wish Family Guy creator creep had not sullied them goods

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What a sad story

Yes mommy I'm your worthless slave.

Is it me, or did Alison Brie used to be hotter? I used to look at her and just want to fuck her unconscious. Now I look at her and I'm just like, meh.

She hit the wall man.


Good morning anons!

Dreamt she was my gf lads
For what felt like months..
How do i cope with reality now?

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I suppose this is her one of the latest shoot

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Man I had a dream like that with a girl I know irl. That day I woke up was rough all day, no joke. It was so vivid, I was heartbroken.

Fucking hnnghh


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Fuck sounds rough user
I better just focus on work today

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any Marisha fanboys hanging around?

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I'd pipe. who is she?

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she is the creative director for Critical Role, does streaming and gang bangs at Burning Man (apparently :P)

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if I was smart I would have done some kind of internet caper tonight and made millions. idk how that would be done tho tbh

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So pretty

Where'd you hear about the gang bangs?

... no you don't. You like to imagine that, but you don't know it at all.

Morning anons

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I am just a small schnoekie

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hello there little guy

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Who's the muffin


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Hey brah

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Fapping hard

I wish I understood the meme

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No one guessed the mouth

to understand it you have to first die and be reborn

You think?

Emma Roberts?

Lucky guy


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Michael Cera's delicious lips?

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she always reminds me i have a dick that needs to cum

and I wish I had a Red Ryder whittle guy but awww shucks!

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So big

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Is it the fantastic tits?

all of her is fantastic, yeah

I agree


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God damn

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So big..

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Must not give in


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what it do, babyboo,young&blue, hershalooooo?

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blood for the blood god

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I just want to fap.


They demand an offering



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who you like?

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Oh my....

...My oh

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Anyone honestly

ill be making babecock with this soon

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I bet Jenna Coleman has a really tight grip with her pussy lips, once you've in she ain't letting you out

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Dat arch

idk about y'all but i want that footpussy

Without a doubt

Attached: jenna-louise-coleman-s1200x1800-454137.jpg (1200x1800, 392K)

God yes

she will only let your balls release cum to drain you of your life force, then she cuts your head off

Must not..


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must not get hard...


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That works for me

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Fapping to both of these girls.

i dont think there is anyone i see as more perfect than lily collins..

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fine ill stroke myself a little..

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Just not the sensitive parts..

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Are you fapping too?


thats lewd..you want me to just make it hard?

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Of course

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Yes. No naughty employment.

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i dont have a job

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Everyone just looks at her tits anyway

sweet lord

That's hot, shes sexy and cute.

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Fucking what

She's fucking phenomenal

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Don't touch the sensitive parts

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What cunt

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lewd, user.. i promise i wont

Mornin qt

Would love to smash a bed to pieces with this large bitch

She makes my cock feel good.

I want an user to dom me.

Mind if I supervise to make sure?

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You what mate?

user is a cereal killer

Me too dude, literally about to finish for her

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To who?

Fuck yeah, she deserves it

I may need to step in if I think you are getting carried away

im rendering full size rn as well


I dont mind, just want to be controlled

w-what..? im so hard

That's okay

Another boys talking about their dicks thread

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I will step in if you get too lewd.

How lewd....

want to lightly choke

Yes ... do you want to control me?

I could certainly have some fun..

Please do

I can get very lewd

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Lewder the better

So much milk

semen for the blood god

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Should we take this somewhere else?

Don't make me slap it


Discord? Kik?

alright user ur freaking me out, i just wanted lily

do it in front of us, fags

What's your kik?

g-gimme a bit

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I was just going to send him cat pics and embarrass him anyway

yes :3

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sort of hot..

Aw :(
I was excited that hurts my feelings

Feel free to supervise me user

Oh I will. Closely..

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Bet you enjoy watching.

thats what chtrbte is for, watching guys cum

I only do it to make sure things are done...right

Watch guys cum often, do you?

post pics, children. it's an imageboard afterall
>check this 7

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well shit, now that you mention it i do every time i cum

So if my technique is not so good...care to help me out?

>post pics of children

if hot women make dicks hard, what do they make vaginas?

By instructing you?



By demonstration. Your hand working my cock.

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I mean that does make sense to me.

sometimes i wonder how many anons are some type of alien beings

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And to me. Though if it feels better for you, can always use your mouth...

thank you OXFORD

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Sounds like you want me to

Maybe a little.

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Not as naughty as you once I push your head down...

why delet that? how bizarre..... how bizarre.........

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OOOO BABY, (ooo baby)

Then how will I pull away?

You don't, I want to hear you gag.

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that too.... that too....

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Well I don't know if I'm okay with this

have any of her spreading her legs? hnng

You don't have much of a choice in the matter. You're about to get your mouth pounded whether you like it or not.

Can you at least look at a celebrity to distract yourself?

Of course, I'll be looking at one and imagining it is her mouth that I am defiling the whole time.

..Who do you have in mind

Not sure yet, but someone thick.

whats happenin dudes

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anyone got that big titted curly redhead??

i just poached 3 jumbo sized eggs bitches

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Oh my...

Thicc sluts always make me bust hard. There will be plenty of ropes.

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That makes it worse for my mouth...

dassa noice foive

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watchu talkin bout

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You love it really, slut. All you want is to be pounded by fat cocks.

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I was just trying to help user

listen mate I sold some fake ket pills to 3 year nines last night (girls) & luck would have it the middle one's middle brother goes to crumpet class with the queen mum's nan so hurry up and fetch me a tenner so I can get some cheeky Nandos before they send me to Wales mate

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You are helping by choking on my dick.

Not that kind of help....

What help is there to give other than making anons cum?

yeah ima be in dat, on dat around mdat dnxudbg xsg mmmmm hmmm

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They don't send people to Wales for that m8, that gets you shipped down under. But fine I'll grab you a Nandos

u ok?

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I was worried you might have issues pleasuring yourself...

o k

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Year 9s would at most be 14, nonce

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strange thread

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I do have issues. Can never cum hard enough without some lips wrapped around my cock.

lmao, what?

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>i wish she was always green

Thats...very lewd

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>Doesn't even rub it on her titties.
My morning is spoiled.


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Her green tiddies don't come out in the movie


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a damn shame

That's why I never watched it. :-/

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As good a reason as any to boycott

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I stole it from you two weeks ago anyway ツ

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Whoa cool it, that's someone sexy celeb babe you're talking about.

Oh wait... that someone is you. Nevermind, carry on. :P

But mine was like this ;>
And yours is like this :c

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It always regresses to this

eggsactly :)

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just so you know anyone who uses text emogi's i see as subhuman

n u n

>i see as subhuman
I wouldn't want that... ʕ•͡ ɛ •͡ʼʼʔ

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Headin out, laters

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emogi isnt even a fucking word

Later pumpkin! :]

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see you magershey mama

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wait.... what... ?

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timeline switch in 3...2...1


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she always makes me so hard ._.)

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._.) delet this...

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shes the best

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you are beginning to be my favorite user

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i can't post pics rn cause gaymen. ._.)

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you could post tanks

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, JT? saw k?
