Transgender rights are human rights

Transgender rights are human rights

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trans-people are not human

Yes they are, don't be an asshole.

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They gave up being a person when they cut their dick off

Terrible meme

Not all trans people are mtf

Should've chose to be human instead of a monster if you wanted rights.

Tranny detected

If you mean like the right to live peacefully and without fear, then yes. If you mean laws enforcing perfected pronouns and inclusion into sex ed and such then no. Regardless OP is always a faggot so if you’re not trans then you’re prolly sucking trans man cock.

Trans people are not monsters

Yeah, so?

You should respect everyone's pronouns and if it takes a law to do it then so be it.

Reddit tier trash
Everyone in b is a cocksucker, I've never missed a drop.

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If we give them to you can we never hear from your kind again? Ever? I’d make that deal in a heart beat.

Giving us rights won't make us invisible, sorry

Then whats the point?


To have respect for your fellow human

>mfw degeneracy is part of the /b experience

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Respect is earned, faggot

Respect is earned through giving respect

# Cant be a right if it infringes on other people's freedom speech by making it a law

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Ding ding ding, couldn't have said it better

fuck I cant make a coherent sentence for shit

Freedom of speech doesn't allow you to call black people niggers so you shouldn't call me he when I am a she

The right to mental health services... you’re right!

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Get those rainbow flags the fuck out of... oh wait this is /b... yay for the faggots!!!

Oh it's this thread again...great

Who has gone to prison for just saying nigger you stupid faggot?

Good thing trans idiots aren't niggers, because then they'd just kill you regardless of law

To hell with the tranvestites