Wya Yea Forumsros???

Wya Yea Forumsros???

Attached: area-51-sept-20-here-it-comes-get-ready-bois-60516787.png (500x586, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:

twitch.tv/directory/game/Area 51


is there like streamers or anything we can watch? I want to see a bunch of millenials get gassed

There is not a single user who wants you here


you're a bro. what time are they supposed to blitz?

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snack shack food vendors cashing in on the meme, fucking based

go back and post this on your facebook


fuck that, it's like what 9:45 over there?

also nice dubs


Oh shit those are tripps!!! I impress myself sometimes
It's 11:47 central time in America almost 12 still got 3 hours

Trips again wtf????

Drinking coffee at almost 1am here in michigan, watching some idiot live streamers

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no it's 10:49 mountain which means 9:49 area 51

Now a double dub??

True didn't think about that so still got some time from now shiiitt

Damn 1 digit off from getting quads

will be luck and get to see someone get arrested or shot?

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We can only hope..

this is now a dubs thread. roooolllin!!

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Wtf I'm getting so many fucking dubs man!!!

Dubs again??!?! Wtf is happening??????

are you like god or something


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Wtf do I do with all these dubs man?!

easy roll


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trips for ya

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nice and checked

Nice trips!!

i got the holy trips

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checked again dubs too

I’m from the future and it’s bad I can’t say anything about it for my own safety. But enjoy!

Fuckit rolling for alien cheeks :alien::alien::alien::alien:

rollin for dead streamers

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Reminds me of that time that bitch made her birthday party public on Facebook and like 20 million people were suppoed to show up and maybe 4 autists waited outside her apartment

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0im ascending to higher greatness peasants

im ascending to higher greatness. worship me peasants

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Quads get

i need somebody to start recording in a few hours i don't have enough storage for all the stream
download obs studio

Let me just say anonymous delivers

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What if he ends the stream?

then he got arrested or shot. Lets hope for both if it does happen

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he's a fucking chicken shit, it's not even 11pm there and he's freaking the fuck out

Blame alien abduction then??


Oh shit I got dubs!

I was referring to whichever of us is playing with the chat, I wanna watch the mayhem

how the fuck is the tech guy so bad with computer

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streams ded

Maybe cuz 10k are viewing making it slower?

FBI gotem ;)

10k viewing and he can't slideshow some fucking memes without showing his shitfucked desktop?

Typical laziness no surprise

this is fucking gay

that retarded channel is streaming someone else's stream

anyone got a link to the discord? They are doing text to speech from the chat

I know this is a dumb question, but are there any other streams than the total fucking dork that's been posted itt, can't stand this retard

Check again faggot

sadly he seems to be the only one that is at the site of it. At leas from what I could find on YT&FB

Lol maybe we can catch it on live leaks in a week


you may as well watch paint dry

thanks to me obs recorderfag

I heard there's other groups that are there but I think they are the only ones who are live streaming it on YouTube and twitch

according to the posted stream their are a lot of Russians their

AH thanks I may make an account and mess with them later

aww fuck man

That's interesting didn't Bob Lazar in his interview say that area 51 has Russian workers working there and when the American workers discovered something they hid it from the Russian workers?

please don't do it before we can see them pepsi

May not need to, just looking that the twitch chat you can see that a lot of other are posting pepe and dick text in the chat

You are doing God's work

I can't wait to see them get hit with that passive heat ray the military showed off years ago. Had to of upgraded it by now.

Nice roll faggot.

Dubs get


Damn, with the trips tho

Plz help download obs studio and start recording at about 3 or 4 hour takes up 8gb each and their may be better and undiscovered streams later

>Not wanting to see thousands of idiots mowed down by Gatling guns as the naruto run looking for aliums.
You are the reason we can’t have nice things anymore.

Roll for dubs
Get tripps instead

Nice dubs Yea Forumsro

Sorry I ain't at my battle station, I'm hiding in the shitter at work

Underrated post.

download handbrake, its free and you can use it to compress the videos man

They are going to the hill. lets hope for shots getting fired

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im very excited to see these fuckwits either get detained or shot, anyone stupid enough to do this shit deserves what they get.


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kek, yeah forreal

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i aint clicking that shit nigga

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Anyone ded yet? I want see alien tiddies


why the fuck are there so many gets in this thread??//??/???///!!!?11

How many people signed up for this shit?

>dub trip dub
>what the fuck

>mfw almost quints

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God damn just give him his alien tiddies dudes.

that gif is sick as fuck boi

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The tripdubs has spoken!


Tripp dubb get
Checkem n wreckem

when are they going in?

they're saying 3 am in america, they got jammers though so there's no way we will see them storming it live, they will record it and upload it later


You claim to hate Nazis, yet you sit by idly as Hong Kong beats its citizens, and you allow the CCP to commit human rights abuses as defined today and in the Old Testament of Amos.

You do not fight Nazis, you are a lie

I call your bullshit.

Prove me wrong



Add a dash between the O and the H, and you turn wine/alcohol to water. Remove that dash and you turn water to wine.

We need the world to read AMOS on Sunday, the 22nd, and every other Sunday afterwards.

We need to save Hong Kong.
We need God
God, please save Hong Kong




In a hour or so I believe but he's saying the live stream will lag and cut out due to area 51 radio waves

>3 am in america

>We need God
>God, please save Hong Kong
kek, totally

ah, thanks, bros

Nothing is going to happen. A few retards will show up and get arrested. They already arrested a couple Swedish guys or something. I hope someone gets shot Naruto running.

I still want my alien tiddies

Man imagine the fucking brain splatter shit would be epic

it's already over. they didn't charge. :(

Nah m8 its at 3am its midnight in Nevada right now

Tripps get

Checks for keks and dead streamers

La checke

trips of troof

Second stream


You're right, I forgot about the time difference in Nevada! The group on the livestream link above has driven away, though, saying something about trying tomorrow, but maybe they will gather steam again. They said one guy went in already, trying to set up to record, but no one has heard back from him, so he may have already been taken, kek.

Thanks for this stream. The stream farther up broke down, but it looks like this group is still feeling positive!

I'm watching both and will report back if I find a 3rd

thank you obs recorder fag standing by

cant even run a stream properly

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She ain't there yet but ol'meth Beth here is getting her pre-raid on

I hope hundreds of retards show up and get mowed down by a gsttling gun

Already here

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i doubt shes their

I'm hoping she lives near by. Judging by the shithole she lives in its possible. Either way shits gold

Kill yourself, dumb fag

you can't kill whats already dead inside

there's literally one stream online. on the whole of the internet. one stream. you think I fucking trust this bullshit? I've been fucking looking for 2 hours. nowhere can i find a various assortment of quality streams.

correction their are 2 streams

Fortune favors us tonight Yea Forumsros

There is 2 streams and both have shown the little aliINN building so it's legit

are ewe retarded?

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Your bait is weak

twitch > youtube


Nice dubs


Quick question, when do we get to see the good part

Metatron returns

For real these guys are kinda boring and I have been watching for 4 hours already!!

Well, the raid is scheduled to begin in an hour

Here to get those quints.

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Yeah I know maybe I'm expecting too much from this


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Rollin for quads


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no shit there is no service out there

great way to quiet down the epstein case. unbelievable what money can do.

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Please don't ruin this for me

take off your tinfoil hat it's clearly cutting off circulation to your brain

Im sorry, the epstein/clinton/prince andrew/main stream media reps/actors/lawyers and more case***

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I don't need one, i am far away ;-) and if you don't think all of those people got off the hook because of money, you are insane,do your homework lol

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Hi baes, I’m offering my female services for 50 bucks a pop for anyone going to the 51.
Teeeheee I promise I won’t probe you toooo hard teeeheeee

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>do your homework
>translation: read conspiracy blogs that tenuously piece together tangential bits of evidence with nothing substantive to go on
no thanks looney tunes. conspiracy theories are just like religion. nothing to give them credence but a willingness to believe

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there you go. im sure you voted clinton anyways.

I didn't vote, but nice assumption paranoid Trumptard.

I’m going to be there. Looking for a decent man who can handle my alien funbags ;)

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It was aliens bruh

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Quads based

i actually went with bernie, but with time i've realized how fucked the usa would be with socio demo ways... not saying i would want everyone to be safe and have healthcare etc, but the usa just can't do that lol on the other hand trump has done a lot of what he say he'd do so im impressed. i don't think ill be voting this year. useless..


no way you aren't a trans female

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agreed. worked great

lose some weight, fatty

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Quads nig

would definitely fuck pic from behind?

I’m all the woman you’ll ever need sweetie teehee


where my big titties alien gf ?

i think i might fap while waiting for this shit to happen/finish or until vids come out unless the people are dead filming. feels nice not being a degenerate ^.^

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the goyim are becoming wise to your damage control, you gotta step it up

Rolling for abduction tonight !!!!

This tide you over cowboy?

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Did you get banned from the containment board created specifically for you? If not, you should go back

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check em

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would love to see the asshole, thanks though user

3rd stream

you sound like a tard, please off yourself

jesus christ put your manatee away, fucking thing cant breath out of water.

Fuckoff shill. Your false flag JIDF psyop is so obvious I can’t even.
You stupid fuken Jew shill

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Take a look at what you’ll never get hon.

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4th stream


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Fuck you burgers are gay. You can’t even organise a decent raid in a desert. You’re all too worried about whether you will be able to get Netflix there or some shit Fucken embarassing.

>(((current year)))

Fuckoff jew

Best stream for highest body count please.

fucking jammers

someone just learned a new swear word...

Time to fap while awaiting news.

Fuckoff jidf shill your nose is showing

Okay now what.

any stream is up ?

while you wait you can fap

lol i actually fap for fucking hours on end its sad

This makes sense. Look at the way he instantly tries to stir up anti Jewish sentiment where there is none. Typical jidf psyop to justify victim mentalilty.

What do you think is going to happen when you trespass on private federal property?

dicks out for the aliens

Helicopter helicopter!


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Stormers already know what to expect shields and failed attempts. Stop acting like numbers overpower authority.

woof did he run out of virgin blood to drink guy looks like he aged 20 years

If a majority of a population rebels, what is there to be authoritive over?

How has no one posted alien pussy yet

I don't understand what's happening

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i'll be back Yea Forumsros i'll sleep till someone dies

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thread is a fuken beyblade



Pop some corn sit back and laugh

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based and retard pilled

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going down as well


>youtube.com/watch?v=IJnaPSs-0AU [Remove]

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3 streams went down, usgov is emp them fukkas

Guys I'm scared :(

frfr area 51 emping the shit out of all livestreams that are to close
fuck obama

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Fuck off to reddit cunt

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Any left standing?

Stream where?


this is still live but he's pretty far away


count 4 streams down

Rolling for aliens

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Hi guys I'm from Nibiru, ask your questions.

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No I prefer Yea Forums faggot

got dick?

Fuck is that actually what they do?

>private federal
are you an idiot?

any good live streams of this utter autism?

nice quad dubs!!

Is this real youtube.com/watch?v=PcxOSYmyU9w


Is it ok to be with my cousin's daughter? Shes pregnant with my child and I really love her but we were told we were cousins growing up and thats how our family views us so there is a lot of fear about letting them know.


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>woof did he run out of virgin blood to drink guy looks like he aged 20 years

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Pretty sure this one is fake. To many trees


What's interesting is I noticed a trend of dubs in this thread and ended up manifesting quad-dubs.

I'm in NV btw...

>snow on the ground
Yeah, I literally live in Nevada. (An area more likely to see snow than A51)
It's not snowing here, yo.

>Is it ok to be with my cousin's daughter? Shes pregnant with my child and I really love her but we were told we were cousins growing up and thats how our family views us so there is a lot of fear about letting them know.

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kek, this fucking thread

yeah, but connection is really shitty

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it's a really shitty start raider Yea Forumsros

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brag about it to mom

I needed this live

lmao this turned out as useless. not even a death god damnit. *throws popcorn away*

>time to fap

very nice

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As if anyone would actually raid, its only funny on the internet but as soon as youre out in the desert and a cop car flashes its lights at you, you just want to go home

lol pretty much


i hope they're having fun out there


Multiple streams at once, if you can stumach the banana

I'd say the same! Checked!

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>not wanting to die

They just had a bunch of cars at the entrance with lights flashing so everyone just turned around and left

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should of done it in the daylight. don't understand why they would do this at night while the military obviously has night vision /heat vision etc... lol

Impure dubs are always welcome here

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fucking pussies...


Because in the original post it was supposed to be at 3am

says the bedroom typist


i know, still though lol


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posting it live is retarded

twitch.tv/directory/game/Area 51

Hahahaha just like the bunch of mumbling, shuffling wimps that they are


trey j anderson scrub back a few min they saw some lights that looked sus. ufo maybe?

not enough

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Maybe next time fag..

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just saying man if you're going to do something like that might as well make it worth it!!

stream down

tru chad roll for quads !

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Even if they got to the main base, do people think they can really get through the 10ft thick concrete doors ?
You're not gonna find anything anyways.
Was always a big waste of time.

Maybe I shouldn't have used a bad luck image. Going again

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Hope ppl die

this is lame

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pf. doesn't seem like it.

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Enough to make the mass media blame us, but lets hope for double digits at least

Raid it you pussies.
Send pics


As if these nerds even know how to run


Checked, nice quads homie

uhhhh fuck im so bored.

anybody have any idea whats going on in the surrounding towns?

send vegane !

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beat your wiener man


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i just ordered a taco, have to go get it in 20

after i eat it though i will fap though

welcome to the reddit equivalent of a Yea Forums raid
Its about trying to be funny and quirky and get internet points instead of actually doing dumb shit for the sake of it

Mercury having rolling blackouts and being evacuated
Tom Clancy being brought in to assess

fuck the taco


Fucking truth right there. I know the times I've been jailed, I wished I hadn't done a damn thing and was just at home with my stupid shit being bored.

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why you think they are having blackouts though? da fuq.

lmao very creative user...

wouldnt that ruin it


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No just eat the cum covered, fucked taco

It would only make it better, granted that you creampie inside before eating.


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You summoned me for this shit?

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fuck off fag

Who would've thought that a bunch of retarded gen z fags would be the ones who actually turned up?

Why are you angry, my boy?

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and get a messy cock, no thank you kind sirs

This. Where are the basement tards with homemade grenade launchers and no will to live?

nice dubs bro

Hail Satan!

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Rolling for aliem cheeks

just do it

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>saved a gif as a png

Holy shit kill yourself

to be honest i was expecting a bit more out of this, very disappointed..

wait im not ready

Attached: 56659842_10219117166740533_7147036695366467584_n.jpg (96x83, 3K)

I just wanted to see some dumbasses getting shot

me too kid.......metoo.jpg..

check them

Attached: Head.jpg (480x342, 47K)

Your anger is intoxicating! More!

Attached: +looks+like+tony+hawk+_af796971ee06523aab9a8b61bd25a5ad.jpg (275x200, 20K)

Like what?
It's literally a group of gen z kids wearing Adventure Time hats and brotard wannabee streamers.

look for the 9s

who knows, guarantee it isn't an interesting reason though

they are called "influencers"
get it right user

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They make me want to become under the influence.

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So the current time in Nevada is 4 in the morning, when is the planned time for the storm to begin?

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>jew is a swear word

an hour ago you dog

can't hear you over those BOOMING trips!

Its done already.
Like 2 people drove up to the checkpoint, there were 5 or so cop cars with lights flashing and cops standing around, so they turned around and left.
None of the rest of the crowd even left the Inn.
It was literally a reddit meetup

Fucking m's saging the thread

Next time if you want to zergrush anything, ask us Russians for instructions, because you guys seem to misunderstand the concept.

This was lame

Yeah, nothing like what I was expecting, I thought at least 1 person would be shot

1 million+ say they are going
>mfw 100 show up

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and they don't even die

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I was expecting this from the getgo sadly.


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Well you were correct it was bad because nothing interesting happened

It was literally a facebook meme that teenagers could join and circlejerk over 'hehe im going to raid area 51 to clap alien cheeks'
Its hilarious that theres people who actually expected anything to happen