Donald Trump
Donald Trump
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I heard he is going to be impeached tomorrow making it his 523rd time being impeached since taking office
God Emperor by 2024
Seriously though the guy is a walking incarnation of the 48 Laws of Power
Humanity have seldom saw such a master manipulator and it's not always a bad thing
Also impressive level of understanding of modern information warfare namely memes for a boomer
Douche Canoe
The definition of insanity ... or in case of the demorats the definition of stupidity
is a fraud
Imagine taking that old commie fart seriously
Go get a free chopper ride and stop polluting the gene pool
>Imagine finding Trump's mushroom-shaped cock this appealing
Imagine taking Agent Orange seriously
Actually the People favor stronger gun control measures that don't involve confiscation and you're probably a total faggot about that too.
>Master manipulator shuts down government over a budget deal
I do tho
he's going to make me rich
all of us who don't think liberal will be rich because of Trump's policies
Delusional supporter, implying it wasn't already great.
never heard of him
Making America great again, one roll of paper towel at a time.
Gay and fake
Wow powerful rebuttal bro
got anything else ?
Winner, Winner, steak with ketchup for dinner!
Don't you totally want that tank top though? Could go over pretty big at a baseball game.
>steak with ketchup for dinner!
That or some good ol fashion whitehouse food
user, why should I give your disdain for humanity a serious go around? I'd rather slap you silly.
The GEOTUS is the American version of Julius Caesar.
I fear what will come after the Ides of March.
that wasn't steak
Yeah - beauty is an important quality in First Ladies of the Night.
Donald Trump is a liar and a sociopath. It does not matter what your political preference is; you should be doing everything you can to get him out of office.
i hope he ushers in a new era of America not putting up with liberal shit being shoved down our throats. idc if he gets elected again but at least elect another republican
Tough talk keyboard warrior
Almost had me shitting my pants then remembered I'm most likely talking to a fat neckbeard scratching his ass on mommy's couch
Drumpf! Drumpf! Drumpf! Drumpf!!!!
>durr clinton durr
lol trumpshit
Even if I'm the fattest itichiest neckbeard there is
I'm right.
We won the Cold War you fucking dipshit.
imagine worshiping politicians
>i hope he ushers in a new era of America not putting up with liberal shit being shoved down our throats.
This. As much as I hate Trump, this is also the biggest reason he got elected. Libtards will not ever win if they don't stop pushing *their* moral agenda onto others.
Gay af
America won the Cold War
That is not to say a lone man is a wise man.
>pushing *their* moral agenda onto others
Like Trump fucking with planned parenthood?
Fuck that’s a good pic.
Really shows what a fucking cunt trump really is.
Thank goodness I wasn't the only one confused by that.
You know the whole reason I voted for trump was to push MY moral agenda onto others. Moron. Trump hates niggers and goobacks as much as I do. Don't be so touchy by words and agendas you faggot, you sound like a weak spine cuck.
It wasnt an actual war you fucking retards. It was an arms race. Stupid zoomers.
>Libtards will not ever win if they don't stop pushing *their* moral agenda onto others.
Particularly when it's not your moral agenda, right? You're pro life (as long as it's white) and pro guns (as long as it's mine) and pro hanging (as long as it's not you).
2 threads of this in row.
Exactly. Just like. Both sides are pushing.
Freedom is an illusion.
Both sides want power so they can force the others into submission.
Both sides profit from the fear and hatred generated.
Which is why we need a third party - one of genuine commons sense that takes the best of both worlds.
Neither side will tolerate that. It is a threat to them both, and they both know it.
>It wasnt an actual war you fucking retards. It was an arms race.
Not only that, nobody "won" (or everybody "won" depending on how you look at it) it was more like there was an agreement made between both parties.
Exactly. trump is the ultimate beta cunt. Lots of tough guy talk until the person he's yammering about is in the room with him.
That cartoon never fails to make Trumpsharts out as bad people
Gee, aren't you all tough and edgy?
Nah I'm fine stomping the right wing into the ground. They're hell bent on destroying the planet.
Everybody knows the first nigga in the whitehouse was OG Clinton
>I'm right
>Only argument presented so far is pathetic threat
Ok chad I let to your delusions; don't want to have 12yrs old girl rape you'd commit out of rage on my conscience
Fucking kek
>When you look upon the face of a 70 year old orange man in real life
Quick, libbabies, name one thing Trump did wrong that isn't being orange bad man.
You mean the draft dodger or the racist?
Not so much what he’s done.....
Yes, they are, and need to be stopped. But I don't like you asshole either. Climate needs help. Fucking gays and mental trans don't.
So basically... orange man bad? NEXT.
Oh fuck I forgot about the Alabama hurricane. Fuck he’s an embarrassment - he used a fucken sharpie!
Hello reta rd.
>He filed for bankruptcy for no more than 4 out of the hundreds of businesses he managed in his multibillion dollar enterprise, that means he's a poor businessman
Only a liberal can be retarded enough to actually think this.
So you deny he hasn’t kept his promises?
And with 2 words, you make all the trumptards and soycucks post and shit everywhere
What a time to be alive
Everything that I hope to be.
I deny that orange man bad.
Remember, tweets are only for those who lack the courage to say something face to face. The weak man's way of communicating. Guess some people are better at dodging things than others. Drafts comes to mind all of the sudden.
So you’re basically the nigger in this pic?
So he hasn’t kept his promises?
>people betraying their country is somehow a good thing
>orange man bad
Outsourcing a petroleum industry job in America to the Chinese.
I love how upset liberals have gotten to be haha
Even if he didn't it would make "orange man bad" an argument.
Revoking the Clean Water Act.
>ppl getting triggered over some guy taking a knee
Somehow that’s a good thing?
>orange man reeeeeeeeeeee
answer the question.
Is a polarizing president
>betraying your country
>a good thing
Allowing China to take over disputed territories without challenge
I thought I did.
So was Obama.
>Feels threatened by a little girl
No you used politician weasel speak to give a non-answer when you know the truth is going to hurt your cause. Typical shill JIDF tactics.
Actively disavowing scientific evidence because it's bad for his fossil-fuel industry friends.
Sure kid.
If he challenged them, you would be bitching about him trying to start ww3.
Yea, DAE remeber that tan suit!??!
Promises to help, but lets his own people down when he needs to step up.
>Fucking gays and mental trans don't
why not? It would be pretty simple to do so.
Fucken hell he didn’t even help with the legal fees? Non burger here just watching the fun.
Wants to revert the rules that would help prevent another 2007-style recession because he and his buddies want low-interest loans.
Kek thanks i’ll take the win.
Contradicts his people in the presence of the enemy or competitors. Even when he's wrong.
Pulling out of the Iran Deal. Iran had honored the agreement, now we're inching towards war out of this administrations complete incompetence.
That's actually pretty funny because Greenland IS a joke like every other country that isn't America.
Hypocrite (in this case fortunately, but you immigrant-haters need to think twice about this)
2 girls and 1 man
Has no idea what 'real news' is
Non burger here again. It almost feels like the trump side is getting a bit desperate. Normally they’re a lot more confident in their shit brand of trolling, but lately these threads have a sense of fear and urgency in them; almost as if they are suddenly not as confident about the upcoming election?
This is just a non - burger take. I don’t have a shitty dog in this race and really couldn’t give a stuff who wins.
Isn’t that guy a faggot or a tranny fucker or something?
No Shareblue, "triggered" does not mean "slightly annoyed but otherwise indifferent".
>fake news
he hires legal workers
legal immigrants
i love his show on INFOWARS
ok it's buzzwords like this that make my decision to become a serial killer that much more of a reality
So as you can see, you're basically a faggot who has no excuse.
except you cant come up with 12
Kek you are so butthurt over that pic that you are literally trembling
Perhaps you should dilate and cope lil virgin trumptard kekkekkekkekk
Literally a buzzword from the trumptard camp
Cope faggot
>a tranny
Dont talk about your mom that way user
We can start here
She’s not mom anymore you dumb fuck
Fuck me that image is waaay too true
Imagine trusting the mainstream media.
Literally why can't the left meme? What specifically is wrong with their brains that make them incapable of it?
here in reality a snowflake is leftist / Democrat / liberal
that are triggered by everything and butt hurt by everything and need "safe spaces"
real men would chew you up and spit you out
Such a lucid and well-reasoned response.
You're impressing me greatly with your juvenile screeching.
>think we should listen to a child with downs syndrome
KEK lmfao
Looking for real shit and creating your own are not in the same category.
The lefties are btfo the right’s asshole with the meming today
Case in point.
Kekstay mad lil trumpanzee
The left isn't memeing. They can't.
>when your political side can't meme so it steals a joke from the other side
Trumptards are losing their shit cos they know he’s going down. They are scared big time.
It's YOUR brain. You'd think it was funny if you transposed left/right bias.
Super sad if you actually believe this.
You're gonna have to cope a lot harder than that.
Lmfao look at the trumpanzees sperg.
Any day now, right? He's done for this time.
Sure kid.
and the original says
>muh julian assange
oh you mean the russian puppet rapist that appeared no RT claiming to have a smoking gun that would condemn Hillary but actually had nothing? lol that's cute
libdtards are triggered
maybe you need to change your manpons
CNN fired someone who was corrupted.
Are you saying that was wrong?
Are you saying CNN the company was complicit? - Citation needed.
No-one is perfect, so keep looking - I'm sure you'll eventually find something more damning than that.
>don't watch the news
>just listen to your glorious leader
>he will show you the way
>eliminate term limits
>Trump president for life
>heil Trump!
>not fascist btw
get out of mommy's basement sometime
oh your mom called your trendies are ready
Responding to an actual event with a silly cartoon. I'm not impressed.
This. The left knows only lies and they have to make their memes entire essays to convince people they aren't retarded and by the time the lefty sheep are done reading, they don't even know what's being said so they just nod and agree because it's their guy's meme. Meanwhile, the right tells you the truth in memes consisting of a very small amount of words and the nonbrainlets have a chuckle at the sheer factualness of the meme.
We had tons of manufacturing until clinton destroyed us with NAFTA.
And if you knew anything youd see our economy is screaming and black unemployment is at an all time low.
Who said anything about Assange?
>CNN fired someone who was corrupted.
>Are you saying that was wrong?
No. Now shut the fuck up about all the people Trump fired.
That’s the fake you dipshit.
Anyone with extensive meming experience can see it’s been shooped from the Left’s version.
> using violence and intimidation to shout down free speech and political opposition
>not fascist btw
Fixed it for you.
Brain death isn’t something to joke about.
Typical right wing assholes.
>sheer factualness
lol what a fucking mong
>shop together two separate stories
>they lied!!1
You are truly retarded
Holy shit she looks like dracula’s older meaner sister
>muh faux news haha goteem
Not an argument.
What’s fucking little kids got to do with it?
Go ahead and find me an example of Fox pushing a false narrative. I'll wait.
yea because the network that 51% negative trump is not extreme enough when the rest and 90% negative
Trump cures cancer would be reported as
Trump is putting oncologists out of work
by these Democratic party controlled state run media propaganda machines
True, he is allowing industry to run rampant...
But that's not the whole story of his success.
>shop together two contradictory stories with a common author to demonstrate CNN's promotion of ill-informed opinions
>Brain death isn’t something to joke about.
>Typical right wing assholes.
well you fucks are willfully ignorant
might as well be brain dead
it's not supposed to be an argument you mong, but honestly I'm surprised your forebrain could muster that reasoning. I just chimed in to point out how retarded of a statement you made.
you verbalize like a middle schooler who wants to emulate his abusive dad but is just going to get his shit beat out as soon as class lets out. lol
Turn on Fox news, you retarded shit-cunt.
I dunno ask obama
Never heard this regurgitated comparison before.
You keep coping, I'll keep posting examples of CNN distorting the truth
Stay mad.
They must've said *something* wrong!
how much responsibility do you think Trump has for his bad press?
boomers will never forget Clinton apparently. he's going to be eternally politically relevant thanks to the impotent rage of men/boys who went their second divorce when he was prez
fox is owned/controlled by two flaming left
liberals who hate trump
You go ahead and keep citing the least watched news network like anyone cares...
Uh huh, sure kid.
fox is they hired Paul Ryan
Donna Brazil
whats next Hillary Clinton
So you admit Fox is consistently factual?
bruh. fox & cnn are two sides of the same coin. both are shite. why are you so obsessed with showmanship for your 'team'?
one story was referring to Trump's baseless claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped, which is still true, the other is referring to wiretapping of Paul Manfort who was arrested and indicted for conspiracy. Keep being retarded, and basing your vague political knowledge on memes.
>far left
Has a large whistleblower problem.
3,200 us media companies 93% of all us media
are owned by 6 companies, thanks to bill Clinton
and you fuck try to discredit the remaining free press
like good little mindless automatons
The fact that so many of you cunts are swinging on this taint-smears sack is depressing. Is the other side better? No, but I'm not hailing their praises either. The system is fucked and you idiots are too blind to see it apparently.
have sex sometime
If Paul Manafort was wiretapped then Trump's claim wasn't baseless you microcephalic.
Apparently you don’t understand Viacom or Sinclair.
> increasingly nervous man say trump is done for the 36456243346234634 th time this year
nope just more fake news
Trump claimed that HE was wiretapped in his penthouse, not that probably people related to him in some way were wiretapped holy shit you're a fucking retard.
People actually think CNN isn't as biased as Fox and think it's a real news station
NPR, NBC, CNN, PBS, ABC, CBS are all as biased as Fox
common denominator about Trump voters;
they are STUPID AS FUCK.
And you keep showing this vulnerability with increasing eagerness.
We all know you're dumb as bricks. basically autistic. the whole world knows.
>Trump's claim wasn't baseless
>There is no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that President Barack Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign, the Justice Department said in a new court filing.
>was arrested and indicted for conspiracy.
yea for shit he did 10 year before trump
and for things podesta's hilary clinion camp manager
was caught my Muller and was allowed to go back and refile
for the same thing no charges
nothing to do with trump or collusion
Fuckoff faggot stop cumming onto me
You need to get an education on the differences between op-ed and journalism. These are not all equal.
>NPR, NBC, CNN, PBS, ABC, CBS are all as biased as Fox
Oh wow thanks for that addition which is of no relevance to the conversation Trumptard.
No they aren't I don't overtly support any of them nor will I but to say they're "all" equally biased is fucking reprehensible.
They differ on a lot of levels, try to be objective. Saying 'everything is the same' is the ultimate plebian move.
Likes to suck dick
LBJ assassinated JFK
the only people who need to say "trump is done" for him to actually be done haven't yet. They are in congress.
Everyone else is allowed to say it as an exercise of good faith in gov't without it becoming a treatise upon which to conduct all logic, you autist.
What's indisputable is Trump's campaign made a shitlload of contact with russians and lied about it.
They really are that biased. I'm not just giving some retarded claim of "hurr durr they R all bad!1!"
>The president made the stunning claim about his predecessor in March 2017, alleging without evidence, that "President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”
>“I think spying did occur,” Barr said. “But the question is whether it was adequately predicated and I’m not suggesting it wasn’t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that.”
Nice try.
Of course the Justice Department doesn't have evidence you smoothbrain, it would be highly classified and in the hands of whichever alphabet agency had authorization for it. Meanwhile it's common knowledge that the FBI and other agencies can monitor virtually anyone, anytime, anywhere, and now we know for a fact that they spied on Trump's campaign manager.
Politics is a lie.
Work on your own lives.
Why does everybody think that anti Trump means pro Clinton or even pro liberal. The point is Trump is a psychopath. ANYONE else is a better choice. You can hate Trump and still love your GOP.
Maybe Trump is that uniquely shitty and controversial? Has been all his life.
>a bar graph
like I said, be objective. each organization has distinctly different values that are more than just face deep. You don't have to support them but absolutes are very rarely useful in these situations.
Buying into the idea that a guy you don't like is a psychopath.
Hes a business man, there's a slight difference
So not even Barr has evidence.
Trump can die on a hill with his stupid lie, because he confused his lawyer being tapped with his tower
-Roman citizen just before the slave revolts under Emperor Nero
I know the difference.
But "journalists" nowadays don't practice journalism.
Op ed pieces state their opinion, then give supporting evidence.
But MSM "journalists" just give the supporting evidence of an UNSTATED opinion.
Then they can say "we only report the facts! We are unbiased!"
But the only facts they are spoonfeeding their audience are the facts they WANT them to see.
They only give the facts that support their agenda.
That's not real journalism, and everyone knows it now.
Only good thing Trump did was expose how manipulative and lying the American media is.
>So not even Barr has evidence.
Where the fuck does it say he has no evidence?
"Uh..I think"
In what fucking language does "I think" mean "I have no evidence"?
What does that have to do with anything?
"I think spying did occur" is hardly substantial.
Then again Barr has other people to review evidence.
English retard. Someone who has evidence doesn't say "I think," they say "I know" not to mention that quote was just another mention of Manafort being spied on, not Trump or his tower so you and your retarded buddies are still wrong.
Is it biased when said person really does barely anything positive?
If you can't see by now that the entire American media machine is nothing but propaganda, you are a shill.
Both Right wing and Left wing people know the media is nothing but liars now.
They only report the facts that support their political ideology.
I'm not even a trump supporter and I can see it.
>everyone knows it
so the segments in reference are not always prefaced with an 'opinions represent the speakers and are not held by ___ corp.'
that's the consumer's problem. you aren't always reading a newspaper where you can flip through a section titled 'op/ed'
you have to make an objective assessment of what you're seeing. sure some blame lies on the distributor but again; these entities are not all parallel. they vary in consistency, function and relative value greatly
psuedo woke people are just the worst
you are literally speaking to yourself.
I didn't say anything about interests. they are objectively not equal in their conduct. full stop.
labelling the entire complex mega-industry of 'media' as homogeneous and equal is the ultimate shill move. literally nothing is that simple, except maybe McDonalds and Burger King's rivalry.
So where is the real news coming from? The hyper-conservative gossip rags? Twitter? Honestly, you can't just say "mass media lies!!1" when literally every other source is 100x worse.
people who can't organize a thought without using pop labels are indeed worse
Go away, shareblue shill.
My criticisms are not with Op ed articles, retard.
It's with NPR morning edition, CNN, NBC nightly news.
All shows claiming to be journalistic news and all of them are pushing a narrative.
You are an arrogant faggot
Don't even bother trying to convince them. They're retarded beyond comprehension and it's like trying to convince a football supporter to stop watching football (literally that)
>But the question is whether it was adequately predicated
Yes, actually it is.
English must not be your first language. When you're done running that through Google translate you should try this too:
>The president called in to Sean Hannity's Fox News show in which the two men railed against alleged improper behavior from federal law enforcement, which Trump contended continued after he won the 2016 election.
"I don’t know if you remember, a long time ago, very early on I used the word ‘wiretap,’ and I put in quotes, meaning surveillance, spying you can sort of say whatever you want," Trump said, saying it garnered attention "like you’ve never seen."
>"I don’t know if you remember, a long time ago, very early on I used the word ‘wiretap,’ and I put in quotes, meaning surveillance, spying you can sort of say whatever you want," Trump said, saying it garnered attention "like you’ve never seen."
>But the question is whether it was adequately predicated
Yes, actually it is.
If they want to push a narrative, that's fine. Don't say you are an "unbiased journalistic news station that only reports the facts!!!1!11!"
This shit is all CNN, NBC, or NPR say all the fucking time.
So, you know there's still no evidence of Trump Tower being wiretapped. Thanks for clearing that up you emotionally charged banana.
consider Barr is a fucking liar and a republican hack, I can only assume it's more bluster from this administration.
>they are objectively not equal in their conduct
You are retarded.
I listen to NPR. I watch CNN. I watch Fox News.
The only difference is Fox News is forthcoming with their bias while CNN and NPR pretend they are "objective unbiased journalists"
> Positive or negative tone
Reputable sources showing and proving that Trump is tanking the economy. Bad tone. """News""" sources like Fox demonizing Obama's choice of Dijon mustard on a hamburger? Positive tone.
Again, where's the real objective news without bias?
Bro. OF COURSE THEY PUSH A NARRATIVE; THEY ARE PRIVATE COMPANIES. Why would you think things don't work this way?
that's the whole point of saying it's the consumer's job to THINK ffs.
you have to take everything you hear with a grain of salt, but don't just think "everything is a lie" like you do.
and if you want to bypass the whole operation of thinking about the media you consume, consume nonprofit.
NPR is the blandest left leaning shit imaginable.
>fox news is forthcoming with their bias
>fair and balanced
it's like you don't even use your brain
No, I didn't mean the opposite of what I said.
>consider Barr is a fucking liar and a republican hack
Well your face.
>my opinion as a consumer
that's subjective. I'm talking about who gives them money, where they send their profits, how they handle their brand as a market entity. again: NOTHING is as simple as you want it to be.
yeah he's a mong. who the fuck watches fox who isn't trying to waste their waking hours.
>The only difference is Fox News is forthcoming with their bias
I've got bottles of snake oil to sell you!
he'd rather be spoon fed truthisms. one day he realized the truthisms aren't true, and feels violated. cucked even
now he distrusts every man in a tie who appears in the morning or evening because he thought he could get through life without making judgements about presumed facts
Where is the evidence? You don't have it? Because it doesn't exist? Cool. Cool.
>internet stranger won't feed me
>food must not exist
>do the research I refuse to do because I can't substantiate my own points
No thank you
literal waste of space
>Where is the evidence?
The fact that they spied on his campaign manager while several high ranking members of the agency held a demonstrable bias against him, in addition to whatever else is yet to be declassified.
Anything asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I don't care about or claim to know the context of your little debate with user over there.
I just said that to elucidate how autistic your logic was there.
maybe some research into this topic you are so eager to argue about would do you some good, though. lol
>The fact that they spied on his campaign manager
That's not Trump Tower.
that's false. I can say "the sun will rise soon" to a blind man but he's just ignorant.
do you even fucking philosophize?
Where's the part where he mentioned the Trump Tower anyway? Not that it matters because they could've spied on any of his devices anywhere he took them.
>The fact that they spied on his campaign manager while several high ranking members of the agency held a demonstrable bias against him
Proof of this claim? Because it's well known that Manafort was canned because of intercepted Russian communications as well as financial transactions that raised alarms in the CIA, NSA, FBI, DNI, and the treasury department.
A blind man could feel the temperature rise.
The sun rising is a constant where any reasonable person could acknowledge with enough time.
Claiming your predecessor spied on you requires actual evidence.
your mom
wow you fucking inebriated schillful huckstering worthless gum drum tooth tumbler fucking mumbling bumbler it's there for all to see:
>Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
>-trump tweeet
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
We really going to go back and forth over a notorious bullshitter?
>Proof of this claim?
>Because it's well known that Manafort was canned because of intercepted Russian communications
>"wires tapped"
See above.