How to tell if someone is psychotic?

How to tell if someone is psychotic?

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Simple: they have lost touch with reality.

what is reality?

they act all weird

Are you asking for a friend or for youself?

Feel something is off instantly?

how do you tell that by someone's behaviour?

That's where it gets tricky. You either get dipshits like that trying to be Socrates or some shit, or they genuinely are a schizo.

I think my friend is kinda acting weird
No, but I guy I know... he seems off, like his emotions are a caricature, not normal, not even intense but cartoonish, weird...

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They have delusions and believe impossible things. Like the president is speaking to them telepathically. Shit like that.

They don't make sense when they talk and sometimes talk to people that aren't there.

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They will pour pink slime in the toilet and post a pic of it.....

I always wondered what the story was behind that pic.

Describe him more


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I was in a mental hospital for a week.

One lady shit herself. The nurses were stretching. It was bad.

Another guy vomited like 2 gallons of pink fluid. Looked like OP's picture.

That's more or less how I knew they were fucked up. And how I knew that I wasnt so fucked up.

Why were you in there

How can you doubt the dubs?

Look for delusions, or false beliefs that persist, despite evidence to the contrary. A good example is when someone becomes paranoid to the point that they are convinced that someone is watching/following them.

Drug abuse can also lead to psychosis, especially stimulants, although it wears off once the drugs do, typically.

Doesyour friend have a drug problem or history of mental illness?

>posts/lurks on a chan

he's trans, like he says he's a guy but he's wearing woman's clothes, not interested in surgery