My feet are here, firmly planted.
I am a lord and this is my throne
My feet are here, firmly planted
Other urls found in this thread:
Lord Sakura - Dead
Patient 95 - Broken
Hypodermic Sally - Exposed
Wagick - Censured
you are a nigger and imma kill u
I want you to try, pussy, so you can learn ypur proper place
*parries your strike and breaks your arm with wolf's talon*
*finds Lordsoul*
If I was a miser then why would i post on this board?
OH SHIT this niggaz a wizard
Wow this Niger is actually too much of a pussy to go and talk to the Cleverbot and yet he thinks that anyone is going to take his threats seriously after today
UHMMM dont mess with me bro I'm deep into necromancy, hold on brb a skeleton warrior has got loose again
What do you mean it has gotten loose again why would you keep an animated skeleton that you effectively oppose just Smash It and be done with it you f****** pussy coward parasite
Maybe because you're afraid of it
Because you're a little boy playing with the tools of real men
Oh well sometimes they get out of the cage Its Ok I just summon others to kill them
Go take a picture of it and I'll put a spirit to rest once and for all
It's so we'll leave those worthless bones do your ineffectual doings and it will enter your computer and come unto me and that will be the end of that and you'll never have to worry about such things ever again
Things really are that simple with the power of Jesus Christ
Sure thing, pussy man
Here is the photograph I took, it's under control now I summoned two skeltal mages to kill the warrior, hold on brb skeltal mages are kicking off
Thats not enough to pay your debt
Also the flower regrew just like I said it would retard
Now I have to flowers and no enemies
What good are flowers in the face of beezulbub? Just try to kill him with them oh wait you'll just run like the pussy you are
God wouldn't let beezlebub run rampent on the earth but God hates humans so Im not sure if he'd let him rule the earth
I was painted red in the name of the rebirth at a young age and yet you stand before me as a green being?
No one can hear you coward you're already a ghost
I mined various ores for a living while you sat around sipping tea in your mansion so don't tell me how to live my life
So it's my fault you're a criminal now