Why did Yea Forums never destroy the maymay stone...

Why did Yea Forums never destroy the maymay stone? All it would take is like 3 packets of white vinegar to dissolve 20 tons of limestone.

Not calling for a raid, not making any claims, not trolling or shilling, not working for the CIA, the Russians, the Jews or Internet Historian. Inb4 "wHy DoN't YoU dO iT yOuRsElF?! DUrr!!"

Sure thing asshole, just buy me a plane ticket to Spain.

Attached: anb8mDq_700b.jpg (700x905, 127K)

wHy DoN't YoU dO iT yOuRsElF?! DUrr!!
Also stop posting this fucking thread.

Stop replying to it if you don't like it.

Because no one gives a shit about it.

And even if they did, it's shallow inscriptions over fucking LIMESTONE. Leave it alone for a few hundred years and it'll erode by itself.

just convince some SJW that some of the memes engraved are bigoted or oppressive and their triggerjuice will dissolve the stone

Finally a fucking comment worth reading



wHy DoN't YoU dO iT yOuRsElF?! DUrr!!

rollerino 218