Can any of you help a poorfag student working in a grocery store making minimum wage get an electric scooter so i don't...

Can any of you help a poorfag student working in a grocery store making minimum wage get an electric scooter so i don't have to walk an hour to and from college?

Attached: Mi-365-Self-Balancing-Foldable-Electric-Scooter.jpg (800x800, 59K)

No you fucker, spend less on dumb shit and save it yourself. I know you waste your money being a faggot.

Whats are you studying?

>electric scooter

nigger go to the pawn shop and buy some random ass $30 bike if you hate walking that much

Computer science, literally buying nothing except food and paying rent. Don't even have money to get a coffee with friends.

Why not an electric bike?

Attached: 2019-Eagle-2.jpg (1200x901, 418K)

Too expensive?

Nope don't give a fuck. Go beg from your parents or get a PT job and stop acting like a nigger, faggot.

A better paying PT job.

more like why not a normal bike

Because they're worse for the environment.

have fun not finding a job, loser. learn a trade.

There's a couple hundred thousand deficit of programmers in my country, y'know...

Why not a regular bike, you can get them crazy cheap.

Are you a massive lard ass? I think the walk is good for you.


>have fun not finding a job, loser. learn a trade.

If he graduates with a degree in computer science and can't find a job in IT, Software, etc then he is a stupid fucking nigger faggot and deserves to be poor.

Source: Dont have degree yet and already making 77 K salary working IT analyst for Hospital.

Again as said Stop being a nigger and find a better job faggot.

Cheapest used bike here is still 100$ faggot. And i weigh like 50kg.

OP clearly just wants money otherwise he would just buy a bicycle. Shame on you, pretending like yo7 need an electric scooter like all the cool kids because his little legs cant carry him 2 miles.

Next he'll be asking us to buy him a vape that he NEEDS to fit in


Bullshit. You're not looking hard enough. How are you in college studying computer science but cant use a computer to find a used bike for $30?

...because there aren't any. Literally. I'm not an amerifag, ain't that clear?

no one wants to buy anything from your third world shithole. learn to build homes for your dumbass people, pedro.

Tell me your university and i will find your lazy ass a second hand bike local to you you stupid pencil neck

.bce Betroll67Multiplier 4

Do you have a cute body?

Europe=/=third world

The cutest, but no sharpie in pooper, not a fag, just poor.

Europe isn't a country, retard.

No country in europe is third world, regardless of which one i live in.

>being this delusional

OP you are such a faggot

>being this ignorant

Which country do you live in?

Ok whatever shitty post-Soviet country you’re from should be invaded by Putin

You won't even say where you're from, because you know it's an underdeveloped piece of shit.

Hungry fag, there retards

If you want to still be just as poor, but be doing something cool go to EMT school. You get to work on an ambulance, drive lights and sirens through traffic, see fucked up shit that keeps you up at night and gives you PTSD, explain to family members that your 30+ minutes of interventions didn’t do anything to help their mother to stay alive and you’ll be making one more dollar an hour than bagging groceries.. wait..

lmao definitely third world

I have to move to a different city to do that

so underdeveloped you don't even have a hospital. or is it you don't have paved roads?

Not every fucking hospital has an EMT school, in fact most don't.

Get a bike.

You missed the point. The point was, I see people die almost every day, people mutilated in car accidents, children dead, have to preform medical help in front of family members on their dying loved ones and I make barely over minimum wage doing it. Grow a fucking pair of balls. If you can’t save enough money to buy a scooter then get off your ass and pick up some shifts or get another job. I’m a full time student in paramedic school, working 24 hour shifts on an ambulance and have to do 12 hour clinicals in the emergence room on my days off for class. Don’t be this pathetic. You work at a grocery store and go to school. I’m sure it’s extremely stressful for you

maybe in third world shithole countries like yours lmao

>computer science
op is a retarded faggot and will be 50k in debt after graduation. if he graduates lmao. nigger

I think OP ran away

Nah, i just died
Also nah, because europe.

Why computer science? There are millions of job fields out there, it seems like the only people who choose something like this are socially awkward, fresh out of highschool kids who have no clue what they want to do. Thinking that a tech degree will secure them a good job. 90% of Yea Forumstards on this board know more about computer science than you’ll learn in a college study of it. When computers and technology were first developing, sure it was a promising field for a young student to get into, but today... a 6 year old can learn what they’re teaching you in school on YouTube and some forums. There is no demand for workers in this field. They’re fucking everywhere. Some dude in India probably has the job you’re trying to get. Find a real trade, a real job, something that lets you sleep knowing you actually did something before you go to bed each night.