Alright bros think I’m going to ah hero tonight one last ama but I’ll give some green text

Alright bros think I’m going to ah hero tonight one last ama but I’ll give some green text,

>Almost 30,
>Have a gf, dog but still renting
>Crappy 9-5
>Fucking miserable
>Going out with my 9mm

Sorry bros no live stream going to keep it quite,
I just don’t feel anything anymore, I don’t look forward to anything

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God damn phone an hero, get something right for once

Bro, I have all those things except I was just laid off my nine to five and I'm still here so what the fuck?

>Have gf, dog but still renting
What did he mean by this?

do it pussy

Which country are you in? Most allow you to rent a girlfriend by the hour, and a few in South America let you rent a dog

Be a man and just drink yourself to death. Maybe along the way something will go your way or someone will help you out.

Has a girlfriend, and a dog, but still renting where he lives I assume. Or living with parents? I dunno. Given how everything is now, that's not that big of a deal and a situation he could eventually pull himself out of, but I mean, his decision.

Sorry to hear that, no prospects going forwards in my career

A lot of people are still renting as they hit 30, especially in the US. It's not like we're boomers who had everything handed to them and decided to fuck over the economy.

>be you
>posts about suicide for attention

actually do it pussy

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Well I drink 6 pounders a night for the last year, drank a lot more earlier, thought it would catch up to me by now

One less Democrat. Bye, nigger.

Will do anons, just want some interactions before I go

How about before you kill yourself, you practice drawing tits for a few hours then see how you feel. Actually start now and post every pair of tits you draw

Welp rest in peace OP you fucking faggot

Us and still renting, it’s not the economy that it was, no kids, no picket fence, just a shit life going forward and I’m ready to not grind through it, just another cog, and I’m tired of grinding, I don’t want to make a fuss where anyone can see, just want to go out on my own terms, just want someone to hear me before it

Sorta like what this user said, but hell, if you're truly set in your ways, do something important first. If you've got literally nothing to lose, make a big difference first. Perform a huge act of kindness or take out a monstrous person. Then call it a life ended well.

>going hero
Naw just going faggot. Nothing heroic about shooting unarmed randos.

>for the last year
You do realize it takes about 5 years of heavy drinking for scarring to set in.

Half a pounder left, I like the thought user, it’s original, but it’s pretty fucking gay, as gay as killing oneself

Just leave, walk away, fuck off somewhere else, start a new life, you might surprise yourself.

Can personally attest to this! I'm on year 5 right now :D

I cut back

Will you do something special for the dog first? He'll miss you

"Sorry bros no live stream going to keep it quite" *Using a gun to kill self* Okay retard.

I feel you bro. I'm probably not too far behind. But I'm trying to think of ways to make it matter a little more. Like dying in the army or some shit. Idk. It's kind of liberating in a way. As soon as I decided I want to die, it got a lot more fun thinking of what to do.

Oh god

People would generally drink 3-4 bottles of 750 ml 80 proof whiskey for 10 years before cirrhosis sets in. Liver is pretty fucking strong.

Have you discovered MGTOW?

why not go teach English in china, then u can be rich and fuck Asian girls all day :)

or just get a job that doesn't suck, that's most important thing in life, changes everything else.

Eh, it's not the worst. I don't drink before or during work. I'm still fully functional and even my roommate has no real clue how bad it is. Had a stroke a couple of years ago and it just sunk me to a point where I didn't give a fuck and went the opposite direction vs bettering myself. But christ, I'm enjoying life as much as I can.

Dear god, I'm not THAT bad. I mean, a handle of vodka only lasts me 3 days but I'm glad I haven't gotten THERE.

It’s a she (neither here nor there) and we went on her favorite trail today, asked the gf to look after her since a “few friends were coming over”. She’ll go to my parents or my gf will keep her either way she’ll be in good hands

Not only that but if you take breaks your liver can recover pretty well, a month of no booze can reduce the fatty tissue in your liver by 40%.

This.. is good to know.

Have you tried fapping with your non dominant hand.... life changing!
Stop being a bitch and go lift some heavy shit, you'll feel better

If you're honestly still doing this, do your family/gf a favor? Don't let them find you. Call 911 before you do it so THEY can take care of things. Shitty for them, but at least they're trained for it. You don't want to give your loved ones nightmares for life.

how about just leaving, but w/o the gun. see where you end up. just like spiritual trip, see if u got what it takes to leave, without taking anything with you knowing you will never comeback. maybe u find something on the way u didn't know you where looking for, u should give it a chanche, so u can get what you need exactly when u need it! trust me on this! the universe will find a way friend.

>almost 30
>live at home
>25k in debt
>kissless virgin
>no gf ever
>no friends
> dog drowned in backyard pool 3 years ago

yet i'm still here, the fuck you got to complain about OP?

As long as you aren't some retard that has withdrawal or drinks in the morning then you still have hope. I had to take a year off after undergrad just to recover.

Also a great option. Just pick a direction and Forest Gump your ass out of your old life. You can't imagine the kind of stuff you can randomly discover. Might even find a reason to live.

I don't get the shakes, I rarely have hangovers since I hydrate, and yeah, never EVER go into work inebriated whatsoever.

There’s a sign on the basement already, should of made this clear don’t live with the gf, she has my dog, not exactly sober/right frame of space. Made sure the bullet is going into cement surrounded by dirt, the blood is up to the landlords to clean up

Why haven’t you killed your self user, got roughly 25% of the beer left

You too. Go lift heavy shit for a year and see what it does for your life

I guess that's something, but still, seriously just place a call to 911 and say hey, there was a suicide in my house come quickly. Your girlfriend could still come looking and worried if nobody happens to discover you or report the gunshot.

Also stay in shape, being a fatty can also cause your liver to be fatty. The fat deposits are what become scar tissue. Too much scar tissue means cirrhosis.

Thankfully I'm at least mostly fit otherwise. Got a bit of chub but not even close to a beer gut. 6' and 187. Guess I've got that going for me haha

dont Yea Forums

I think its the best way, if ur current self seek the end, break out of it and leave.

And shit.... you will shit yourself.
At least take a 30 minute jog and see how you feel

Dead people always shit themselves. Best to drink water, do a jog, and make sure all that shit is out.

I’ll consider it, alright anons out of beer, love you all, good luck! Op is out. Good night sweet prince.

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See you on the other side, mate

Pretty selfish if you ask me OP. Everybody has shit to deal with, but there are ways to get through it. Also why the fuck are you miserable?

Here’s an idea, so like 15gs of mushrooms first. It probably to so intense that you’ll literally change as a person. You probably wouldn’t necessarily enjoy it, but it’d be better than fucking shooting yourselve

come on OP, why not have a good last drink. like spending 300$ for bottle of whisky, I mean if u so serius about it, why not having a actual good last drink?

Shit, better not see a news article on this shit again in a week.

Dude...if ya gonna off yaself...might as well kill the people on the list we all keep in our heads of "people who need to die before I do"

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Don't do it if your gf really loves you OP c'mon. You're gonna devastate her and poor doggo. Don't you have their companionship to live for too?

We can be friends

you need some b12 and vitamin d3

it'll be ok man.

good luck.

You ain't sweet and definitely no prince if your punching your own ticket. Pretty faggot move to be honest. Standup and wear the pain as a badge of honor. Let it fuel you

You're a lying faggot that won't, quit crying for attention and be unworthless enough that Yea Forums isn't where you give your fake cries for help. Loser.

Cool story bro

These threads always just turn into OP whining and "justifying" his feelings when everyone knows that nothing is going to come of it. The fact that ctrl+f doesn't show any results for "do a flip, faggot" is disappointing. 0/10 thread, see you tomorrow for more of the same.

my situation is worse than yours

you know what has helped me

going to therapy

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gayest shit I have read on this board. please do an hero, fucking loser.

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Nigger your life isn't bad at all, sounds like there's something mentally wrong with you.

Pussy. You do have it hard. Get a grip loser.

Don't *

Get a hobby you dumb motherfucker.
>oh no, me gf no sucky suck.
>me got to work from 9-5
>me wanna kms
go ahead then, you weak son of a bitch.