Cats are disgusting

Cats are disgusting.

They treat you as objects and shit in your house and eat your body when you die.

Dogs will risk their lives for you and wont leave you when you die. (doesn't apply to ankle biters)

And not only that, but cats are responsible for 13% of all small mammal and bird extinction on planet earth.
Cats kill around 20 BILLION small mammals and birds in the USA every single YEAR.
To put that into context,
the deep-water horizon spill killed one million birds total.
Cats kill far more than even 1000x that every single year,
in the USA alone!
Counties such as Australia have had to take extreme measures against cats,
as they have pushed several species of lizards,
small mammals,
and birds to extinction.
The massive decline in bird populations in countries that have high cat ownership has also impacted the number of plants,
mainly trees,
that grow.
This effects not only the air quality but makes it more difficult for insects like bees to survive and pollinate plants!

Did you know most cats carry a parasite called t. Gondii?
Toxoplasmosis and the parasites that come with it are estimated to be present in around half of the UK population!
The vast majority of cat owners literally catch brain worms from their pets!
These worms have been proven to change behavior in mice,
and studies showed they did the same with human beings until cat owners forced the government to shut the research down!
Imagine defending an animal that gives you mind altering brain worms!
Almost like there’s something in their heads influencing them to defend the ownership of cats!
Cats have half the number of neurons in their brains than dogs.
This suggests they are half as intelligent.
So much more “muh independence!” Turns out they don’t learn skills,
because they are just fucking dumb!
Probably incapable of love too!

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Keep these fucking hourly threads of yours in your containment board /an/.
Fucking faggot.

Problem is serious. Especially in America, Oceania, and other small islands.

Cats are secretly beneficial to society, too, though. They're great pest control

This. We literally domesticated cats because they were good at killing rats and insects.

If they are so good, why pesticides and bait stations are used?
It is like CC cleaner. Back in 00's, everyone was claiming it is effective to make your computer go faster, while in reality, it did nothing, like cats through out the history.
Humans saw them with mice, though, shit is good for pest control, without even testing it out. Just like registry cleaners, they saw them remove unused entries in registry, and though it will make Windows go faster.

Fuck cats and fuck jannies

You are complaining that cats are, by far, the absolute most effective hunters to ever roam the earth.

Also, humans probably wouldn't have survived without cats, equal to or even more so than dogs


Agreed. They’re selfish shitkickers. The only people who like them are past victims of domestic abuse because they’re used to being treated like an object that does favors for nothing in return.
Pic related, my fat faggot fucking cousin who is trying to be a tranny and has aspergers. He also has 8 cats.

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Imagine the amount of shitty little creatures running around your house if it weren't for cats though, so they're fucked up because they do all the dirty work you refuse to take upon yourself? Wtf do I care if they eat me when I'm dead? ILL BE FUCKING DEAD.

Rats are statistically smarter and cleaner than cats. They also don’t carry a lot of transportable parasites like cats do.

there's an insane amount of pests, and cats aren't used anymore in any real pest control fashion, not to mention the insane scope of our farming would probably necessitate a small army of felines which in and of itself could be a huge risk in terms being invasive species and threat to native species.

toxoplasmosis is effectively the only one they carry humans have to be "concerned" about, and its debatable if its even an issue in humans at all.

>smarter than cats
>killed by the millions


My 2 kitters are cuddling me right now.
I think you are just feeling alone.

>Imagine the amount of shitty little creatures running around your house if it weren't for cats though
Same? Less, because lizzards would still be alive and catch all flies?

And they weren't used. They did nothing, like CC Cleaner.
Professionals understood this, when they tried different stuff, while home users still believe in outdated information that is not that real

>, and its debatable if its even an issue in humans at all.
It probably does. Chinese government funding is required, because muh ethics.

And yet they are so much better than shit eating sycophantic filthy dogs

Have you considered not getting a pet?

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Fleas from rats caused the Bubonic Plague.

Fleas caused bubonic plague, not necessarily rats.
Actually, cats could have caused this all shit

This is how you get toxoplasmosis in ur meat

Fleas from rats because rats ate dead bodies.

No. That's how you keep rats out of the feed.

That is exactly how you get toxoplasmosis in your meat


Eat my meat faggot

They still outnumber cats. They reproduce fast and die early.
No parasites are good for you. There have been several studies about the link of toxoplasmosis to suicidal and depressive tendencies. If it can make rats herd towards a predator, its going to affect us too.
Eating rats caused it. It’s not easily transmissible from rat to human. Just 3 or so months ago some Mongolians ate raw rodents, and- you guess it. They got the Plague.

All of these talking points aside, cats are a nuisance. Most owners are too lazy to scoop cat shit, so they let them roam outside and fuck shit up. Feral colonies were a giant problem in my garden when I lived near an abandoned trailer park. You aren’t gonna wanna eat plants sprayed with tomcat piss every day. Took just two fucking cats to make 30+ more a year. Regularly was having to away cat corpses and a rotting litter of kittens that some dumbass cat birthed in a place where it couldnt reach them again. Summer smelled like shit. They have caused irreversible damage to fragile ecosystems like Australia and New Zealand and are an absolute sinkhole in the survival for a lot of species of birds. Plus, cats don’t even fucking like you.

>If it can make rats herd towards a predator, its going to affect us too.
Thats not how biology works user... we are an incubation chamber for the virus, rats then rifle in our shit and get infected, become unafraid of cats, cat eats rat, cycle continues.

Outnumber sure, think of how many -more- there would be without apex predator. Again, on early farms, boats, etc. they were absolutely necessary for humans and still are to a lesser extent. Dogs suffer the same fate, the vast majority of them are absolutely useless thanks to human inbreeding of their species.

bubonic plague was not cased nor spread because humans ate rats

Dogs stink

>I lived near an abandoned trailer park
wow... you sure are living it large user...

Also, all those issues happens with dogs as well. Cats are just much better survivalists than dogs.

Cats love me.

Have you considered not getting a pet?

This is why cats should be gassed.
They cause more problems than solve

Have you considered cutting off your fingers?

>cats don't like you
Wrong. Dogs are pussies who think "hurr... human iz alpha! I must concede", cats will see you as an equal. This is thanks to the difference between feline and canine social structures.

It literally is though. The parasite causes them to be attracted to the smell of cat piss. It dulls the fear of its main predator.
Nope. Never seen a stray dog my whole life. Maybe you live in a third world country, but animal control culls strays and ferals because of the damage they do. And cats are notorious for fucking many, many things up.

Gas the dogs first, they kill more humans than cats do by a loooong shot.

>It literally is though. The parasite causes them to be attracted to the smell of cat piss. It dulls the fear of its main predator.
So you are agreeing with me, good on you user.

Wrong again. They like you as much as Pavlov’s dog liked the sound of a bell. They get food and shelter and there is no sentience beyond it.

>parasite does nothing!!!
>jk it does something xd
At least you’re consistently stupid like most cat owners.


>Nope. Never seen a stray dog my whole life. Maybe you live in a third world country, but animal control culls strays and ferals because of the damage they do. And cats are notorious for fucking many, many things up.
So dogs are so fucking stupid that they let themselves get caught and killed...

Dogs are useful. Cats are worthless. If you want to talk labor and value.

to us you mong, we are the incubator

dogs are useless

Yes. I tried, but angle grinder exploded

gay pasta, kill yourself OP you fucking retarded faggot

you clearly provided evidence that cats both dont need us for shelter (they survive better in the wild than dogs) nor food (they are apex predators). Hell, cats -bring- us dead animals because they think we are inept at hunting and feeding ourselves. Legit they worry about us -because- we are part of their family

Gas them all.
I make a log... I mean gas.
Dogs are pretty useless too. Only small percentage might actually get benefit of a dog

Hold it in your mouth.

What, grinder or finger?

Dogs are way more disgusting. They smell like ass, they bark like retards and whine the rest of the time. They only people who like dogs are emotionnaly stunted people who have the emotional response of a 8 years old child.

Fuck dogs too.

>can't form a relationship with a simple housecat
>can't keep their cat from shitting in the house

Ooh, and the false implication that not having cats as pets will somehow address or reverse their presence as an invasive species. Right up there with not using plastic straws when India and Africa are the ones who dump trash in the ocean to save $3.

If you can't get a cat to like you it's because you're a loud, clumsy, dumb piece of shit. Terrifies me to think people like that are allowed to do surgery and microelectronics when they should be chained in a galley rowing a ship or pushing a grain mill.

Meanwhile you buy a border collie and give it nothing to do because you're too busy working to have one, so it goes fucking insane of course.

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All animals are for nothing but food. even cats and dogs. sorry your too much of a pussy to realize what happens to pets in times of famine?

>Right up there with not using plastic straws when India and Africa are the ones who dump trash in the ocean to save $3.
This is white peoples fault. Never ever help people in shitholes, unless they ask.
Niggers never asked, not chinese.

>eat cat or dogs
Yikes. I think roaches would be cleaner meat

>needing a pet

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Imagine being such a beta cuck that you’re in an abusive relationship with a 5 pound rat and you have to fabricate good qualities about them. Not even stopping there, but somehow implying an animal with the brain the size of a golf ball and all the intelligence of corncob can never be at fault when beings capable of thought dislike them. Wow, just wow. Made my night.

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who gives a fuck about faggy ass bugs and bees and shit that nature throws at us SPECIFICALLY to piss us off? two can play that game

Cats are a blessing. I don't give a fuck about non-domesticated animals/creatures at all. literally. i don't give a fuck. i wouldn't mind if every single bug and insect was extinct when i woke up tomorrow, and i don't give a a fuuuuuuuck what ramifications it might have on the environment

And fuck birds, too, always managing to find a way to shit on cars and windshields and nothing else.

>white peoples fault
>for non-white countries' problems

Lmfao nah it doesn't work like that, nigger.

lol complaining about cats nibbling on dead people when dogs outright maul people to death.

Nonono, without plastic help, they would still live in stone age

Nice diary entry, kid.

It increases promiscuity and risky sexual behavior in humans.

The fact that you took the time to type that out and start a thread on /b about why you don't like cats is the single most disappointing thing I've seen in my life.
Go fuck off and join Peta or something

They're still the niggers of the pet world. They dont give a Shit about you, they come and go as they please. Do nothing but fuck and fight. If you pet them for too long those fuckin faggots bite or scratch you. Fuck cats!!

No. I think your retarted ass needs to kill yourself. Remember faggot, your also posting on Yea Forums get off your high horse you stupid nigger.