So i started a job at a factory with a 3 year contract,the first year it was learning year after that you get to become maintenace worker
>dont get to become maintenace
>get a manufacturing job with good pay
>lots of talk about continuing to learn new things and getting better jobs
>work there for 4 years forced to brake some rules in order to be more productive while taking the blame if anything goes wrong applying to any available job where i may get picked
>some interviews
>not getting a new job
>newfag (1y) that know almost nothing about the job and cant be left alone cuz he might fuck up is getting promoted to maintenance cuz he doesnt get along with some people and the boss wants him gone
what do i do who do i talk to when the boss and HR are in on it
do i wait a week to see if its true next week is his last according to a couple of colleagues
there was nothing on the infoboards about the possition but i`m 100% sure there is one cuz i know a guy getting a job i didnt and freeing up a spot
So i started a job at a factory with a 3 year contract...
Welcome to the workplace where managers will promote their problems so they don't have to deal with them.
I think I know who you are OP, I guess your college didn't work out, and I guess your XD tall bf left you too
not even a nice try
tnx nice to be here are there free nooses or do i have to bring one from home
He unironically said that he likes using wojaks, so I assume every post using a wojak is him. Still, he's delusional and thinks that a partner with the traits he wants won't leave him like any generic partner
>i assume every post using a wojak is him
Weapon grade autism
>>Using autism as a insult or calling obsession as a insult
R9K as a habit of trying to expose other anons, so I do it too.
Plus he's dumb as hell, as I already said, he fucks men he meets over s/o/c and thinks they're his soulmates and they love him deeply, when they just want him as a sex toy
Why not take carre of problems independently, bring your self worth above a normal dron ed then apply for a better job but instead of a negative attitude you approach all your situations with postive grace because nothing is really worth getting mad about. Just a thought
Dude I work in maintenance and your story sounds familiar. If I'm that guy you're referencing I'm gonna beat your ass with a pipe wrench.