Gf wants to start selling pics of her feet online, I'm afraid it may escalate from that to other things. Thoughts? pic related.
Gf wants to start selling pics of her feet online, I'm afraid it may escalate from that to other things. Thoughts...
Nah man, those are some ugly ass feet. Wouldn't buy
another pic.
If you let her then you’re a retard. Say you’re not comfortable with it and if she does your out. She’ll come around if she’s not a dumb bitch
word. thanks mate.
this,her feet aint cute enough to get retarded beta's to buy her pictures
not good enough
who is buying that?
I'm not into feet but I'm thinking your girlfriend doesn't understand the market if she thinks she's just going to take pictures of nothing but her feet and have any kind of meaningful financial gain.
Every time I see a foot fetish thread come up on Yea Forums 90% of the photos are some variation of feet closest to camera, tits out, pussy exposed, ect.
Nice feet. Might escalate to selling socks, hosiery...maybe panties. Maybe vials of spit or grool. Maybe videos. Maybe live Skype sessions.
Your girlfriend is a whore.
You just have them to me for free why would I buy them?
Not good enough, they're close to okay, but weirdly long and bulby in the wrong places. 100% there are guys out there who would pay, but these aren't mass appeal.
She missed the "literally just sell pictures of my feet and only my feet" train by like a year. The market is flooded and if she's not gonna include face/bod and at least some kind of personal interaction there's no use. Probably can't even sell socks/underwear without body pics.
Also her feet are not cute.
Im thinking of doing the same thing with my wifes feet.
Yeah honestly user they're not good enough to buy. With feet like that she'd have to be putting out really good content at a low price for anybody to consider and I doubt that. Most girls who do it don't have a foot fetish and think just taking a picture of their feet is all there is to it.
too fucking fat. not only should you not bother, you should also find yourself an upgrade in the near future.
op here, here's a pic of her face, I know she's kind of plain looking
Not a chance kid. I get silky soft footjobs on tap. Thanks tho
she's cute. I'm just not sure who's buying feet pictures these days what with the internets housing tons of feet.
I agree with the other guy, fat girls have some of the ugliest bulbous feet.
She's very cute. If she includes face and especially some kind of personal interaction then it might work out but you don't really want her doing that.
On the other hand, if you don't "let her" you are taking responsibility for her life, and if she becomes unhappy you 'll pay for it in complaining. If you don't like the idea, go find another girl. The idea is to find a mate - not mold one (protip: it doesn't work).
Me too lmao. Difference is mine don't come from a fucking whale and I don't have to spend $600 a month on food to keep her happy.
>but you don't really want her doing that.
why not? It's the internet, it's not like someone halfway around the world would be able to figure out who she is or where she's from...
I'm stroking my cock for her. Any pix of her spreading toes wide?
Show us some proof of what you're talking about my dude. He's posted his girl up, it's only fair you do the same.
You guys have been helpful, so here. I'll do one more request if I have a pic of it
got any pictures of her driving?
Huge foot fetish here...
No thanks.
Thank you! She's beautiful and makes me feel good
Looks like a deformed lemur
1. Maybe I'm being presumptuous about how you feel, but personally I don't like the idea of others getting off to my gf. If it was viable to sell just feet that might be okay with me maybe? but face/bod makes it way too personal for me.
2. Doxxing is much easier than you think. All the little details are easy to piece together once you have a small lead. People think doxxing is about one piece of info that gives it all away but it's more about the little things you let slip thinking "this isn't specific to me". Like you might not be the only Terry, and you might not be the only person in Townsburgh, and you might not be the only person who works at a grocery store, but you're probably the only Terry in Townsburgh who works at a grocery store.
Uhh, I have this pic of her feet in the car? But that's it lol
>be OP.
>Have mild Cuck feels
>Don't know how to join Cuck thread properly so make post getting anons to look at wife's feet.
>Make it seem like I'm looking for information
Just kidding op.
You're not so bad.
I wouldn't really want her selling photos tho.
If probably ditch it and find something new. Behaviors too risky.
But at least you're not getting as slapped as I did.
>Get on laptop to play some osrs
>Notice my old ie icon was returned to desktop
>Check history indeed ie
>Found girlfriend was watching blacked porn
>Immediately break up with her bc nah.
>Dumb bitch just missed out.
Literally just closed on a huge house.
She can go fuck all the monkeys she wants but not the fuck on my wallet.
Hoes gonna hoe op.
Here she is. Definitely hotter than his. Thinner too!
What a weird request
dude asks for driving feet in every foot thread on Yea Forums
that'll work. That's hot, does she ever drive barefoot? there's a niche for that...
fair enough. As a footfag, here's my concern: As you know from this site, there are a lot of dudes out there who get off to other dudes jerking off to them (while thinking they're JO to a woman). By showing face or body, you remove that hesitation some guys face. Sure you might not want to post her entire face, but a glimpse can suffice.
Re: 2, Make a bogus email account for selling. Nobody has to know your or her name, do they? All they'd know is whatever name (real or fake) is attached to your paypal. I use the fake name herbert on everything. Sure that's not a popular name, but it's also not really my name, and there's really no way to find my real name, is there?
do the right thing and not love that ho.
>never put a price on yourself, cause the next time you sell, it'll be for less.
there's a handful of us. How's it weird? Go to youtube and type in "pedal pumping" and see how many thousands of videos there are. For extra fun, read the comments, they're hilarious (and I have the fetish!)
>let's see babydoll reverse that car
>I get so excited thinking about babydoll bouncing up and down on the seat, trying to start her car
So many laughs
Re:2 if you can be absolutely sure you're not revealing anything personal then it's your choice to risk it. But just for the record..... women are fucking stupid. You're gonna have to babysit her "business" for her and she's probably still gonna say something retarded while you're not looking and you'll have to make up new shit and reboot while simultaneously trying to spare her feelings about the stupid shit she just did. And if you got a smart one that wouldn't do so, she probably doesn't need to sell foot pics and she def doesn't need you to ask for advice on Yea Forums for her lol
Take a lap virgin bozo.
haha alright. You make a good point. She may unknowingly tell him her real name or where she's from, not realizing he's using that to trace her. Also he might be able to get her IP address and consequences will never be the same, amirite?
The cum poured out of my cock like hot lava for your girls feet. Was amazing
>take a lap
Someone should have told your wife that a long time ago.
I am only now starting to understand why people have cuck fetishes
My heart is racing thinking about my girl being defiled by strangers
the are literally millions of pics of girls feet that are way more sexy on IG for free...
hell, there are probably no less than 10 threads on this fucking site at any given time about girls feet
Pathetic and disgusting. You're a genetic failure and god willing someone should put you out of your misery. If your "gf" plays into this then her too.
Her beautiful feet and tight ass made my cock hard again.
Nice projecting man, at the end of the day, I'm the one with my dick inside her, so if I'm the degenerate, I wonder what that makes you
1. Not a cuck
2. In a monogamous relationship
>bragging about having your dick inside someone
>like that's an accomplishment
>like sex isn't something every functional adult has
>like it makes up for being a pathetic failure beta cuckhold
Got any more pics to post? I think they're fantastic
You deserve better. Start hitting the gym, don't stop for at least two months. I promise you won't feel like you need to resort to fat chicks anymore.
There's hope for you.
This was your fucking plan all along.
You only have to say cuck thread and thats it, you dont have to disguise it has "bussiness" or a relationship dilemma, this is an anonymous site, the only one that you re actuallt lying is yourself.
Nevermind, your chick is hot af, i wish i could have my turn on her, i dont mind sharing her like a slut
Her index toes are longer than her big toes. Garbage. Would not pay for that.
I love her toes, OP. Please post more, I'd love to cum again
pretty! moar!
that causes them to scrunch more. Not necessarily a bad thing. Pic related
it's a fucking cartoon, are you 12?
Damn, You may have shown me the way.. However they looking fucking disgusting.. hmmm i shall have to think on this.
>being this new
Gross dude what the fuck
all of you are fucking idiots. this site is full of fucking faggots
nice feet
Summer's over, champ
Dubs get
I think you'll end up having to watch some pedophile jerk off on her feet while she snorts lines of coke.
>all of you are fucking idiots
please explain how I specifically am an idiot...
It's cause we played into OP's pathetic cuck fetish.
You are mistaken. People actually eat this shit up.
Weird question - how many cameras do you own?