What would happen?
Assume the ice sun is -1000°F and the lava sun is 1000°F.
What would happen?
>inb4 lava sun
OP, that’s already happened! What else explains the creation of Giganigga?
1000f lava? lol wut
depends on the energy required for phase change (specifically liquid to solid) of whatever the lava's made out of.
They fire would melt the ice and then the water would mix with the lava creating an obsidian star.
Since they're exactly the same difference in temperature they would annihilate each other and both would disappear the moment they touched.
Lava is melted Stone
stone isn't an element.
>ice sun
>lava sun
kys faggot
Lava is meltet stone.
the whole meme is fail
One double sun of 0 degrees F, duh
As a Department of Natural Resources Officer(Michigan) it would create enough ash and hydrogen gas to suffocate anything in the galaxy
>that’s the simple answer
It would also be purple because blue light + red light = purple.
A purple sun would be pretty cool.
Absolute zero is –459.67°F.
Your ice sun can't be colder than that.
The sun isn't the sun if it is just 1000F.
1000F means it would a brown star. Or a 'hot' Jupiter. Much smaller than our own star made of gas.
If the impact was slow enough, they simply would merge into one object.
but things would get violent rather quickly since it's own mass starts compressing itself. Turning into a star on its own.
A fast collapse would expell a lot of the gas of the hot sun into space. Little seconds later the impact would start vaporising the ice into plasma and would also explode a lot of its mass violently into space.
What would remain could likely become a brown star.
not a sun if it is made of lava or ice.
> sun made of ice
The water "sun" would actually turn into a star with that much mass.
-1000°F is below absolute zero so it is literally not possible. go 2 sckewl
Need more information. The results totally depend on if its day or night on the suns.
>be 1000- degree Celsius sun
>float into galaxy
>see 1000+ degree Celsius sun
>rotate 360 degrees float back out
Hey, go to Eaton rapids and condemn the damn reserve on Bell hwy. That shit is full of trash from the garbage ass people who live next to it and needs to be cleaned up or something.