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Emily G Kent state
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Kylee D 614
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Anyone have more Kim?
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Yes typical bourgeoises from kent
Tried to buy her finsta, scammed me
Thanks have to find it lol how much ddI she scam you for lol
Bridget 216 area
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She’s as cheap as she looks
Ya still want to hate fuck her though lol
I'm in the 330
Name? Moar from 330?
Would really like to find more of any of these OU sluts.
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Don’t know em but I too want more
oh shit, rhymes with mucous?
holy shit, moar then plz sir
Ohio isn't even real fucking larpers
What shithole are you from
pretty sure I do, face is a little hard to recognize but it could be a match.
she live in perry/massillon are or go to perry?
Let's get some Lexi 330
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Any Gina 330
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Yes, lets get those 937 bitches
would love more of this chick, just to see if it's the one i'm thinking it is
don't worry tho i won't tell her, she's a bitch
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Fuck yes already stroking
I see Kylee around cbus all the time. She has like 5 bumble accounts lol. She saggy, her cousins are hot though.
330 nordonia
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A few from snap yeah
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She's got a beautiful pussy. M-town here
Only 2 pics i have
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Any wins of Angelia D 440?
Also looking for Jessica H 440
>809941676 #
Hit me on k at Columbianacountywins got a ton of her
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okay on second glance i'm pretty sure its not who i think it is lmao
Any mcconnelsville area
Any A Swiney
Elyria slut
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anyone have Cassandra A 937?
Anyone have Michelle c from Kent?
937 bump
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You like her, got a bunch.
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She’s so perfect saving all
Any Minerva or Carrollton?
Glad to see some hometown pride here!
Youngstown has a lot of hot sluts
Yes it does. All those YSU girls downtown looking for dick its great. have anymore of her?
how come I can't see any of them, am i missing something?
heather b anyone?
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would seriously pay of someone had skyler
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Would pay for more or stories of these girls
Seriously? Just go down to federal street on any friday they are all over the place
nope, you post them every thread. no one knows them. all you do is respond to yourself to make it seem like they are popular.
Not true since I’ve had people confirm they know them with facts but okay if you want to get butthurt about literally nothing lol
Lol you sound bitter eh? Who cares what he does
I’m just looking for an user who hasn’t been around or a while
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okay... i see you.. more round ass?
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OC of my ex 440
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i wish i had some. know her?
all i know is you post a lot of girls with clothes on
Kind of.. through a friend
What city Jessica H 440 from?
Morgan W. from Madison?
Last name rhymes with 'inegord
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Would kill for win of her.
Any Heather P from piqua?