I have a very problematic neighbour that I need to get some serious revenge on...

I have a very problematic neighbour that I need to get some serious revenge on. She's a fat cunt with a tiny dog that yaps to no end. I've had enough of her fat cunt ways, any and all suggestions welcome Yea Forums.

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kill the dog when night time

Well we getting close to new year's pop some fireworks at night in her yard

steal the dog and give it to a shelter. If it's microchipped just dump in in the woods

Catfish her.

get a job and move out of your mom’s basement

Try bakers chocolate.
I hear it kills dogs pretty well.
Get some leave it out side the little fuck will eat it and clog it's kidneys.

Buy dog food and a bowl then mix chocolate with the dog food then leave the bowl outside

Whatever you do, don't hurt doggo, OP. Call authorities and report her for animal cruelty. Idk make something up like she abuses the poor doggo because I can hear it yelping through her house.


>Idk make something up like she abuses the poor doggo because I can hear it yelping through her house.
I've done this exact same thing except the dog actually spent the entire day barking and yelping. The police stopped by, inspected my neighbours home, found that the dog's living conditions were good enough to not warrant any action and left. Unless OP gets lucky, this might just happen to his neighbour too.

yeah there has to be some serious neglect signs before the cops will do anything.

It's not the dog's fault whatsoever, just think about that. Wet her down with a hose every chance you can

Call the cops and say she is suicidal they will 304 her. This can be done anonymously 72 hrs in a hospital. Burn house down by entering and unhooking the gas line from the water heater and set a timer on oven. She will move or 6months to rebuild.

Breaking and entering in this day and age.. come on dude there are soooo many cameras on every corner these days. That's an easy way to go to jail.

Are you 10? I hope you're not a grown man. If this is how you solve your problems as an adult, then a fat bitch next door and her dog is the least of your problems.

>wear a mask
it isn't hard

You'd still recognize your neighbor with a mask on, what are you fucking retarded?

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What kind of problems does the neighbor give you that are so bad? Did you try to hit and she turned you down or something?


Op is being so vague and beta this is probably the case

No actually dickhead (and I am not OP) dogs can be annoying cunts.

not if you knock them out, what are you fucking retarded?

>dog ARE annoying cunts.
Fixed it for you.