Have you dealt with the bass blasting nationalistic antiwhite spics...

Have you dealt with the bass blasting nationalistic antiwhite spics? you will eventually and no matter how civil you try to be they will hate you simply for your skin color.. read the comments on this video and realize how close we are to a civil war.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS834US834&biw=1536&bih=674&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=YPSDXf6vBc_h-gTfvaCICg&q=beaners murders&oq=beaners murders&gs_l=img.3...235670.236570..236658...0.0..0.72.470.8......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i24.IMiiLpzqec4&ved=0ahUKEwj-3_y8693kAhXPsJ4KHd8eCKEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=exrXx9jydikDBM:

Shitty bait

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We also have bloods cribs proud boys the triads Russian mafia Italian mafia drug lords corporations and trump that commit the same murders as anyone else. What’s your point op?

It's bait kid

The gangs in Mexico and central america are because the women are low intelligence losers who spread their legs for losers who don't stick around and keep the sons in line so they run with gangs... Spics In America ain't any better. 75%. Have babies while not married !!!!!! That leads to school drop out....Drug use... Illiteracy....Gang affiliation.... Robbery....Murder...rape....We have 30,000 gangs in USA...46% are LATINOS!!!!!!! Even more than BLACKS!!!!!! Latin America sucks Beacause their people suck....Dumb and brown...Many don't even Send their kids to school ...They come here and drop out because they aren't even fluent in Spanish!!!!!! USA teachers complain about this ....Lack of intelligence leads to poverty and crime!!!!!

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They should be deported. The entire family. The kids will not offer anything to this society

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When I see these nasty creatures I who hate America but demand it takes care of them.. I get tempted.. let's leave it at that.

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all these oily fucks look the same

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Democrat killed a bunch of people for his political agenda, the left has always been the same as the cartel. When this country goes to shit they will just as welcome as the white hating illegals

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Tin foil hat sir. There is not proof unlike Epstein

google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS834US834&biw=1536&bih=674&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=YPSDXf6vBc_h-gTfvaCICg&q=beaners murders&oq=beaners murders&gs_l=img.3...235670.236570..236658...0.0..0.72.470.8......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i24.IMiiLpzqec4&ved=0ahUKEwj-3_y8693kAhXPsJ4KHd8eCKEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=exrXx9jydikDBM:

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Epstein donated to hillary who wants open borders.. sooooooo


Beaners doing things beaners do

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Chicago's Garfield Ridge Neighborhood - Four Illegal Beaners - Faustino Perez, 21, Erik Solano, 19, Vanessa Gomez, 18 and an unnamed 17-year-old male juvenile - charged in robbery, stabbing of woman at 6900 West Archer Ave

Look at the fag boi on the left.. look familiar? see his brow he literally goes around living like a piece of shit.

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On the night of Feb. 10, Reyes Alfaro shot his estranged girlfriend, 56-year-old Brenda Ashcraft; her son, 37-year-old William Ashcraft; a 34-year-old woman and a 15-year-old girl. The woman and the teen survived, but Brenda and William Ashcraft were killed.

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Illegal Alien Spic Arrested for Four Murders in Nevada

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The suspect wanted in the fatal shooting of a Massachusetts police officer during a traffic stop was shot and killed after an exchange of gunfire Sunday as authorities closed in on him just seven miles from site of the initial shooting, officials said.

The suspect, identified as 35-year-old Jorge Zambrano

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Arent they so peaceful? they just want to come here and act like monkeys while hating you for your skin color and take your jobs too

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Azusa gang member guilty in 4 murders

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Man wanted for striking, killing victim with SUV in Palmdale

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Four beaners steal a ,mas car and kill him

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Two Gainesville police officers dragged by stolen car

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that's Trumps plan you ugly fucking waste of oxygen

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They've been calling for war for years.

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Criminal alien murders Chandra Levy

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Nearly 100 members of the notoriously violent MS-13 street gang were among the young immigrants admitted into the U.S. under the classification of “unaccompanied minor” during the past 11 months, according to recent government data. As CNS News reported, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement study found 99 gang members had received the status

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Lancaster man gets 45 to life for ATV rider’s murder in the desert

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