We have never had a president so ill-informed about the nature of his office, so openly mendacious, so self-destructive...

We have never had a president so ill-informed about the nature of his office, so openly mendacious, so self-destructive, or so brazen in his abusive attacks on the courts, the press, Congress (including members of his own party), and even senior officials within his own administration. Trump is a Frankenstein’s monster of past presidents’ worst attributes: Andrew Jackson’s rage; Millard Fillmore’s bigotry; James Buchanan’s incompetence and spite; Theodore Roosevelt’s self-aggrandizement; Richard Nixon’s paranoia, insecurity, and indifference to law; and Bill Clinton’s lack of self-control and reflexive dishonesty

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah, but he trolls the libs.

He's literally the messiah, appointed by God himself, to rule over us for a thousand glorious years. We need to immediately make him supreme dictator of the US and surrounding territories and have his smallest utterance be carved on the sides of mountains for all to remember forever.


>I didn't do nuffin it wuz my administration that fucked everything up

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He might get a better view of the world if he took his head out of his ass.

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He's a fucking retard.

Fuck off you little bitch. Trump is the best thing that could have possibly happened to the US.

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>He thinks he is the messiah, appointed by God himself,

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Amerifats are stupid enough to fall for his shit.

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As if there's no other country with a retard in politics.

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He is still gonna win in 2020. you know this, right?
The vast majority of americans adore him like a deity.

Dubs of truth check em.

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Holy shit you're fucking deluded. There is zero percent chance of him getting a 2nd term.

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Lol hope you liked the free blankets jeronimo.

>plays clip of every last person on earth saying trump had zero chance of becoming president.
You're gonna be crying for a few more years snowflake.

Wow sounds like he's been living in your head rent free for a while to concentrate so much tears
I noticed that the only thing you have to offer is ad homs rhetoric so you obviously missed what's he's about
His supporters understand that all his shit talking is merely kabuki theater just like the hand of an illusionist keeping your attention busy at the front with cheap flashy tricks while his other hand is taking care of the real business behind catching his opponents off guards because they had been dumb enough like you are to believe he was the idiot
That's 48 Rules of Power shit right there and if you read that + a few other pieces of study in the same repertoire you will understand how he work

oh so you haver never met an american.
lol sorry to trigger you, but he is not going anywhere anytime soon.

I´ve seen people make literal offerings to Trump shrines. I know a guy from montana that does the eucharist but with a cheeseburger and then eats it in Trump´s name.

Now I too, get to know about this sad excuse of a human being.

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he's never reached 50% approval and his republican voting bases has shrunk.
This is fiction. Trump is as much a jackass behind closed doors, and the horrible turnover rate of his administration reflects that.
He's a moron who thinks he's the smartest man in the world, and has nothing but contempt at being contradicted.

He is one of millions user.
People PRAY to Trump. The ritual also includes throwing tacos into de floor and stumping them
Its only a matter of time before it organices into an actual religion with sacrifices and shit.


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He is playing 29d chess. This is well known.

>he's never reached 50% approval
fuck that. You think mere votes are gonna kick him out?

Wow, it's been 3 years and you American leftists are STILL throwing a pissbaby tantrum over your war monger corporate whore Hillary losing? Let it go, mate. All the daily crying you do on Yea Forums won't magically make Clinton your President.

>You think mere votes are gonna kick him out?
He'll bitch up a storm, but his ass is out.

>war monger corporate whore
Who's spent the last three years sucking corporate dick and appointed Bolton of all people?

You forgot openly corrupt and criminal.

Wouldn't go that far. But given that there's only 14 posters in this thread & 25 responses, the samefag leftist spamming his own thread shows the sad state the left's currently in. When this incel's down to samefagging his own sniveling tantrum thread, you know they're aware Trump's easily going to win in 2020. They just can't accept it yet.

lol sure user. Like 98% sure right?
I doesnt matter if fags like you vote or not.
Even if he loses the popular vote (again!) he is gonna win cuz thats God's plan.
2016 was a win of cosmic good over cosmic evil. You faggots voted for the devil and she lost. Get over it or get out of America.

Seems like I've heard this before.. hmm

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True. When a far left mentally deranged extremist has nothing left but samefagging a troll thread on fuckin Yea Forums of all places - it confirms the left's on the verge of collapse.

We have never had a better president

Politics belong in /pol/
You have to go back to your containment board

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I've never been a heretic before.

>Trump haters might get a better view of the world if they took their head out of their ass.


really makes me think.. thanks, OP

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you think Yea Forums is of any importance whatsoever.

None of you faggots matter.

>it confirms the left's on the verge of collapse
I think they're way past that point

You are kidding yourself user. You are a literal satanist if you dont side with God.
I pray for you.
To Trump :P

>his republican voting bases has shrunk.

um for every 1 Republican that switched to Democrat
8 switched to Republican , his base is larger then EVER

My brother is a magatard.
For years he left his walls bare even though he had things to hang up from collectable posters to gifts, to vintage artwork.
>"I'm a minimalist..."
He has trump and QAnon stuff all.over his walls now.
It creeps me put and reminds me of pic related

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>20 posters
>42 responses
OP, be honest - having to samefag your own thread to make it look like someone actually agrees with you is pretty fuckin sad.

>implying the lefties are the ones samefagging

Well, he was technically right.

And yet you desperately samefag your own thread praying someone will agree with your partisan bullshit hysteria.

Best Friends Forever

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Again all I can see reading this is empty ad homs
The fact is he proved most of the pre-2017 ''criticism'' from the opposition (if you can call all that spergy moaning we saw on screen during those 12 months pertinent critics)

We're nowhere near WW3 (with Killary it was guaranteed in the first year she said so herself basically with that no fly zone fuckerie) / Not only he didn't fuck up foreign diplomacy like they all said he would but he accomplish more with NK for example than all the last 3 administrations combined could

Economy reached repeatedly positive records not seen for decades in some cases

The Wall (even though many including me thought he was becoming a paper tiger about that at some point) is progressing right now

And lots of other minor victories

The OP might be a little hysterical, but it's built from, well, facts. Real things.

Well, Op's an obese American left winger incel. So this is probably the high light of his sad, lonely existence. It's this, or he prob blows his brains out with his meth crack whore white trash Mom's rusty old shotgun.

imagine 4 more years. the libtard triggering would be unheard of

KEK! Fair enough. You have a point. Sorry for making fun of your pathetic existence, OP. Carry on if it gives you some glimmer of hope.

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The walls were just one aspect. His house was fully carpeted and still had an echo it was so empty.
Other stupid shit too like only having 1 of any given thing like owning a single batch towel and a single set of sheets for his bed.

Damn. That's savage as fuck....funny as fuck, too!

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I'd love to here you explain how Trump is anyway a christian.
He's prideful, full of wrath, gluttonous, and treats anyone he wants like shit.

>nowhere near WWIII
Just last week we were dealing with the fallout of failing to invite the
to Washington D.C., alongside cowing to China over the trade war, finding Israeli spy devices inside the White House, and threatening to retaliate on behalf of Saudi Arabia.


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But keep bitching and moaning maybe that'll give you the retarded commie candidate you want in 2024

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You're just making shit up, aren't you?

Key numbers: Among the 31 states (plus D.C.) with party registration, there are nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents.
In 19 states (plus D.C.) there are more registered Democrats; in the remaining 12 there are more registered Republicans.

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>We have never had a president so ill-informed about the nature of his office

That's true. All the credit/blame belongs with the Repubican party, and in particular Mitch McConnel.

He's really just their puppet. He's there to give them everything their black little hearts ever desired- and when the shit hits the fan, they won't hesitate to throw him under the bus.

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You a fag
How the fuck you know what it means to be a christian? nah fuck you user. fuck you.

>meanwhile,everything that obama was responsible for i blamed on bush for the past 8 years

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What did they mean by this?

republicans hate him too. they won't say it because then that would be putting party before country. patriots.

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he isnt going to win 2020,and most americans hate him.just because republicans arent loud and violent like you leftists doesnt mean they support donald trump still

>/ Not only he didn't fuck up foreign diplomacy

thanks for the laughs, user.
>Economy reached repeatedly positive records
What did Trump do to make that happen?

The Wall (even though many including me thought he was becoming a paper tiger about that at some point) is progressing right now
Pentagon just rovoked that 2.5 billion he god, because it was more expensive than projected

no,they say it.they just arent loud about it.like democrats are

Trump Supporters in a nutshell.

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Making shit up is the republican’s answer to facts.

also,patriots love america.democrats hate america and love muslims

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Fragile Genius

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That’s really it, you faggots elected a troll who is stealing your money and you’re cheering him on.

Lots of evangelicals called Obama the AntiChrist. Guess they were all gullible idiots. And they are. They voted in the AC himself.

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so they acknowledge they are less than patriotic.. they can't pass that one off on the other party.

No, he has never had even a 50% approval rating.

Every President is worse than the last. Obama spent 8 years being a idiot, so republicans decided to make all you inbred, lazy, shitfuck, progressives pay by electing someone even more of a fucking prick. So enjoy the dude that only exists, because of the fucktard you elected. Enjoy it until 2024 when we elect a fucking idiot demonrat and civil war 2.0 starts.

He’s not samefagging, it’s just nobody except Fox News faggots likes trump. I supported trump in 2016 btw.

this... so much this. just because they hate liberals or democrats (they aren't the same thing, btw) the fucking trolls voted in this piece of shit. he should never have made it through the primary.

>stealing your money and you’re cheering him on.
How does that work when I'm paying less in taxes since he took office?

Not rent free. He’s been stealing from the people of the united States, just half of them are republitarded.

If makes you feel better the next guy who gets voted will be worse than him, because every president gets gradually worse

did your tin foil hat fall off?

You'll see.

Anybody who still likes trump should hang themself.

Kim Jong Un 2020!!

>inbred ... progressives

there's a word for this sort of delusion - oh yeah, DEFLECTION

so nixon was better than reagan?

But unlike Buchanan, Trump is allll man.

tariffs, oil prices, and all sorts of other things you're going to pay more for... and wait for the economy to slow down... you'll be begging for Obama to come back.

If you're middle class, the taxes will expire.
For many more people though, the deductions he removed resulted in no net cut or even increase, which resulted in 90 billion more revenue from the poor and middle class and 90 billion LESS from the wealthy.

Probably because the government's fiscal decisions affect you in more ways than income taxes?

Or are you too stupid to understand that?

>I pay less taxes, so clearly he's great.

Jesus fucking Christ is that seriously your logic? You should just kill yourself now.

98 doesn’t equal 100.

If you had a 1.6% chance of winning the lottery, would you not play?

AOC 2020

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Uh, convincing argument there

You don’t think.

You're not going to be convinced by anything anyone has to say on Yea Forums. No matter the effort put forwards.

I can't count on my fingers how many times I've bothered to lay out exactly what happens when you get "free tax cuts".

oh look, it's the Clintons again. Can't dispute so it's deflection?

The whole country has your retarded playbook, faggot. Learn a new trick or die off, boomer.

I actually say it all the time
Not like it matters because trumptards automatically label you a lefty if you say even the slightest thing critical of their messiah.
It's a fucking cult of personality and no one seem to care.

>you're going to pay more for.
But it's ok when the Dems are so hell bent on taxing the shit out of everyone?

>James Buchanan
First openly gay Presedent.

Incles are a right-wing movement.

Mainly the rich.
The idea is that you'll save money without medical, maybe educational expenses.

There’s a whole book about it

And yet, more of the same happens. I wonder why that is. Foreign entanglements, deficits spending, debasing currency, bailouts to corporations, expansion of federal purview, centralization of authority around the executive office.
Same as the last guy, and the guy before him, and the guy before him..
The sooner you leave partisan rhetoric behind and realize "both parties" functional agendas are identical, the better off you'll be.

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You mean killing osama and ending the war in Iraq?
No, i’ll Admit Obama did those things.

Hey you opened the door to include friends not me.

You chose the guy... Deal with it.

Republicans aren’t loud and violent? What the fuck kind of bizarro world do you live in?

Lets just keep pointing fingers at each other while the country falls apart. "you're just projecting" you are just a fucking sitting duck waiting to be picked off by the elite you fucking retard.

It was fake news, take numbers, pure bullshit propaganda.

Oh they support him. Reps are not gonna nominate anyone else and are not going to give up power on what? moral grounds? come on. And the dems are fucking mess. He is gonna win by a landslide and you cant stop it.

so what? american democracy doesnt work like that. popular vote means pretty much nothing if key states are won.
Plus: the vast mojority of americans are not shitposting on Yea Forums, and they adore him.

It's redistribution of wealth
You don't like it but their intentions are good
>thw road to hell is paved with good intentions
Mostly they see the very rich being creepy fucking degenerates and/or taking advantage of anyone possible to expand rhwie already ludicrous wealth.
It's robin hood

Trump is king. Bend the knee for 4 more years peasants.

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Friends ride on planes together user. It's a fact.
Then you cry when I bring up friends. Well Cry harder faggot

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It's over lads

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Nice assumptions you got there. Not an argument though.

this is peak smooth brainedness

>he actually believes it's antifa pulling a false flag operation like the Cia or some shit.

"Stable Genius"

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Democrats are patriots, republicans are shills for billionaires around the world.

Better check with Saudi Arabia to see if we’re going to send your kids to die in Iran!

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Whatever, Stefan.

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Wrong. You're a gullible sheep glued to social media and the news like every other sheep in this country both Republican and Democrat alike. He and his PR staff are playing the news, social media and SJW's like the morons they are and keeping him in the spotlight every. single. moment. of his Presidency.

What you fail to grasp is you probably can name 20 things you hate about him and probably can't name 2-3 things he's ACTUALLY done because most of this country has no clue because they are sheep following social trending.

You want delusional... 13 Democratic Presidential Candidates who want Free healthcare FOR ILLEGALS and they can't even get free healthcare for their fucking VOTERS ffs. Free College... Student Debt Forgiveness... Free healthcare... who pays for this shit? Please do not bring up military spending cuts and other clueless diatribe comments that you morons bring up ... nothing is free so really think out how someone else is going to pay for this shit and ultimately who is really going to pay for it...

Democratic voters for wanting to elect these morons who lead you around like the sheep you are.

I've never seen anything more true than this

No, you’re not.
You’re paying his china tariff tax every day.

He stinks.

Both sides have violent, racist, intolerable fucks that pretend like they are better than the other side, when in reality you are all just a bunch of useless faggots that nobody gives two squirts of piss about.

Society just waits for you to get sick so they can give you half ass care, to take what's left of your money, before you die. Elites will bankrupt you while you try to survive.

Then they do all this other shit to fake conflict and start riots, and protests, and other bullshit to keep you divided and distracted, so that you don't ever get the real picture of the fucking they are giving you. .

you just keep sitting there with 50 bucks in your account and blame the other side for your problems, call them racists, and bigots, and whatever, else, while you fucking limp through life so that some elite can get a BJ from a girl hotter than anything you ever been in the presence of. .

Keep blaming Trump for the exact shit Obama haters were blaming you for, not even 4 years ago, and realize we are all the same fucking puppets, accusing each other of the same shit we are guilty of..

They don't care about you, fucking cocksmokers.

Cry moar Trumptard

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Yeah, if you're Russia.

>2-3 things he's ACTUALLY done
1. trashing our country with environment deregulations
2. Conservative supreme court
3. Tax cuts for the rich

Whoop de doo.

>resorts to name calling
Good one.

Not an argument.

If someone's samefagging here, it's not me. I started at

And don't feed me the "you did it first" bullshit. You chimps have been screaming about Clinton forever, and they're not even relevant anymore. You're so fucking idiotic that you refuse to find anything logical to make a case. It's all pearl clutching and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

You have the gall to call the Left snowflakes but you all melt under a fucking matchstick.

Eat a dick Trump Supporters.

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Not an arguement

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The inflation tax concept is also over his head.
It's unfortunate

Trump would promise a foreign leader something controversial in earshot of intelligence officials.

The guy I was replying to said
>>“The vast majority of americans adore him like a deity.”

Do you know what majority means or do you just copy and paste someone else’s talking points.

Trumps's boy Borass worked in his campaign and is a big part of Sinclair Media who let him spew his trump bullshit during the news. Gotta kill the channel as soon as he's on.

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Cry more

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I don't want him to win either, but sitting presidents have an inherent advantage in the polls. Doesn't mean he'll win, but we can't pretend this problem will go away just because he's an idiot. Party politics are strong right now, and the left is doing itself no favors while the right will come out in numbers like they always do. It's going to be tough.

Buts he pisshes off the libwals

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Americans are so fsxking strange . Look at the countries statistics from the last prez and he clearly fscked shit up but was loved for basicly being black , look at this current prez statistics and he is clearly making improvements and is hated basicly for being white , funny thing is its whites mainly with the hate . Like I thought you all where agaisnt racism and bla bla but wow glad I'm not in that country of self haters lol.

>but sitting presidents have an inherent advantage in the polls.
Trump's unique political isolation, legal battles, and largely allowing the status quo to go on despite marketing himself as a populist candidate may actually gut that.

Mending is not political discourse for adults. It’s one-sided, cherry-picked lowbrow, easily debunked falsehoods and name calling.

The wwe fans version of political debate.

>Not from USA
Opinion Discarded

There are no economic trends Trump's riding that didn't begin under Obama.
But that's not a defense of Obama.
Presidents have very little power over the economy.

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Presidential Harassment!

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user. Be honest here for a moment.
Put your feelings aside and look at the facts.
The VAST MOJORITY of americans want him to stay in office. Every major interest group wants him to stay in office. Elections are gonna be a circus, he is gonna win and we will have to bear with you bitching ans whining again in 2024.
And in 2024 he will prop win again lol, cuz by then whatever he says is gonna come to be.

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What statistics?

I live here, and I want the other side to fucking die.

I would be happy if half the voters fucking died.

It has never been this way before. Things are worse than ever.

Show us how fucking smart u truly are op. Out of all the candidates, who is better suited for office than him.... Creepy uncle Joe? go on lets hear that wisdom you fucking pathetic cum chugger

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MAGA 2020.

Except bush purposefully yanked the economy right before Obama took office with what some economists called an”economic time bomb”

Yeah, no seriously though. I’ve never met an American that wasn’t like this, plus most of America lives in Montana. It’s cheeseburger Eucharist all the way down, el dooderino. Flibbity gibbity dibbity dangus

And he will likely win again in 2020 simply because he doesn't seem to have the required opposition.
In 2024 though it will be a democrat and one of 2 things will likely happen.
1- acceleration of leftist policies, likely recklessly because "fuck the Republicans""
2- it will be a more moderate democrat who will aim for center and make most people at ease enough to line up another solid run for the Dems.

For fucks sake, you can do better than that, can't you?

It's 2019, three full years since that shit was even remotely relevant or useful.

You're just proving my point. You're retarded.

Hope you enjoy shooting yourself in the foot just to troll some libs

The housing crisis shit can be traced all the way to Clinton.
We're talking about trends well outside the control of any individual mind.

Believing what politicians tell you is next level stupidity. Believing what pundits tell you about what politicians say is even dumber. Congrats buddy, you're purely indoctrinated.

>Everyone I don't like is brown

Yea Forums's handbook for incel cunts.

>he doesn't seem to have the required opposition.
He won because Clinton was so uniquely unlikable.
>more moderate democrat who will aim for center and make most people at ease enough
That's exactly what Clinton did.
The moderates can go fuck themselves.

What? No. Not even close. A sizable minority of people want him to stay in office.

The dnc ran the absolute worst candidate possible in 2016 and she got millions of more votes than him.

That shows that even at his height, he was not “vastly more” popular, he was slightly less popular than the worst candidate the Dems ever ran.

>the left cant meme
Honestly, how many times have you posted that very pic in just the last 2 days?

What have politicians and pundits told me?

There it is. The republican answer to words.

I'd be paying far more taxes if a Dem were in office to pay for all their "free" shit.

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I'd like to think you're right, but never overestimate the intelligence of the average citizen. They haven't done the research, and they don't want to win as much as they want the other side to lose. Not to mention the problems with the left. The right is unified, even if it means they vote for someone they don't like. The left is decimating itself with identity politics that alienates the average voter. I have a hard time seeing how we'll win.

This whistle blower shit is ridiculous. Democrat or republican you can’t just fucking bypass the law.

you'd be getting free shit too.
Why can't you retards ever put those two together?

You live in a very retarded little bubble. Say hi to tucker for me.”

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>three full years since that shit was even remotely relevant or useful.
And yet it still suits you

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Don’t think so, only way to win if he starts a war or we have another terrorist attack.

>Flibbity gibbity dibbity dangus
What lenguage are you speaking?
Oh wait I googled it

>What? No.
Stege 1: denial The post.

Clinton did it!!!!
Eight years after his term ended.

The guy I bought my car from 12 years ago sold me a lemon because it broke last week when I took it off a sick jump!!!

Republican logic.

Except it's not free, retard. Why can't you commie dipshits understand that?

>The left is decimating itself with identity politics that alienates the average voter
Republicans need minority, women, and college educated if they want to survive.
Trump can only get so far being a stand up comedian for vicious suburban dipshits.

>economics happen in a short span of time

No one is going to make you pay less. It’s just if you want that money reinvested in america or if you want trump and his buddies to move it offshore and hoard it.

That farmers bailout is free as fuck. That tax cuts for the rich is going to Be nice. It would be a nice view of those wall street hedge funds drive around a nice bmw while you drive a lemon. It looks good for America

We've also never had a president so openly attacked by the media and many within the Whitehouse from day 1 before he could even do anything wrong. Little things like the Rotten Tomatoes BS against Dave Chapelle is nothing in comparison to the defamation campaign the lib media has brought down on Trump.

Thus tax raises on the wealthy.
You already pay for their corporate welfare and subsidies.

Trump cut off medical funding from his sick nephew over an inheritance dispute.
He's been a piece of shit no one likes to work with since day one.


The republicans have to pick on the most junior member of the lesser house from a district that they can never win.

That would be like if democrats ran endless smear campaigns against south dakota’s Dusty Johnson.

Dude lies and threatened people to accept his lies. Are fucking stupid?

The fab four could be as bad as the GOP describes and still be more defensible than Steve King.

Donald Trump's grandfather rans whore houses. His father was a slumlord who sold little Donny's tender pink ass to Roy Cohen. Trump is a conman who never earned a single thing in his worthless life. Has filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Steals money from charities. Wants to fuck his own daughter. Sucks up to Israel when not tonguing Vladimir Putin's asshole. And despite being leader of the free world, he has plenty of time to use Twitter to spew drivel. He's a loser and no matter how much money/fame/power he has, he'll never be loved or respected which are the things he craves most of all.

Meanwhile his supporters are cockroaches whose hivemind runs on fear, hate and stupidity and worship a cartoon frog while supporting a fake President because they're fake Americans who have no convictions and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given moment. This is why they spent DECADES railing against Russia but are now perfectly happy that their idol is in the pockets of a fascist dicator who MURDERS critics, dissenters and political opponents. This is one of the reasons why Trump sucks up to Putin, because he admires that sort of power, the other is that his credit rating is soo terrible that he's been recieving money from Russia and China for decades. Of course he could prove me wrong by releasing his tax records but that will never happen because it would prove his treasonous activity against the United States of America and reveal that his supporters are enemies of the USA and everything it stands for!!!

He's a silver spoon fed trust fund sniveling coward. Only people who voted for him are retards who remember the 1980's being the last good era of the USA, not realizing that it's people like Trump who sold the country out with NAFTA and Free Trade which is why their jobs got shipped to slave labor countries. Proof that Republicans/Conservatives are complete and utter fucking cretins with subhuman I.Q.'s!!!FACT!

Little Whitney bitch couldn’t even handle press conferences. Sarah huckabee is doing less than the Maytag repairman

That Democrats and Republicans are on different, opposing sides.

>He's a loser and no matter how much money/fame/power he has, he'll never be loved or respected which are the things he craves most of all.
Well sadly he is loved and respected by great many people. Never gonna be loved by 50-70% of the US but even so, that's already way too much.

What happens after "the wealthy" leave the country and take their money with them after having the audacity to have more money than you?

Bill Clinton sold out with NAFTA dumb ass. Get your facts straight.

The dispute over Supreme court picks alone reflects that.

Thats waaaay more than 140 charecters bruh no way im readin all that shit

>What happens after "the wealthy" leave the country
Leave possibly the world's most lucrative economy?
Did this happen in UK, Germany, Scandinavia?

Sadly he isn’t

Right with his Chinese and russian steel and workers

Yeah republicans and trumptards can’t read

They’ve already set up in China. Zuck even learned the language.
There will always be a place for the wealthy to move to when they destroy the current place. The rest of us aren’t so lucky to have been born with daddy’s money.

>They’ve already set up in China.
Manufacturing yes, because China's better at it.
We're an 80% service economy.
You didn't answer the second question.
Where was this corporate flight out of Social Democracies?

Democrats trade with first world economies with somewhat reasonable worker protections, republicans trade with sweat shop nations across the pacific.

>Leave possibly the world's most lucrative economy?
An economy where the successful would get punished for being.. successful?

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Obama killed thousands of kids, trump has killed no kids to date.... all I need to hear

All the money is in Panamanian bank accounts. The rich don’t contribute shit to the economies of the world. They are leeches.

couldn't be more backwards buddy.

Obama didn’t kill thousands of kids.

That’s just a lie.

What do you think nafta means?

If successful means decades of stagnant wages and a broken healthcare system, then something else needs to be done.
Would it not be better for the economy if the population was better educated and healthy?

>48 posters
>224 responses

Good lord OP, you need to find a hobby besides samefagging these same threads everyday after you get home from school. No matter how much you piss & moan on Yea Forums, it's not going to stop Trump from being re-elected.

You do realize that Bill Clinton set up NAFTA and sold us out to china right? Trump has only re negotiated it for U.S. benefit. He's still fighting China over trade agreements because we have let them take advantage for decades.

No you’re not.
The cost of everything is going up because trump is taxing the fuck out of American businesses that depend on Chinese parts.

Taxes are more than the one line on your 10-40

Trump killed millions of kids

Unless the democrats get their shit together, chances are Trump is in it for 2020. They have zero policy, trash candidates, and all we ever hear from them is how they don't like Trump. However, if for some reason the economy takes a turn south during election time, the democrats will most likely take it.

We are in the middle of a trade war. We are getting hit with Chinese tariffs as a result. It's better than letting them get away with murder forever.


NAFTA was 3 countries. None of them were China, dipshit

Na trump has zero policies other then raising the deficit and making his name known. He won’t win and I will be here mocking u trumptards

The only places that that appears to be the case are Chans and tucker Carlson branded media.

Why do you say that? He won 2016 when all the polls said he would lose then. Are you counting on people voting democrat simply because they hate Trump or do you think the democrats have a better candidate/policy this time?

Read between the lines dipshit. What's on paper of those 3 countries has turned the entire international trade market on it's head and was a major benefit to China that bit us hard in the end.

>Yeah republicans and trumptards can’t read
your mom is fat

>democrats get their shit together
So, a literal miracle then.

>degenerate filth
of course the democrat wants the salsa to that.

Well, considering that the UN & Human Rights Watch placed the number of those under 18 killed as collateral damage (non-combatants) at ~4950 in 2011, I'm sure it was substantially more than just a thousand.

I’m the dipshit? Ok mr nafta is China.

>when all the polls said he would lose then
Projections had it pretty close. What the polls said hillary would get more raw votes, and she did.
>have a better candidate/policy this time?
None of them are damaged goods like Hillary, which makes their position already much stronger in 2020.
Trump has to defend his protracted trade wars, failed legislative pushes, and a corrupt dumpster fire of an administration. There is no mystery anymore to how he runs things, and it's pure arrogance to think he has a good presidency to sell for another 4 years.

Source or gtfo libtard.

Yes you are a dipshit. Glad I could clear that up for you. Your first step to improving your situation is working on reading comprehension.

Obama did that, sure.

Which of these wars did Obama start?
Which one of these wars did Obama end?
How many kids died during the previous administation’s wars?

But yeah, oooh that fucking Obama. He was out there with a machine gun just gunning down kids.

Now do the e-mails one!

Not even what I was talking about.

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Yup, and by 2016 the UN placed non-combatants killed by drone strikes under 8 years of Obama at over 21,000. He was pretty shitty at hitting actual terrorists / enemy combatants.

>The cost of everything is going up
No it isn't.

nice photoshop skills rusky, did you pull that out of your ass ?

Ironic how desperate the last remaining Obama apologists are to desperately downplay his horrific record of droning children. Then again, after today's Trudeau fiasco with the blackface shit, I understand why you few remaining bootlickers are in a sour mood.

loaded questions based on a platitude are to be discarded. Being rich and crying about minor raises in tax percentages is not "punishment". Everyone pays taxes, it's the dues for the function of the government.

He is THE most worthless piece of shit of a human being that has ever been.

Yeah ok dude. I didn’t realize that when you claim that the North American trade pact included China i was supposed to “read between the lines” and pretend like it included China so that you could retroactively not be a fucking retard.

Very nice summary of this worthless piece of shit!

They're litterally calling it a "wealth tax".

lol, you guys are still on the Russian conspiracy theory? Even a billion dollar smear campaign couldn't make that lie hold up in court.

There were less innocent people killed in all Obama’s drone attacks than Iraq veterans who kill themselves every month.

So shut the fuck up.

Except that the russian interference was proven to be true, coordinated and extensive.

Good, they should implement it.

“The rich have gotten richer and they’ve gotten richer faster,” said John Mathews, Head of Private Wealth Management and Ultra High Net Worth at UBS (UBSG.S) Global Wealth Management. “The drive or the desire for consumption has just gone upscale.”

But there are also signs of struggle and stagnation at lower-income levels. The wealthiest fifth of Americans hold 88% of the country’s wealth, a share that has grown since before the crisis, Federal Reserve data through 2016 shows. Meanwhile, the number of people receiving federal food stamps tops 39 million, below the peak in 2013 but still up 40% from 2008 even though the country’s population has only grown about 8%.

I said Clinton sold us out to China with the NAFTA agreement. If all you can do is look at the bold faced lettering and not the whole picture then that is your fault. That aside, Clinton even admitted that he regretted NAFTA and considered it his biggest mistake when in office. Trump has tried to improve the situation which requires renegotiating primarily with Mexico.

>Tries to diminish innocents killed by his beloved imperialist American war machine in illegal wars because it makes the incompetent cunt Obama look even worse
>Pretends to give a shit about the U.S. troops sent to fight in die in U.S. illegal wars

Kill yourself, tyrant apologist.

Oh it was? Cause I saw a bunch of tards stuttering around not willing to answer questions and nothing came of it lol.

Yeah uh huh ok.

>which requires renegotiating primarily with Mexico
Shouldn't have spent his entire campaign shitting on them then.

Read the fucking report, shit for brains

Explain exactly why you're so desperate to deflect from Obama's war crimes, bitch. Trump is a piece of shit & so was Obama . you country has produced the worst war time horrors in the middle east over the past 2 decades. Stop sucking your war criminal's cock .

>Trying to defend Barack Obama's vile actions in the Mid-East as he continued the Bush doctrine of destabilizing oil-rich nations so American imperialists & war profiteers could steal the natural resources

I agree - you need to eat a shotgun blast, fascist American bitch.

I'm shit for brains because some Russians made little adds that attacked Hilary because she pissed them off over Crimea? They have been doing shit like that since the internet came about lol. Trump had nothing to do with it so stop with the BS.

nice try

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Why not call a turd a turd? We don't negotiate by begging on our knees or asking for handouts. We bargain with what we can bring to the table and our economic power.

>But there are also signs of struggle and stagnation at lower-income levels
The wealthy are not at fault for this.

Here's a secret....if ads didn't work, no one would make them.

Obama war crimes.... hmmm I don’t see any

My guy won, why would I cry?
Tears of joy maybe, or perhaps laughter at your expense.

His guy won, so he is also a winner, now he can go back to his 9 to 5 job cleaning the toilet :))

They no doubt worked on people like you. I see more BS adds from American media outlets that are more terrorist in nature than anything Russia has done. American media has embarrassed America more than any other country I can think of. Wasn't like this until the great temper tantrum when Trump won.

Too bad that's rarely worked in the Trump admin.
They hold the keys to economic power and fund our politicians. Yes they are.

there was supposed to be zero chance of his getting a fucking 1st term, look how that turned out! America is a country literally full of fucking retards.

I'm guessing you thought you had an intelligent point to make in justifying war crimes perpetrated by your beloved tyrant Obama? I realize privileged, rich white American leftists are typically uneducated & intellectually stunted - but the rest of the world looks upon both Bush and your beloved tyrant Obama as mass murdering fucks they truly are. So do as other have suggested - end your life you worthless genocide-apologist American cunt.

If you worked, you too could unburden you parents as well.

Yup, can def tell you're some fat basement dwelling Americunt left wing incel that's never known a hardship in your life. Your country is shit & you licking a war criminal's boots simply illustrates why everyone hates you country.


If teachers hadn't push the metric system on student in the 70's we wouldn't be using it ...oh wait, that didn't work did it

Drone strikes increased under Trump.

In 2009 and 2010, Obama launched 186 drone strikes on Yemen, Somalia, and especially Pakistan. Donald Trump’s drone strikes during his own first two years on the three pivotal undeclared battlefields, however, eclipse Obama’s—but without a corresponding reputation for robot-delivered bloodshed, or even anyone taking much notice. In 2017 and 2018 to date, Trump has launched 238 drone strikes there, according to data provided to The Daily Beast by U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and the drone-watchers at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London.

You're a windbag and dumb.

Being that your an obese uneducated - probably inbred - American, I'm sure you're blind to the thousands of deaths directly caused by your President destabilizing African nations because they had large oil reserves. Now kindly do mankind a favour & kill yourself. There's no mystery why you mentally retarded Americans are despised.

Janitorial isn't a 9-5 job. If you ever worked anywhere, you would know this.

Sooo... you couldn't name one viable candidate. Who is your vote going to? Admit it. You're just banking on people hating Trump to get democrat votes.

Everyone, here we have the lardass American dumbfuck who thinks we give a flying fuck which of their tyrant mass murdering leaders are pulling the trigger. Here's a hint you drooling ignorant myopic cunt - your country continually invades, interferes, or otherwise meddles in foreign nations and cause nothing but destruction & death. You ignorant fuck.

I take it you liked the nigger better beta cuck boy

Magnificent bait

Again it's a bullshit question, because you should make as much effort to justify 4 more years of Trump.
Warren's fine. But literally anyone but Trump. Anyone.

>Yes they are.
Which is why you think they need pushed with higher taxes, like I said earlier. It's not like they have infinite resources though.

Again?, but that trick never works.

And there’s not a god damn thing you can do about it bitch

>muh Trump iz worse dan Obama...hurr
All your Presidents for the past 40 years have been war criminal mass murdering pieces of shit, you clueless low IQ bitch! Do you think the innocent men, women & children - Un estimates in Iraq alone at almost 1 million innocents killed - give a flying fuck about your petty politics? Neck yourself.

It's not a punishment because no one it's looking for revenge. It's simply adopting ideas that other 1st world countries have, because they work.

... this is a joke, right?

And this has to be some blatant smokescreening.

No need to get so mad at being wrong. Keep your 3rd world butthurt to yourself .

Yeah.. aint it great! The career politicians and the beltway insiders are going nuts. But when your world begins and ends with what they say in The Atlantic,Washington Post, and NYTimes, that tends to happen.

America's reputation for poor educational system & sheer stupidity of it's far left "progressives" summed up in 2 posts by a samefagging adolescent.

No, he's the SECOND most worthless piece of shit of a human being that has ever been. THE MOST worthless piece of human shit was the one he beat out to become president.

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Don't blame all of us for these mentally deficient leftists. Most of us are sick of their shit, dude. Watch Chapelle's latest Netflix special. Check the current polls showing only 9% of the population support the current far left extremist Democrat platform. Stop broad brush judging us.

What happened to this art? What a sorry state of affairs.

Yeah I guess that's why people come here from all over the world begging to be let in and go to college here so they can go back to their own countries and try and improve shit. Keep crying bitch.

I don’t see it. Africa always been shit before Obama

Yeah, seeing the NY Times poll this morning- 81% of Americans think the Democrats have gone too far left. It's understandable why OP's so panicked.

>Watch Chapelle's latest Netflix special
holy fucking shit kys

CNN poll showing GOP preferred over Dems for the first time since July 2017...these anti-Trump threads leaking from /pol/ over to Yea Forums makes more sense now.

Americans like BIll Gates have done more for Africa then anyone else. The amount of money, time and resources spent on getting them clean water and treating AIDS is hardcore.

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>the amount of people ITT pretending to be retarded

Fuck Africa.
America first!

Nice tax write off but he has helped a lot. Not to mention unicef

that's why these /pol/tard leftists are spamming this shit all over Yea Forums for the past few days. they can't keep this stupid shit on their containment board because the current polls shifting towards Repubs have them freaked. Like Yea Forumstards actually vote? kek...half of Yea Forums are too young to vote.

>god's plan

>se the current polls shifting towards Repubs have them freaked

lmao! exactly! most of Yea Forums are underage b& that aren't legally old enough to vote yet & the rest of us don't give two shits about politics. these faggots need to keep their annoying political bullshit on

Is this preventing WWIII?

Nice mindset, extermination is a solid solution. Try cracking a history book now and then...or better yet a book period

Thank you. We don't care about /pol/'s retarded political fights.

Literally no one gives a fuck, you retarded nigger. go back to /pol/. SHIT!

>Gods plan

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Well if it's an issue of paying for education and health care, then why is reducing existing costs not an option? Both of those are currently for profit, so paying for it with tax dollars doesn't make any sense.

THIS! I wish hiroshi-moot would ban these /pol/tards for dragging their annoying political dick sucking contests to Yea Forums like moot did.

>I wish hiroshi-moot would

I've decided to vote for the Orangecuntjust to spite these asshurt leftist niggers. They wanna shit up my beloved Trap loving Yea Forums, fine - I'll vote for the tangerine retard Trump.

It's being done by "non-leftists", you idiot.

pretty much this, unironically. gotten sick of the left wingers dragging this stupid shit over here because they keep getting humiliated by the Trump fluffers on /pol/. Gonna vote for Trump as a fuck you to this annoying twats.

>then why is reducing existing costs not an option?
Because we have to pay for the bloated insurance companies.
It's an inherently inefficient system that costs us more for substandard results.

I hate the potus as much as you man but dear God get some syntax in your sentences before trying to call them stupid

The freedom to remain an asshole, out weighs the needs of the jew

can't say i disagree, tbh fam. if these annoying pieces of shit wanna keep posting this bullshit on Yea Forums, just gonna vote Trump to spite the faggots.